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(Arctic, Russia)
Pisareva N. I.
V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
In the study most of the Precambrian sedimentary complexes rather acute question of the age of their accumulation. This is due to the absence of biogenic residues and a small amount of geochronological data. An effective method for solving this problem is the method of isotope chemostartigraphy. Sr-isotopic characteristics are used for regional correlations and for the correct establishing the position of sedimentary complexes in the stratigraphic sequence. We have studied carbonate sediments of the Khorbusuonka Group of the Olenek Uplift (north-eastern part of Western Siberia) with a total thickness of about 380 m, which is subdivided into the Maastakh Fm about 50 m of conglomerate and dolostone, the Khatyspyt Fm up to 180 m of black, bituminous limestone and the Turkut Fm 80-300 m of buff dolostone [5]. Silicified carbonates of the Mastakh Formation contain poorly preserved sheaths of mat-forming cyanobacteria, also stromatolites Boxonia grumulosa and Stratifera irregularis occur in the Mastakh Fm. The upper Turkut Fm contains Colleniella singularis, Paniscollenia emergens, Boxonia (?) grumulosa, and Stratifera irregularis. The Khatyspyt Fm contains fifteen taxa of Ediacara-type soft-bodied fossils and Vendotaenids are locally abundant in the carbonaceous limestones.[3]
The upper limit of sedimentation in this series is determined 543.9 ± 0.3 Ma by dating sinsedimentory volcanic breccia at the base of the Kessyuasa Fm overlying Khorbusuonka Group [1]. To determine the lower age limit of the Khorbusuonka Group and use in the future for the global correlation of Late Precambrian sedimentary complexes we have brought the method of Sr-isotope chemostratigraphy.
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Fig. Comparison of the variations of the Sr-isotopic composition in the Late Precambrian waters in the paleoocean and in the carbonate sediments of the Khorbusuonka Group.
Symbols: the curves of variation of the Sr-isotopic composition in the Vendian-Cambrian by 1 - [6,4,7], 2 - [2] 3 - 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the least altered samples of carbonate rocks: ht - Khatyspyt Fm, ms - Maastakh Fm and tr - Turkut Fm.
The isotopic composition of Sr was measured on a mass-spectrometer Finnigan MAT-262 (Baikal Analytical CCU SB RAS, Irkutsk). The content of Sr and Rb was measured by mass spectrometer MI 1201T (Analytical Center IGM SB RAS, Novosibirsk).The value of Sr isotopic composition of dolomite of the Maastakh Fm is 0.70821, which proves the Vendian age of these carbonates, that for a long time did not have the exact stratigraphic position. Limestones of the Khatyspyt Fm have relatively small variations in the 87Sr/86Sr value, that lying in the range 0.70783-0.70806.
A comparison with the curve of variation of the isotopic composition of Sr in the water of late Precambrian (fig.) shows that these deposits were formed 590-580 Ma. Investigation of Sr isotope composition of dolomite Turkut Fm determined, that the ratio of 87Sr/86Sr can be lower or close to 0.70854, that is typical for middle Vendian and for the Early Cambrian segment of the curve [2].
1. Bowring S.A., Grotzinger J.P., Isachsen C.E. et al. Calibrating rates of Early Cambrian evolution // Science, 1993. V. 261. p. 1293–1298.
2. Halverson G.P., Wadeb B.P., Hurtgenc M.T et al. Neoproterozoic chemostratigraphy // Precambrian Research, 2010. V.182. p. 337-350
3. Knoll A.H., Grotzinger J.P., Kaufman A.J. et al. Integrated approaches to terminal Proterozoic stratigraphy: an example from the Olenek Uplift, northeastern Siberia // Precambrian Research, 1995. V.73. p. 251-270
4. Kuznetsov A.B., Semikhatov M.A., Gorokhov I.M. et al. The isotopic composition of Sr in the carbonate rocks of the Southern Urals Karatavskoy group and standard curve of variation of the ratio 87Sr/86Sr in the Late Riphean Ocean // Stratigraphy. Geol. correlation. 2003, T. 11, №5. p. 3-39.
5. Pelechaty S.M., Kaufman A.J., Grotzinger J.P. Evaluation of δ13C chemostratigraphy for intrabasinal correlation: Vendian strata of northeast Siberia //Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1996.V.108. p.992-1003
6. Kaufman A.J., Jacobsen S.B., Knoll A.H. The Vendian record of Sr- and C-isotopic variations in seawater: implications for tectonics and paleoclimate // J. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 1993. V. 120. № 4. P. 409-430
7. Semikhatov M.A., Petrov P.Yu., Obchinnikova G.V., Gorokhov I.M., Kuznetsov A.B., Kaurova O.K. Pb-Pb isochron age and Sr-isotopic signature of the upper Yudoma carbonate sediments (Vendian of the Yudoma-Maya trough, Eastern Siberia) // Doklady Earth Sciences. V 393. № 8. pp. 1093-1097
Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 135 | Нарушение авторских прав
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