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This workshop comprises 2 types of tasks: revision tasks and course pack analyses.

Читайте также:
  1. After reading tasks
  2. After reading tasks.
  3. Appendix 3 Types of Questions
  4. Assimilation and its types.
  5. B. Study the vocabulary and complete the tasks.
  6. Basic Types of Factory Layout
  7. C. Look through the list below. Match the film titles on the left with the types of film on the right. Types of films can be used more than once.




This workshop comprises 2 types of tasks: revision tasks and course pack analyses.

I/ Questions for revision:

a) What is specific about Russian approach to teaching listening? Барташевич Старцева

b) How to organize listening process (requirements, tips).Годзенко Прокопьева

c) Enumerate component skills of listening.Дюрягина Овсянникова

d) What’s the difference between listening for perception and listening for comprehension? Illustrate with activities. Кудюкова Шудегов

e) Explain what is real-life listening.Никулина Хамитова

f) Music and songs in ELT: spheres of application – illustrate with activities. Овсянникова Дюрягина

g) Name skills which ensure adequate speech performance.Прокопьева

h) What’s a ‘situation’? Its components. Старцева Барташевич

i) Enumerate types of classroom speaking performance.Строшкова, Зулькафилова

j) Presentation techniques and cues (use Milrood).Хамитова Никулина

k) Principles and stages of designing speaking techniques.Шудегов Кудюкова


l) Using drama in teaching spoken communication skills. Improving coursebook presentation through drama. (USE: Charlyn Wessels. Drama.) Прокопьева, Никулина, Кудюкова, Овсянникова

m) Discussion and how to organise it: stages, types, compound activities. (USE: Penny UR. Discussions that work. Task -centered fluency practice). Старцева, Годзенко, Строшкова, Дюрягина

n) Free conversation: controlled activities, Awareness activities, fluency activities+ illustrations. How to organise feed-back. (USE: Rob Nolasco and Lois Arthur. Conversation) Зулькафилова, Шудегов, Барташевич, Хамитова

Note: the last 3 items are more extensive than the rest and can be organized as reports (no more than 10 minutes)+ you are welcome to present an overview from Internet sources


Sources: 1/ Мильруд Р.П. Методика преподавания английского языка.- М., «Дрофа» 2005.

2/ Гальскова Н.Д., Гез Н.И. Теория обучения иностранным языкам. Лингводидактика и методика.- М, Academia, 2004.

3/ Лекции: Teaching Aural Comprehension, Music in ELT, Teaching Speaking – каб.475

4/ Каталог электронных ресурсов по дисциплине «Теория и методика обучения ИЯ» - сайты по тематике - каб.475




1. Choose 5 activities for speaking (student-student, student-class, student-minigroup, etc.); suggest listening tasks for the rest of the group. Listening for comprehension might involve: filling in a grid, drawing a picture or a chart, ranking and rating, adding/refuting; listening for perception might invilve ticking off particular grammar or lexis, rarrangement, etc.

Aim of speech activity Activity Listening task for the rest Follow up activities


2. Assess visual/verbal support for speech activities: type and for what speech products, validity of support and whether or not it hampers personal involvement.

3. Which class modes prevail? (T-ST., ST.-CLASS, ST-ST., MINIGROUP-ST., MINI-MINI, others?)

4. Instructions for speech activities: write out 3 you consider the best; find examples of obscure, vague instructions. Reformulate them.

5. Find examples of ‘conversation killers’.

6. Find examples of tasks/activities which stimulate logical connected speech and those which encourage one sentence formal responses only.

7. Does the textbook encourage teacher talk? What forms should be emphasised: clarifying points, setting examples, commenting, encouragement, correction, others?

8. Write a miniglossary of ‘encouragement’, ‘rebuke’ you consider appropriate for your level. Include some conversational formulas.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Sources: use the coursepack list of workshop 1 .| Що говорять?

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