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Vocabulary work

Читайте также:
  1. A. Vocabulary
  2. Active vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary


1. (A). Find in two columns words having the opposite meaning and match them.

accurate unusual
reliable to conceal
effective to impair
to approve worthless
to reveal inexact
to improve wasteful
valuable unreliable
conventional to deny


(B). Choose appropriate words from the box and use them in suitable forms in the sentences to follow.

1. Tim is completely … and shows up for work every day without fail.

2. It is … to use so much fuel.

3. Advertising is shown to be a most … aid in selling goods and services of all kinds.

4. One must take care to be … in mathematics.

5. He … knowing anything about their plans.

6. I don’t … of her staying at their place.

7. These new glasses … your vision.

8. The rate of building nuclear and … stations may increase.

9. Lack of sleep … her concentration.


2. (A). Match words with similar meanings.

purpose simulation
modelling to employ
proof to develop
to use to investigate
to verify goal
to study to confirm
data exact
accurate evidence
to work out findings


(B). Fill in the blanks using the proper words from the box above in suitable forms. (Sometimes more than one word can be used).

1. He is … in business.

2. You stepped on my toe on ….

3. She accused him of stealing her purse. But did she have any real …?

4. From her statement we … that you could not have been at the scene of the crime.

5. … is often used when it is impossible to carry out research in real life.

6. Before thinking about anything else your immediate … should be to complete your education.

7. Her … are in agreement with the hypothesis advanced.

8. The police … every possible suspect.


3. Choose from the box verbs that can be combined with the following nouns: method, data, assumption, shortcomings. Think of 3-4 sentences in which these expressions can be used.

to use to consider to generalize to improve to work out
to approve to reveal to disprove to collect to find
to check to apply to verify to study to refine on


4. (A). Use the following verbs to form adjectives.

To prove, to measure, to identify, to deduce, to consider, to use, to develop, to calculate, to analyze.

(B). Complete the sentences using some of the adjectives derived from the verbs mentioned above.

1. From the surface of Mars we could look into the … blackness of space.

2. The fingerprints of no two persons are ….

3. It was … of you not to watch TV while I was having a sleep.

4. He often used a … method while investigating a crime.

5. A car is … without petrol.

6. Einstein was a man of … accomplishments.

7. This is a formally … theorem.

8. Stop complaining and make yourself ….

9. He is the least … of men.

10. … investigations do not always help to solve problems.

11. She is a very … person.


5. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

much promise purposes advantages and disadvantages is employed allowed
come into use data to disprove our assumption results checking
technique aim measurements reliable  


1. This method … for various ….

2. The … were conducted using a new ….

3. The main experimental … are presented in table 1.

4. This procedure has ….

5. The … of this paper is to investigate properties of some alloys.

6. The … of this technique are summed up in conclusions.

7. This experiment is aimed at … our hypothesis.

8. The … obtained made it possible ….

9. They made a series of experiments that … them to get … data.

10. Recently a new experimental procedure has ….


6. Replace the word(s) in italics for the word(s) from the box. Use each word once only.

assumptions confirm accurately
study incorrect drawbacks
developed investigating procedures


1. We are ready to apply our new explanation to the original problem for which it was worked out.

2. Now one can use the information gathered to devise a detailed explanation of the phenomenon under investigation.

3. Scientific method includes a number of techniques for examining phenomena.

4. Shortcomings in theories can be researched.

5. Research can be aimed at correcting faulty ideas.

6. What are the underlying suppositions of this area?

7. Scientists design experimental studies to verify their hypotheses.

8. He managed to measure these quantities precisely.


7. Fill in the crossword puzzle.

                    6↓ 10→                  


1. (The regular) order of doing things, esp. legal or political.

2. Method of doing smth expertly; method of artistic expression in music, painting, etc.

3. Discovering, detecting.

4. Measuring.

5. Act of calculating; careful thought.

6. To prepare a plan, sketch, etc. (of smth to be made).

7. To get rid of what is coarse or vulgar; to cause to become more cultured, polished in manners.

8. Seeming likely to succeed, to have good results, etc; full of promise.


9. Act of considering, thinking about.

10. To test the truth or accuracy of something.

11. Able to bring about the results intended; making a striking impression; actual or existing.



8. Translate into English.

1. Научный метод представляет собой ряд приемов или способов, используемых для изучения явлений и процессов и приобретения знаний.

2. Научный метод состоит в сборе данных посредством наблюдения и экспериментирования и в формулировке и проверке гипотез.

3. Научный метод отличается от других способов получения знаний.

4. Исследователи выдвигают гипотезы для объяснения явлений и проверяют их экспериментально.

5. Научный метод можно определить как последовательную процедуру проведения исследования.

6. Вначале очень важно определить, какое явление или процесс будет изучаться.

7. На первом этапе исследования обычно выдвигают несколько гипотез.

8. После тщательного изучения явления формулируется окончательная гипотеза, которая требует подтверждения.

9. Необходимо также рассмотреть дополнительные выводы (результаты), вытекающие из вашей гипотезы.

10. Если гипотеза подтверждается, это значит, что наше объяснение исходной проблемы верно.


Follow-up activities

1. In pairs, ask for and give information about your current research, namely its purpose and the methods employed.

2. Speak about reliability and efficiency of scientific method. Name its drawbacks if you can find any.

3. Write an essay about your current research describing its purpose and the methods employed.





The final part of any research consists in analyzing results obtained and drawing conclusions. There are a number of phrases one can make use of while reporting on results and concluding his research.


A list of phrases used for describing results and drawing conclusions


- The research has been under way for half a year and we’ve got …

- A lot of work has been done so far and we …

- The data we have obtained so far cannot be used to …

- The results obtained are shown (given, presented) in …

- Chart 4 (figure 3, table 1) showed (indicated, summed up, summarized) …

- From the graph (figure, chart, table) it can be seen that…

- As shown in figure 2 ….

- The data cover a wide range of …

- As expected …

- The results obtained revealed the discrepancy between …

- These results could be explained by assuming (supposing) that …

- There is good agreement of the hypothesis advanced and the results obtained.

- The findings (results) are consistent (in agreement) with …

- Unfortunately, we have failed to … but succeeded in …

- In general, there is no significant (considerable) difference between …

- It appears (seems, is likely is unlikely, is possible) that …

- As a result of our investigation we have come to the conclusion that …

- On the basis of numerous experiments performed we have received sufficient data to …

- These findings prove (suggest, imply, provide evidence) that …

- Detailed understanding of … is still lacking.

- Analogous results hold for …

- The above mentioned facts let us draw (arrive at) the following conclusion…

- Therefore, we conclude that …


Fulfill the exercises given in Vocabulary Work which are based on active vocabulary of the topic under study.

Vocabulary Work

1.Match the words and their definitions.

to fail coming first and preparing for what follows;
consistent that comprehends much;
superficial agreement, realization of another’s views or feelings towards oneself; capacity for sympathizing;
preliminary (of events) to happen at the same time; to be in harmony or agreement (of ideas, etc);
detailed to strengthen; to endure; to provide for (financially, etc);
comprehensive to be of the same opinion, to be in harmony with smb on smth;
convincing conforming to a regular pattern or style; in agreement;
to agree not thorough or profound;
understanding be unsuccessful;
to coincide described fully, given with every detail;
to support that makes somebody feel certain (that convinces).


2. (A). Find the opposites.

sufficient partial
to succeed to start
encouraging profound
agreement commonplace
comprehensive inadequate
remarkable discouraging
to conclude misunderstanding
superficial to fail


(B). Choose appropriate words from the box above and use them in suitable forms in the sentences to follow. (Sometimes more than one word is possible).

1. It would be … to send a letter.

2. She … in proving her hypothesis.

3. It is so … that we have made so little progress in banning nuclear weapons.

4. She has a … collection of philosophical writings.

5. He … to comprehend the seriousness of the problem.

6. The supply was … to meet the demand.

7. This is a … piece of furniture, not the antique as you promised.

8. They had a slight ….

9. The lecture … at 10.

10. The exam was very short and ….


3. (A). Choose words having similar meanings.

sufficient thorough
to conclude enough
to succeed alike
comprehensive to complete
remarkable to prosper
similar compatible
consistent inspiring
encouraging extraordinary

(B). Fill in the blanks using the proper words from the box above in suitable forms. (Sometimes more than one word is possible).

1. Are there … seats for all?

2. I hope he … from his stay in this country.

3. He is an … child.

4. What did you … from her behaviour?

5. They are all … in appearance.

6. Her knowledge of English literature is extensive and ….

7. They … their task.

8. Our results are not ….

9. He is not … in his actions.


4. Form collocations using the verbs from the box and the following nouns: detail, conclusion, understanding, support. Think of 3-4 sentences where these collocations can be used and write them down.

to go into to give to draw to explain smth in
to arrive at to bring to to provide to bring up
to come to to offer to enter into to reach


5. (A). Match the following adjectives: convincing, scientific, preliminary, superficial with suitable nouns given in the box.

progress measurement(s) consideration data
remarks knowledge study examination


(B). Use some of the word combinations from the previous exercise to complete the sentences. (Sometimes more than one word combination is possible).

1. He has just passed … ….

2. New technological developments have facilitated … ….

3. The … … of this substance did not reveal any interesting peculiarities.

4. His … are always … as he is a man of intellect.

5. Their … …. are worth discussing.

6. Her … of English is rather ….

7. … … has always contributed to economic development of different countries.

8. Their hypothesis appeared true as they obtained … … consistent with the theory.

9. This offer requires … ….



6. (A). Complete the table with the missing forms.

Verb Noun Adjective


(B). Complete the sentences using some of the adjectives from the previous exercise. (Sometimes more than one word is possible).

1. His reluctance to agree is ….

2. I tried to persuade her but was not ….

3. What has occurred is … with my hopes.

4. This book is … only to specialists.

5. Please be …. Do not punish the child.

6. They were all … to our proposal.

7. In his … speech the chairman expressed his thanks to all participants of the conference.

8. The school team won five … games.

9. Now she is undergoing a course of … treatment at our hospital.


7. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

superficial consistent data to come to calculations
convincing failed similar detailed  
succeeded success conclusions findings  


1. We’ve received sufficient … to formulate our final ….

2. They … in gathering … evidence.

3. Their research results are rather ….

4. Her observations allowed her … a definite conclusion.

5. Most of our … are … with the theory we follow.

6. They … to reach an understanding.

7. Her theory was a ….

8. A … description of this process is still lacking.

9. The results of numerical … are shown in table 2.

10. The present results are … to those of the previous experiments.


8. Use the words in brackets in the necessary form.

1. He published his (find) in the journal “Perception”.

2. The scientist must produce (evident) in support of his theories.

3. When we analyzed the data we were able to (conclusion) that smoking was a cause of lung cancer.

4. Information obtained by making (observe) and measurements is data.

5. He was always supportive, (encourage) and very generous in his praise of good ideas.

6. All this is not enough to ensure adequate (supportive) for science in the present climate.

7. The results obtained (coincident) with those received by other researchers.

8. Our research data didn’t (agreement) with the theory we followed.


9. Fill in the crossword puzzle.



1. To bring or gather together.

2. To gain one’s purpose.

3. Advance; development; forward movement.

4. Giving hope, courage or confidence to; inspiring; supporting.

5. To be in a suitable or harmonious relation (with).

6. To come or bring to an end.


7. Observing or being observed; collected and recorded information.

8. To discuss, to deal with.

9. Facts; things certainly known.


10. Translate into English.

1. Ей не удалось подтвердить свою предварительную гипотезу.

2. Полученные данные согласуются с выдвинутой гипотезой.

3. Его выводы не слишком убедительные.

4. Мои знания по этой предмету весьма поверхностные.

5. Она провела тщательный анализ полученных экспериментальных результатов.

6. Они подробно объяснили свою точку зрения по этому вопросу.

7. Не вдаваясь в подробности, она прокомментировала свои выводы.

8. Его руководитель – выдающийся ученый, достигший успеха в этой области математики.

9. Он всегда ободряет и поддерживает своих учеников.


Follow-up activities

1. In pairs, discuss your current research results and conclusions.

2. Prepare a report describing your research findings and conclusions. Make use of the questions below if necessary.

- Have you obtained any research results yet?

- What are the main results of your current research?

- Has your research been successful?

- Have you succeeded in receiving extensive data?

- Do your research data agree with the theory you follow?

- Do your results coincide with those obtained by other researchers?

- Are your results of purely theoretical or practical value?

- Do your results appear to be both of theoretical and practical significance?

- Are your results (findings) sufficient to formulate the final conclusions?

- What part of your research remains still unfinished?

- Do the data/findings/results allow you to come to any definite conclusion?

- What conclusions have you reached (arrived at)?

- How long will it take you to complete your research?

3. Write an essay about your current research commenting on your findings and drawing conclusions.





Pre-reading tasks

1. Have you ever attended a conference?

2. What is a conference, in your opinion?

3. How can conferences be classified?

4. How often are conferences held?

5. Why is it important for young scientists to participate in conferences?

6. What are the most prestigious conferences in your field of science in which you would like to take part?



Read the text given below and fulfill the tasks given in Comprehension check.


A scientific conference is a meeting of scientists of a certain research field intended to bring them together to learn about recent developments, present new data to each other and discuss it critically, and to socialize and get to know new colleagues. Together with academic or scientific journals, conferences provide an important channel for exchanging information.

A significant advantage of presenting data at a conference in comparison to publishing it a journal is that feedback and critical evaluation can be given immediately. Nevertheless, all important results are generally published in paper form; most conferences result in the publication of a book of conference proceedings listing the abstracts of the research projects that were presented.

Regular participation in conferences is considered vital for scientists, and being an invited speaker at meetings is an important recognition of the influence of one’s work.

Scientific conferences fall into three categories:

– the themed conference, small conferences organized around a particular topic;

– the general conference, a conference with a wider focus, with sessions on a wide variety of topics. These conferences are often organized by regional, national, or international learned societies, and held annually or on some other regular basis;

– the professional conference, large conferences not limited to academics but with academically related issues.

Many conferences are yearly meetings of scientific societies, even though non-members from the same research area will also participate. The technical organization usually lies in the hands of the host institute which will change from year to year. Funding for conferences is raised from research funding agencies, from the host institute’s university, through sponsoring especially from companies hoping to advertise for lab equipment or textbooks, and through membership and conference participation fees.

Conferences last from two to seven days. They often start with an informal reception evening. The next day, some addresses of welcome are given, and the rest of the time consists entirely of talks interrupted only by coffee or lunch breaks and poster sessions. Very large meetings may have multiple parallel symposia, so that participants have to decide which talks they find more relevant or interesting. Nearly all meetings include an optional conference dinner sometimes in the middle which is specifically meant for socializing.

When scientists organize a conference they advertise it to their fellow scientists and encourage them to submit their ideas for presentation. Scientists from all around will submit to the conference organizers an abstract of the presentation they are proposing to give at the conference. An abstract is a short summary of the work that will be reported on in the presentation. Abstracts are usually 150-250 words in length. An abstract should contain a brief introductory sentence or two that gives some background about the work being reported on. It should then summarize the work that was done and give the major findings from the work.

The conference organizers use the abstracts to select scientists who will make reports to at the conference. Sometimes the organizers also choose what format the presentations will be in: oral or poster. Often scientists choose for themselves which they would rather do. When all the decisions are made the abstracts are published in a program for the conference. Scientists attending the conference read the abstracts to decide which presentations they would like to attend.

Researchers present their results in two different ways. The first is a talk of 10-25 minutes followed by 2-5 minutes of open questions from the audience and discussion. Invited keynote speakers may give talks up to 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion, usually one per subtopic.

The second possibility to contribute to a scientific meeting is by presenting posters at the so-called poster sessions. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Typically a separate room or area is reserved for the poster session where researchers accompany a paper poster, illustrating their research methods and outcomes. The poster session allows viewers to study one’s information and discuss it one on one. The number of posters is usually much less limited, but it is possible that only one contribution per first author is allowed.


Comprehension check


1. Choose the best ending a, b, or c.

A scientific conference is

a) a meeting of researchers at which they exchange their opinions on different problems.

b) a meeting of members of some learned society.

c) a gathering of scientists with the view of presenting and discussing new data.

Presenting research results at a conference is more preferable than publishing them in a journal as

a) more people will learn about your achievements.

b) they can be critically evaluated by other scientists.

c) it will take less time.

Participating in conferences is of importance

a) for any scientist.

b) for postgraduates and postdocs.

c) for students.

Scientific conferences

a) are classified depending on the age of participants.

b) fall into 2 categories: national and international.

c) are divided into 3 types: themed conferences, general conferences and professional conferences.


a) are sponsored by industrial companies interested in advertising their equipment.

b) are funded by research funding agencies and the host institute’s university and are sponsored by different companies.

c) organizers get money fro research funding agencies.

Scientific conferences

a) are usually held during one week.

b) do not last long: usually 2-3 days.

c) can last from several days to a week.

Conference organizers invite their colleagues to participate in their conference and ask them

a) to submit abstracts of their reports.

b) to sum up their research results and present them in the form of a report.

c) to present the major findings from their work.


a) present their results in oral reports.

b) report on their results in one of two possible formats: oral or poster.

c) usually choose posters for presenting their chief results.

A poster session

a) is organized only at professional conferences.

b) allows conference participants to discuss their research results in private.

c) is one of the ways of presenting research information.


2. Answer the following questions. Give your arguments.

1. What is a conference?

2. Why are conferences organized?

3. What is more preferable: to present one’s research results at a conference or publish them in a journal? Why?

4. Why is it important for scientists to take part in conferences?

5. What are the main types of conferences?

6. How often are conferences held?

7. How is funding for conferences realized?

8. What is the usual schedule of a conference?

9. What are prospective participants supposed to do when they have received an invitation to take part in a conference?

10. What is an abstract?

11. Who usually chooses what format the presentation will be: organizers or attendees?

12. What are two possible ways of presenting one’s research results?

13. Which one would you prefer if you were to take part in a conference?


3. Find the sentences that contradict the information given in the text and correct them.

1. Scientific conferences are held for researchers to socialize and get to know new colleagues.

2. Conferences provide essential conditions for discussing new data.

3. Conference organizers usually publish a special book of conference proceedings where the most important abstracts are given.

4. Invited speakers are prominent scientists who have contributed much to the development of a certain field of knowledge.

5. Participants of professional conferences are usually academics who discuss academically related problems.

6. Many conferences are often organized by the same host institute.

7. A conference often starts with a welcoming address of the conference chairman.

8. Prospective participants of a conference submit their reports to the conference organizers.

9. An abstract is usually a short and concise summary of the work done.

10. The conference organizers themselves choose the future format of presentations – oral or poster.

11. Invited speakers’ reports are often lengthy and they are followed by 20-minute discussions.

12. The number of posters is usually limited: one contribution per participant is allowed.


4. The sentences below sum up the main facts of the text but they are jumbled. Put them in the proper order.

1. Presentations at conferences may be in either of the two formats: oral or poster.

2. There are three types of conferences: professional, themed and general.

3. A scientific conference is a gathering of scientists of some field of knowledge at which scientists learn about the latest achievements, present their research results and discuss them.

4. Participants of poster sessions have the opportunity of discussing their research results one on one.

5. Conference participants are supposed to submit abstract of their reports.

6. Conference participation and publications in journals are of great significance for scientists.

7..Most of the time at conferences is devoted to talks and discussions.

8. Invited speakers usually make oral reports that can last up to 45 minutes.

9. Conferences are funded by research funding agencies and sponsored by different companies.


Vocabulary work

1. Write words for their definitions. The initial letters of these words will help you to fulfill the task.

a. d … talk for the purpose of examining and arguing about a subject;

b. r … process of reaching conclusions by using one’s reason;

c. c … meeting for discussion; exchange of opinions;

d. a … list of things to be done, or a list of questions/problems to be discussed, e.g. by a committee;

e. p … person who takes part in something;

f. s … person who makes speeches;

g. w … section sessions, seminars.

h. r.... f … sum of money a participant pays to register at a conference;

i. c … person presiding at a meeting.

2. (A). Match synonyms.

to attend approval
to keep to to establish
to present a report to call on
to set up guest speaker
to give smb the floor to host a conference
invited speaker to deliver a report
to organize a conference to take part in
reasoning to stick to
acceptance inference

(B). Choose appropriate words from the box above and use them in suitable forms in the sentences to follow.

1. The meeting will be well ….

2. She has just received a letter of ….

3. They … in several conferences last year.

4. The chairman … the next speaker.

5. The conference was … by the BSU.

6. Her … proved to be true.

7. He made every effort to … to the job that he had.

8. This wet weather … persistent backache.

3. (A). Choose suitable verbs from the box and use them in word combinations with the following nouns: conference, auspices, paper, opinions, report.

to host to take part in to make to share
to close to run under to submit to participate
to attend to deliver to exchange  
to hold to present to express  


(B). Fill in the blanks using suitable word combinations from the previous exercise. (Sometimes more than one expression is possible).

1. Our university will … … of young researchers next month.

2. He … … two … this year.

3. Their meeting will … … of the World Peace Council.

4. If you want to … … in our …, you have to … ….

5. All participants have to … … in English as the working language of our conference is English.

6. He is an intelligent person, he can … … on any question.

7. Conferences are very important as scientists have the opportunity to … … on problems that are of interest to them.


4. (A). Match the nouns on the left with suitable adjectives on the right.

sitting tentative
conference preliminary
address regular
agenda simultaneous
announcement annual
speech welcoming
translation forthcoming


(B). Use some expressions from the previous exercise to complete the following sentences. (Sometimes more than one word combination is possible).

1. Her … … produced a profound impression on her colleagues.

2. … … into Russian will be arranged for users of the Russian language.

3. Our organizing committee will send the so-called … … to all the establishments concerned.

4. An … … of young researchers will be held in Grodno.

5. The … … was of particular interest as the most important problems were discussed there.

6. Participants of a conference are usually aware of its … ….

7. In his … … the chairman of the conference named the most notable achievements in biology.


5. Fill in the blanks using appropriate words from the box.

working language simultaneous acceptance agenda plenary sessions
organizing committee announcement proceedings submitted rejection

1. The organizing committee sent the preliminary … to all the establishments concerned

2. Papers should be … in Word Perfect Format.

3. We’ll send you a letter of … or … within 2 weeks.

4. Conference … will have been published by the end of this year.

5. The conference … will be sent to you by the ….

6. The … of the conference is English, but … translation will be arranged for users of other languages.

7. The so-called preliminary announcement usually supplies all conference participants with general information about orders of …, requirements to submitted abstracts, etc.


6. Replace the word(s) in italics with a suitable word(s) from the box. Use each word once.

taking part attendees opinions on behalf
keep reports deadline issues
guest present included  


1. The best papers presented will be eligible for inclusion in the Management and Business Review.

2. As the representative of our Organizing Committee I have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the international Conference on Sustainable Development.

3. We look forward to your participation in our conference.

4. We would like to have a definite answer by the above-mentioned cut-off date.

5. No conference fee is required for invited speakers.

6. I believe you will be provided with ample opportunities to exchange viewpoints and discuss scientific and organizational problems of mutual interest.

7. I ask those taking the floor to stick to the point.

8. The conference started at 9 a.m. with the registration of participants.

9. As he was the first to deliver his report he worried a lot.


7. Translate into English.

1. Недавно она получила приглашение принять участие в международной конференции.

2. Конференция молодых ученых проводится ежегодно в нашем университете.

3. Участники конференций могут поделиться своим опытом и познакомить коллег c полученными результатами.

4. Оргкомитет конференции рассылает всем заинтересованным учреждениям информационное письмо.

5. Приглашенные докладчики обычно выступают на пленарном заседании.

6. Если конференция международная, ее рабочим языком чаще всего является английский язык.

7. Участники конференций могут принять участие в секционных заседаниях, выступая с устными докладами, или подготовить стендовые доклады.

8. Тезисы докладов должны быть представлены к назначенному сроку.

9. Обычно оргкомитет предлагает участникам конференции интересную культурную программу.

10. Часто на конференциях организуют обсуждения за «круглым столом», участники которых обмениваются мнениями и обсуждают наиболее актуальные проблемы в их области.


8. Fill in the crossword puzzle.



1. Belief or judgement not founded on complete knowledge.

2. Time during which a court of law, Parliament, etc. is sitting continuously.

3. Article that critically examines a new book, etc.

4. Short account, e.g. of the chief points of a piece of writing, a book, speech, etc.

5. Single article or unit in a list, etc.

6. (of meetings) attended by all who have a right to attend.


7. Reporting to the authorities of births, deaths, etc.

8. Placard displayed in a public place (announcing or advertising smth); large printed picture.

9. Exchange opinions with your group-mates on the following problems:

- role of conferences;

- functions of organizing committees;

- requirements to submitted papers;

- personal experience in attending conferences;

- first participation in a conference.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 111 | Нарушение авторских прав

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