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Подбор к существительным соответствующих им синонимов

Читайте также:
  1. A.2 Подбор краски на офсетной печатной машине с листовой подачей бумаги
  2. Whole не употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. В этом случае используется местоимение all.
  3. Артикль с существительными нарицательными
  4. Глава основной части Глава 1. Профессиональный отбор и подбор персонала
  5. Кроме этого в обязанности технолога входит создание модели искусственного камня, подбор оттенка, контроль качества готовой продукции и последующая презентация ее на рынке.
  6. Медсестра знакомит присутствующих на занятии с основными принципами диетотерапии, подбору продуктов и технологии приготовления блюд для диеты № 9.
  7. Нет никакой разницы, с какими существительными употреблять словосочетание a lot of




Сборник лексико-грамматических тестов

Для студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантов первого года обучения всех направлений





Сборник лексико-грамматических тестов

Для студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантов первого года обучения всех направлений

Учетно-статистический факультет

Кафедра иностранных языков



Сборник лексико-грамматических тестов разработали:


Доктор филол. наук Чикилева Л.С.

Старший преподаватель Есина Л.С.


Сборник обсужден

на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

Зав. кафедрой доктор филологических наук Л.С. Чикилева


Сборник утвержден на заседании

учебно-методического совета ВЗФЭИ


и.о. проректора, председатель УМС В.П. Белгородцев


Английский язык. Сборник лексико-грамматических тестов. Для студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантов первого года обучения всех направлений. – М.: ВЗФЭИ, 2012.




ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ………………………………………………………...7

Тест 1. The Article (part 1).…………...…………………………………………………..7

Тест 2. The Article (part 2) ………………………………………………………………..8

Teст 3. Глагол to be (part 1) ………………………………………………………….....9

Teст 4. Глагол to be (part 2) ………………………………….…………………………10

Teст 5. Глагол to be (part 3) …………………………………………………………….11

Teст 6. Глагол to do (part 1) ………………………………………………….................12

Teст 7. Глагол to do (part 2) …………………………………………………………….13

Teст 8. Глагол to have …………………………………………………………………..14

Teст 9. The Plural …………………………………………………. …………………......15

Teст 10. The Possessive Case ………………………………. ……………………... ........ 16

Тест 11.There is / are, there was / were, there have / has been, there will be ……………17

Teст 12. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense ………………………….18

Teст 13. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense ………………………….19

Teст 14. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense ………………………………….20

Teст 15. The Passive Voice (part 1) ………………………………………………………21

Teст 16. The Passive Voice (part 2) ………………………………………………………22

Тест 17. The Modal Verbs ………………………………………………………………..23

Тест 18. The tag’s questions ……………………………………………………………...24

Тест 19. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense / The Past Perfect Tense …. …….25

Тест 20. The Past Continuous / The Past Simple / The Past Perfect Tense ……………..26

Тест 21. The Gerund ……………………………………………………………………...27

Тест 22. The Infinitive ……………………………………………………………………28

Тест 23. The Participle …………………………………………………………………...29

Тест 24. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 1) ………………………………………...30

Тест 25. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2) …………………………………. ……31

Тест 26. The Conditionals ……… ……………………………………………………….32



1. Выбор определений к существительным …………………………..…..............33

Teст 1a ………………………………………………………………….............33

Teст 1b ………………………………………………………………………..…34

Teст 1c ………………………………………………………………………..…35

Teст 1d ………………………………………………………………………..…36

Teст 1e …………………………………………………………………………..37

2. Выбор определений к глаголам ………………………………………………….38

Teст 2a …………………………………………………………………………..38

Teст 2b …………………………………………………………………………..39

Teст 2c …………………………………………………………………………..40

3. Выбор определений к названиям профессий …………………………………….41

Teст 3 ……………………………………………………….…………………..41

4. Выбор определений к различным типам менеджеров ……………………….....42

Teст 4a ……………………………………………………………………………..42

Teст 4b ………………………………………………………………………….....44

5. Подбор к существительным синонимов ………………………………………….45

Teст 5 ……………………………………………………………………………..45

6. Подбор к существительным антонимов …………………....................……...…..46

Teст 6………………………….………………………………………………..…46

7. Подбор к глаголам синонимов. …….………………………………………….…..47

Teст 7 ……….……………………………………………………………….……47

8. Подбор к глаголам антонимов. ……..….………………………………………….48

Teст 8….………………………………………………………………………….48

9. Подбор к прилагательным синонимов ……………..……………….….………..49

Teст 9...……………………………………………………………………….…49

10. Подбор к прилагательным антонимов …........................................…..………..50

Teст 10………………………………………………………………………...…50

11. Подбор подходящих по смыслу слов в различных предложениях ………..…51

Teст 11a ……………………………………………………………………..….51

Teст 11b ………………………………………………………….…………….52

Teст 11c ………………………………………………………………….……..53

12. Подбор подходящих по смыслу слов в предложениях текста ……………......54

Teст 12a ………………………………………………………………………....54

Teст 12b ………………………………………………………………………....55

Teст 12c ……………………………………………………………………..…...56

Teст 12d …………………………………………………………………….…...57


ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ……………………………………..………………………58

1. Work and Jobs…………………………………………………………….……………58

2. Ways of Working………………………………………………………….………...…60

3. Recruitment and Selection………………………………………………..……………61

4. Skills and Qualifications……………………………………………………………….62

5. Pay and Benefit……………………………………………………………………..….64

6. People and Workplaces…………………………………………………………..…….66

7. The Career Ladder…………………………………………………………...…………68

8. Organizations……………………………………………………………………...……69

9. Innovation and Invention………………………………………………………………..71

10. Buyers, Sellers and the Market…………………………………………………….…..74



Грамматические тесты

Тест 1. The Article (part 1)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. ______ Russian company Avgit Founded a joint venture with the Latvian Spondo company.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


2. In 1998 Nestle brought half of its products to _____ Russian market from abroad.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


3. Twenty five specialists have already undergone training in ______ Germany.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


4. _______ Russian – Iranian auto plant has started assembling pickups.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


5. _______ Germans intend to invest €30 million in the project.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


6. _______ River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


7. The nearest big city was ______ Riga.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


8. In ______ Russia the 1-st McDonald`s restaurant appeared in 1990.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


9. Before the late 19th century the white conquest of _______ West

was completed.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


10. _______ United States has rich and productive land.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:






Тест 2. The Article (part 2)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. In ______ world there is no perfect economic system.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


2. Costs are _______ money spent to manufacture goods or provide services.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


3. Land is _____ factor of production.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


4. In _____ planned economy, the government sets prices.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


5. Competition exists in _____ free market because anyone can be a producer.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


6. Many millions of _____ people enjoy a quality of life.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


7. People get loans from _____ banks for all sorts of reasons.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


8. He owns a lot of real estate in _____ Florida.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


9. I need _____ wage rise of $1500 to keep up with inflation.

a) a (an) b) the c) –


10. She works in _____ sales.

a) a (an) b) the c) –



Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:





Teст 3. Глагол to be (part 1)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. He __________ a financier soon.

a) am b) was c) will be


2. They __________ at work now.

a) am b) is c) are


3. The country __________ in a state of economic crisis last year.

a) is b) was c) are


4. These goods __________ cheap.

a) am b) is c) are


5. The prices __________ rising now.

a) am b) is c) are


6. The contract __________ signed last week.

a) were b) is c) was


7. They __________ to begin this work at once.

a) am b) is c) are


8. This letter __________ to confirm our recent telephone communication.

a) am b) is c) are


9. This hotel __________ very expensive.

a) am b) is c) are


10. There __________ a lot of Institutes, Universities, libraries and museums in


a) am b) is c) are


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Teст 4. Глагол to be (part 2)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. Monopoly __________ a market structure with only a single seller.

a) am b) is c) are


2. Successful marketers __________ open and flexible.

a) am b) is c) are


3. Marks & Spencer __________ the top brand in Britain in 1988.

a) were b) was c) is


4. Employment agencies __________ aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

a) am b) is c) are



5. As long as foreigners __________ willing to hold American dollars, things remain stable.

a) am b) is c) are


6. All staff __________ to wear uniforms.

a) am b) is c) are


7. The customers __________ to wait here in this room until the sales manager return.

a) am b) is c) are


8. __________ we to offer you the job, would you accept it?

a) Were b) Was c) Have been


9. If we __________ to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.

a) am b) is c) are


10. The manager __________ in his office since 9 o’clock.

a) have been b) has been c) was



Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:




Тест № 5. Глагол to be (part 3)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There ______ a telex on the table.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


2. There ______ much work last week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


3. ______ there much mail on the desk?

Yes, there is.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


4. There ______ a conference next week.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


5. _______ there many accountants in your firm?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


6. There _______ a good crop in Russia this year.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


7. ______ there a meeting at the enterprise yesterday?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


8. _____ there a telephone in your office?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


9. There ______ few letters in the mail for you today.

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


10. ______ there a store close to our Bank?

a) is b) are c) was d) will be


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:




Teст 6. Глагол to do (part 1)

Выберите нужную форму глагола to do:

1. She _____ most of her writing on a computer.

a) do b) does


2. Machines _____ most of work yesterday.

a) did b) have done


3. _____ you have a computer?

a) do b) does


4. He always _____ his job well.

a) do b) does


5. What _____ she want to do?

a) do b) does


6. _____ you speak English?

a) do b) does


7. The company ought _____ something about the poor service.

a) to do b) do


8. She _____ economics at Sheffield some years ago.

a) did b) have done


9. She _____ well out of the deal today.

a) have done b) has done


10. What __________ you do for a living?

a) does b) do



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Тест 7. Глагол to do (part 2)

Выберите правильный ответ:

1. What ______ the manager do in the office in the afternoon?

а) do b) does c) –


2. How often _____ Harry meet customers?

а) do b) does c) –


3. How much ______ your computer cost?

а) do b) does c) –


4. What _____ Nokia make?

а) do b) does c) –


5. Where _____ you work?

а) do b) does c) –


6. How long ______ he want to stay in his job?

а) do b) does c) –


7. ______ they earn enough?

а) do b) does c) –


8. What time _____ the secretary finish work?

а) do b) does c) –


9. Who _______ borrows and lends money?

а) do b) does c) –


10. _____ you often read such advertisements?

а) do b) does c) –


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Teст 8. Глагол to have

Выберите нужную форму глагола to have:

1. She _____ a day-off every week.

a) have b) has


2. I _____ a good job last year.

a) have b) had


3. They _____ orders next week.

a) will have b) have


4. Recently we _____ the acknowledgement of debt.

a) have received b) had received


5. Inflation _____ got out of control.

a) has b) have


6. Do you _____ to travel on business?

a) has b) have


7. He _____ to get up early.

a) has b) have


8. I _____ a holiday last year.

a) haven’t b) didn’t have


9. The decision _____ to be made by senior management.

a) has b) have


10. This system software __________ to be very reliable.

a) has proved b) have prove



Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Teст 9. The Plural


Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The tourist office has __________ about hotel accommodation.

a) information b) informations


2. No news __________ good news.

a) is b) are


3. Money __________ the world go round.

a) make b) makes


4. Economics __________ my favourite subject at the Institute.

a) is b) are


5. What __________ the government going to do about the problem of homelessness.

a) is b) are


6.There __________ $ 30 in my wallet, but now it’s gone.

a) was b) were


7. How much __________ jeans?

a) is this b) are these


8. Have __________ arrived yet?

a) businessmen b) a businessman


9. Many students get __________ at colleges and universities.

a) knowledge b) knowledges


10. Cash __________ money in the form of banknotes and coins.

a) are b) is


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Teст 10. The Possessive Case

Выберите нужную форму существительного:

1. In a planned economy, __________ wages depend on the service they provide to


a) workers’ b) workers


2. __________ salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work.

a) Someone b) Someone’s


3. Consumers can buy a __________ goods or services.

a) company’s b) company


4. Utility is the __________word for the satisfaction we get from a purchase.

a) economists b) economists’


5. The cost of the good, the __________ income can affect the utility of a good.

a) consumer b) consumer’s


6. The demand is the __________ need for labour.

a) employers’ b) employers


7. The _______________ financial plans are embodied in its annual budget.

a) government b) government’s


8. He had a __________ holiday last summer.

a) month’s b) month


9.The __________ cargo consisted of wheat and barley.

a) Neva’s b) Neva


10. My elder brother __________ son is a top manager.

a) Peter b) Peter’s


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Тест 11.There is /are, there was /were, there have/has been, there will be


Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There __________ five people in my family.

a) are b) is


2. __________ there much mail on the desk?

a) are b) is


3. There __________ no contracts on the desk.

a) are b) is


4. There __________ much new equipment at the plant.

a) are b) is


5. There __________ a big rise in the cost of living.

a) has been b) have been


6. __________ there a flight to Paris this evening?

a) are b) is


7. There __________ nobody in the office.

a) are b) is


8. There __________ a lot of people in the shops.

a) were b) was


9. The manager of the company is leaving, so there __________ a new manager soon.

a) will be b) is


10. There __________ 5, 000 employees in our company.

a) are b) is



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Teст 12. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:


1. Our manager __________ in the office all day.

a) stay b) stays c) is staying


2. As a rule I __________ customers in the evening.

a) meet b) meets c) am meeting


3. We usually __________ our work at 6.

a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing


4. He often __________ to London.

a) go b) goes c) is going


5. They __________ customers in different cities.

a) have got b) has got c) are having


6. We don’t __________ out at weekends.

a) goes b) go c) are going


7. After lunch the secretary __________ letters to different companies.

a) write b) is writing c) writes


8. I __________ my chief tomorrow.

a) meet b) am meeting c) meets


9. My boss __________ with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer.

a) is dealing b) deals c) deal


10. The office __________ at 6 p.m. on weekdays.

a) is closing b) closes c) close


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Teст 13. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:


1. I sometimes __________ at home because I have a computer.

a) work b) works c) am working


2. He usually __________ financial control over these projects.

a) take b) takes c) is taking


3. Now he __________ in Libya on a fixed-term contract.

a) is working b) works c) work


4. I __________. Can you tell Rosemary I’ll see her tomorrow?

a) am leaving b) leave c) leaves


5. His company __________ profit every year but it isn’t very big.

a) is making b) make c) makes


6.Nowadays consumers in the industrialized world __________ increasingly

concerned with healthy living.

a) are becoming b) becomes c) become


7. It’s not an expensive hotel. It __________ much to stay there.

a) doesn’t cost b) don’t cost c) isn’t costing


8. She’s got a new job so she __________ the firm in October.

a) is leaving b) leaves c) leave


9. Our company _______________ in high quality coffee.

a) is specializing b) specializes c) specialize


10. ‘Can I speak to John?’ – ‘Sorry, he’s out. No, hold on, he _______________ down

the corridor’.

a) come b) comes c) is coming


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Teст 14. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в простом прошедшем или в настоящем

совершенном времени:


1. I __________ three business lunches this week.

a) had b) have had


2. The company's share prices __________ at the end of last week.

a) bounced b) has bounced


3. The company __________ for a 5% increase in sales last month.

a) budgeted b) has budgeted


4. The shares __________ a high rate of interest some days ago.

a) yielded b) has yielded


5. It __________ a pleasure to do business with you today.

a) was b) has been


6. Last year she _______________ her own company and proved to be a very good


a) set up b) has set up


7. I __________ writing the three-year business plan yet.

a) didn't finish b) haven't finished


8. I __________ a successful business trip last month.

a) had b) have had


9. I __________ some gas shares recently.

a) bought b) have bought


10. Many years ago she __________ a slide rule to add up the sales figures.

a) used b) has used



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Teст 15. The Passive Voice

Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:


1. Payment __________ yesterday.

a) is received b) was received c) received


2. The company’s annual accounts __________ by the Chief Accountant.

a) is prepared b) are prepared c) prepare


3. The agent __________ by the company last week.

a) was accredited b) were accredited c) accredited


4. The accumulated profit __________ forward to next year today.

a) has been carried b) have been carried c) was carried


5. Our budget _______________ already.

a) have been cut b) has been cut c) were cut


6. Efforts __________ to reduce the prices by 10% now.

a) are being made b) were being made c) is being made


7. Nowadays all the clients of the bank __________ for a financial advisory


a) are provided b) were provided c) provided


8. The shares __________ on the American Stock Exchange next week.

a) will be floated b) were floated c) is being floated


9. Soon the financial results _______________ at the annual general meeting.

a) will be announced b) will announce c) announce


10. The shipment may _______________

a) be delayed b) was delayed c) were delayed

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Teст 16. The Passive Voice (part 2)

Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:


1. Equipment, tools and computers __________ in the manufacturing process.

a) is used b) are used c) used


2. Land, labour and capital __________ to produce goods.

a) are required b) is required c) required


3. A free market _______________ by a government.

a) is not controlled b) are not controlled c) not controlled


4. The US steel industry _______________ by imports of steel.

a) were being injured b) was being injured c) injured


5. The goods ____________________ locally.

a) are made and sold b) was made and sold c) is made and sold


6. The money _______________ in an account in Hamburg.

a) are lodged b) were lodged c) was lodged


7. All the prices in this shop _______________ down by 10 %.

a) have been marked b) has been marked c) marked


8. The price of petrol _______________ by market forces.

a) are influenced b) is influenced c) influenced


9. The product _________________________ throughout Europe.

a) is being marketed b) are being marketed c) marketed


10. The market – place ____ always __________ on Saturdays.

a) is … crowded b) were … crowded c) are … crowded


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:




Тест 17. The Modal Verbs

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав соответствующий модальный глагол:


1. You ____ send your resume to several companies.

a) can b) need c) have


2. You ____ not start your job search without a resume.

a) can b) must c) have


3. He ____ to get up early.

a) has b) must c) can


4.Do you _____ to travel on business?

a) can b) must c) have


5.This phenomenon ____ be explained by economic laws.

a) should b) need c) have to


6.The company had gone bankrupt and _____ pay its creditors.

a) couldn’t b) hadn’t c) shouldn’t


7. You ____ phoned me yesterday.

a) should have b) may c) might


8. Our sales ____ exceed our forecast by 15%.

a) should b) may c) must


9. They ____ deliver on time.

a) can b) had c) have


10. ____ I take a comment at this point?

a) Am b) May c) Must



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Тест 18. The tag’s questions


Выберите нужную форму глагола:


1. Не is a company manager, _____ he?

a) is b) isn’t c) are


2.You have got a nice flat in Moscow, _____ you?

a) have b) has c) haven’t


3. She finishes her work at 6, _____ she?

a) does b) is c) doesn’t


4.The manager stays in the office till 6, _____ he?

a) does b) doesn’t c) is


5. We don’t have lessons in the morning, _____ we?

a) do b) don’t c) does


6.The director meets customers in the morning, _____ he?

a) do b) does c) doesn’t


7. Brighton is a large city, _____ it?

a) isn’t b) is c) aren’t


8. A credit has been wrongly entered in the books, _____ it?

a) hadn’t b) hasn’t c) haven’t


9. Prices fell as a result of excess supply, _____ they?

a) did b) didn’t c) don’t


10. He has to work hard to provide his family, _____ he?

a) do b) don’t c) doesn’t



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Тест 19. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense / The Past Perfect Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом, настоящем совершенном или в прошедшем совершенном времени:

1. He phoned to say he __________ his bag on the plane.

a) forgot b) had left c) has left d) has forgotten


2. He __________ the farm since 1987.

a) has owned b) own c) have been owning d) owned


3. _____ you ever been to Scotland?

a) has b) had c) have d) did


4. __________ they arrive at the airport on time yesterday?

a) have b) did c) has d) do


5. He _____ unemployed since he left college.

a) has been b) were c) had been d) is


6. Where __________ before you moved to America?

a) you did live b) you lived c) did you live d) lived you


7. Last year inflation was tremendous, and the prices _____.

a) raised b) arise c) rise d) rose


8. Last week our manager __________ to get a new job.

a) leave b) left c) leaves d) has left


9. Ann __________ to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned.

a) goes b) has gone c) went d) has gone


10. Last year the company __________ a good profit.

a) makes b) made c) have made d) did


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Тест 20. The Past Continuous / The Past Simple / The Past Perfect Tense


Выберите нужную форму глагола в одном из вышеперечисленных времен:


1. He __________ on the report all day long.

a) was working b) worked c) were working


2. I __________ the office when he arrived.

a) was leaving b) left c) leaves


3. We __________ about safety procedures when the fire alarm went off.

a) were talking b) talked c) talk


4. The production line __________ five times yesterday.

a) stopped b) was stopping c) stops


5. She __________ letters when I came.

a) wrote b) was writing c) has written


6. He __________ to the director at 3 o’clock yesterday.

a) spoke b) was speaking c) speaks


7. Our fax number __________ today.

a) has changed b) changed c) changes


8. We __________ just __________ our prices.

a) has lowered b) have lowered c) were lowering


9. The government __________ a decrease in corporation tax yesterday.

a) has announced b) was announcing c) announced


10. He __________ vice-president for 10 years.

a) has been b) was being c) have been



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Тест 21. The Gerund


Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужную форму глагола:


1. __________ is the process of buying a security for less than its face value.

a) discounted b) discounting c) discounts


2. We discussed __________ a new business.

a) open b) opening c) opened


3. He risks __________ all of his money.

a) lost b) lose c) losing


4. I heard of the experiment __________ last month.

a) having been started b) started c) start


5. The increase in government __________ will have some effect on the rate of interest.

a) spend b) spent c) spending


6. That would entail our __________ a concession.

a) making b) to make c) made


7. This will save our __________ time.

a) wasting b) waste c) to waste


8. They have suggested his __________ to the symposium.

a) go b) to go c) going


9. He’s looking forward to our __________.

a) to come b) coming c) come


10. We have succeeded in __________ a new competitive market.

a) entering b) to enter c) enter


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



Тест 22. The Infinitive

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужную форму инфинитива:


1. __________ our employers to develop their skills is one of the prime concerns of management.

a) to recruit b) to inform c) to encourage


2. __________ this market requiers a lot of hard work.

a) to enter b) to inform c) to lose


3. We have decided not to advertise this position, but __________ internally.

a) to encourage b) to recruit c) to inform


4. I am glad __________ you that you have been successful.

a) to inform b) to accept c) to encourage


5. It is impossible for us __________ these terms.

a) to have found b) to accept c) to work out


6. We would like __________ our overdraft facilities.

a) to extend b) to buy c) to have found


7. The sales director claimed __________ three new customers.

a) to recruit b) to have found c) to find


8. They made us __________ extremely hard.

a) to work b) work c) to have worked


9. Central banks of different countries are expected __________ away from monetary


a) to stay b) stay c) to have stayed


10. The world economy is predicted __________ growing.

a) to have continued b) to continue c) continue


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Тест 23. The Participle

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени:


1. All transactions are to be ____________ in the general journal.

a) recording b) recorded


2.There is an ____________ number of private investors.

a) increasing b) increased


3. Staff are ________ to work flexitime.

a) allowing b) allowed


4. John was _________ to join the family firm.

a) inviting b) invited


5. She works in an ____________ agency.

a) advertising b) advertised


6. Most of the products are __________ to developing countries.

a) exporting b) exported


7. Accrued income is a total sum of money __________ by the company during a

particular period.

a) earning b) earned


8. The goods were ___________ in the shop window.

a) displaying b) displayed


9. All ___________ machines are cut-price for one week only.

a) washing b) washed


10. ___________ conditions improved last year.

a) Trading b) Traded



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Тест 24. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 1)


Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски:

1. As the field survey shows, very __________ customers find the design of our goods attractive.

a) little b) few c) much


2. We managed to capture __________ contracts last month.

a) little b) much c) many


3. We have __________ time at our disposal. We must make a decision right away.

a) little b) much c) many


4. There is very __________data available about market trends in this region.

a) a few b) little c) many


5. We spent too __________ time on routine meetings.

a) much b) a few c) many


6. ‘Are there any seats on the next flight to Madrid?’ ‘Yes, there are __________.’

a) little b) many c) much


7. I am beginning to get __________ worried about the situation.

a) a little b) few c) many


8. We need __________ more time to think about your proposal.

a) a little b) many c) a few


9. __________ insurance companies protect their customers against risk.

a) A little b) Many c) Much


10. It takes one __________ money to join a credit union.

a) a few b) many c) much



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Тест 25. Many, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2)


Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски:


1. Starting a business without financial support from the bank may cause you __________trouble.

a) a few b) many c) much


2. Banks are subjects to __________ government regulations.

a) little b) many c) much


3. Only __________ major customers can keep up with the rise of the service prices.

a) a few b) many c) much


4. Very __________ financial institutions nowadays keep off technical innovations in the

banking industry.

a) a few b) few c) much


5. You can’t do without __________ cash on hand when you go to a retailer shop.

a) a little b) many c) little


6. Banks are now using computer technology to perform __________ financial transactions.

a) little b) many c) much


7. No matter how __________ money you have you can open a bank account.

a) few b) many c) much


8. There are too __________ students in our group.

a) a few b) much c) many


9. Do you have __________ homework to do?

a) few b) many c) much


10. I need __________ help. Could you help me with the translation?

a) a little b) many c) little


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Тест 26. The Conditionals

Составьте предложения, соединив первую часть каждого предложения со второй:


1. If you read this book a) we can employ them.
2. If you elect me b) you’ll get the best financial advice.
3. If a firm doesn’t advertise c) people tend not to save.
4. If people are flexible and keen to work hard d) the merger could have succeeded.
5. If you have an offshore bank account, e) you would know English well now.
6. If inflation is high f) you don’t pay income tax.
7. If I had a lot of money g) I’ll bring about changes in the social welfare system.
8. If the management styles hadn’t been so different h) it loses market share.
9. If you had worked harder last year i) I would give money to charity
10. If I were you j) I would open my own business.



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Лексические тесты (для бакалавров)

Выбор определений к существительным


Тест 1а

Подберите к существительным (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):



1. store a. how good or bad something is

2. quality b. the buying and selling of goods, services, currencies or


3. business c. commercial activities in general, such as trading, buying

and selling, manufacturing, arranging deals

4. trade d. food, etc that is grown on a farm and sold

5. produce e. a place where goods are sold to the public

6. company f. a room or building that belongs to a company with rooms

where people can work at desks

7. office g. a business organization that makes or sells goods or services

8. customer h. a person who works for another person or organization in

return for wages

9. employee i. a person who buys something from a shop

10. work j. what a person does to earn money

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Тест 1b


Подберите к существительным (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):


1. economy a. the amount of money for which something can be bought or


2. finance b. a person or organization that buys and sells, especially shares

or insurance

3. cost c. a country’s money supply, trade and industry

4. price d. money received from work done, or from money invested or

property owned

5. money e. money as a resource for business and other activities

6. broker f. the amount of money paid or charged for goods or services

7. exchange g. means of payment, especially coins and bank notes

8. market h. giving or receiving something in return for something else

9. employment i. the place where people meet for buying and selling

10. income j. regular paid work


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Тест 1c

Подберите к существительным (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):


1. goods a. the act of doing business or carrying out a business deal

2. transaction b. manufactured items or raw materials that are for sale


3. commerce c. an organization that holds money, important documents and

other valuables in safe keeping, and lends money at interest

4. employer d. a list showing how much you have to pay for services or

goods received

5. account e. the buying and selling goods and services

6. bank f. the desire of consumers to obtain goods and services

7. bill g. a person or company that pays people to work for them

8. cheque h. an arrangement between a bank and a customer that allows

the customer to pay in and take out money

9. demand i. a printed form that you use to pay for something instead of

using money

10. supply j. the amount of something that is available to use or buy

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Teст 1d

Подберите к существительным (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):



1. consumer a. a position of regular paid work

2. job b. an amount of money that a business organization

has to spend on something

3. inflation c. a person who buys goods and services for his / her own

use and not resale

4. industry d. a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services

5. loan e. the production of raw materials and goods

6. credit f. an amount charged for money borrowed

7. interest g. a sum of money paid into a bank or savings account

8. expense h. money or property used to produce wealth

9. deposit i. an arrangement with a shop, bank, supplier etc to buy

something now and pay for it later

10. capital j. money borrowed from a bank, financial institution, person

etc on which interest is usually paid to the lender until the

loan is repaid


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Teст 1e

Подберите к существительным (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):


1. retail a. money in the form of banknotes and coins

2. bulk b. a business agreement to buy or sell goods or provide a service

3. deal c. money owed by one person or organization to another

4. cash d. large size, volume or quantity

5. debt e. the sale of goods to customers for their own use, rather than

to shops etc

6. boom f. money given to an employee by an employer in return for work

7. pay g. a place where goods are stored and sold

8. profit i. money lost in a business deal; a financial deficit

9. loss j. a rapid increase in sales, profits, production, etc; a time of


10. shop k. the money gained in a business deal, especially the difference

between the amount earned and the amount spent


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Выбор определений к глаголам


Teст 2a

Подберите к глаголам (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):



1. to buy a. to ask for payment for goods or services

2. to sell b. to get something by paying money

3. to manufacture c. to make goods to sell from raw materials

4. to pay d. to give something to someone in exchange for money

5. to finance e. to grant or obtain the use of property, land, machinery

etc for a fixed period

6. to lend f. to obtain or supply money for a business or other activity

7. to borrow g. to give someone a sum of money on the understanding

that it will be paid back with interest after a fixed


8. to rent h. to pay money for the use of land, or an office, machinery etc

9. to charge i. to give money to someone for something

10. to lease j. to receive money from a person, a bank or organization

and agree to pay it back later, usually with interest

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Тест 2b


Подберите к глаголам (1 - 10) соответствующие им определения (a - j):



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