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Lesson 3. Dangers, Directions, Streams and Currents

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter Ten Lesson One: Destruction
  2. Chapter Thirteen Lesson Four: Image
  3. Chapter Twelve Lesson Three: Gerard
  4. Chapter Twenty-Six Driving Lessons
  6. Ex 48 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up the answers (orally, or in writing).
  7. General Review – Lessons 1-4



к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Английский язык профессионального общения»

для студентов 2 курса 4 семестра

специальности «Судовождение»

дневной и заочной формы обучения






УДК.629.123 + 656.61.052


Deck Cadet = Кадет палубной службы. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык профессионального общения» для студентов 2 курса 4 семестра специальности «Судовождение» дневной и заочной формы обучения/ Сост. ст. преп. Е.В. Никитина. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2012. – 44 с.


Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов специальности «Судовождения» дневной и заочной формы обучения. В каждом уроке представлен текст, лексические упражнения на закрепление материала урока и задания, способствующие запоминанию специальной лексики и ее применению студентами в устной и письменной речи в общении на профессиональные темы.


Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры Практики романских и германских языков (протокол № 11 от 14. 05. 2012 г.).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.


Рецензент: Михайлова Е.В., канд.филолог.наук, доцент кафедры Практики романских и германских языков СевНТУ.





Введение ………………………………….……………..……4

1. Lesson 1. Basics of Future Specialty…....……….…………5

2. Lesson 2. Port Location, Regulation and Facilities…………8

3. Lesson 3. Dangers, Directions, Streams and Currents……...17

4. Lesson 4. Aids to Navigation. Lights and Buoys……………23

5. Lesson 5. Anchorage…… ………………..………. …….....35

Библиографический список …………………………………40

Приложение А. Basic Vocabulary …………….………………41

Приложение B. Abbreviations.…...………………........………43








Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов второго курса четвертого семестра специальности «Судовождение и безопасность судоходства».

Основная цель методических указаний – развить умения и навыки профессионального общения, расширить словарный запас и научить вести беседу по темам:

· Основы будущей профессии,

· Навигация в порту,

· Огни,

· Буи,

· Якорная стоянка.

Методические указания состоят из 5 уроков, каждый из которых содержит основной и дополнительные тексты, упражнения для закрепления лексики соответствующего урока, а также творческие задания коммуникативной направленности. Лексический материал содержит профессиональную терминологию, фразы и команды, одобренные ИМО для общения на море.

В каждом уроке есть словарный минимум, состоящий из слов и словосочетаний, которые можно использовать при прохождении собеседования в компаниях, занимающихся набором плавсостава, при общении на судне и при чтении лоции.

В отдельных уроках представлен дополнительный раздел «Comprehensive Reading», в котором подобраны дополнительные тексты по изучаемой теме и упражнения на закрепление лексики и терминологии.



Lesson 1. Basics of Future Specialty


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and expressions:


1. fitness пригодность
2. rating звание/специальность рядового состава
3. to be submitted зд. подвергаться, проходить (медосмотр)
4. to violate нарушать
5. to be dismissed from/be signed off быть списанным с судна, быть уволенным
6. off watch свободный от вахты, сменившийся с вахты
7. fitting оборудование, оснастка
8. to keep up, upkeep содержать в порядке, содержание в рабочем порядке
9. helmsman рулевой
10. lookout впередсмотрящий, наблюдение
11. underway на ходу
12. helm (rudder) order команды на руль
13. changeover переключение
14. sight зрение
15. OOW - officer of the watch - вахтенный
16. to be assigned to быть назначенным, предписанным
17. windlass брашпиль
18. winch лебедка
19. knot-making вязание узлов
20. tying down (the ship) швартовка
21. rigging оснащение, укомплектование
22. seamanship морская практика


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text, paying attention to the words in italics.


The Working Day at Sea and in Port

For being placed on board ship as crewmembers all candidates must prove their fitness for work at sea. For this purpose, officers, ratings and service personnel are submitted to physical examination by special appointed doctors before employment.

The ship’s personnel who have joined the vessel must operate it in accordance with established standards. Any crewmember that violates the regulations is unqualified for his assignment or fails to meet minimum standards will be dismissed from/be signed off the vessel.

The day at sea is divided into watches of four hours. Now the most often used system of ship’s organization is the four and eight system that means four hours on watch and eight hours off watch.

The deck department spends most of its time maintaining the ship, her equipment and her fittings in good condition. This means cleaning, painting and repair work that should protect the ship from damaging effects of salt water, changes in temperature and the action of waves. The work is done by ratings under supervision of the bosun (very often senior AB seaman). The Chief Officer works out a daily routine list.

Seamen are assigned to jobs such as keeping up the ship’s compartments, deck, deck machinery, other equipment and external structure. AB seaman also keeps navigational watch, such as helmsman and lookout, underway and in port.

The helmsman must understand helm orders, know how to use navigational instruments and to make changeover from automatic pilot to hand steering. The courses the helmsman steers is ordered by the officer of the watch.

A good lookout must be kept by sight and hearing. There are usually two lookouts on the bridge. One stationed on the port bridge wing, one on the starboard on the bridge. About other vessels, sound signal, light or other object lookout should report to the OOW immediately.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions:


1. What will happen to any crewmember that fails to meet the standards? 2. What does the expression “four and eight system of watchkeeping” mean? 3. How do future crewmembers prove their fitness for work at sea? 4. What is the duty often performed while watchkeeping? 5. Who is AB seaman?

Exercise 4. Give equivalents:


· in Russian: deck machinery, helmsman, to steer, to keep navigational watch, lookout, changeover to hand steering, the wing of the bridge, under the supervision of OOW, risk of collision, by sight and hearing, helm orders, automatic pilot, ordinary seaman, bosun, working conditions, to be in charge of, spare parts;


· in English: повреждать корпус, быть ответственным за, содержать в рабочем порядке, швартовка, удалять грязь и ржавчину, проверять оснащение, уметь вязать узлы, противопожарное оборудование, проходить морскую практику, с помощью зрения и слуха, знать команды на руль, вахтенный помощник, спасательное оборудование, нести навигационную вахту.


Exercise 5. Translate the texts. Make the list of the seaman’s duties.


AB Seaman

An able seaman (AB) is an unlicensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. An AB may work as a watchstander, a day worker, or a combination of these roles.

At sea an AB watchstander's duties include standing watch as helmsman and lookout. A helmsman is required to maintain a steady course and execute all rudder orders. A watchstander may be assigned to stand security-related watches, such as a gangway watch or anchor watch while the ship is not underway.

An AB day worker performs general maintenance, repair and upkeep of material, equipment, and areas in the deck department, for example, the hull, decks, deck machinery (windlass or winches), superstructure, cargo gear, and smoke stack. Day workers also frequently perform maintenance on lifeboats and liferafts.

An AB may be called on to use emergency, life-saving, damage control, and safety equipment. Able seamen perform all operations connected with the launching of life-saving equipment.

The ship's bosun (if any) is a senior AB. The bosun is in charge of the able seamen and ordinary seaman that comprise the unlicensed deck crew, and reports directly to the chief mate.


Ordinary Seaman

An ordinary seaman (OS) is an unlicensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. The position is an apprenticeship to become an able seaman. Nowadays a sufficient sea experience is required to become certified as an able seaman.

An OS does not stand watch, but he must pass examinations on watchstanding skills such as performing lookout duty and being a helmsman. That’s why an OS will often be on a ship's bridge after working hours.

During the apprenticeship, an OS performs a variety of duties concerned with the operation and upkeep of deck department areas and equipment. These duties vary with the type of ship, the type of voyage, the number of crewmembers, the weather and many other factors.

There is no experience required to get started as an Ordinary Seaman. He comes on board to learn ship's maintenance, painting, cleaning, knot-making, watch-standing duties, tying down the ship, rigging, lookout responsibilities and other types of seamanship.

* the translation of the words in italics can be found in the exercise 1.

Lesson 2. Port Location, Regulation and Facilities


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and expressions:


1. navigable water фарватер с гарантированными глубинами
2. shelter убежище
3. longshoreman портовой грузчик, рабочий
4. forklift вильчатый погрузчик
5. to feature отличать(ся), характеризовать(ся)
6. customs таможня
7. to be intended to быть предназначенным
8. to debark = disembark pilot высаживать лоцмана
9. ocean-going vessel судно неограниченного морского плавания
10. shallow-draft vessel судно с малой осадкой, мелкосидящее судно
11. inbound/ outbound ships прибывающие/уходящие суда
12. to clear a vessel in оформить приход судна
13. inwards/outwards приход и уход (судна)
14. auxiliary service fleet вспомогательный обслуживающий флот
15. traffic control service диспетчерская служба
16. to evaluate оценивать
17. transshipment перегрузка, перевалка (с одного на другое судно)
18. to proceed продолжить движение после остановки
19. to put into operation вводить в эксплуатацию
20. depot/warehouse склад и складское помещение
21. waterway; seaway водный путь; открытое море
22. heavylifts/oversize cargo тяжеловесный груз
23. dry bulk cargo сухой навалочный/насыпной груз
24. distinction различие, отличие
25. to contest соревноваться, бороться
26. to claim требовать, заявлять
27. the former/the latter первый / последний (из упомянутых)
28. in terms of, to draw up в пределах, составлять
29. chief stevedore, foreman главный грузчик, бригадир
30. superintendent начальник, руководитель


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


A port is a location on a coast or shore containing one or more harbours where ships can dock and transfer people or cargo to or from land. Port locations are selected to optimize access to land and navigable water and to provide a shelter from wind and waves.

Ports often have cargo handling equipment, such as cranes (operated by longshoremen) and forklifts for use in loading ships. Some ports feature canals, which allow ships further movement inland water access. Ports with international traffic have customs facilities. Harbour pilots and tugboats may maneuver large ships in tight quarters within the port.

Seaports are intended to perform economic and administrative functions. They are economically responsible for loading and discharging, servicing of inbound/outbound domestic and foreign ship’s transportation, forwarding and warehousing operations and servicing of deep-sea vessels’ passengers. There are several administrative functions to be performed by seaports, they are to ensure safe navigation and proper order within the port, including supervision for registration of vessels and clearance of vessels inwards and outwards.

The world's busiest port is contested by several ports around the world, because there is no standardized means of evaluating port performance and traffic. For the past decade, the distinction has been claimed by both the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Singapore. The former based its measurement on cargo tonnage handled (total weight of goods loaded and discharged), while the latter ranked in terms of shipping tonnage handled (total volume of ships handled). Since 2005, the Port of Shanghai has exceeded both ports to take the title in terms of total cargo tonnage.


Exercise 3. Give brief answers to the following questions:


1. What are seaports intended for? 2. How is the place for a port chosen? 3. What do you know about cargo handling equipment? 4. What is the function of the tug? 5. How can the pilot help to navigate a ship within the port? 6. How many types of ports do you know? 7. What do you know about economic/administrative functions that seaports perform? 8. What do you know about the contest of the world’s busiest port? 9. What is the difference between “shore” and “coast”? 10. In what cases should we use “canal” or “channel”?

Exercise 4. Give equivalents:


· in Russian: оформлять приход судна, скоропортящийся груз, диспетчерская служба, обеспечивать, прибывающее судно, разгрузка судна, насыпной груз, смежные транспортные средства, холодильные и морозильные установки, обработка груза, береговое грузовое оборудование, глубоководный морской торговый порт, портальный кран, введенный в эксплуатацию причал, внутренний рейд, погрузчик, перегрузочные средства, грузооборот судна, оборудованный железнодорожными путями терминал, хранилище, пирс, быть снабженным, глава порта, причал;


· in English: cargo handling facilities, intermodal transport, shipping service, general cargo, clearance of vessels inwards, loading rate, depot, inland port, superintendent, warehouse personnel, to issue documents, port of arrival, outbound ships, port auxiliary service fleet, stevedore gang, storage facilities, safety of shipping, pier, deep-sea port, safe navigation within the port, harbour, traffic control service, foreign ships, to be intended for, bulk cargo, merchant port, gantry cranes, perishable goods, capacity, to handle, port of departure, to put into operation.


Exercise 5. Read the dialogue between the chief officer and the ship’s agent and then make up your own one.


A: Good morning, Chief Officer.

B: Good morning, Mr. West. How are you going to load our vessel?

A: We are going to start with two gangs.

B: That’s good. I think that one gang can be sent into Hold No2 to load general cargo for Cardiff, and other gang will be working in Hold No3 on machinery for Blackpool. And as soon as we are through Hold No2 and No3, we’ll loading heavy lifts, maybe in the afternoon.

A: But the trouble is that our heavy derricks can’t lift the goods weighting more than 15 tons.

B: I know so. The only way out is to arrange the floating crane.

A: Yes, you are right.


Exercise 6. Match the term with its meaning.


Term Its meaning
1. port of call   a. it is a port where the cargo should be carried.
2. port of arrival b. is a port or harbour for landing and distributing fish. It may be a recreational facility, but it is usually commercial.  
3.harbour c. any navigable body of waters. They can include rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and canals.  
4. fishing port d. is a place where ships, boats, and barges can seek shelter through stormy weather, or else are stored for future use.  
5.port of registry e. Some ports on a lake, river or canal have access to a sea or ocean.  
6.port of delivery f. It is the port where a ship should call at.
7. waterway, fairway g. A vessel's home port is the port at which it is based, which may is shown on its registration documents.
8. inland port   h. this port is an intermediate stop for a ship on its voyage.

Exercise 7. Choose the right variant.


1. The vessel was in dry dock ____ for two weeks. a) in c) while
b) duration d) for
2. I am ______ danger of capsizing. a) around c) in
b) with d) at
3. The boat moved ____ the canal locks. a) through c) behind
b) onto d) onto
4. It took over an hour to get ____ the port. a) up c) out of
b) between d) away
5. There are nets _____ buoys in this area. a) to c) along
b) with d) up
6. To sail from Rotterdam ____ Singapore takes about three weeks. a) beside c) at
b) over d) to
7. We’ve been instructed to proceed ____ port at 16:00 hours. a) over c) into
b) on d) under
8. Keep the pilot boat ___ the port side. a) at c) on
b) with d) between
9. _____ my berthing instructions? a) When can c) What has
b) What are d) While
10. The ship will be ____ soon. a) leave c) to leave
b) leaving d) has left
11. The vessel ___ not ___ in port yet. a) arrived c) arrives
b) has arrived d) has arrived
12. The ETA ___ to 11:00 because of bad weather. a) change c) changing
b) was changed d) to change


Exercise 8. Translate in Russian.


1. Seaports are responsible for loading and discharging operations, servicing inbound and outbound and foreign ships transportation, forwarding and warehousing operations, transshipment of cargo and clearance of vessels inwards and outwards.

2. To perform all its functions sea ports have water areas, land territories, warehouses and open storage facilities, cargo handling facilities, passenger terminals, approach ways for railway and motor transport and other production units of the port such as port auxiliary service fleet, depots for motor and electric lift trucks etc., repair and maintenance shops and others.

3. Each cargo, handling complex comprises terminals, complex stevedore gangs, traffic control service, warehouse and modern sheltered storage spaces and is headed by the superintendant.

4. The port is well-equipped and mechanized for handling any cargo, it has efficient gantry cranes and floating crane, up-to-date straddle carriers (контейнеровоз-погрузчик) and side loaders (погрузчик с боковым захватом), for handling containers container bridges and for handling refrigerated goods a cold storage facility fitted out with high-duty cooling and freezing plants.

5. The port’s capacities enable it to handle more than 42 million tons of cargo per year, besides this port provides handling all kinds of cargoes: bulk, dry-bulk, oversize cargo, liquid general, heavy-lifts, containers and others.

6. The port has some special areas, for example, to take lighter carriers vessels, and load/discharge them in a closed water area.

7. The port offers ‘board-on-board’ scheme residual fuel oil transshipment handling operations to ensure ecological safety.

Exercise 9. Translate in English.


1. Порт осуществляет работы, включающие транспортно-экспедиторское обслуживание и перевалку на морской транспорт грузов с других видов транспорта и обратно.

2. Погрузо-разгрузочные работы в порту производятся на трех терминалах: терминал генеральных грузов, терминал теска навалом и зерновой терминал.

3. В этом порту 15 причалов и у каждого есть свое специальное предназначение, например, причалы № 1 и № 2 предназначены для приема судов дедвейтом до 70000 тонн, а причалы №16 и 17 сейчас строятся и вступят в строй до ноября 2014.

4. На территории порта расположены 4 склада для обслуживания разного типа груза.

5. Навигация в порту длится круглый год, в нем функционирует паромный терминал, который включает причал и две досмотровые ямы с соответствующим оборудованием.

6. В этом порту одновременно могут разгружаться более десяти судов, перевозящих скоропортящиеся грузы.

7. Все терминалы порта оснащены современными подвижными и стационарными кранами и элеваторами, открытыми и крытыми складскими помещениями, рефрижераторными и морозильными складами.


Exercise 10. Read the texts and be ready to speak about the following aspects:


· the main sense of the text

· the structure of the text

· the possible questions to the main parts of the text

Port Regulation

For ensuring safe navigation and proper order within the port includes supervision for adherence to shipping regulations, registration of vessels in the State Register of Shipping, organization of pilotage and towage service and other functions of Port Operations Management.

Port operations management is effected by three channels. The higher channel controls port operations as a whole and includes the operations, shipping, technology, personnel, administrative, harbor master’s and other functional services/departments. Safety of shipping and proper order in the port as well as port operations, commerce and shipping departments are the responsibilities of the harbor master.

The middle channel of management controls cargo handling complexes and other production units of the port such as port auxiliary service fleet and repair and maintenance shops and others.

The lower channel of the management is involved in a direct control of cargo handling operations on berths and in warehouses. This control is effected by chief stevedores, warehouse superintendents and stevedore gang foremen.

To perform economic and administrative functions seaports have water areas, land territories, warehouses and open storage facilities, cargo handling facilities, passenger terminals, approach ways for railway and motor transport and an adequate personnel.

Dues and charges for services rendered to foreign ships, such as tonnage, canal, berth and pilotage dues and mooring/unmooring, shifting, towage, lighterage and cranage charges are paid in accordance with the port tariffs being in force. No work is available on official holidays usually. Some weekend work is possible at certain berths only at overtime rate.

Port Facilities

The port is managed by the general director and his deputy general director operational that is responsible for the forwarding service, the cargo loading/unloading, organisation service and the commerce service. The cargo loading/unloading operations are effected by a number of stevedoring companies. The main production units of the service are cargo handling complexes organizing and performing loading/discharging and other cargo operations such as reception, warehousing, storage, securing of cargo and etc.

Some complexes specialize in handling specific types of cargoes, for example, general cargo and in servicing specific cargo traffic routes. Each cargo, handling complex comprises terminals, complex stevedore gangs, traffic control service, warehouse and open storage personnel and is headed by the superintendent.

To facilitate and improve port management seaports are provided with information computing centres equipped with most up-to-date sophisticated computers. As a result, such everyday management problems as drawing up cargo plans and optimal technological plans-schedules for handling each particular vessel and operations of each particular cargo handling complex - and a lot of other problems – are solved by computers. Modern ports are well equipped and mechanized for handling all types of cargoes. For handling containers there are container bridges. Several shore-based and floating cranes of 15 to 100 tons capacity and a number of loaders are available in case of need.

1. twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) - условная единица измерения количественной стороны транспортных потоков, пропускной способности контейнерных терминалов или вместимости грузовых транспортных средств. Эквивалентна размерам ISO-контейнера длиной 20 футов (6,1 м).
  2. towage буксировка
  3. shipping движение судов в пределах порта
  4. (work)shop мастерская
  5. dues, charges, overtime rate пошлины, сборы, сверхурочная оплата
  6. shifting перешвартовка, перемещение
  7. lighterage разгрузка/погрузка (или оплата) судов лихтерами
  8. cranage пользование кранами (или оплата)
  9. reception прием
  10. deputy general director заместитель начальника порта по эксплуатации
  11. forwarding переправка, экспедиторские операции
  12. to overtake обгонять
  13. handling транспортировка
  14. stacking укладка (складывание) в пачку
  15. chariot автоматизированное транспортное средство
  16. automated guided vehicles (AGV) робокар; автоматически управляемая тележка
  17. unmanned управляемый автоматически
  18. magnetic grid; hub магнитный чип или сетка; сеть или центр
  19. Automated Stacking Cranes (ASC) автоматически управляемые сортировочные краны
  20. to lack испытывать недостаток
  21. to retain сохранять
  22. to refine перерабатывать, очищать
  23. to comprise включать


Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Choose one of the texts and then answer the following questions.


· Where is the former/second/later port located?

· What are the main characteristics of the former/second/later port?

· What is cargo handling equipment of the former/second/later port?

· What are the storage facilities of the former/second/later port?

· Which of these two ports is the biggest one?


The Port of Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe that is located in the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. From 1962 until 2004 it was the world's busiest port, now overtaken by first Shanghai and then Singapore. In 2009, Rotterdam was the world's tenth-largest container port in terms of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) handled.

Most important for the port of Rotterdam are general cargo transshipment handlings. The harbour functions as an important transit point for transport of bulk and other goods between the European continent and other parts of the world. From Rotterdam goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road.

Much of the container loading and stacking in the port is handled by autonomous robotic cranes and computer controlled chariots. At the Delta terminal, the chariots or automated guided vehicles (AGV) are unmanned and each carries one container. The chariots navigate their own way around the terminal with the help of a magnetic grid built into the terminal tarmac (бетонированная площадка, шоссе). Once a container is loaded onto an AGV, it is identified by infra-red 'eyes' and delivered to its designated place within the terminal.

Unmanned Automated Stacking Cranes (ASC) take containers to/from the AGV's and store them in the stacking yard.


to overtake – обгонять handling – транспортировка

stacking – укладка (складывание) в пачку, стону или стапель (stock)

chariot – автоматизированное транспортное средство

automated guided vehicles (AGV) – робокар; автоматически управляемая тележка

unmanned – управляемый автоматически magnetic grid – магнитный чип, сетка

Automated Stacking Cranes (ASC) – автоматически управляемые сортировочные краны

The Port of Singapore

The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals that conduct maritime trade handling functions in Singapore's harbors and which handle Singapore's shipping. Thousands of ships drop anchor in the harbour, connecting the port to over 600 other ports in 123 countries and spread over six continents.

Singapore is lacking in land and natural resources, that’s why the port has so sophisticated automation complex of cargo handling and storage facilities. The Port is critical for importing natural resources, and then later re-exporting them after they have been refined and shaped in some manner. The port is the world's busiest port in terms of shipping tonnage handled, with 1.15 billion gross tons (GT) handled in 2005. In terms of cargo tonnage, Singapore is behind Shanghai with 423 million freight tons handled. The port retains its position as the world's busiest hub for transshipment traffic in 2005, and is also the world's biggest bunkering hub, with 25 million tonnes sold in the same year.

Singapore is ranked first globally in 2005 in terms of containerised traffic, with 23.2 million Twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) handled.


to lack – испытывать недостаток to refine – перерабатывать, очищать

to retain – сохранять hub - сеть, центр

Port of Shanghai


The Port of Shanghai, located in the vicinity of Shanghai, comprises a deep-sea port and a river port. In 2010, Shanghai port overtook Singapore port to become the world's busiest container port. Shanghai's port handled 29.05 million TEUs, whereas Singapore port was a half million TEU's behind. The Port of Shanghai faces the East China Sea to the east, and Hangzhou Bay to the south. The port of Shanghai includes 5 major working zones. The Port of Shanghai is a critically important transport hub for the Yangtze River region and the most important gateway for foreign trade. The Port of Shanghai is about 421 kilometers southeast and about 430 nautical miles to the north.


Exercise 12. Find information about the following topics:


1. The biggest port of the world.

2. The world’s busiest port.

3. The main ports of the certain country.

4. The list of the main world’s ports.

5. The most modern port of the world.



Lesson 3. Dangers, Directions, Streams and Currents


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and expressions:

1. to endanger = to threaten подвергать опасности, грозить, угрожать
2. fathom, cable сажень (глубина), кабельтовый (расстояние)
3. bank отмель, банка
4. patch группа камней, отличительная глубина
5. under water rock, reef, подводная скала, риф
6. flat, bar отмель
7. shallow water мелководье
8. fast ice сплошной твердый лед
9. breakwater прибой, бурун
  tide, tidal stream прилив или отлив, приливное течение
  current течение
  ledge, ridge гряда рифов, подводный хребет
  high water, low water полная вода, малая вода
  eddy, swirl, rip водоворот
  ripple рябь, зыбь
  race or overfalls быстрина, быстрое течение
  surge, storm surge зыбь или накат волны, штормовой ветер
  heading, to head управление судном на ходу; держать курс
  conspicuous видимый, заметный
  leading line, створная линия
  to bring (brought, brought) in line привести в створ
  summit вершина
  from seaward со стороны моря
  clear of danger на достаточном расстоянии от опасностей
  shoal мелководье, мель
  rate скорость, темп
  knot узел (скорость)
  entry запись
  landmark береговой ориентир


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


Entering and Leaving Port

The area between the port and the open sea often contains different hazards and currents. The harbour pilot must know every channel, current, sand bar or other obstacle that could endanger the vessel.

Except electronic aids to navigation all ships should carry up-to-date official charts, sailing directions, list of the lights, tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the voyage. Some notes of voyages are kept in log books or logs. Entries commonly include such navigational data as the ship’s course, speed (knots), and distance travelled and weather information (weather forecast/report). The unit of distance used by navigators is the nautical mile, while for short distances the cable or one-tenth of a nautical mile is used and for measuring the depth of the sea, the fathom (6 feet = 182,88 cm) is the nautical unit of length.

Besides charts all necessary for a navigator data is described in pilot book. When navigating in dangerous areas the navigator should avoid such dangers as banks or bars, patches and shallow waters, reef and ridge, submerged wreck or any dangerous obstruction, underwater rocks and shoals and especially floating ice formation and fast ice in the Northern seas.

In navigating special attention should be paid to tides, they are measured from chart datum, and levels are always given at average heights. Tidal streams are horizontal movements of the water caused by the tides, in European waters the tidal streams are of the same type as the tides. The duration and the rate of tidal streams depend on the depth of water, contour of the land, prevailing winds and currents.

The currents are mainly of meteorological origin. They are affected by strong winds, barometric pressure and storm surges. Tidal streams may also affect currents and produce ripples, eddies and races.

The navigator should be guided by special instructions, for example, about effect of wind, tidal stream and character of bottom. Conspicuous landmarks such as lighthouses, summits of mountains or lights on some constructions are used to show the direction of approach to some place. Two conspicuous objects brought in line from seaward may lead the ship clear of dangers into the port, roadstead, bay and anchorage.


Exercise 3. Give brief answers to the following questions:


1. What units of measurement used at sea do you know? 2. What is a nautical chart? 3. What dangers may threaten the ship’s safety? 4. What book should a navigator consult to avoid dangers/find out the data about tides and streams/check the direction to a safe way? 5. Why is navigation especially dangerous in the North? 6. What are tides? 7. What is meant by directions? 8. In what form are they given? 9. What is understood by a leading line? 10. What useful information may be found in pilot books under the heading “Dangers”, “Directions” and “Tides and Tidal Streams”?

Exercise 4. Give equivalents:


· in Russian: to be out of danger, shoal, to endanger a vessel, submerged rock, wreck, fast ice, least depth, off-shore dangers, to cancel out, average, standard port, to predict, eddy, storm surge, to affect, conspicuous, canal, shallow waters, lightvessel, shoal, to threaten safety, sand bar; bay, positive or negative surge, swirl, patch, pilot book;

· in English: бухта, якорная стоянка, покидать порт, прилив, водоворот, угрожать безопасности, рейд, обходить или избегать опасность, следовать курсу судна, береговой ориентир, вершина, указания, створная линия, средний, сажень, быть на достаточном расстоянии от опасностей, руководствоваться рекомендациями, морской прилив или отлив, причал, мелководье, подводная скала, отмель, описываются в лоциях, из-за льда, могут столкнуться, пирс, гряда рифов.


Exercise 5. Match the words from the left column with the words from the right column.


1. cable laying operations a. измерители скорости течения
2. on passage from… to b. опасно для навигации
3. traffic line c. прикрыть от ветра
4. current meters d. на переходе от … до…
5. hampered vessel e. менее одиннадцати морских саженей
6. abnormally low tides f. препятствие
7. hazardous to navigation g. Я на мели.
8. approach channel h. необычно низкие отливы
9. make a lee j. дрейфующий лед
10. to give a wide berth k. полоса движения
11. under 11 fathoms l. судно, ограниченное в возможности маневрировать
12. well off … the pier m. операции по укладке кабеля
13. floating ice n. подходной канал
14. I’m aground. o. на значительном расстоянии от пирса
15. obstruction p. пройти в безопасном расстоянии


Exercise 6. Read the dialogue and then make up your own one.


A: This is LIVERPOOL Pilot station. Question: What’s your present position? Over.

B: Pilot station. This is “Odessa”. I have dropped port anchor three miles off the P-point. Information: owing to tidal stream and bad holding ground I am swinging too much. Need your advice. Over.

A: This is Pilot station. Advice: change your anchorage two miles westward of Point P. Over.

B: pilot station. This is “Odessa”. Action positive. I will weigh my anchor and proceed to the recommended position. Over.

holding ground – держащий грунт to swing (swung, swung) – поворачивать

weigh anchor - сниматься с якоря

Exercise 7. Choose the right variant.


1. Pilot books or Sailing Directions are updated when new data _____ extensive revision of an existing text. a) required c) is required
b) requires d) are requiring
2. The data ____ from several sources, including pilots and sailing directions from other countries. a) obtains c) to be obtain
b) to obtain d) are obtained
3. In early 2005 subsequent editions of the pilot book _____ distributed in digital form only. a) were c) are
b) is d) to be
4. Planning Guide volumes _____ the navigator in planning an extensive oceanic voyage, as well as giving information on individual countries that is applicable to all ports in those countries. a) assisting   c) assist
b) assisted d) is assisted
5. Individual Planning Guides ____ into Countries and Ocean Basins a) are divided c) dividing
b) divides d) is divided

Exercise 8. Look through the text and then decide which statement is TRUE/FALSE.


· Winds and density of seawater seldom impact on currents.

· Salt and density are the interrelated values.

· The Gulf Stream is one of the strongest tides known.



T he horizontal and vertical circulation of ocean waters are called currents. Major causes of ocean currents include wind friction, gravity, and variation in water density in different parts of the ocean.

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