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Фармацевтическое образование в Англии

Читайте также:
  1. VI. Озон в атмосфере. Образование и разрушение озона
  2. X. Наука, образование, культура
  3. Анализ и преобразование слов в строке
  4. Б. Образование хиломикронов
  5. БРТР с однократным преобразованием частоты
  6. Вектор в растр: преобразование CDR - файла в ВМР.
  7. Видообразование

Pharmaceutical education abroad

I. Read and memorize the words and word combination and translate the sentences with them.

1. admission – прием, зачисление; An admission committee may have an interview with the applicants to assess their abilities and qualities.
2. annual – ежегодный; Annual tuition fee is about 5 thousand dollars.
3. applicant – абитуриент; To enter a pharmacy school in Great Britain applicants must pass entrance examinations.
4. board – питание; The whole amount including room and board makes up about 6-12 thousand per year.
5. degree – степень; After the graduation American students get the degree of bachelor. After their further education they may get the degree of doctor. to confer (to award) a degree – присуждать степень.
6. enrollment – регистрация; To enroll language school you need to do an entrance exam, just the admission committee can assess your ability, to know which class to put you into.
7. fee – взнос; Tuition fees in private colleagues and universities are much higher than in public universities.
8. freshman – студент первого курса; A freshmen is a junior student.
9. internship – интернатура; After the graduation from the university graduates have one year called internship, where they work under the supervision of the professors and teachers.
10. lender – кредитор.
11. loan – заем.
12. residency – резидентура; To get a specialization graduates must apply to the residency, which last about 3-4 years in the USA and about 1-2 years in England.
13. scholarship – стипендия; Not very rich students may get scholarships or loans from the banks.
14. to be admitted to – быть зачисленным; To be admitted to the medical university one must take tests in biology, chemistry and Russian or Belarusian language.
15. to conduct an exam – проводить экзамен;
16. to graduate from – оканчивать ВУЗ; My parents graduate from Moscow State University. We will graduate from our university in 3 years.
17. to rely on – полагаться на кого-либо, что-либо.
18. tuition – плата за обучение.

II. Read the text and answer the question which follow it.

Higher education in the USA

Post-secondary education in the United States is know as college or university and commonly consists of four years of study at an institution of higher learning. Like high school, the four undergraduate grades are commonly called freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years (alternately called first year, second years, etc.). Students traditionally apply to receive admission into college, with varying difficulties of entrance. Schools differ in their competitiveness and reputation; generally, the most prestigious schools are private, rather public.

Once admitted, students engage in undergraduate study, which consists of satisfying university and class requirements to achieve a bachelor’s degree in a field of concentration known as a major. The most common method consists of four years of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), a Bachelor of Science (B.S.), or sometimes (but rarely) another bachelor’s degree such as Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) or Bachelor of Philosophy (B.Phil.) Five-Year Professional Architecture programs offer the Bachelor of Architecture Degree (B.Arch.) Unlike in the British model, degree in law and medicine are not offered at the undergraduate level and are completed as graduate study after earning a bachelor’s degree. Neither field specifies or prefers any undergraduate major, though medicine has set prerequisite courses that must be taken before enrollment.

Graduate study, conducted after obtaining an initial degree and sometimes after several years of professional work, leads to a more advanced degree such as a master’s degree. After additional years of study and sometimes in conjunction with the completion of a master’s degree, students may earn a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or other doctoral degree, such as Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Physical Therapy, or Doctor Jurisprudence. Some programs, such as medicine, have formal apprenticeship procedures post-graduation like residency and internship which must be completed after graduation and before one is considered to be fully trained.

The vast majority of students (up to 70 percent) lack the financial resources to pay tuition up front and must rely on student loans and scholarships from their university, the federal government, or a private lender. All but a few charity institutions charge all students tuition, although scholarships are widely available. Generally, private universities charge much higher tuition than their public counterparts, which rely on state funds to make up the difference.

Annual undergraduate tuition varies widely from state to state, and many additional fees apply. A typical year’s tuition at a public university (for residents of the state) is about $ 5,000. Depending upon the type of school and program, annual graduate program tuition can vary from $15,000 to as high as $40,000. Nome that these process do not include living expenses (rent, room/board, etc.) or additional fees that schools add on such as “activities fees” or health insurance. These fees, especially room and board, can range from $6,000 to $12,000 per academic year.


1. How many years must students study to get a higher education?

2. Is it difficult to enter a college or university in the US?

3. What degrees are in the US?

4. When does a graduate study begin?

5. Is a tuition fee charged in the US? Is it expensive to study at college or university in the US?



III. Read and memorize the following words and combinations.

1. accelerated program – ускоренная программа.
2. admission – принятие, допущение.
3. authorization – санкция.
4. curriculum – учебная программа.
5. distribution – распределение.
6. interview – собеседование.
7. licensure – разрешение.
8. on-campus activity – университетская деятельность.
9. option – выбор, право выбора.
10. optional – необязательный.
11. performance – выполнение, исполнение; academic ~ – академическая успеваемость.
12. prerequisite – (необходимое) предварительное условие.
13. prospective – будущий.
14. reference – рекомендация.
15. register – список, вносить в список.
16. setting – установка, регулирование.
17. statutory body – статутный орган.
18. timely – своевременно.
19. to confer a degree – присуждать степень.
20. to manage – управлять; уметь обращаться.
21. to shape – формировать.
22. to supersede – заменять.
23. undergraduate – 1. студент последнего курса; 2. новичок, начинающий.

Main abbreviations

1. Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) – вступительный тест в фармацевтический колледж;

2. Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) – доктор фармации;

3. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) – американская ассоциация колледжей фармации;

4. Bachelor of Sciences in Pharmacy (B.S. Pharm.) – бакалавр фармации

5. Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) – магистр фармации;

6. Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OSPAP) – программа оценивания зарубежных фармацевтов;

7. Post- Graduate Taught (PGT) – постдипломное обучение.



IV. Read the texts and do the tasks that follow it:

Pharmacy in the USA

What does it take to enter and succeed in pharmacy school?

- motivation and intelligence

- well-rounded high school and college education

- completion of college prerequisities for pharmacy school entrance

- good academic performance

- preparation for Pharmacy College Admission Test(PCAT)

- timely and successful performance on the PCAT

- evidence of motivation for pharmacy

- evidence of interest in service

- evidence of leadership

- good recommendations

- timely applications to pharmacy schools

- good communication skills


Today, individuals seeking to become pharmacists must complete a pre-pharmacy undergraduate program. This program consists of a minimum of 60-70 semester credit hours of undergraduate coursework in basic and advanced sciences, including courses in mathematics and natural sciences, such as chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences. Approximately two-thirds of all colleges require applicants to take the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT). Additional requirements for entry may include essays, references, an interview or participation in other on-campus activities.



Professional Coursework

After admission, a student will typically complete a four-year pharmacy program, although some schools offer accelerated three-year programs. The curriculum typically begins with courses in physiology and pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology and toxicology. Courses offered at colleges of pharmacy are designed to teach students about all aspects of drug therapy. In addition, schools teach students how to communicate with patients and other health care providers about drug information and patient care. Students also learn professional ethics, how to develop and manage medication distribution systems, and concepts of public health.

Upon completion of all professional curriculum and practice experiences, the student will graduate and be awarded the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. Students in PharmD. Programs spend about one-forth of their time learning in a variety of pharmacy practice settings under the supervision of licensed pharmacists after the passing of State board of pharmacy’s licensure examination.

A license to practice pharmacy is required in all States, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories. In 2004, 89 colleges of pharmacy were accredited to confer degrees by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

Traditionally in the United States, the Bachelor of Pharmacy was the first-professional degree for pharmacy practice. However, in 1990, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) mandated that a Doctor of pharmacy would be the new first-professional degree beginning with the class of 1998. As of the year 2000, all pharmacy schools in the U.S. have discontinued the B.S. Pharm. (Bachelor of Sciences in Pharmacy) degree program, and have made the Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree the only available option. In addition to a new title, the new degree intensified and lengthened classroom instruction in pharmacological management of disease, added requirements for coursework that would shape a more rounded pharmacist and additional advanced practice experience.



Post-Graduated Work

A new pharmacy graduate may choose to complete an optional post-graduate residency (one to three years) rather than entering directly into pharmacy practice. A pharmacy residency consists of one to two years of general residency and one to two years of specialized residency.

In order to practice as a pharmacist, the person must be registered with the relevant statutory body, which governs the registration and practice of pharmacy within the territory of its jurisdiction. There is often a requirement for the pharmacy graduate to have completed a certain number of hours of experience in a pharmacy, under the supervision of a registered pharmacist. The statutory body will usually administer a written and oral examination to the prospective pharmacist prior to registration.



Pharmacy in United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, integration with the European Union has resulted in the BPharm course being superseded by a four-year course for the qualification Master of Pharmacy (MPharm). In Great Britain the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain is responsible for regulation of pharmacy affairs and in Northen Ireland it is the Pharmaceutical Society of Northen Ireland. Graduates must complete one year of practical training and pass a registration examination before they can be entered on the register of pharmacists, known as the Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists. Pharmacists registered in other countries can also register in the UK. Overseas pharmacists are required to undertake the Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OSPAP), a one year intensive course focused on pharmacy practice in Great Britain. OSPAP authorization can be given by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and the course is undertaken either at the University of Sunderland, Aston University or the University of Brighton. However, pharmacists that have obtained their qualifications and are registered in other countries of the European Economic Area can register with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain without undergoing additional or pre-registration training. The term pharmacist is protected in the United Kingdom. It can only be used by individuals that are registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

Some schools offer a wide range of Post-Graduate Taught (PGT) Schemes. These include both conventional and, increasingly, “distance learning” teaching. Many courses are aimed specifically at qualified pharmacists and health care professionals.



Innovation and Engagement

Innovation and Engagement is a rapidly growing part of the Pharmacy Schools’ activities and covers a wide range of areas from “contract research” with pharmaceutical companies through provision of policy advice to local and UK Government on health-related issues, to initiatives in public understanding of science.



Find the Russian equivalents of the next expressions

1. Good academic performance 1. Идеи общественного здоровья
2. Undergraduate coursework 2. Распределение лекарств
3. Concepts of public health 3. Вести экзамен
4. Medication distribution 4. Хорошая академическая успеваемость
5. To lengthen instruction 5. Проходить дополнительное обучение
6. To undergo additional training 6. Продлить срок обучения
7. To administer an exam 7. Курс обучения в школе фармации



Give the synonyms to the next words

Student, school-leaver, to complete, individual, to consist of, to offer, participation, to obtain, additional.



Match the false statements

1. Every applicant must complete a pre-pharmacy program.

2. Additional requirements for entry may include English test.

3. The pharmacy program lasts for 2 years.

4. The curriculum begins with physiology, pathophysiology and other courses.

5. The courses teach students about all aspects of treating people.

6. A license to practice pharmacy is required in all States of the USA.

7. The main Degree in the US is the Bachelor of Pharmacy.

8. The qualification Master of Pharmacy takes 4 years in Great Britain.

9. Graduates in Great Britain must complete 2 years of practical training.

10. The term pharmacist is protected in the United Kingdom.



Answer the questions


1. What qualities must applicant have for entering pharmacy school in the USA?

2. What is pre-pharmacy undergraduate program?

3. What are the rules for admission?

4. How many years does the study course last?

5. With what courses does the curriculum begin?

6. When can the student receive the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree?

7. Is it obligatory to study in post-graduate residency in the USA?

Great Britain

8. What first pharmaceutical degree exists in Great Britain?

9. What are the functions of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society?

10. What are the requirements for overseas pharmacists in Great Britain?


V. Read the text “Program of Study” and be ready to present the information in short about:

1. Graduation requirements which the students must satisfy;

2. Three components of qualifying examination;

3. The final examination as a public event at the University;

4. Knowledge and skills acquired by the graduates finishing the Pharm.D. program;

5. Application for a pharmacy intern license.


The College of Pharmacy in Chicago offers the Doctor of Pharmacy degree to students who successfully complete the six-year study of prescribed courses. The first two years (pre-pharmacy) may be completed at any accredited institution of higher education. The last four years (nine semesters) are in the professional program and must be in residence at the College of Pharmacy. At least four years of study in the professional program are required by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education.

In order to receive the Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the College of Pharmacy, a student must have earned academic credit for not less than 60 semester hours (exclusive of physical education) in pre-pharmacy coursework and 146 semester hours of required professional course work.

Graduation Requirements for the Entry-Level Pharm.D. Program

To qualify for graduation, a student must have satisfied the following requirements:

1. Successfully completed a minimum 87 quarter hours credit of prerequisite core basic science and general education coursework, as stipulated, for full admission to the program.

2. Successfully completed the program of professional and experiential coursework approved by the faculty and Dean, Chicago College of Pharmacy (CCP).

3. Attained a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (“C”) for all requisite professional and experiential coursework at the Chicago College of Pharmacy.

4. Achieved a cumulative rotation grade point average for rotations and Pharm. D. Seminar of 2.00 or greater.

5. Repeated, upon approval, and earned a passing grade for any required in the professional program for which a grade of “F” has been issued.

6. Successfully completed, at a minimum, the last five didactic quarters and all experiential rotations at CCP.

7. Been recommended for the degree by a majority vote of the Chicago College of Pharmacy Student Promotion and Graduation Committee.

8. Settled all financial accounts with the institution.

9. Attended the commencement exercises for conferral of the degree, unless excused by the Dean, Chicago College of Pharmacy.


Candidates for graduation must exhibit good moral behavior consistent with the requirements of the pharmacy profession and CCP faculty. It is the position of the faculty that anyone who uses, possesses, distributes, sells, or is under the influence of narcotics,dangerous drugs, or controlled substances, or who abuses alcohol or is involved in any conduct involving moral turpitude, fails to meet the ethical and moral requirements of the profession, and may be dismissed from any program or denied the awarding of any degree from CCP.

Graduation Honors for the Entry-Level Program Graduation honors are awarded to candidates for the doctor of pharmacy degree who have distinguished themselves by virtue of high academic achievement while enrolled in the professional program at Midwestern University. Only grades from academic course taken at the University will be included in determining graduation honors. The University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy offers a four-year professional program leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. Students spend three years on the University of Kentucky campus and their fourth year gaining supervised, on-the-job experience.

The graduate student seminars will consist of the following:

1. First-years students’ presentations will be 25-minute seminars on topics to be determined by the seminar coordinator. The seminar coordinator will meet with students and assist them in seminar preparation and presentation techniques.

2. Second-and fourth-year student presentations will be 45-minute seminars on topics that may or may not be related to the student’s research project.

3. Third-year student presentations will be 45-minute formal seminars on their own research projects.

4. A 45-minute dissertation seminar that immediately precedes the formal dissertation.

Qualifying Exam The qualifying examination will be administered in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year; these exams will be completed in time for students to earn residency credit for that semester. The student will be permitted to take the qualifying examination after he/she has completed his/her required courses. Students must schedule their oral examination with the Graduate School at least two weeks in advance. Students are encouraged to schedule these exams well in advance to work around scheduling conflicts with Advisory Committee members. Qualifying exams can be taken no earlier than one academic year after the initial Advisory Committee meeting. Exceptions can be made for students transferring into the program. Permission to schedule a qualifying exam should be requested by the student at their second or third Advisory Committee meeting.

The examination will consist of three components:

1. a written examination created by the student’s Advisory Committee

2. submission of a mini-NIH/NSF formal research proposal

3. an oral examination.



The Final Examination. The Final Examination includes a defense of the dissertation and may be ascomprehensive as the Advisory Committee desires. An expanded Advisory Committee chaired by the chairman of the Student Advisory Committee conduct this exam. The graduate dean and president of the University are ex-officio members of all final examination committees. The examination is a public event and its scheduling is published and announced in advance. Any member of the University community may attend. The student will then have 60 days to make any corrections in the dissertation and to turn in the final copy.

The Pharm.D. is a professional degree requiring four years of study in the College after completion of at least two years of pre-pharmacy study in a community college or liberal arts college. The focus of the program is to educate students about the practice of pharmacy, but the program broad enough to allow students to gain employment in fields outside of pharmacy practice. The program includes extensive clinical training and may be adapted to prepare students for graduate study. Graduates are qualified to practice pharmacy and are eligible for examination for licensure as a pharmacist.

The harm. D. program enables graduates to:

understand and appreciate the delivery of comprehensive health care and the contribution of each health profession to patient care;

understand the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and the rational selection of drugs;

understand and appreciate the social, emotional, and psychological aspects of disease;

communicate effectively with other health professionals and patients;

know what factors affect initiating, maintaining, modifying, or discontinuing drug therapy;

understand pharmacokinetic principles well enough to improve dosage regimens for individual patients;

retrieve, interpret, and report drug information from pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences and apply the information to specific patient care situations;

develop a patient data base from a patient interview and patient chart, and from communications with other health professionals;

design, implement, conduct, and evaluate research studies on drugs and/or patients in a specific area of interest;

be an effective health care educator;

demonstrate administrative and organizational skills and understand group dynamics; and,

demonstrate professional maturity and personal responsibility to patients and other health professionals.


In order to become licensed to practice pharmacy in the state of Georgia, 1500 hours of internship must be earned as a pharmacy intern under the immediate supervision of a pharmacist. Credit for internship may be received only after a student has been licensed by the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy as a pharmacy intern. Application for a pharmacy intern license can only be made once a student has enrolled in a college of pharmacy. Students are encouraged to satisfy internship requirements during the summers. A total of 1000 hours of internship credit will be awarded for work performed while registered for academic credit in the Doctor of Pharmacy clerkships. An intern license is required for participation in all patient care experiences.


VI. Translate into English.

1. Обязательным для поступления на приобретение степени Доктор Фармации является предварительное 2-х летнее обучение абитуриентов по программе pre-pharmacy.

2. Дополнительные требования для поступления в школу фармации – это написание эссе.

3. Учебная программа в школе фармации начинается с изучения дисциплин таких как физиология, патофизиология, мед.химия, фармакогнозия, фармакология и токсикология.

4. Курс обучения в школе фармации разработан для обучения студентов всем аспектам лекарственной терапии.

5. Бакалавр фармации была первой степенью в США после окончания школы фармации.

6. Степень Бакалавра была заменена степенью Магистра в Великобритании.

7. Обычно колледжи предлагали 4-х годичную программу обучения, позволяющую получить степень бакалавра.

8. Первые 2 года в колледже называются годами “новичка” и “второкурсника”.

9. У каждого студента есть'' советник из преподавательского состава'', который ведет курс по специальности студента.

10. Понятия '' академическая группа'' не существует, т.к. каждый учится по индивидуальной программе и посещает лекции по выбору.

11. Программа Doctor of Pharmacy должна состоять как минимум из 8 семестров, включая 2 семестра практической работы.

12. Программное обучение фармацевтов включает обязательные курсы по следующим направлениям:

- патологическая биология, анатомия и физиология человека;

- химия, включая биохимию, применительно к действию препаратов, и фармацевтический анализ;

- фармакология;

- фармация, включая технологию лекарств, процесс абсорбации, распределения, метаболизма и выведение лекарств и их хранение;

- социальные и административные курсы, медицинская этика, экономика, менеджмент;

- лекарственная терапия различных заболеваний, включая выбор медикаментов, их дозирование и мониторинг;

- обязательная практика основных навыков.

На 2-ом году обучения студенты проходят практику (от 26 до 45 недель), которая тесно связана с их темой исследовательской работы.

13. Большинство фармацевтов в США работают в аптеках (60%), больницах и медицинских центрах (30%), а также в аптечных отделах различных магазинов. Некоторые работают на фармацевтических производствах, в университетах и в других организациях.

VII. Read the texts and render them in English.


В США не существует федерального закона, касающегося фармацевтического образования и квалификации фармацевта. Нет и единого общефедерального органа, ведающего системой фармацевтического образования. В каждом штате к нему предъявляются свои требования.

В 1973 г. в США насчитывалось 72 высших фармацевтических учебных заведения, из которых большинство представляли собой факультеты университетов. В 2004 году 39 колледжей получили аккредитацию по присуждению степени выпускникам. Все высшие фармацевтические учебные заведения входят в Американскую ассоциацию фармацевтических колледжей. Курс подготовки фармацевтов в США рассчитан на 4 года. Учебная программа в колледжах неодинакова. Некоторые представления о ее содержании может дать учебный план фармацевтического колледжа Вашингтонского университета. Он также рассчитан на 4 года и включает следующие дисциплины: английский язык, математику, физику, биологию, химию (неорганическую, органическую и качественный анализ), физиологию, биофизику, фармакогнозию, практику по приготовлению, отпуску и оценке лекарственных средств, выдаваемых по рецептам аптечного законодательства, токсикологию, клиническую фармацию.

В учебном плане предусмотрены факультативные (optional) дисциплины. Они включают фармацевтическую ориентацию, отпуск лекарственных средств больным в клинических условиях, аутотерапию, производство лекарств, клиническую фармацию, лабораторные занятия по ядерной биологии, изучение механизма действия лекарственных веществ и т.д.

После окончания 4-годичного курса обучения в фармацевтическом колледже выпускникам присуждается степень Доктора фармации.

Для получения степени магистра наук необходимо иметь степень Доктора наук, пройти годичный курс усовершенствования (up-grading course), иметь как минимум 6-месячный стаж научно-исследовательской работы, сдать экзамены и подготовить диссертацию. Претенденты на ученую степень Доктора философии должны пройти 2-х годичный курс усовершенствования, иметь не менее чем годичный стаж научно-исследовательской работы, подготовить диссертацию (thesis) на соискание ученой степени доктора философии и успешно сдать заключительный устный экзамен. К числу требования также относится знание 2-х иностранных языков.

Прежде, чем получить лицензию на практическую деятельность, студент должен сдать экзамены при фармацевтическом управлении штатов и пройти производственную практику. Национальная ассоциация фармацевтических управлений штатов предусматривает 9 месяцев производственной практики. Во многих высших фармацевтических учебных заведениях производственная практика рассчитана на 4 месяца в розничной (retail) и больничной аптеках. В США фармацевт является консультантом врачей и медицинского персонала (staff) по лекарственным средствам (medications). Особенно большое внимание уделяют вопросу расширения круга обязанностей и повышению уровня медицинских знаний фармацевтов, работающих в больницах. С этой целью в 1967 г. при университете штата Цинциннати был создан первый факультет по больничной фармации. Во многих колледжах введен курс по клинической фармации и проводится специализация по больничной фармации.




Основным органом, влияющим на программу, организацию и план обучения фармацевтов в Англии является Британское фармацевтическое общество, образованное в 1841 году.

До 1967 г. в 17 высших фармацевтических заведениях Англии существовало 2 учебных плана по фармации: 3-х и 4-х годичные. По окончании 3-х годичного курса выпускникам вручали диплом химика-фармацевта (Pharmaceutical chemist). По окончании 4-х годичного курса выпускникам присуждалась степень Бакалавра фармации (Bachelor of Pharmacy) или Бакалавра наук (Bachelor of Science), которое дает право заниматься преподавательской или научной работой. Высшей научной степенью является магистр фармации (Master of Pharmacy), доктор философии (Doctor of Philosophy) и доктор наук (Doctor of Science).

В 70-80 г.г. XX века наблюдался постепенный рост контингента студентов, избравших 4-х годичный курс обучения. Это привело к тому, что уже с осени 1967 г. одна из 17 фармацевтических школ в стране не объявила прием на курс подготовки дипломированных фарм. химиков.

Фармацевтический факультет при университете в Лондоне имеет 4 кафедры:

- кафедра фармацевтической химии включающая неорганическую, аналитическую и органическую химию;

- кафедра фармации объединяющая технологию готовых препаратов; рецептуру, аптечную технологию, микробиологию и правоведение;

- кафедра фармакологии, куда входят физиология, фармакодинамика и основы эндокринологии;

- кафедра фармакогнозии включает фармацевтическую ботанику.

В настоящее время в Англии фармацевт привлекается в качестве консультанта врача и медицинского персонала по вопросам применения лекарственных средств. Такого фармацевта назвали платным.

Осенью 1969 г. при университете Гериот-Уотта в Эдинбурге был открыт первый в стране 2-х годичный специальный курс для подготовки фармацевтов к больнице. По окончании курса обучения выпускнику присуждается степень магистра наук.



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