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Stratigraphic hiatuses at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary in South Ural’s sections

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Tagarieva R. Ch.

Institute of Geology USC RAS, Ufa, Russia



Conodonts play an important role in revealing gaps (hiatuses) within stratigraphic sections. Only detailed conodont-based zonal subdivision makes it possible to determine their duration with an accuracy of one conodont subzone. In Upper Devonian carbonate sections of the South Urals (Inzer and Askyn types) the stratigraphic hiatuses have been defined at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary [4, 9, 10, 1, 2, 11]. In both types of the sections the magnitude of the hiatuses is not constant and varies within the triangularisrhomboideа zonal interval.

In the Inzer type sections (Lemezinsky, Gabdyukovo, Mendym) Upper Devonian deposits are represented by goniatite biofacies (Fig.) [5, 1, 2]. The base of the Famennian Stage is absent in the Gabdyukovo and Mendym sections. The depth of the hiatus equals the Early-Middle triangularis subzones in the Gabdyukovo section and the triangularisrhomboideа zones in the Mendym section (see Fig.) [1]. The minimum magnitude of the hiatus that equals the Late triangularis zonal interval has been recognized in the Lemezinsky section [2] (see Fig.).

In the Askyn type sections (Bol’shaya Barma, Akkyr, Kuktash, Ryauzyak, Kuk-Karauk), with brachiopod shell stones developed at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary, the stratigraphic hiatus has been established above the Barma Horizon (see Fig.) [1, 2, 8]. In the Akkyr, Kuktash and Ryauzyak sections the hiatus corresponds to the Late triangularis zonal interval. In the Kuk-Karauk section the hiatus is long and encompasses the Late triangularisrhomboidea zonal interval (see Fig.).

Many researchers explain the stratigraphic hiatuses recorded in the South Urals on the basis of conodonts by the occurrence of global regression falling on the Frasnian/Famennian boundary [9, 10, 11]. The shoaling process is corroborated by the new data resulted from investigations on biodiversity of conodont assemblages and changes in the δ13С variational curve [3, 6, 7, 8].


Fig. Correlation of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary deposits in the South Ural’s sections and the distribution of conodonts: A - the Lemezinsky section; the Akkyr, Kuktash and Ryauzyak sections (summary column); B – the Gabdyukovo section; C – the Mendym and Kuk-Karauk sections.

Abbreviations: Ic. – Icriodus; Pa. – Palmatolepis; Pol.Polygnathus; a – alternatus; d – delicatula; i – iowaensis; m – marginifera; p – perlobata; q – quadratinodosalobata.


In the Askyn type sections the top of the Frasnian Stage (the linguiformis Zone) records a sudden dominance of the Icriodus taxa as representatives of the shallow-water conodont biofacies [3, 8]. Changes in the icriodid content curve at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary correlates with those in the δ13С curve [7]. This can be indicative of the reduction in the basin depth during the linguiformistriangularis conodont zonal interval.

The investigation was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), grants 11-05-01105-а and 11-05-00737-а.




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2.Abramova, A.N., Artyushkova O.V. (2004). The Frasnian-Famennian Boundary in the South Urals. Geological Quarterly 48 (3). Warszawa. 217–232.

3.Artyushkova, O.V., R.Ch. Tagarieva, R.Ch., Mizens, A.G. (2011). The Barma Beds as a Biostratigraphic Marker of the Famennian Base in the South Urals // Biostratigraphy, paleogeography and events in Devonian and Lower Carboniferous (SDS/IGCP 596 joint field meeting): Contributions of International Conference in memory of Evgeny A. Yolkin. Ufa, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 20 – August 10, 2011. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SB RAS. 22-24.

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6.Izokh, O.G., Mizens, A.G. (2009). First Evidence on Carbon Isotopic Variations within the Frasnian/Famennian Deposits of the South Urals // Proceedings of the 4th Russian Conference on Isotopic Geochronology “Isotopic Systems and Time of Geological Processes” (June 2–4, 2009). – St. Petersburg: Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, RAS, 1. 211-212.

7.Izokh, O.G. (2011). Carbon-Izotope characteristics of Frasnian-Famennian carbonates in the South Urals // Biostratigraphy, paleogeography and events in Devonian and Lower Carboniferous (SDS/IGCP 596 joint field meeting): Contributions of International Conference in memory of Evgeny A. Yolkin. Ufa, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 20 – August 10, 2011. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SB RAS. 63-64.

8.Tagarieva R.Ch. (2011). Conodont Biodiversity at the F/F boundary interval in carbonate sections of western slope of the South Urals / Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F. – Univ. Graz. ISSN 1608-8166. IGCP 596 Opening Meeting. Graz, 19-24 th September 2011.Graz. 86-87.

9.Veimarn, A.B., Kuz’min, A.V., Kononova, L.I., Baryshev, V.N., Vorontzova, T.N. (1996). The manifestation of the global geological events at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary in the Timan-Pechora province, central regions of the Russian Plate, Urals and Kazakhstan // Moscow School of geologists in Kazakhstan. To the 45 anniversary of the Central Kazakhstan expedition MSU / Proceedings. Moscow State Univ. Publ. House, Moscow. 67-75.

10. Veimarn, A.B., Naidin, D.P., Kopaevich, L.F., Alekseev, A.S., Nazarov, M.A. (1998). Methods for Analyzing Global Catastrophic Events under Detailed Stratigraphic Investigations. Moscow State Univ. Publ. House, Moscow. 190 pp.

11. Veimarn, A.B., Puchkov, V.N., Abramova, A.N., Naidin, D.P., Аrtyushkova, O.V., Baryshev, V.N., Degtyaryov, K.E., Kononova, L.I., Maslov, V.A., Mosejchuk, V.M., Pazukhin, V.N., Pravikova, N.V., Tevelev, A.V., Yarkova, A.V. (2004). Stratigraphy and geological event at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in the South Urals. Geological Quarterly 48 (3). Warszawa. 233–244.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 156 | Нарушение авторских прав

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