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Graphic Design, Exposition design and Interior Design Directions

Читайте также:
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  2. Directions to Obrne 4C, Bohinjska Bela
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  5. Unit 14 directions outside


International competition of young designers «ARBUZ»

The main purpose of the Competition is to identify and to support initiatives of creative young people.


Competition Tasks:

- creation of an interactive platform for realization of creative and innovative ideas of young designers;

- supporting of organizational and technical conditions for the holding of exhibitions, fashion shows, workshops;

- creation of a partnership environment that is unite creative young people from different educational institutions in Russia and abroad, representatives of governments and businesses.

Participation in the Competition can be full-form and part-form.


Organizers of the Competition:

- State Budget Institution "Agency for Realization of Youth Policy" (SBI ARYP) Samara Region, Russian Federation

- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Volga Region State University of Service» (FSBEI HPE VRSUS, Togliatti, Russian Federation)

- National Academy of Art (Sofia, Bulgaria)


The competition is held in four directions.


Direction "Fashion Design":

- "Collection" Nomination (collection making in the material);

- "Sketch graphics of costume" Nomination (manual, computer graphics);

- "Multimedia" Nomination ( multimedia video clip collection )


Direction "Interior Design":

- "Reality" Nomination

- "Concept" Nomination

Direction "Graphic design":

- "Poster" Nomination (social, advertising, fashion, image-building)

- "Multimedia" Nomination (multimedia video clip)

- "Corporate Identity" Nomination


Direction "Exposition design":

- " S howcase" Nomination

- "Exhibition" Nomination ( interior, exterior)


Competition works (projects) can be performed independently or under the guidance of scientific leaders. Competitive works (projects) can be performed by individuals and creative teams.



Competitive works (projects) can be submitted directly by performers and their scientific leaders, as well as educational institutions.


The competition is held in two stages.

First stage: 05/15/2014 to 09/27/2014 - Selective (accepting applications, expertize, assessment of the jury)

Second stage - from 10/23/2014 to 24/10/2014 Finale (exhibition of competitive projects, fashion shows, award winners and participants, master classes).

The information about the competition is hosted at the International competition of young designers "Watermelon" Web site www.arbuz-design.ru, FSBEI HPE "Volga Region State University of Service» www.tolgas.ru, Web site National Academy of Art (Sofia, Bulgaria) www.nha.bg


Competition participants submit an application in the prescribed form (Appendix 1), photo electronically, competitive work in electronic form (e-mail: led@tolgas.ru)


quot;Graphic Design", "Exposition design" and "Interior Design" Directions

- For part-form of participation: works (projects) are submitted in electronic form (video: no more than 3 minutes, avi format, no more than 20-30 MB; graphic image: print resolution of 300 dpi (50 x 70cm), for viewing in electronic form resolution of 72 dpi (minimum width of 2000 pixels), jpg format.

- For the full-form of participation: works (projects) are presented on the drawing board made ​​of foam board, thickness of 0.5 cm, the same module size of 50 x 70 cm, 100 x 70 cm.


" Fashion Design" direction:

- For the semifinal view projects are presented in electronic form (video clip, collection photos);

- For the full-form of participation in the final fashion show - as a ready collection. In one collection must be at least 3 and no more than 5 models of clothes. Each collection must have a name and music;

- For the "Sketch graphics of costume" nomination: series of sketches are provided a – in original of A4 format and / or in electronic form.


Examination of competitive works (projects) from Russia to meet the requirements of the Competition conducted by teachers "Design and Art Product Design" Department FSBEI HPE “VRSUS”.

Examination of competitive works (projects) from Bulgaria to meet the requirements of the Competition conducted by teachers of the National Art Academy of Sofia.



To summarize the results of the Competition FSBEI HPE “VRSUS” and National Art Academy of Sofia forms the jury (in an amount not less than 9 people), which is composed of leading domestic and foreign designers, teachers of educational institutions, representatives of public organizations. The jury work involves full- form and part-form of participation in the evaluation of competitive work (projects). The jury's decision is documented as a protocol.


All competitive works’ (projects’) copyrights belong to their authors. In case of commercial use of competitive work (project), interested organization concludes a contract with an author on the transfer of rights to use, public performance and reproduction.

Winners of competition are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts from the organizers and sponsors. Participants of the Competition are awarded by diplomas.

A booklet of competitive works (projects) is published according to the Competition results.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 108 | Нарушение авторских прав

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