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Four o’clock Occasion
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Lunch Autumn
The night (during the particular night)
20 min (when 20 min will pass) March
Night (in general, not particular night)
The end of the month
Saturday morning July 22nd
Unit l0
Expressing ability, possibility, and obligation
10.1. What might you do with it? (S-Cl)
The idea is taken from 5-min activities by Penny Ur and Andrew Wright
One or two students (to make it more competitive) stand with their backs to the board, they are guessers. The teacher writes on the board the name of a well-known object: a pencil, a cup or a box of matches. The rest of the class help the guessers to find out what the object is by suggesting things they might/could do with it. They should not give away the answer by suggesting the obvious use – at least, not immediately.
Pencil: I could pick it up. I might throw it at someone. I might point at something with it. I could scratch my head with it.
To make it more communicative you can make a competition: 2 teams with 2 students coming to the board at a time. They have to guess the words with the help of their teammates. The team with the biggest amount of guesses wins.
10.2. Ability Bluff (PW)
Material: Worksheets for each student
The material has been taken from teach-this.com
Tell the class that you can do something really well, e.g. I can swim really well. Then, tell them a brief story that shows how great you are at that ability. Encourage the students to ask you questions to see if you are telling the truth or bluffing. Then, reveal the answer.
Explain that the students are going to play a similar game. Give the appropriate half of the worksheet to each student. Tell the students to complete the information on their worksheet with either true or false information as indicated.
The students take it in turns to talk about what they have written on their worksheet. Their partner asks questions and tries to work out if they are telling the truth or bluffing.
When everyone has finished, ask students to report back anything surprising they learnt about their partners.
10.3. Find out how many people… (Mingle activity)
Material: Cards for each student
The material has been taken from teach-this.com
In this activity students go round the classroom and find out about other student's past and present abilities.
Each student chooses one card. Tell the students that they are responsible for finding out the information on their card by speaking to everybody in the class or group. Explain that the students must go round the class or group, asking and answering questions using can, e.g. Can you save money?
When the students have spoken to everybody in the class or group, they sit down in their groups and take it in turns to talk about the information they found out.
10.4. You mustn’t… (PW)
Material: one set of necessity cards and one set of action cards for each pair of students.
The idea has been taken from teach-this.com
This resource gives students practice at talking about obligation and necessity using the modal verbs must, mustn't and needn't.
Check the students are familiar with the grammar. Divide the class into pairs. Tell them to spread out the two sets of cards, face down, keeping the two sets separate. They take it in turns to turn over two cards, one from each set. The object of the game is to match one card from each set to make a meaningful sentence. If the two sentence halves can reasonably be combined, e.g. You mustn’t and drive fast, the player can put them together to make a sentence, adding a phrase to justify his or her sentence, e.g. You mustn’t drive fast or you will have an accident. The player then keeps the two cards. If the two sentence halves can’t be combined, or the player can’t think of a situation in which they would make sense, e.g. I mustn’t and eat healthily. The player places the cards back, face down. The next player then turns over two cards and tries to make a sentence. The winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game.
Ability Bluff
Student A
Write down information about the following things. If it is marked True, write real information. If it is marked Bluff, make up the information.
1. Something you've never been able to do. (Bluff)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Something you can't do very well. (True)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Something you've always been able to do. (True)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Something you'd love to be able to do. (Bluff)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Now, listen to your partner's information. Can you work out which story is true and which is a bluff? Ask follow-up questions, if you are unsure.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Student B
Write down information about the following things. If it is marked True, write real information. If it is marked Bluff, make up the information.
1. Something you can do really well. (True)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Something you wish you were able to do. (Bluff)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Something you will be able to do next year. (Bluff)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Something you learned to do when you were a teenager. (True)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Now, listen to your partner's information. Can you work out which story is true and which is a bluff? Ask follow-up questions, if you are unsure.
Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 179 | Нарушение авторских прав
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