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III. Поставьте существительные во множественном числе. Помните об артикле.

Читайте также:
  1. IV.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple or Present Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  2. NOTE: запомните
  3. VI. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.
  4. XII. Поставьте прилагательные в следующих предложениях в сравнительную или превосходную степень и переведите данные предложения.
  5. А. Вспомните основные правила подготовки и проведения собеседования при приеме на работу. Проведите собеседование, выступая в роли соискателя, затем работодателя.
  6. Всегда помните, что в ваши игры играют только люди

1. I see a tree. 2. There is a child in the park. 3. I like to read a book. 4. I see a red rose on the window-sill. 5. There is a knife on the table. 6. The city is very nice. 7. That is a man. 8. That is a mouse. 9. That classroom is large. 10. This cup is dirty. 11. That is a new supermarket in our town. 12. It’s a delicious pie for dessert. 13. She is a teacher. 14. It isn’t a sheep. 15. That isn’t a goose.


IV. Прочитайте сочетания слов и переведите их на русский язык.

My friend’s name, his daughter’s book, her aunt’s brother, Peters’ family, the students’ room, our parents’ flat, the children’s toys, Pushkin’s poems.


V. Образуйте притяжательный падеж существительных из следующих словосочетаний.

Model: The book of my sister = My sister’s book.

1. The room of my father. 2. The name of my daughter is Helen. 3. The house of my aunt is in Pushkin Street. 4. The car of my parents. 5. The computer of my son is modern.


VI. Измените предложения, используя притяжательный падеж.

Model: His brother has a large flat. = His brother’s flat is large.

1. Her son has a small family. 2. Their daughter has a good friend. 3. Pete has a black dog. 4. The students have new computers. 5. Our children have interesting hobbies.


VII. Замените выделенные существительные личными местоимениями.

1. Mr. Petrov is a diplomat. 2. Pavlova is in London now. 3. Stepanov and Ivanov are students. 4. The telephones are on the desk. 5. The pen is on the table. 6. How are your children? – Very well, thank you.


VIII. Употребите личные местоимения в объектном падеже.

Model:1) I teach (she) French. – I teach her French.

2) Do you see (he)? – Do you see him?

1. We like (she) and she likes (we) too. 2. She gives (I) books. 3. Mr. Black teaches (we) English. 4. I met (they) at the Institute. 5. We are very glad to see (you). 6. I know (he) very well.


IX. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу местоимениями.

1. He lives with … parents. 2. I like to work in … garden. 3. The teachers ask … students very many questions. 4. He likes … brother. 5. We don’t understand the rule. Please, explain … to …. 6. She takes … bag and goes into the street. 7. We like … flat.


X. Вставьте much или many.


1. That man drank so … wine, and he smoked so … cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today. 2. Mary must not eat too … salt. 3. There are … newspapers on the table. 4. There is … chalk on the blackboard. 5. I never eat … bread with soup. 6. … of their answers were excellent. 7. … of their conversation was about the institute.


XI. Вставьте little или few.

1. He has got … friends. 2. I drink … coffee. I don’t like it. 3. We must hurry. We’ve got very … time. 4. The Smiths have … money. They aren’t rich. 5. He has … English books.


XII. Вставьте a little или a few.

This is my mother’s favourite recipe for fruitcake.


1. Put 3 cups of flour into a mixing bowl.

2. Add … sugar.

3. Slice … apples.

4. Cut up … oranges.

5. Pour in … honey.

6. Add … baking soda.

7. Chop up … nuts.

8. Add … salt

9. Mix in … raisins.

10. Bake for 45 minutes.



Test № 2

I. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где необходимо.

1. Mr. Robinson is … company manager. 2. In … morning he gets up at 6.30. 3. For … breakfast he has … coffee. 4. His … office in … London is … very large. 5. He stays in … office all day. 6. He is interested in … latest events. 7. They go abroad on … business to have … talks. 8. At … talks they discuss … prices for goods, … terms of … payment and … delivery. 9. He is speaking on … phone now. 10. They are making … appointment for … Monday. 11. Browns Ltd is … large company in … Park street. It makes … furniture. 12. Janet is … reporter who writes interesting articles about business and businessmen. 13. … typist is … person who types … letters and reports. 14. Ann is … good secretary. 15. It is … enquiry for … telephone equipment.


II. Переведите следующие словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж.

1. Офис моего друга. 2. Офисы моего друга. 3. Офис моих друзей.
4. Рабочий день Лаврова. 5. Вчерашняя газета. 6. Секретарь нашего управляющего. 7. Письма ваших инженеров. 8. Городской банк.


III. Вставьте вместо пропусков соответствующие местоимения.

1. He looks through very many journals. He looks through … in the morning.

2. Mr. Robinson often speaks to … customers in the morning. He speaks to … about business.

3. Ann is Mr. Robinson’s secretary. I often meet … in the office.

4. We often write letters to foreign companies. And they often write to …too.

5. Many engineers of our company learn English. … want to speak … well.


IV. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках.

1. Every day we receive (много) mail.

2. We sell (много) goods to different countries.

3. The secretary has (мало) work today.

4. We have (мало) offers from British firms.

5. I have (немного) free time today.

6. In (несколько) days he will go on business to Italy.


V. Выберите правильную форму личных или притяжательных местоимений.

1. I saw … in the office.

a) them b) he c) his d) us.

2. … offer is very interesting.

a) she b) us c) his d) them.

3. I have a secretary. … name is Nina.

a) my b) her с) she d) his

4. We always speak to … in English.

a) they b) his c) her d) us.

5. I know … and his engineers very well.

a) he b) him c) her d) them.

6. Your letter is longer than ….

a) my b) our c) mine d) their.

Unit II

Проверьте себя!

1. Каков порядок слов в утвердительном предложении в английском языке?

2. Как построить вопросительные и отрицательные предложения?

3. Какие типы вопросов вы знаете?

4. Какие вопросительные слова употребляются в специальных вопросах?

5. Проспрягайте глагол to be, to have в Present Simple (Indefinite).



Test № 3

I. Задайте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям и ответьте на них кратко.

Model: 1. The pencil is on the table.

Is the pencil on the table? – Yes, it is.


1. The student is in the classroom. 2. The window is large. 3. The children are in the garden. 4. We shall be teachers. 5. I was busy yesterday.


II. Поставьте глагол «to be» в зависимости от смысла в Present, Past или Future Simple.

1. My friend … in the room now. 2. How old … you? 3. She … busy tomorrow. 4. It … Sunday yesterday. 5. We … at the meeting two days ago.
6. They … here in ten minutes. 7. Who … this man? 8. Mary … a young girl.
9. I … a student next year.


III. Закончите разделительные и альтернативные вопросы.

1. He is in town, …? 2. Is this factory small …? 3. You are a doctor, …? 4. The book isn’t interesting, …? 5. They will be engineers, …? 6. Were you at home … yesterday evening?


IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

1. Where … you from? 2. How old … your brother? 3. What … your aunt’s name? 4. I … glad to see you. How … you? 5. The dog … in the garden.
6. Tom’s parents … travel agents. 7. … your father a carpenter? – No, he ….
8. John … (not) a student, he … a doctor. 9. Those books … (not) very interesting. Take this one. 10. The best seats … 10$. 11. Minsk … the capital of Belarus. 12. I … hot. Open the window, please. 13. What … the weather like today? 14. I … (not) interested in football at all. 15. … you hungry? 16. The news … (not) very bad today. 17. What … your parents’ address? 18. Your money … in your handbag.


V. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have.

1. We … a seminar yesterday. 2. Peter … some English newspapers. 3. We … many lessons today. 4. … she a flat in a new house? 5. It was Sunday yesterday and we … no classes. 6. I … some free time tomorrow. 7. … you a sister or a brother? 8. … you … a test tomorrow? 9. They … (not) much furniture in the sitting-room.


VI. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы to be или to have в нужной форме:

Mr. Brown’s father …an old man. His hair … grey but he … still in good health. His house … in the same street as Mr. Brown’s. When he … a young man he … a house in London. He … a doctor at a large hospital in London, and his wife … a typist at a factory. Now they … both on pension. Last year they … in France and … a very pleasant holiday.

Test № 4

I. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

– Hello. I … Linda Brown.

– Hello. My name … Ann Turner.

– I … glad to meet you. Were … you from?

– I … from France. And you?

– I … from England. What … your job?

– I … a secretary.


II. Задайте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям и дайте краткие ответы.

Model: My parents are at home now.

Are your parents at home now? – Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t).


1. They are in the office. 2. She is a secretary. 3. Peter was in London last week. 4. I am at my desk now. 5. His sister will be an engineer next year.
6. They were busy yesterday. 7. Stepanov and Ivanov are economists. 8. We are interested in the latest economic events.

III. Задайте вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

1. I am well, thank you.

2. No, my husband wasn’t in London last week.

3. This woman will be an economist.

4. Yes, those are my files.

5. The offers are on the desk.

6. She was a secretary in a bank.

7. Our manager has got a large desk.

8. No, we haven’t got an office in Moscow.

9. Mr. Brown has got 2 computers at home.


IV. Переведите на русский язык с помощью словаря.


1. – Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.

– Thank you, Mr. Jackson.

– This is Miss Grey and this is Miss Taylor.

– How do you do?

Those girls are very pretty. What are their jobs?

– They are typists.

This is Mr. Baker and this is Mr. Short.

– They aren’t very busy. What are their jobs?

– They are clerks. They are very lazy.

– Who is this young man?

– This is Jim. He’s our office boy.

2. Hello, my name is Tom Atkins. I’m from London. I’m broke. I haven’t got money. I haven’t a job or a house, or a car. I haven’t got a wife, and I haven’t got children. Life is terrible. I haven’t got anything.


V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Это офис. Он очень большой. Инженеры сейчас в офисе. Они за своими рабочими столами. Факсы на столе. Это секретарь.

– Где контракт с фирмой «Грин энд Ко, Анна?»

– Он на вашем столе.

– А чьи это письма?

– Это Ваши письма.

– Спасибо.

2. – Твоего коллегу зовут Браун?

– Нет, его зовут Смит.

– Он менеджер?

– Нет.

– А кто он?

– Он экономист.

3. – Чей это офис?

– Это офис нашего менеджера.

В офисе нет шкафа для документов. Он – в офисе секретаря.

Unit III

Проверьте себя!

1. Какие действия выражает The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense?

2. Какие наречия и словосочетания часто употребляются с Present Simple?

3. Назовите вспомогательный глагол, с помощью которого образуется The Present Continuous Tense.

4. Какие глаголы не употребляются во временах группы Continuous?

5. Как переводятся на русский язык предложения с оборотом there is/are?


Test №5

I. Составьте предложения из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов в утвердительном предложении.


1. English, she, well, speaks. 2. Me, flower, a, he, beautiful, gave. 3. A, he, student, is. 4. Have, a, I, pencil, long. 5. Not, he, doctor, is, a. 6. Have, I, family, large, a. 7. Name, Petrov, is, my. 8. Sister, has, a, he. 9. In, she, Gorky, lives, street. 10. On, book, there is, a, table, the.


II. Прочитайте вопросы и дайте на них краткие ответы.

Model: Do you speak German well? – Yes, I do. (No, I don’t)

Does he (she) learn English? – Yes, he (she) does.

(No, he (she) doesn’t.)


1. Do you need a rest? 2. Does he help Nick? 3. Do you often meet my sister? 4. Does she study in summer? 5. Do they go to the Institute? 6. Does Mike read much?


III. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

Model:I live in Minsk.

Do you live in Minsk?

I don’t live in Minsk.


1. We have lessons at 8 o’clock. 2. He usually comes home in time. 3. I like fruit. 4. My sister speaks English. 5. They live with their parents. 6. Our children like to read. 7. His mother is a teacher. 8. My friend has a two-room flat.

IV. Поставьте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

Model: My brother plays football. – Who plays football?

His sister studies English. – What does his sister study?


1. My brother works very well. 2. They go to school every morning. 3. I have breakfast at 8 o’clock. 4. He has two brothers. 5. My friends often go to the cinema. 6. My sister is a secretary.


V. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

Model: Ann usually gets up at 7, doesn’t she?


1. He speaks English well, …? 2. The book is interesting, …? 3. We don’t know her address, …? 4. They are at the office, …? 5. Ivanov is a very clever man, …? 6. Your mother doesn’t like coffee, …? 7. They haven’t got a big flat, …?


VI. Поставьте все виды вопросов к предложениям.

1. The teacher explains the rule. 2. They go to the cinema every week. 3. I have an interesting book.


VII. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Где ты живешь? – Я живу в Минске. 2. Когда у тебя каникулы? – В январе. 3. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает в двадцать минут восьмого. 4. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? – Нет, она говорит по-немецки. 5. Твои друзья не любят играть в волейбол, не так ли? 6. Я трачу свои карманные деньги на мороженое. 7. Она обедает дома или в столовой?


VIII. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу глаголами ( to be, to have, to do ).

1. – Hello, I … Kate Kern. And what … your name?

– Hi, my name … Ann Brown. I … glad to meet you.

– Where … you live, Ann? – I … from Leeds.

2. – I like swimming and what about you? … you like swimming?

– No, I …. But my best friend …. And I like tennis.

3. – … you… any hobbies? … you like reading?

– Yes, I ….

4. – … you … any brothers or sisters?

– No, I … an only child.

– And I … a brother.

– How old … he?

– He … 4. He … go to school. I help him much.

IX. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. Помните о порядке слов.

1. It’s my mother’s birthday next week.

a) who b) whose c) whom

2. My best friend Jeff lives in Walton Street.

a) whom b) whose c) who

3. Mrs. Laura is in her office.

a) when b) where c) how

4. I’ve got two bottles of lemonade at home.

a) how many b) how much c) what

5. Mr Smith usually walks his dog early in the morning.

a) where b) when c) how often

6. They know English well.

a) how b) what c) why

7. I see a pretty little girl in the yard.

a) who b) what c) which

8. … money do you want?

a) how many b) how much c) which.

9. … is the cheapest way to get to London: by plane or by train?

a) what b) how c) which

10. … is the weather like today?

a) what b) how c) which.



Test № 6

I. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, обращая внимание на порядок слов в предложении.


1. Work, all, hard, I usually, the week.

2. My, when, office, are, hours, over, I’m, tired, very.

3. Sunday, am, I, to, going, on, the country.

4. Watch, after 10, don’t, television.

5. Your manager, finish, at 7, his work, sometimes, does?

6. Our, he, engineer, is, chief.

7. Have, many, they, got, in, computers, office, their, now?

8. Much, is, in, furniture, there, room, secretary’s, his?


II.Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. Mr. Robinson is the company manager. (2)

2. He has breakfast at 8 o’clock. (1)

3. In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. (2)

4. Mr. Robinson often receives customers in his office. (3)

5. At the talks they discuss prices for goods. (1)

6. I work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. (1)


III. Напишите альтернативные и разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

Model: 1. She has lunch at 2.

Does she have lunch at 2 or at 1?

She has lunch at 2, doesn’t she?

2. They stay in the office till 7.

Do they stay in the office till 7 or 8?

They stay in the office till 7, don’t they?


1. Our secretary comes to the office at 8.

2. Your engineers meet customers in the morning.


IV. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. How much … this equipment cost?

2. How much … this equipment?

a) is b) does c) do.

3. I … stay in the office on Sundays.

4. I … in the office on Sundays.

a) am not b) doesn’t c) don’t.

5. He … have much money.

6. He … rich

a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) don’t.

7. Pete’s father … work as an economist.

8. Pete’s father … an economist.

a) isn’t b) aren’t c) doesn’t.

9. It … cost much to stay at that hotel.

10. That hotel … expensive.

a) doesn’t b) isn’t c) don’t.


V. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

Oleg Stepanov is an engineer … Rossexport.

They are a large company. They’ve got customers … different cities. …
9 o’clock Stepаnov comes … his office. He stays … the office all day. … the morning he reads … faxes, cables, and … lunch he writes letters … different companies. Stepanov usually finishes his work … 6 … the evening.



VI. Переведите с английского на русский язык с помощью словаря.

My office has business relations with a lot of foreign firms in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. As a rule, our business partners don’t speak Russian but the people at my office know different languages. For example, I speak English and Spanish. It is very convenient because we do business with many firms in English- and Spanish-speaking countries. I often take part in talks and it helps me to speak these languages fluently. I also read foreign newspapers and magazines and listen to the radio programmes in these languages.


VII. Переведите на английский язык.

Я знаю этого человека. Его зовут г-н Белл. Ему 40 лет. Он управляющий большой фирмой в Лондоне. Фирма имеет конторы в различных городах. Г-н Белл часто встречается со своими заказчиками. Он очень занят целый день. Он приходит на работу в 9 и находится в конторе до 6 вечера.



Test №7

I. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными (общий вопрос). Помните о порядке слов.

Model: The sun is shining.

Is the sun shining? The sun isn’t shining.


1. The dog is sleeping. 2. The children are playing in the garden. 3. We are speaking to our teacher. 4. I am working hard now.


II. Задайте вопросы с вопросительными словами в скобках.

1. I am reading an interesting book. (What?) 2. They are standing at the blackboard. (Where?) 3. He is speaking with his mother. (Whom?)


III. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. Where are your children? It’s quiet at home. – They (lie) on the carpet and (draw).

2. What you (do) now? – I (look for) my key. I can’t open the door.

3. Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.

4. Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

5. Don’t make so much noise. I (try) to work.

6. Why you (cry)? Is something wrong?

7. Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain) now.

8. Why you (not/hurry)? I (wait) for you.

9. We (spend) next weekend at home.

10. I (meet) Liz tonight.

11. He (go) to speak to his parents.

12. I (take) dancing lessons this winter.

13. Have some hot tea. It (get) cool.


IV. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужной форме.

1. Everybody at 149 (be) very busy today. Mr. Anderson (clean) his apartment. Mrs. Wilson (fix) her kitchen sink. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (paint) their living-room. Mrs. Black (do) her exercises. Tommy Lee (feed) his dog, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lane (wash) their car. I (to be) busy too. I (wash) my windows and of course, I (watch) all my neighbours. It’s a very busy day at 149 River Street.


– What you (do) now?

– I (type).

– What you (type)?

– An article.

– Your husband (be) at home?

– Yes, he (read) something in the living-room.

– Where (to) the children?

– They (play) in the garden.

– How (be) your Mother? What she (do)?

– She (visit) her friend.

– And how you (be), Betty?

– Fine, thanks.

– Your husband (be) still in France?

– Yes, he (be).

– Give my best regards to him.


V. Задайте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям:

1. The students are going to write a dictation. 2. The Browns are leaving on Monday. 3. Mike is waiting for Lucy at the bus-stop.


VI. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Где Виктор? – Он в своей комнате. – Что он делает? – Он разговаривает по телефону. 2. Что ты пишешь? – Я пишу письмо своей сестре. 3. Аня все еще печатает? – Да. 4. О чем ты думаешь? – О своей работе. 5. Что делают сейчас Джейн и Дик? – Они слушают музыку. 6. Что ты ищешь? – Зонтик. 7. Ты собираешься смотреть телевизор сегодня вечером? 8. Лавров уезжает во вторник.


VII. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. It (often / rain) in this part of the world.

A is often raining В often rains

2. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

A rains В is raining

3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum-cake.

A is making В makes

4. My wife (often / make) plum-cakes.

A is often making В often makes

5. Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath).

A is having a bath В has a bath

6. Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you.

A is waiting В waits

7. I don't know Spanish, but I (learn) it now.

A am learning В learn

8. John (still / work) in the garden.

A is still working B still works

9. Dad (usually /work) on Saturdays.

A is usually working В usually works

10. Usually I (have coffee) in the morning, but now I (drink) tea.

A am having coffee A drink

В have coffee В am drinking

11. We (sometimes / go) to the cinema.

A are sometimes going В sometimes go

12. - What she (do)? – She is a secretary at our college.

A is she doing В she does

С does she do.

13. Why you (sit) at my desk? Could you take your place, please?

A Why you are sitting

В Why do you sit

С Why are you sitting.

14. We've got tickets, and tomorrow evening we (go) to the cinema.

A go В are going

15. –... you (do) anything tomorrow afternoon?

– I (play) tennis with my friend.

A Are you doing A am playing

B Do you do B play.

VIII. Исправьте ошибки:

1. Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.

2. Jill is speaking five languages.

3. I am looking for my glasses. Where are they?

4. My brother is smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

5. I am not understanding what he is speaking about.

6. John is tired, so he has a short sleep.

7. The man in the dark grey coat is looking like Tom Garrett.

8. He doesn't like ballroom dancing.

9. I'm looking out of the window, but I'm not seeing him.

10. I am remembering that holiday we had in France a few years ago.

11. How much is it costing to send a letter to Paris?

12. My parents are never drinking strong coffee.

13. I hate big cities.

14. The play is beginning at half past seven.

15. What are you thinking of that novel?

16. What are you thinking about?



Test № 8


I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. Помните о вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

1. Mr. Brown (to meet) customers. 2. They (to work) in the office. 3. The secretary (to have) lunch now. 4. I (to fax) a contract. 5. The engineers (to discuss) an offer from Green & Co now? 6. They (not to have) talks now. 7. Who (to speak) on the phone? 8. What journals the manager (to look) through now?
9. Your people (to work) on computers? 10. I (not to read) a letter now.
11. What Belov (to do) now?


II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple и Present Continuous.

1. I (to write) a letter now. I (write) letters every day.
2. He (to speak) to his secretary at the moment. He (to speak) to his secretary every morning.
3. We (to meet) foreign customers now. We (to meet) foreign customers very often.
4. They (to have) talks now. They (to have) talks on Tuesdays.
5. Mr. Bell (to look) through the catalogues at the moment? Mr. Bell (to look) through the catalogues every morning?  
6. What they (to discuss) now? What they usually (to discuss) at the talks?  
7. Whom Mr. Brown (to receive) now? Whom Mr. Brown often (to receive) in his office?

III. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Mr. Robinson (to be) the Company manager. He (to leave) for work at
8 o’clock. But he usually (to come) earlier to get ready for work. His company
(to be) very large. They (to sell) their goods to many countries all over the world. Mr. Robinson (to have) much work to do every day. He (to be) usually very busy. In the morning the secretary (to bring) him letters, cables, faxes, newspapers and journals. He (to look) through the mail and (to send) answers to foreign firms.

It is 2 o’clock in the afternoon now. Mr. Robinson (to have) talks with his customers. They (to discuss) prices and other terms of the contract. His secretary (to be) in her office now too. She (to sit) at the table and (to speak) on the phone. She (to make) an appointment for Monday. It (to be) a busy day for them.


IV. Вставьте необходимые предлоги.

Stepanov is the director... the firm. He works... Rossexport. The company is very large. They sell different goods... very many companies. Stepanov's firm does business... French and British companies. Many customers come... Rossexport to discuss business matters... the engineers... the company. They usually discuss prices, terms... payment, shipment and delivery.

Now you see Stepanov... his office. He is sitting... the table and speaking... the phone. The company manager... Bell & Co. is phoning him. They are making an appointment... Friday. Bell & Co are interested... the new model... planes.
Mr. Bell would like to have their catalogues and a quotation... the model.


V. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Мы ведем торговлю со многими зарубежными странами.

2. Генеральный директор и инженеры сейчас в конторе. Они обсуждают деловые вопросы.

3. Мой рабочий день начинается в 9 часов. Я прихожу в контору в 8 часов.

4. Я работаю 8 часов каждый день.

5. Директор фирмы – за своим столом. Он просматривает почту. Он обычно получает много почты. А сейчас он читает запрос на химическое оборудование.

6. Нас интересует последний каталог вашей фирмы, а он интересуется вашей котировкой.

7. Во время переговоров бизнесмены обсуждают цены, условия поставки и отгрузки.

8. Сейчас мы говорим по телефону.

9. Сначала мы делаем предложение, а затем заключаем контракт.

10. Мы хотим назначить встречу с приемщиками на сегодня.

VI. Переведите на русский язык с помощью словаря.

Lock: Secretary: Lock: Secretary: Lock: Petrov: Lock: Petrov: Lock: Petrov: Lock: Petrov: Lock: Hello! Is that “Intersport”? Yes. Secretary speaking. Who’s calling? Brown of Brown and Sons Company. I’d like to speak to the President, please. Is he available? Mr. Petrov is on another line. Can you hold on? Certainly. Petrov speaking. Hello, Mr. Petrov. It’s Lock. Our delegation is coming to Minsk next week. Glad to hear that. On what day? On Monday. That’s good. And what do you think of our offer? Our people are still studying your offer and catalogues. But we think your prices are too high, you know. Well, we can meet next week and discuss the prices. Agreed. See you next week.  


Проверьте себя!

1. Когда употребляется The Past Simple Tense?

2. Какие слова чаще всего сопровождают это время?

3. Помните ли вы три основные формы неправильных глаголов?

4. Какой вспомогательный глагол употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях в Past Simple?

Test № 9

I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday? 2. Mr. Smith (to fix) his car.
3. His wife (to water) plants in the garden. 4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV. 6. Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitchen. 7. She (to cook) a good dinner. 8. Her husband (to smoke) a cigarette and (to talk) to his wife.


II. Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени. Помните о неправильных глаголах.

On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a “five”. Pete does not get a “five” because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home.

III. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1. I liked going to the cinema some years ago.

2. I got up very early yesterday.

3. We had breakfast at 8 o’clock.

4. His sister studied English last year.

5. They always took a bus to get to work.


IV. Задайте вопросы с вопросительными словами в скобках.

1. We translated two articles yesterday. (What)

2. My son left for Britain last month. (When)

3. He bought a present for his sister the day before yesterday. (Who)

4. The Blacks lived far from London some years ago. (Where)

5. She met her friends at the station at 3 o’clock. (4 o’clock) альтернативный.

6. You saw my brother in the library yesterday morning. (не так ли?)


V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.

1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two hours ago. 3. You (to come) home at six o’clock yesterday? – No, I …. Yesterday I (to come) home at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 5. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 6. I (not to like) coffee.
7. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? – Yes, I …. But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 8. We (to like) to go to the beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.


VI. Выберите вспомогательный глагол (am, is, are, do, does, was, were, did) для следующих предложений:

1. … you going to the cinema next Sunday? 2. He … not study French. He studies English. 3. Where … you study? 4. I … not see her yesterday. 5. It … cold yesterday. 6. It … not cold today. The sun … shining. The birds … singing. 7. When … you buy your new dress? 8. … you tired yesterday? 9. I … very busy now. I … sorry. 10. … she drink coffee every day?


VII. Переведите на русский язык с помощью словаря.

– Did you go away last Sunday?

– Yes, I went to Brighton.

– Did you? Were there many holiday – makers there?

– Yes, there were. I went swimming though the sea was very cold.

– Well, it often is in England.

– I caught a cold and stayed in bed for two days.

– Are you better now?

– No, I’m still not very well.

– What a pity.



Test №10

I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

Mr. Bell works at a big firm in London. His firm has good business contacts with the firms in Belarus. Last week Mr. Bell (to go) on business to Minsk and (to stay) about a week there.

On Friday evening Mr. Bell (to come) back from his business trip.

On Monday morning he (to come) to work at 8 o’clock. In his office he (to find) some letters on his desk. He (to sit) down and (to begin) to look them through. After that he (to speak) on the telephone with his boss. After the talks with him Mr. Bell (to give) his secretary the answers to the business letters. At 12 o’clock he (to go) out for lunch. In the afternoon he (to have) talks with the representatives of foreign companies. Mr. Bell (to be) busy all day long. That day he (to leave) the office later than usual.



II. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. We spoke to the manager about the contract yesterday.

2. They studied the catalogues of Blake & Co last week.

3. Mr. Bell made an appointment with the American businessmen for Friday.

4. The company sold machines Model A 10 some years ago. (разделительный)

5. His father worked at а plant (at a firm). (альтернативный)

6. Our Director had talks with Mr. Carell the day before yesterday.


III. Дополните предложения одним из следующих глаголов, употребляя их в Past Simple. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

to apply, to fire, to join, to get, to retire, to employ, to lose.

1. He ___ his job because the company closed the department.

2. We ___ two more salesmen last week.

3. I ___ for the job, but I don’t know if they will give me an interview.

4. He ___ at 65 and went to live in England.

5. They ___ him because he never arrived at work on time.

6. My friend ___ this company in 2002.

7. She ___the job because she was the best candidate.


IV. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.

Boris Petrov (to be) an engineer of Minsk Tractor Plant. He often (to go) on business to different Asian and African countries. His company (to do) much business with lots of foreign firms.

Last month he (to be) in China. He (to go) there to sign a contract for the delivery of Belarus tractors. The talks (to be) very difficult. Petrov and the Chinese businessmen (to discuss) prices, terms of delivery, terms of shipment and other business matters. Petrov (to agree) to give a 3% discount if the customer makes a big order.

During his trip Petrov (to visit) different plants where he (to see) the equipment he (to be) interested in. He (to sign) a good contract. He (to be) pleased with the trip.


V. Переведите следующий текст с помощью словаря.

On Monday Diano S.p.A. reported increased profits for the year. Exports climbed by 20 per cent last year but domestic sales fell by 5 per cent. Two months ago the company set up new sales offices in France and Singapore. On the Milan Stock Exchange yesterday the company’s share price rose by 300 lire to L.2,155.




Проверьте себя!

1. Как образуется the Present Perfect Tense?

2. Для выражения каких действий употребляется Present Perfect?

3. Каким временем Present Perfect переводится на русский язык чаще всего?

4. С какими наречиями неопределенного времени употребляется Present Perfect?

5. Назовите слова, обозначающие незаконченный период времени, с которыми часто употребляется Present Perfect?

Test №11

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Have you ever been to Kiev? 2. She has already done her work. 3. He hasn’t come yet. 4. She has lost her copy-book. 5. He hasn’t written her since their last meeting. 6. I have lived in the house all my life. 7. Have you seen her today? 8. Have you bought all the necessary things yet? 9. We have just sent a telegram. 10. Have you played tennis lately?


II. Измените предложения в соответствии с моделью.

Model: Open the door. (Открой дверь). – I have already opened it. (Я уже открыл).


1. Please, close the window. 2. Tell Mike about it. 3. Say good-bye to them. 4. Send the letter to your parents.

III. Измените предложения в соответствии с моделью.

Model: Nina has already seen this film. (Нина уже видела этот фильм) – Nina hasn’t seen this film yet. (Нина еще не видела этот фильм)


1. Nick has already passed his examinations. 2. They have just got a telegram. 3. He has been to England. 4. They have worked hard this term.


IV. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Perfect.

1. I just (to come) from a very important meeting. 2. They (to receive) a lot of letters. 3. He (to forget) her name. 4. Pat (not, to give) me the book yet.
5. John is hungry because he (not, to have) any breakfast. 6. The course (to begin) already. 7. I never (to meet) him before. 8. We (to see) this film many times.

V. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect.

Model: I am drinking tea. – I have drunk tea.

She gave her friend a nice thing. – She has given her friend a nice thing.


1. The students are writing a test. 2. I am eating my breakfast. 3. Dick bought a new car. 4. He told me an interesting story. 5. You did that work well. 6. We spoke about the play before. 7. Pete is fixing his car.


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