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Read the text and comment on the figures mentioned in it.

Читайте также:
  1. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  2. A) commence b) comment d) formality e) implement
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  4. Anthropologist Held Hostage By Elves For 7 Years 219 comments
  5. B) Complete the following table of statistics. Fill in the missing percentage using figures from the box.
  6. B) Do the multiple choice test given below in figures and letters.
  7. Before writing your own contract read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.




I. Words to be remembered:

1. accredit – аккредитовать, приписывать;
2. academic means – академические средства обучения;
3. aspiration – стремление;
4. assessment – оценка;
5. associate professor – доцент;
6. bed fund – коечный фонд;
7. department (chair) – кафедра;
8. educative-industrial pharmacy – учебно-производственная аптека;
9. entertainment – развлечение;
10. immutable – неизменный;
11. involve – вовлекать;
12. merit – заслуга;
13. persistence – настойчивость;
14. phantom – фантом;
15. plastic model – муляж;
16. Public health service(s) – служба здравоохранения;
17. rate – считать, оценивать;
18. ratio-system – рейтинговая система;
19. research – исследование, (-ский, -овать);
20. science – наука;
21. scientific – научный;
22. scientist – ученый;
23. self-education – самообразование;
24. skilled pedagogical experience – надежный педагогический опыт;
25. steady – постоянный;
26. teaching staff – штат преподавателей;
27. training of physicians – подготовка врачей.



Text I. Vitebsk State Medical University.


Read the text and comment on the figures mentioned in it.


Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University is one of higher medical educational establishments in the Republic of Belarus. The foundation history of Vitebsk Medical Institute dates back to November, 1934. At the beginning of 1999 it was accredited to a University status. For the large merits in training of physicians for foreign Public Health Services Vitebsk Medical Institute was awarded the Order of Peoples’ Friendship and nowadays still keeps leading position in medical education. At the present moment more than 5 thousand students are studying here.

Vitebsk State Medical University is rated high in the world-rating systems. Its Degrees are recognized by World Health Organization (WHO). Today educational process is carried out at 7 faculties: Preparatory Training Course, General Medicine, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Stomatological Faculty, Overseas Students Training Faculty, Post-graduate Training Faculty, Faculty of Pedagogics and Psychology of Higher School. Physicians and surgeons are trained at the faculty of General Medicine. The faculty of Stomatology trains stomatologists or dentists. Pharmacists are trained at the Pharmaceutical faculty.

Educational process is organized at 58 departments, where 60 doctors and 179 candidates of sciences, including 39 professors and 139 associate professors work. The educational departments are equipped with modern automatic apparatuses for training, sets of plastic models and phantoms, complex medical-diagnostic equipment. Ratio and 3-stage system of students’ knowledge assessment is used at the university (computer testing, practical skills and interview). To improve the quality of teaching educative-industrial pharmacy, dental clinic and control-analytical laboratory were created where students are able to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Clinical bases of the university are the majority of city clinics containing necessary modern medical-diagnostic equipment. Total bed fund of clinical departments is 4200 beds. The pharmaceutical students have practice at numerous chemists' of the pharmaceutical enterprise “Pharmacy” and the Pharmaceutical Association “Belmedpreparations”.

There is a perfect library at the University, available to each student and having a large number of books in all branches of knowledge in Russian and foreign languages. The majority of books are educational and scientific – textbook editions, unique editions of lectures, recommendations, monographs, scientific works and materials of conferences issued by various chairs.

The unique electronic library in the Republic of Belarus was founded in VSMU in 2003. The center is equipped with new computer equipment with high Internet speed connecting.

There are 14 scientific-pedagogical schools in medical-biological, clinical, pharmaceutical disciplines at VSMU. Students are involved in the work of these schools. Students’ scientific society has rich traditions and wide experience in the field of young scientists’ preparation. The scientific activity of VSMU is carried out in different scientific directions: surgical diseases, infection, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, etc.

Vitebsk State Medical University has 5 comfortable hostels. There are also gyms, concert halls, international clubs, canteens, cafes, rooms for rest, computer clubs with high-speed Internet connections, etc. in these hostels.



II. Match the English adjectives with their Russian equivalents:

1. educative-industrial a. высоко квалифицированный
2. educational b. клинический
3. complex c. учебный
4. skilled d. образовательный
5. highly-qualified e. сложный
6. academic f. контрольно-аналитический
7. control-analytical g. научный
8. clinical h. медико-диагностический
9. medical-diagnostic i. учебно-производственный
10. scientific j. опытный

Using these adjectives make up word combinations.



III. Match the names of faculties with their English equivalents:


1. Лечебный факультет 2. Фармацевтический факультет 3. Стоматологический ф-т 4. Подготовительное отделение 5. Ф-т подготовки иностранных граждан 6. Ф-т постдипломной подготовки 7. Ф-т педагогики и психологии высшей школы a. Post-graduate training faculty b. Overseas students training faculty c. General medicine d. Pharmaceutical faculty e. Faculty of pedagogics and psychology of higher school f. Stomatological faculty g. Preparatory training course



IV. Ask questions following the model:

I study at the University (Where?...) Where do you study?


1. The full name of our institution is Vitebsk State Medical University. (What?...)

2. It was founded in November, 1934. (When? …)

3. Our University is situated in Frounze street, 27. (Where? …)

4. It trains specialists in medicine, pharmacy and stomatology. (What specialists?)

5. More than 5 thousand students are studying here at present. (How many?...)

6. There are 58 departments at the University. (How many?...)

7. The number of teaching staff is more than 250. (What?...)



V. Express the following in English.


1. Наш институт был основан в ноябре 1934 года.

2. В 1999 ему был присвоен статус университета.

3. Факультет подготовки иностранных студентов был создан в 1981 году.

4. За заслуги в подготовке иностранных студентов Витебский институт был награжден орденом Дружбы народов.

5. Университет готовит специалистов по специальностям: врач, провизор, стоматолог.

6. Образование врача и провизора требует многих лет серьезной работы над собой, воспитания навыков самообразования.

7. В университете используется рейтинговая и трехэтапная система оценки знаний (компьютерное тестирование, практические навыки и устное собеседование.)

8. Клиническими базами университета являются лечебные учреждения города Витебска.

9. Студенты фармацевтического факультета проходят практику в аптеках фармацевтического предприятия «Фармация».

10. В ВГМУ существует 14 научно- педагогических школ по медико-биологическим, клиническим и фармацевтическим дисциплинам.

11. Преподаватели вовлекают студентов в научно-исследовательскую работу.

12. Студенческое научное общество имеет богатые традиции в подготовке молодых ученых.



VI. What questions could you ask a student of a Medical University?


Text 2. The University Structure.



I. Words to be remembered:

1. affair – дело;
2. academic affairs – учебная работа;
3. appoint – назначать;
4. arrange – организовывать, устраивать;
5. dean – декан;
6. Head of the Chair – зав.кафедрой;
7. hold (held) – проводить (собрание, занятие и т.д.);
8. lead (led) – вести;
9. monitor – староста;
10. responsible (for) – ответственный (за);
11. supervise – наблюдать (за), контролировать, руководить;
12. tutor – зд.: куратор.

II. What do these verbs mean?

1. supervise 2. arrange 3. appoint 4. hold 5. lead a. choose for a post b. act as chief, direct, guide the actions of smb. c. have, conduct, cause to take place d. watch and direct (work, an organization), manage

III. Read the text and name the University leading positions from the top to the group level.


1. VSMU is headed by Rector who is assisted by Vice-Rectors (Prorectors) responsible for academic affairs, research, socio- economic matters and administrative work.

2. The University has 7 faculties. The faculties headed by Deans arrange training professionals in different specialities: general medicine, pharmacy, stomatology.

3. The University teachers work at general-educational and specialized departments. The work of each department is arranged, supervised and led by the Head of the Chair. The teaching staff gives lectures, holds seminars, practical classes, laboratory works and does research involving the students in it.

4. The students are arranged into groups (with the monitors at the head) numbering 12-15 people on the average. Each group is also led by a specially appointed teacher (a tutor) who is responsible for the academic matters and other things concerning the life of the students.



IV. Answer the questions.

1. Who is our rector?

2. What are the Vice-Rectors responsible for?

3. How many faculties has our University?

4. What faculty do you study at?

5. What speciality does your faculty train?

6. Do you know the name of your Dean?

7. Where is your Dean’s office situated?

8. How many students are there in your group?

9. Who is the monitor of your group?

10. What is your tutor’s name?



V. Test yourself whether you remember how to say the following in English.


Отвечать за учебную, научно-исследовательскую, и хозяйственную работу; организовать подготовку специалистов; общеобразовательные и специальные кафедры; контролировать и возглавлять работу; читать лекции; проводить семинары, практические занятия и лабораторные работы; вовлекать студентов в научные исследования; организовывать студентов в группы; насчитывать 12 человек в среднем; специально назначенный преподаватель; вопросы, касающиеся жизни студентов.



VI. Describe the University structure.

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