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Methodical recommendations for individual work of

Читайте также:
  1. Individual and collective leadership
  2. Individual Home Task
  3. Individual Product Decisions
  4. Individual short reports (additional 7 points)
  5. Individual Tasks
  6. IV Creative Tasks (you may complete these tasks individually or in pairs)

Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: the general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №1: Place of political science in system of socially-humanitarian discipliness.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014


Discussed on chair meeting from _______. _______________ 2014.

Protocol ____


The head of Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

the reader: Sergazina G.M._________________


Discussed on chair meeting from _______. _______________ 2014.

Protocol ____


The head of Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

the reader: Sergazina G.M._________________



Discussed on chair meeting from _______. _______________ 2014.

Protocol ____


The head of Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

the reader: Sergazina G.M._________________



Discussed on chair meeting from _______. _______________ 2014.

Protocol ____


The head of Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

the reader: Sergazina G.M._________________



Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: the general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair of history of Kazakhstan and general educational discipliness

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №2: Comparative political science.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A. The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: the general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №3: Political idea of the Ancient East.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014



Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: the general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №4: Sociopolitical ideas and currents in XIX-XX c.: liberalism, conservatism, Marxism.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014

Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №5: The subjects of politics


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014

Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №6: The structure of authority.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №7: Assembly of Kazakhstan people as a system political institute.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №8: The reforming problem of political system in RK.

The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №9: The social state: concept, functions.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №10: The groups of interests: concept, functions, typology.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №11: Theories of democracy.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014



Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №12: Political process and political activity


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №13: The structure and functions of political culture.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational






Semey 2014



Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №14: Modern theories of elite.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014



Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №15: Global problems of the present.


The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Semey State medical University



Methodical recommendations

For independent work of students

Specialty: general medicine

Disciplines: Politology

Chair OF history of Kazakhstan and general educational disciplines

The higher base medical education, 1 year

Theme №16: Political problems of sovereign Kazakhstan.



The teacher: Nurgazy K.A.

The tutor of Chair of history of

Kazakhstan and general educational





Semey 2014


Methodical recommendations for individual work of

Students (IWS)

1. Theme №1: the Place of political science in system of socially-humanitarian discipliness.

2. The aim: To learn the student to define a role and a place of political science in system of socially-humanitarian discipliness.

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report on a theme: «the Place of political science in system of socially-humanitarian discipliness» where it is necessary to open the maintenance of two approaches in definition of political science’s role among social-humanitarian discipliness. The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: presentation on class.

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analysing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 1 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie.., 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. Guide - Almaty, 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. posobie- Almaty, 2000.

8.Kapesov MK Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, Almaty, 1995.

9. The control:


1. What are the main approaches in defining place and a role of political science among socially-humanitarian discipliness? State their essence.

2. What is the political science as a discipliness and as a science?

3. Name the basic branches of a political science.

4. What is the researching object of these branches?

5. Reveal the connection of political science with philosophy, historical science, sociology, legal discipliness, etc.



1. Theme №2: Comparative political science.

2. The aim: To fix knowledge of students about an object, a subject and becoming of comparative political science.

3. The task: to write an essay on a theme: «Comparative political science» in which it is necessary to define an object and a subject, methods of comparative political science. Except, it is necessary to dwell on history of comparative political science becoming. The volume of an essay is 5-7 pages. Structure of an essay: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims, urgency and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the essay. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the oral answer.

5. Criteria of execution:

- It is necessary to open the maintenance of a problem. The task is carried out according to the specified requirements. An essay is carried out on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group.

6. Terms of delivery: 18 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie.., 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. Guide - Almaty, 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. posobie- Almaty, 2000.

8.Kapesov MK Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, Almaty, 1995.


9. The control:


1. What does the comparative political science study?

2. Is the comparative political science the branch of a political science?

3. What is the subject of comparative political science?

4. What methods are applied in studying political objects within the comparative political science?

5. Tell shortly about history of comparative political science becoming?

6. What are the versions of comparative researches?

7. What problems does the modern political science research?

1. Theme №3: The Political idea of the Ancient East.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about political views of Ancient East thinkers

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report on a theme: «the Political idea of the Ancient East» in which it is necessary to reveal the political theories of Ancient China and India. The volume of the abstract is 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: Protection of the report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and analyses the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages. The student should make the personal analysis, state own idea. Put schemes and pictures.

6. Terms of delivery: 2 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Bulatov AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.

2.Politologiya. Teaching aid. Almaty, 1995.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4 Isaev BA Politics: -Peter, 2005.


9. The control:


1. What is the general in political theories of Ancient Egypt, China and India?

2. State the main provisions of Confuciy doctrine?

3. What is the role allocated by Confuciy to traditions in management of a society?

4. How was the problem of strengthening authority solved in the Ancient East doctrines?

5. What are the differences between the political doctrines of the Ancient East and political doctrines of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome?


1. Theme №4: Sociopolitical ideas and currents in XIX-XX c.: liberalism, conservatism, Marxism.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of the student about essence of liberalism, conservatism, Marxism.

3. The task: to write the abstract report on a theme: «Sociopolitical ideas and currents XIX-XX c.: liberalism, conservatism, Marxism». The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: Protection of the report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and analyses the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages. The student should make the personal analysis, state own idea. Put schemes and pictures.

6. Terms of delivery: 2 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Teaching aid. Almaty, 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. A course of lectures-Almaty, 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. posobie- Almaty., 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. Moscow, 2001

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 2000.


9. The control:

1. How did B.Konstan understand freedom of the individual in a society?

2. List the basic values of liberalism.

3. What are the values of conservatism?

4. Who did the concept of conservatism develop?

5. What does conservatism mean by ideology of liberalism?

6. What are the substantive provisions of ideology of communism?

7. Name the founders of Marxism.


1. Theme №5: The subjects of politics.

2. The aim: to study the basic subjects of politics.

3. The task: to write an essay on a theme: «Subjects of politics», where an essay is a free reasoning on a theme. The volume of an essay makes 5-7 pages. Structure of an essay includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the essay. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: The written report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The essay is carried out on the basis of studying and analyses the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The student should make the personal analysis, state own idea. Put schemes and pictures.

6. Terms of delivery: 3 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 1995.

2 Politics. Textbook ed. Radugina AA M., 1989.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1995.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.


9. The control:

1. Define the subjects of politics.

2. What the classification criteria of subjects of politics do you are known?

3. What is characteristic for a social level of policy subjects?

4. What are the features of institutional level of policy subjects?

5. What are the subjects of politics concerned to a functional level?

6. What are the types of policy subjects on participation character in a political life?

7. Do the classes, social generalities concern to subjects of politics?

8. What is the role of social interests played on a degree of participation in a political life of policy subjects?

9. What factors influence a degree of affect of policy subjects on acceptance of political decisions?

1. Theme №6: The structure of authority.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about structural elements of authority: subjects and objects of authority, sources and resources, functions of authority.

3. The task: to write an essay on a theme: «Structure of authority». The volume of an essay is 5-7 pages. Structure of an essay: includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the essay. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: The written work

5. Criteria of execution:

- The essay is carried out on the basis of studying and analyses the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The student should make the personal analysis, state own idea. Put schemes and pictures.

6. Terms of delivery: 5 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Kozlov, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. allowance. A., 1995..

2 Politics. Teaching aid. A., 1995., 46-52.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

4 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

5 Fundamentals of Political Science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

6 Politics. A course of lectures. A., 1993.

7 A. Bulatov, Ismagambetova ZN Political science. Ouch. pososbie. A., 2000.


9. The control:

1. What is the structure?

2. Define the concept "authority"?

3. What does the structure of authority include?

4. What is the subject of authority?

5. Is the object of authority the structural component?

6. What does «object of authority» mean?

7. What sources of authority do you know?

8. What are the resources of authority?

9. It is possible to carry traditions to resources of authority?

10. Name functions of authority.



1. Theme №7: Assembly of Kazakhstan people as a system political institute.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about a role and the basic directions of activity of Assembly of Kazakhstan people (АКP).

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report where it is necessary to reveal the structure, the aim and the basic directions of activity АКP. The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the presentation.

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analysing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 6 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Sergazina GM On the policy of interethnic relations in the RK-Semipalatinsk, 2002.

Konstitutsiya Kazakhstan - Almaty, 2000.

2 The Law "On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan" - Almaty, 2000.

3 NA Nazarbayev Message from the President "Kazakhstan 2030 Prosperity, security and the welfare of all people of Kazakhstan" - Kaz. However, 1997., 14gl.

4 NA Nazarbayev "Ten years of independence, peace, progress and harmony" in the book. "10 years of independence" - Almaty, 2002.

5 NA Nazarbayev Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state // Kaz. True, 1992, May 16.

6 NA Nazarbayev The development strategy of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan: National solgasie, security, civil peace // Ore Altai, 2002, November 19.

7 NA Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan on the way of accelerated economic, social and political modernization // Spectrum, February 24, 2005.

8 Smagulov SM Fundamentals of Political Science, Astana, 2001.

9 A. Bulatov, Ismagambetova ZI Lectures on sociology. Almaty, 2000.

10 Sociology Account. Allowance. Almaty, 1997.

11 Political science. A course of lectures. Almaty, 1993.


9. The control:

1. When has the Assembly of Kazakhstan people been created?

2. How many people and the nations live in RК?

3. What are the main tasks and aims of AKP?

4. Name the basic directions of activity АНК

5. What is the structure of AKP?

6. Who is the head of АКP?

7. What role is carried out by the national-cultural centers?

8. How are the educational institutions studying national languages, and also the rising generation gets acquainted with objects and traditions of Kazakhstan people called?

9. Are there representatives of АКP in magylis of RК?


1. Theme №8: The reforming problem of political system in RK.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about the reforming features and prospects of political system of RK.

3. The task: To write the abstract report on a theme: «the Problem of reforming of political system in RK» where it is necessary to consider character and the basic directions in modernization of Kazakhstan political system. The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: The written report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 7 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Almaty, 2000.

2.Nazarbaev NA Message from the President "Kazakhstan 2030 Prosperity, security and the welfare of all kazahstantsev- Kaz. However, 1997., 14gl.

3.Nazarbaev NA Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state // Kaz. True, 1992, May 16.

4.Nazarbaev NA On the threshold of the XXI century. Almaty

5.Nazarbaev NA "Kazakhstan on the way of accelerated economic, social and political modernization // Spectrum, February 24, 2005.

6.Nazarbaev NA Country in the heart of Eurasia. Almaty.

7.Smagulov SM Fundamentals of Political Science, Astana, 2001.


9. The control:

1. What does the concept "reform" mean?

2. What does the concept "reforming" mean?

3. What is the structure of political system of RK?

4. What des specificity of reforming of political system in RK consist?

5. What are the conditions of reforming of political system in РК?

6. What actions are carried out for successful reforming political system in RK?

7. What is the basic aim of modernization of political system in RK?

1. Theme №9: The social state: concept, functions.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about essence of the social state.

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report on a theme: «the Social state: concept, functions». The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the oral answer

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 8 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements is not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie.., 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. Guide - Almaty, 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. posobie- Almaty, 2000.

8.Kapesov MK Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, Almaty, 1995.


9. The control:


1. What does the concept «social state»mean?

2. When also who had been entered the term «the social state»?

3. What are the main principles of the social state?

4. What is the basic aim of the social state formation?

5. List methods for achievement the state with the developed system of social security.

6. What countries have the Status of the social state, which is fixed officially in the Constitution?

7. What is the basic law making Kazakhstan as the social state?

8. Give the characteristic of liberal model of the social state.

9. Characterize conservative model of the social state.

10. Tell about socially-democratic model of the social state.

1. Theme №10: The groups of interests: concept, functions, typology.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about essence of groups of interests as the subjects of political process, their applicability and typology.

3. The task:

To write the abstract report on a theme: «Groups of interests: concept, functions, typology».

The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the abstract report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 9 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements are not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Political Science. Textbook ed. Radugina AA M., 1999.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1995.

3 Mukhaev Politics: Textbook

4 AI Demidov, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995


8. The control:

1. Define the concept "group of interests»

2. What role is played by groups of interests in the politics?

3. Name the basic functions of groups of interests?

4. What are the resemblances and difference between groups of interests and political parties?

5. Name the basic criteria typology of groups of interests?

6. Explain the anomic and institutional groups of interests?

1. Theme №11: Theories of democracy.

2. The aim: to learn the student distinguishing the basic theories of democracy.

3. The task: to make the table on a theme: «Theories of democracy» in which it is necessary to reveal the basic provisions of individualistic (liberal), pluralistic (theories of groups) and collectivist concepts of democracy.

Theories of democracy

collectivist individualistic pluralistic


The task is drawing up of the table is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the table

5. Criteria of execution:

- The table is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group.
6. Terms of delivery: 10 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements are not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 1995

2 Politics. Textbook ed. Radugina AA M., 1999.

3 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1995.

4.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1995.

5.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie- Almaty, 1996.


9. The control (questions, tests): tests.

1. What is the democracy?

2. Define the democracy.

3. What is the basic criterion of democracy theories division on: collectivist, individualistic, pluralistic?

4. What are the basic provisions of collectivist concepts of democracy?

5. Reveal the basic provisions of individualistic concepts of democracy?

6. What is the distinction between collectivist and individualistic concepts of democracy?

7. What is the difference between individualistic and pluralistic concepts of democracy?

8. What is the difference between collectivist and pluralistic concepts of democracy?

1. Theme №12: Political process and political activity.

2. The aim: To fix knowledge of students about essence of political process and political activity.

3. Tasks: to make a glossary on a theme: «Political process and political activity». To make a glossary on 10 terms of a theme: «political process», «stages of political process», «structure of political process», «the subject of political process», «an object of political process», «resources of political process», «internal political process», «foreign policy process», «the engaged and not engaged political processes». The glossary is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: written work.

5. Criteria of execution:

The glossary is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group.

6. Terms of delivery: 6 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements are not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie.., 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. Guide - Almaty, 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. posobie- Almaty, 2000.

8.Kapesov MK Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, Almaty, 1995.


9. The control:


1. Define the concept «political process».

2. Reveal the structure of political process.

3. Name the definition of "object" and "subject" of political process.

4. What are the resources of political process?

5. What are the methods and means of political process?

6. What is the internal political process?

7. What are the differences between foreign policy process and internal political process?

8. What are the criteria of political process typology?

9. Name the stages of political process.

1. Theme №13: The structure and functions of political culture.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students in definition of structure and function of political culture.

3. The task: to make the graphological scheme on a theme: «The structure and functions of political culture» where it is necessary to reflect structural elements and functional purpose of political culture. Besides the graphological scheme should be developed, that is presence of definitions of elements and the characteristic of political culture functions.

4. The form of execution: graphological scheme.

5. Criteria of execution:

the graphological scheme is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group.

6. Terms of delivery: 12 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements are not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1 Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. allowance. Almaty, 1995

2 Politics. Textbook ed. Radugina AA M., 1989.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. M.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. posobie.., 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.


9. The control:

Control questions of an initial knowledge level.

1. How do you understand concept "culture"?

2. What does the concept "Structure" mean?

3. How is the political culture connected with political system?

Control questions of final knowledge level.

1. Define concept «political culture?

2. What is the structure of political culture?

3. How you think, does «the political behaviour» enter into structure of political culture?

4. List functions of political culture.

5. Give the characteristic to integrative function of political culture.

1. Theme №14: Modern theories of elite.

2. The aim: To fix knowledge of students about the maintenance of modern elite theories.

3. Tasks: to prepare the abstract report where it is necessary to reveal the essence of Machiavelli’s theories of elite, valuable theories of elite, concepts of democratic elitism, left-liberal theories of elite, etc. The abstract should be written independently, volume of 8-10 pages. The structure of the abstract report includes: introduction, the basic part and the conclusion. The introduction includes: the aims and tasks of a problem, and also defines structure of the report. In the basic part the student considers questions by the plan, results own judgements on a theme, giving reason for the facts and examples. In conclusion the inferences on the basic judgements are brought. Besides it is necessary to specify the list of the used literature. The task is carried out individually.

4. The form of execution: the abstract report

5. Criteria of execution:

- The abstract report is carried out on the basis of studying and the analyzing the specified sources of the literature on a paper of a format A4, font TNR, size 14, an 1,5 interval. A field: at the left 3,0, on the right-2, from above, from below - 2,0mm. To show the name of a theme, disciplines, First name, middle initial, last name of the student, speciality, group. The volume of abstract is not more than 7-10 pages.

6. Terms of delivery: 14 week.

7. Criteria of value:

- The task should be executed in time;

- To observe all points of the task performance;

- It is necessary to lead the careful analysis of all questions, which included on structure of the abstract report;

- The brought definitions (definition of concept) should be clearly formulated;

- All conclusions and offers should be argued;

- Don’t exceed quantity of pages from the set volume.

To get of the maximal ball-4, the task should be executed and handed over in time. In case:

- If the abstract report is handed over later first week, the mark will be decreased on 1 point;

- If the abstract report is made without requirements on execution, the mark will be lowered on 1 point;

- If the registration requirements are not be observed the mark is decreased on 0, 5 point.

8. The literature:

1.Politologiya. Educational-methodical posobie.., 1995.

2 Zerkin D. Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures. Rostov n / d., 1996.

3.Demidov AI, Fedoseyev Fundamentals of Political Science. Moscow, 1995.

4.Osnovy political science. Rate lektsiy.A., 1995.

5.Kozlov GY, Yu Buluktaev Politics. Ouch. Guide - Almaty, 1995.

6.Radugin AA Political science. Ouch. manual for high schools. M., 2001.

7.Bulatova AN, ZN Ismagambetova Political science. Ouch. posobie- Almaty, 2000.

8.Kapesov MK Fundamentals of Political Science. A course of lectures, Almaty, 1995.



9. The control:


1. Who is the founder of the elite theory?

2. Reveal the maintenance of Machiavelli’s theories of elite.

3. What positions of that theory are criticized?

4. State the features of valuable theories of elite.

5. What do them differ from other concepts?

6. What factors of elite valuable theories influence to formation of elite?

7. What is an essence of democratic elitarism theories?

8. What is the role of elite in a society according to democratic elitarism theories?

9. Reveal the basic provisions of elite pluralism concepts.

10. Why some people consider, that left-liberal theories of elite are an antipode of pluralistic elitism?



1. Theme №15: Global problems of the present.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about essence of global problems of the present and a way of their decision by the international community.

3. The task: to make the graphological scheme on a theme: «Global problems of the present» in which it is necessary to reveal the concept “ global problems of the present» and to characterize sociopolitical, socioeconomic, ecological and problems of the person in global scale.


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