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Extreme sports

Читайте также:
  1. B. Describe the appearance and the character of your favourite sportsman.
  2. Benefits of Sports in Daily Life
  4. Collocations: do, play or go with sports and other activities
  5. Continue the list of sports
  6. E.g. Outside the house was a sports car. // e.g. In an armchair sat his mother. // e.g. Here comes the bride.
  7. Extreme Climates 2: WETTEST PLACE


golf football tennis rugby ['rʌgbɪ] basketball volleyball baseball handball hockey badminton skiing swimming cycling sailing riding climbing go fencing do fencing (more chatty and colloquial) judo ['ʤuːdəu] aerobics [ɛə'rəubɪks] gymnastics [ʤɪm'næstɪks] karate [kə'rɑːtɪ] athletics [æθ'letɪks] weighlifting   practise yoga  


You hit the ball in baseball, tennis, and volleyball. ударять

You throw the ball in baseball, basketball, rugby. бросать

You kick the ball in football and rugby. бить (по мячу; в регби, футболе)

You shoot in basketball and football. ударять, бросать

In sports such as soccer or basketball, when someone shoots, they try to score by kicking, throwing, or hitting the ball towards the goal.

sport (noun, uncountable) спорт

football is my favourite sport...

amateur sport любительский спорт

professional sport профессиональный спор

sport, sports (noun, countable) вид спорта

sports [Brit] соревнования

sporting (adj) спортивный

sporty (adj) спортивный = спортивного вида; спортивный = увлекающийся спортом

Common collocations with sports: sports center, sports club, sports day, sports competition, sports equipment, sports programme, sports teacher, sports team, sports fan. Common collocations with sporting: sporting event, sporting goods store. Common collocations with sporty:sporty clothes, sporty person, sporty car.

do sport [Brit], play sport [Am] заниматься спортом

strenuous sport требующий усилий, изматывающий

endurance [ɪn'djuər(ə)n(t)s ] выносливость

Sport improves strength and endurance.

of great endurance, hardy выносливый

game [Brit, Am], match [Brit] матч, соревнование, состязание

match [Am] соревнования двух участников (не командные)

a football game = a game of football = a football match

play (n) проведение соревнования; манера игры; вбрасывание мяча в игру

rain wrecked the second day's play

he maintained the same rhythm of play throughout the game

the ball was put in play

final (n) ['faɪn(ə)l] решающая игра в матче

finale (n) [fɪ'nɑːlɪ] завершение, заключение, окончание музыкального произведения, сериала…

spectator зритель; посетитель (зрелищных мероприятий)

viewer телезритель

umpire (n) ['ʌmpaɪə] рефери, судья в теннисе, бейсболе, крикете

umpire (v) судить

referee (n) [ˌref(ə)'riː] рефери, судья в футболе и боксе

referee (v) судить

coach (n) Syn: trainer тренер

support a team болеть за команду

lose (to) проигрывать

drop опускаться (о местах)

He dropped to third.

drop behind отставать

be first (second…) занимать … место

He placed second.

He was second in…

He was in second place behind…

contest, competition соревнование

stadium стадион

pitch [Brit] поле для игры в футбол, крикет, хоккей [in Am, usually use field ]; подача в бейсболе

dome [Am] крытая спортивная арена со сводчатой крышей

track лыжня; беговая дорожка; трек

rink каток

score (n) счет в спорте

with a score of 3 goals to nil со счётом 3:0

won by Ben Hogan, with a score of 287...

They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3...

score набирать очки, вести счёт (в игре); выигрывать, забивать

They scored five points against the visiting team.

Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal?

England scored 282 in their first innings... Gascoigne almost scored in the opening minute.

Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests...

Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.

draw сводить вничью

Holland and the Republic of Ireland drew one-one...

We drew with Ireland in the first game...

Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.

sport injury, sporting [sports-related] accident спортивная травма

fracture перелом

simple fracture закрытый перелом

compound fracture открытый перелом

break ломать

displacement, dislocation вывих

dislocate, put out (of joint) вывихнуть

set a joint вправлять сустав

muscle pull растяжение мышцы

I've got a pulled muscle у меня растяжение мышцы


Extreme sports

parkour ['pɑːˌkɔː] паркур

bungee jumping ['bʌnʤɪ'ʤʌmpɪŋ] прыжок с помощью эластичного троса

mountain biking катание на горных велосипедах

BMX racingвелосипедный мотокросс или BMX

BMX stands for Bicycle MotoCross.

roller skating катание на роликах

hang gliding, sky surfing дельтапланеризм

hang-glider дельтаплан; дельтапланерист

paragliding парапланеризм

paraglide (v) летать на параплане

sky diving, parachuting прыжки с парашютом

rock climbing скалолазание

mountaineering, mountain climbing альпинизм

scuba diving подводное плавание с аквалангом

scuba ['skuːbə] акваланг

Scuba stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 95 | Нарушение авторских прав

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