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b) Answer the questions given before the text in written form.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A student visited a dermatovenerologist complaining of erosion on penis which had appeared some days before. Examination of the patient determined painless ulcer of




4. If you fill in the plural as in the example and read the letter of complain below, you’ll learn what was wrong with Mrs Woodward’s stay in a hotel.

Dear Manager,

I’m writing to complain about the terrible week my family spent at your hotel. We had reserved two 1) rooms (room): one for me and my three 2) …… (grandchild) and another – for my two 3) …… (son-in-law). There were six of us, but when we arrived there weren’t enough 4) …… (bed) in the rooms. Even though we’d checked beforehand, at your restaurant we were told there were no 5) …… (meal) especially for children. We had to keep asking the waiter to bring us some 6) …… (glass) and we found our 7) …… (fork and spoon) dirty. We were informed that not all the 8) …… (dish) were available that evening and, when we did receive our food, the 9) …… (potato) were raw and the meat was so tough I nearly broke my front 10) …… (tooth) when I bit into it. However it was nothing. The real horror was when I saw two 11) …… (mouse) running across the floor.

I think I’m entitled to some compensation as long as it doesn’t include free meals at your restaurant! I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

M. Woodward

Read the text given below and put in compounds in possessive case as in the example.

Mind your skin

We have become very conscious of conversation these days. A lot of people won’t buy any goods made from 1) animal skins (skins of animals). In many parts of the world, it is now unthinkable for a person to dress in 2) …… (a coat made of the skin of a leopard). We realise that 3) …… (the wildlife of the earth) needs protection. This affects such things as 4) ……(clothing worn by children) and 5) …… (coats worn by ladies). If 6) …… (a fur coat worn by an actress) attracts admiration these days, it is probably created from man-made materials. Of course, we still farm animals for their skin, but the notice I saw in a shop recently must have been 7) …… (the revenge of the crocodiles). It was selling crocodile skin bags and offering service: 8) ……(skins of customers) made up.


il in im ir un anti dis mis non

A) Make up the negative of the following adjectives using the prefixes and fill in the table below.



Reliable, legal, comfortable, convenient, logical, social, forgettable, valuable, responsible, polite, credible, agreeable, affordable, literate, leading, honest, direct, regular, popular, reasonable, smoking, acceptable, resistible, revocable, terrorist, personal, predictable, moral, employed, passionate, dependent, relevant, probable, limited.


b) Add the correct prefixes to words 1-8. Make use of the following hint:

anti – against inter – between
bi – two mis – wrongly, badly
co – with, together mono – one
ex – former, previous multi – many

1. Alice Watson is the (1) …author of this book.

2. Out boss is going to a(n) (2) … national conference.

3. At the meeting, no one interrupted the Prime Minister’s (3) …louge about environment.

4. When I was six years old, my parents bought my first (4) …cycle.

5. Oliver is a(n) (5) … teacher. He went on pension six years ago.

6. Boys and girls who (6) …behave will be sent to the headmaster.

7. Our new classmate is very (7) …social. He doesn’t like meeting new people.

8. Our room walls are white, but the curtains are (8) …coloured.


C) Form adverbs from the following adjectives.

  wonderful – comfortable – delicate – rare –     cowardly – rude – fantastic – free –   scarce – logical – happy – lonely –   dreadful – easy – dramatic – terrible –


Your brother has written a story about his summer holidays for Mrs Leant, his teacher of English. Rewrite it putting the adjectives into correct place. As you want your brother to understand his mistakes, make some explanation in brackets identifying what kind of adjectives they are.


My summer holidays started unexpectedly. My parents came into my room one evening and told that we would set up the next day early in the morning. Mum decided to bake a 1) delicious small round chocolate cake [opinion, size, shape, material] (small, chocolate, delicious, round) and to have a small party.

It’s my grandfather’s favourite cake. The matter is that he is a 2) …… (ninety-year-old, sensitive) man who never likes when we leave. He used to be a 3) …… (strict, geography) teacher and was always mad about travelling. And if my 4) …… (old, poor) grandfather has to stay at home he is very sad. So I promised to write a 5) …… (long, interesting, holiday) letter.

We stayed in a 6) …… (beautiful, stone, large) villa on the coast, with spectacular views of the sea. I enjoyed the 7) …… (old, huge, marble) swimming pool we had in our 8) …… (green, terraced, wonderful) garden. There was a 9) …… (stone, rectangular, beautiful) patio at the front and we lived in the house with two 10) …… (elegant, white, medium-sized) bedrooms. We ate in the many 11) …… (Italian, excellent, small) restaurants nearby and enjoyed using the facilities in the new sports center. It was the 12) …… (short, nice, amusing) holidays.



A) See how many words to do with education you can find in this word square. You can go across (11) and down (5). One has been done for you.


b) First, look up in your dictionary, then write a definition of each word you’ve found in the word square above. Remember that all your words are to do with education.

9. If you read the text below filling in the blanks with the correct word from the box, you’ll find the reason why many students have difficulty in finding time for the activities which they would like to do.

programme inspiration students routine topic
motivation work time-table workers subject

Many 1) ______ muddle along, doing a bit of this 2) ______ or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment.

No doubt some temperaments take much more kindly to a regular 3) _____ than others. There are many who shy away from the self-regimentation of a weekly 4) ______, and dislike being tied down to a definite 5) ______ of work. Many able students claim that they work in cycles. When they become interested in a 6) _____ they work on it intensively for three or four days at a time. On other days they avoid work completely. It has to be confessed that we don’t fully understand the complexities of the 7) _____ to work. Most people over 25 years of age have become conditioned to a work routine, and the majority of really productive 8) ____ set aside regular hours for the more important aspects of their work. The ‘tough-minded’ school of workers is usually very contemptuous of the idea that good 9) ____ can only be done spontaneously, under the influence of 10) _____.


Think of what people of different professions do and fill in the gaps with the words in brackets.

1. An …… is a scientist who studies the stars and planets, but an …… makes predictions by studying the positions of stars and planets. (astrologer / astronomer)

2. …… catch fish which are then sold to …… who sell them in their shops. (fishermen / fishmongers)

3. A …… writes articles for newspapers or magazines, while a …… presents news stories on television or radio. (journalist / newsreader)

4. …… work in places from which you can buy books, whereas …… work in places from which you can borrow books. (librarians / booksellers)

5. …… work on beaches or in swimming pools and save people from drowning, but ……are hired to protect famous people. (lifeguards / bodyguards)

6. A(n) …… repairs car engines, whereas a(n) …… uses scientific knowledge to develop machines. (mechanic / engineer)

7. A(n) …… is responsible for the preparation and publication of a newspaper, book or magazine, while a(n) …… prints them ready to be sold. (publisher / editor)

8. A …… informs people about the weather on the TV or radio, whereas a …… studies weather conditions so that the weather forecast can be given. (weather presenter / meteorologist)


11. a) To be ready for translation into English look through the words / phrases in the box.

Vocation, career, occupation, profession, job, position, employment, career adviser, career ladder, take up a career / ajob / a position, be cut out for a career of a teacher / doctor/ etc., consider a career of a lawyer/ journalist, make a career, find a permanent/ temporary job, apply for a job /position, job description, job interview, candidate, entrance (exams), full-time job, part-time job, applicant, application, the letter of application, submit a proposal / documents, salary, wages, work overtime, work in shifts, to work late hours, pay in cash / by check / into somebody’s account, staff, recruitment agency, fire / dismiss, tuition fee, retire, do one’s homework / assignment (AE), be doing well / badly, be making good / no progress at school, be a student / go to school, revise for an exam, hand / give in papers, examination period, acquisition of knowledge, distribute one’s revision time, read to oneself, do self-testing, give a lesson / a class / a course of lectures in a subject, give a lecture in / on a subject, lecture on a problem, help with sth


B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing.

Variant 1

1. Наш університет – це територія, на якій не палять. Куріння в університеті та на прилеглій території є недопустимим. 2. Розпочинати телефонну розмову не привітавшись є неввічливим. 3. Джеймса звільнили за безвідповідальне ставлення до своїх обов’язків і постійні запізнення ще до того, як він зробив цей аморальний вчинок. 4. Потреба учителів у країнах Африки завжди була й залишається дуже великою, адже понад третина населення цього континенту залишаються неписьменними. 5. Погода у горах завжди непередбачувана, чисте ранкове небо може бути оманливим. 6. Неймовірно, що мого брата зарахували до Гарварда – для нього це можливість, від якої не можна відмовитись. 7. Для того, щоб налагодити дисципліну, керівництву компанії довелось приймати непопулярні рішення. 8. З ним неможливо мати справу – він дуже ненадійна людина, й до того ж дуже амбіційна, з якою важко домовитись. 9. Беру на себе сміливість стверджувати, що ці кошти слід використати на нові підручники та сучасне обладнання кабінетів. 10. Студенти цікавилися чи додаткові лекції будуть читати за рахунок семінарських занять.

Variant 2

11. Моя сестра з самого дитинства мріяла обрати професію вчителя. 12. Сорок років тому цей видатний учений і винахідник розпочав свою кар’єру як звичайний автомеханік. 13. Вчителювання є творчим заняттям, яке вимагає від людини великої відданості, адже учитель має бути готовим часто працювати понаднормово за досить скромну платню. 14. В Україні вчителі працюють по сорок годин на тиждень і мають п’ятдесят шість днів оплачуваної відпустки. 15. Ви ніколи не замислювались над тим, щоб обрати медицину своєю професією? 16. На минулому тижні я розмовляв із психологом-консультантом і вирішив, що наступного року подам документи до медичного інституту. 17. Професія лікаря – це покликання, у медицині не варто розраховувати на легке й швидке просування по кар’єрній драбині. 18. Чарльз Діккенс змінив багато професій до того як став знаменитим англійським письменником. 19. Сьогодні в країні існує гостра потреба у працівниках робочих спеціальностей – слюсарях, токарях, фрезерувальниках. 20. У Європі та Сполучених Штатах Америки студенти, як правило, влаштовуються на роботу із неповною зайнятістю. Це дозволяє їм покривати витрати на навчання.

Variant 3

21. Бібліотека зачинена для студентів під час літніх канікул. 22. В педагогічних університетах можна отримати диплом учителя двох іноземних мов, оскільки другу іноземну мову вчать з третього курсу. 23. – Практичну фонетику в нас вивчають на першому курсі. – А хто читає лекції з теоретичної фонетики? 24. – Давай спочатку виконаємо домашнє завдання з граматики, а потім підготуємося до семінару. – Спочатку треба готуватися до семінару. Якщо бібліотеку зачинять, де дістанемо книги, які пропонуються в списку літератури? 25. Практика в нас буде в лютому. Перші два тижні – це пасивна практика, а потім ми будемо давати власні уроки. 26. Катя дуже здібна дівчина. Вона добре навчалася в школі і тепер складає всі іспити на відмінно. 27. – Я зараз не можу кудись поїхати, готуюсь до іспиту з філософії. – А доповідь на семінар iз стилістики ти вже підготував? 28. Олег першим здав реферат. Але тепер всім ясно, що він поспішив. 29. – Коли вчиш новий матеріал, необхідно робити короткі замітки. – Я віддаю перевагу тезам. 30. Розумова праця – найскладніший вид діяльності людини. Це тому, що ми не відчуваємо, не бачимо і не чуємо, як відбувається ця діяльність.


C) Translate the following into English in writing.

Співробітники, про яких мріють боси

Успішне просування кар’єрною драбиною залежить від особистих якостей людини, а також обумовлюється попитом на певні професійні навички на ринку праці. Департамент праці США склав список десяти навичок, що найбільш цінуються сучасними роботодавцями.

Пріоритетне перше місце у цьому списку надається здібності робітника ефективно вирішувати проблеми. Вміння розпізнати проблему, дослідити її та приймати відповідальні рішення високо цінуються в сфері державної служби, бізнесу, медицини та інженерно-конструкторській царині.

Друге місце посідають професійно-технічні навички, зокрема вміння встановити, протестувати й полагодити електронні пристрої, що є вкрай важливим для телекомунікаційної індустрії та транспорту.

На третій сходинці опинився талант спілкування з людьми, адже успіх організацій часто залежить від робочої атмосфери у колективі і характеру взаємин, що складаються між співробітниками організації та її клієнтами.

Наступним в запропонованій ієрархії є навички програмування. Розуміння можливостей комп’ютерів та вміння їх використовувати значно збільшують шанси отримати бажану посаду.

Важлива роль відводиться педагогічним навичкам працівника. Безкінечний потік інформації збільшує потребу в кваліфікованих викладачах та інструкторах, зокрема у сферах освіти, соціальних послуг та менеджменту.

Другу половину списку відкривають науково-математичні навички, оскільки люди, яки ними володіють можуть забезпечити прогрес у інших галузях економіки.

Істотною рисою ринкової економіки є потреба в управлінні грішми. Звідси необмежений попит на інвестиційних брокерів та бухгалтерів. Майже не відстає від них попит на системних аналітиків та адміністраторів баз даних.

В умовах глобальної економічної й політичної інтеграції невід’ємним елементом професійної підготовки сучасного працівника є володіння іноземними мовами. Прогнозується зріст популярності таких мов як російська, японська, китайська та німецька.

Завершують реєстр управлінські навички, зокрема управління персоналом, матеріальними й фінансовими ресурсами, розуміння потреб споживачів та вміння обернути такі знання на прибуток.


Choose one of the statements and agree or disagree with it. Write 5 sentences to motivate your answer.

1. Everything unknown is taken as marvellous.  
2. Curiosity is one of permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind.
3. The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.  
4. Genius begins great works; labour alone finishes them.  
5. Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a man behind the book.  


Try your hand at writing your own CV answering one of the following advertisements. Make use of the hint below.

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Address: Telephone: Nationality: Date of birth: Marital status: Education: Employment: Skills: Interests: Reference:
reference Job ID 4PT Do you enjoy talking to people? We want applicants with great attention to detail, which are able to make decisions and exercise sound judgment, have the pas­sion to work towards challenging goals and to be a part of a winning team. Show us that you are smart, hard-working and detail-oriented. A Bachelor's Degree is preferred (graduate degrees are a plus) but evidence of achievement (in school, your career or your interests) is a must. Employ­ees are eligible for full benefits at no cost: medical, dental and vision. For immediate consideration, please send your CV IN TEXT (attachments will not be opened) via e-mail to opportunities@mcmaster.com   Awake Overnight Youth Counselor - Part-Time! Great position for a college student!   The Community Interventions Program is seeking a part-time (24-hour per week) Awake Overnight Coun­selor (11:00pm - 7:00am) who is in­terested in making a significant dif­ference in a young person's life. Pro­vide supervision and support for the youths during their sleeping hours. JOB REQUIREMENTS: High en­ergy level, superior interpersonal skills and ability to function in a team atmosphere. Must hold a valid driver's license. No experience? We are happy to train. CONTACT US: JackieRoss@nafi.com
Work From Home Part-Time For High School Students Company Information Aquaricon sells used books purchased by agents in major metropolitan areas. Job Description Purchase used books (using our money) at thrift stores and book sales and ships them to buyers daily. We pay for everything, no fee or investment is required. You choose your own schedule. A fun job for people who like books, libraries and/or thrift stores. Responsibilities Purchasing, filing, shipping Job Qualifications ■Live within 30 miles of major city center ■ Computer, printer & internet ■ Cell phone (not pre-paid) ■ Space at home for books ■ Car or excellent public transportation ■ Not presently employed full-time Forward CVs to: Carry@aquaricon.com Are you saving for a vacation? Or just need some extra spending money?   Do you have extra time on your hands? Are you a responsible, reliable, and po­lite person? If you answered yes to the above questions, congratulations, you are what we are looking for! We are a marketing company with many well-known clients who de­mand in-store point of sale materials to be displayed in their stores. Job Qualifications • Must have own reliabletransportation. • Must be 18 years of age or older • Must be capable of lifting up to 50 pounds. • Must have working, regularly checked e-mail account.   Send your CV to: Rob@m2winc.com

14. Investigate one of the following issues looking for some information in books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopaedias or the Internet and write 10-15 theses* on it. Be ready to present all the copies of the materials you used to your teacher.

*thesis /´θi:səs/ (pl. theses) in writing it is the sentence or group of sentences which state what the main idea of your piece of investigation is.


1) The teacher must live to teach and not teach to live.

2) The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

3) Learning is something students do, not something done to students.

4) The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

5) The important thing is not what you know but what you can do with what you know.

6) Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

7) Success in study depends not only on ability and hard work, but also on effective methods of study.

8) Knowledge is power.

9) Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourth theatre.

10) There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.



Appendix 1

A) Read the text below and decide if it presents objective information or personal feelings concerning Stanford University.


Stanford University, famous as one of northern California’s several institutions of higher learning, is called “the Harvard of the West”. Its reputation is based on its location, its intelligent students, its distinguished faculty, its overseas programmes, its substantial endowment, and its recent extensive growth.

The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco, a city thirty miles to the north of, gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan flavour. Equally cosmopolitan is the student body. Students enrol principally from the western United States. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford, and many foreign students study here as well. Young men and women are selected for admission for the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes. Not only because of the high calibre of their students but also because of their desirable location and climate, has Stanford attracted to its faculty some of the world’s most respected scholars. Among them have been Dr. Robert North in Asiatic studies and Dr. Albert Guerard in humanities. Stanford’s undergraduate school of engineering and its graduate schools of business, law and medicine are particularly strong. Recently the university established overseas branch study centres in Germany, Italy, France, and Japan for its third-year students. In addition to financial support to the alumni, Stanford receives grants from the government and from private philanthropic foundations. In recent years, government grants have made possible advanced studies in the fields of history, psychology, education, and atomic energy.

Founded in 1891, Stanford is now considered comparable in quality to such to such other longer established major American universities as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia.

B) Write out at least five concrete facts describing the life of the Stanford University.

2. a) Read the fragment below to find out the types of information you have to highlight in order to “brand yourself”.




You are at a telephone conference. It’s a new international project team in which most people don’t know each other. The project leader asks everyone to say a few words about themselves to open the meeting.

This is what Arne Schneider says:

“Well, there isn’t much to say. I’m Arnold Schneider from Passau. I’m 30 years old and I’m just a process engineer. I studied in Munich and my first job was at a small manufacturing plant in Stuttgart. Then I joined our company and I’ve been here ever since. At first, I worked with quality control in production, but two years ago I moved to the quality assurance department in headquarters.”

Now that was OK – but it wasn’t very original. It did not show why Arne was chosen to be on the team, what he could bring to the group and what the others could expect from him. Arne needs to create a “personal brand”. In other words, Arne needs a clear view of his own strength (and weaknesses) and of his own personal style. He then needs to signal this to his colleagues.

“Personal branding” is a relatively new method of creating and communicating a clear self-image. It is especially important when you are in a telephone conference where you cannot see each other. You want people to remember who you are.

What is the purpose of self-introduction? Generally, you want to show your professional credibility and how it is relevant to this particular meeting. You might also want to provide memory hook for people to remember you and to show that you have a personal side, too. It’s important that it sounds natural and that you are not boastful about what you have done.

Don’t provide your chronological biography. People will stop listening. You should include the following:

§ Why you are there

§ What you do

§ What your name is

§ A relevant past professional achievement

§ Something persona;

§ A memory hook


b) Study the improved self-introduction of Arne Schneider below. Think of your personal brand and write a sketch of your self-presentation to be used at the international students’ conference dedicated to education strategies for the next decade.

The reason I am at this meeting is because my present job is a specialist in quality control based in our company headquarters. Our company has become more and more involved in working internationally in the five years I’ve been here. And I’m now been involved in several projects similar to this one. I’m Arnold, Arnold Schneider – not Arnold Schwartzenegger! I’ve only got this first name, hot his muscles. But most people call me Arne. My professional background and interest has always been in the area of quality control. At present, I’m involved in two other international projects, where I also act as the quality-control guru. When I can’t help solve quality problems in production process myself, I have contact with other people who will be able to help us. By the way, I’m also a big fan of Bayern Munich football club, for those of you also enjoy the game.

A) Read the text paying special attention to those elements of any society which are always competitive.



Society has always been competitive, but in this century, life is perhaps more competitive than in any other previous era. We are taught, almost from birth, to compare ourselves with the others in mind and body with the people around us. Even as children we are already intent on showing that we are not merely different from our fellows but in some way superior to them. School life is an eternal competition; every day each child tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the next child, and every term marks are added up to find the best as well as the worst child in the class. On the sports field the process continues: the child now strives to demonstrate that he is faster, stronger or more skillful than his class mates.

Our jobs, our professions and even the areas in which we live become a matter of competition. We make out that our jobs and possessions are somehow better and more desirable than other people’s, and we claim that our country, town or village is the best, the biggest, the friendliest or the most civilized in the world. We are interested in providing our superiority – or is that we take a sadistic delight that some poor fellow being is inferior to us?


b) Express your aagreement or disagreement with the following statements, motivate your answer:

1. Life is an eternal completion.

2. It is in human nature to compare ourselves with the others.

3. In this century life has become more competitive than in any previous era.

4. The ultimate aim of educators is to teach children to leave sharing, caring and helping each other.

5. Jobs are the biggest matter of people’s competition.


A) Read through the base text below and fill in the gaps with the missing paragraphs (A-D). Use the clues after the text.



Job applicants still send hard copy CV’s, but most are sent by e-mail. The bare bones of a solid CV nevertheless remain unchanged and presentation is as relevant as ever to reaching the interview. On paper or on screen, smart curriculum vitae should live up to its meaning and trace “the course of your life” – with special emphasis on the working part of it.


“Make your covering letter succinct,” says Sue Champion, a recruitment consultant for office Team. “Some CVs read like War and Peace. If you waffle, the recipient will not want to read on.” No one knows better than a line manager what makes or breaks a CV.


“CVs are more interesting to employers if they highlight the key achievements in your career,” says Ms Champion. “Include examples of how you have saved or made money for your company, or have implemented new ideas.” If you can show that you can save company resources, an astute line manager is going to think twice before binning your CV. Because of the relative ease and speed of e-mails, extra care needs to be taken to avoid embarrassing mistakes, “Some people refer in their covering letter to an attachment and then forget to include it,” says Ms Champion.


A CV for the twenty-first century should be a plain, easy to read sales document, says Mr Warmsley, another recruitment consultant, adding: “A god CV should be like a miniskirt: long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to maintain interest.” But, beware; many human resources departments are strict about checking qualifications and experience.

Not much escapes the critical eye of an experienced line manager. So, it is a good idea to take a moment to ask yourself why you would want to employ you if you were an employer. In fact, if the job really means that much to you, there is no harm in asking the recruitment consultant to offer a critique of your CV. Or, be beware and put it to the test by giving a copy to a couple of colleagues of acquaintances – one who barely knows you and one who knows you well.


Then, put it away for a day before a final read to ensure that your strengths still leap off the page and there are no spelling mistakes.



A. Compare their reactions: the fewer questions they need to ask, the better the CV.


B. But its literal translation is not a license to write a rambling warts-and-all self-portrait.


C. Or, if they do, it’s impossible to open. Ordinarily it is a simple mistake, but some line managers would not se it that way.


D. This is a breed that regularly sifts through hundreds of applications, and yours needs to stand out. Describe your attainments – perhaps not very Brownie point that you have earned, but more than just job titles and dates of employment.



Clue 1: The paragraph which follows Question 1 includes the word waffle. Which of the missing paragraphs contains a synonym for this word?

Clue2: Do you think a recruitment consultant writes CVs for people or looks at job applications?

Clue3: Which of the paragraphs A-D contains a synonym for the word achievement mentioned in paragraph 3?

Clue 4: Would someone forget to include an attachment to an e-mail by accident or on purpose?

Clue 5: Find a pronoun in one of the missing paragraphs that could refer to an attachment.

Clue 6: Find a pronoun in one of the missing paragraphs that could refer to a couple of colleagues or acquaintances.

A) Read the dialogue below and pay attention to the questions usually asked by the interviewer.

Interviewer: So you’ve applied for a job as a holiday rep and you’d like to work in Greece?

Ben: Yes, that’s right.

Interviewer: Why Greece?

Ben: I’ve been there on holidays, and I just sort of thought it would be a nice place to work for the summer... you know, quite relaxing...

Interviewer: Hmmm... and do you speak Greek?

Ben: Erm, a bit... my Greek boyfriend last year taught me quite a few useful phrases...

Interviewer: Hmmm... It might be rather difficult if you don't speak Greek … Do you speak any other languages at all?

Ben: I speak French quite fluently and quite a bit of Spanish...

Interviewer: Aha… so how did you learn French?

Ben: Well at school mostly.., and I went on holiday to France a lot when I was a child...

Interviewer: Hmmm... and which other languages did you say you speak?

Ben: Just Spanish…

Interviewer: Do you speak Spanish well?

Ben: Well, not as well as French...

Interviewer: Hmmm... Okay, well let's move on. What about previous work experience? I see from your application form... you spent two summers working on a farm?

Ben: Yes, my uncle's a farmer, so I was helping him, looking after the animals and so on...

Interviewer: Hmmm, very nice, I'm sure... not much help for working as a holiday rep though, is it? What other jobs have you done?

Ben: I worked part-time in a clothes shop when I was at school, and last summer I had a job as a waitress... in a casino...

Interviewer: In a casino? Are you old enough to work in a casino?

Ben: Yes, I’m twenty-two actually.

Interviewer: Hmmm, yes, well I think that’s everything… we’ll be in touch.


b) Write down some questions you’d ask if you were an interviewer.



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Читайте в этой же книге: Технологический расчет СТОА | ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ДИПЛОМНОГО ПРОЕКТА | E) Read the text about horse racing again and make notes under following headings. | B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing. | B) Read the passage and pay special attention to the role that the invasions played in the history of Great Britain. | C) Answer the following questions. | B) Start reading the passage and pay special attention to the relation between Julia and Michael. | E) Pick out the theatrical terms you came across while reading the passage. Translate them into Ukrainian. Do it in writing. | B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing. | B) Do the multiple choice test given below in figures and letters. |
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E) Write answers to the following questions.| B) Start reading the passage and pay special attention to how horses are prepared for races.

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