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to prevent from

Читайте также:
  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  2. Crime prevention
  4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for long-term control of asthma. Effective in preventing bronchoconstriction provoked by allergens, exercise and cold air.
  5. Preventing cross-contamination
  6. Preventing Extra Blank Pages

e.g. Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against further justices.

Note: For more information see the Appendix.

TASK 14. Complete the sentences using an infinitive or a gerund as objects.

1. They delayed ___________ (to take) the decision until they had read the report.

2. He refused ___________ (to return) the book back to the shop.

3. We'd rather not ___________ (to go) with you. We'll stay at home.

4. It's not worth ___________ (to invite) John to the party. He won't come.

5. I'm really looking forward to ___________ (to go) to the theatre on Saturday.

6. Mark was kind ___________ (to see) you home after the party.

7. They were very happy ___________ (to hear) the good news.

8. You had better ___________ (to hurry) or you'll miss the train.

9. She spends most of her spare time ___________ (to play) the piano.

10. Patrick tried to avoid __________ (to answer) my question.

11. Do you really enjoy ___________ (to listen) to this music?

12. I considered __________ (to apply) for the job but in the end I decided against it.

13. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _________ (to knock) down.

14. Jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet. He wants to carry on _________ (to work)

15. I don't mind you _________ (to use) the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

16. Hello! Fancy __________ (to see) you here! What a surprise!

17. I've put off __________ (to write) the letter so many times. I really must do it today.


TASK 15. Fill in correct prepositions where necessary. Answer the questions about yourself.

Are you good ____ organizing people and things?

Are you used ____ working hard?

Are you fond ____solving problems?

Are you interested ____ dealing with people?

Are you bad ____ working with numbers?

Are you tired ____ being just one in the crowd?

Are you fond ____ doing things your way?

Are you tired ____ doing routine work?

Are you afraid ____ missing your big chance?

TASK 16. In writing describe your best friend and compare her/him with yourself using the verbs suggested below. Choose between infinitive and gerund. Follow the example. The verbs can be used in different order.

Example: My best friend enjoys socialising with people that is why she often goes to different parties. She always offers me to come with her but I am not a good mixer.

to enjoy

to offer

to risk

to practise

to encourage

to appreciate

to refuse

to prefer

can’t help

not to mind

to consider

can’t resist

to avoid

can/can’t imagine

to hate

to often feel like

to give up

to put off

to afford

to remember

TASK 17. Paraphrase the sentences given below using the necessary form of the gerund. Sometimes you will have to change the notional verb.

1. She admitted that she was wrong.

2. The boy confessed that he had lost the money.

3. They suggested that we should take an early train.

4. They finally acknowledged that they had received the letter.

5. I decided that I would stay at home.

6. He denied that he had taken part in the performance.

7. He confessed that he had seen him somewhere.

8. He recommended that I should buy a fur coat.

9. I hate when someone is giggling behind my back.

10. You must forgive that they intruded on you in this way.

11. Mum hates when we eat and drink between meals.

12. Dina dislikes when he behaves like that.

13. I don't like that you come late every evening.

14. Jill couldn’t excuse the fact that Don was rude to her sister.

15. I can’t bear that he talks to her in that way.

16. Philip doesn't mind if we come to see him.

17. Len laughed at my attempt to eat with chopsticks.

18. Our friends were not happy that we had to leave so soon.

TASK 18. Define the form of the verb. Sort out the sentences into the table below. The first two are done for you.

Infinitive 1,
Gerund 2,

1. My faithful dog appeared to be listening to every word I was saying.

2. I know your dislike of being woken up early but it’s nine already.

3. The head of their firm couldn’t see any possibility for this project to be carried out by our company.

4. Alice didn’t seem to have heard me.

5. Michael felt better for having written the letter.

6. His giving up the business on his father’s death offended all the family.

7. I am sorry to have given you so much trouble yesterday.

8. I am angry with you for having put me into this awkward position.

9. This offer is too tempting to be resisted.

10. Raymond didn’t like being called Ray.

11. Only then did I remember having met him in Africa.

TASK 19. Make up sentences with the words given in brackets so that they mean the same as the first or the second remark of the dialogues. Follow the example.

Example. Mark: What shall we do? – Sheila: We could go to the cinema. (to suggest) = Sheila suggested going to the cinema.

1. Dick: Do you want to play tennis? – Sue: No, not really. (to fancy)

2. Moira: You are driving too fast. – Bella: Yes, that’s true. Sorry. (to admit)

3. Jack: Why don’t we go for a swim? – Lily: Good idea! (to offer)

4. Policeman: You broke into the shop this morning. – Ted: No, I didn’t. (to deny)

5. Secretary: Can you wait a few minutes? – Derek: Sure, no problem. (to mind)

6. Steve: I can do what I want and you can't stop me. – Len: But I can. (to make)

7. Fiona: It's not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. – Rachel: You’d better avoid it. (to recommend)

8. Tom: Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today? – Trish: We can certainly put it off till tomorrow. (to agree)

9. Policeman: You don’t even have a licence! – Brian: Sorry, officer. (admit)

10. Paul: Could you turn the radio down, please? – Diana: Certainly. (to mind)

TASK 20. Translate into English using infinitive or gerund in the function of an object.

1. В прошлом году я не могла даже мечтать о том, чтобы поехать в Великобританию, а сейчас у меня есть все шансы получить грант на учебу в Манчестерской Школе Бизнеса.

2. Я предлагаю сначала обратиться с этим вопросом к заведующему нашей кафедрой, а если он не сможет помочь, пойти к декану факультета.

3. Белла очень устала сидеть дома одна и общаться только с героями своего романа, и поэтому она решила провести выходные в шумной компании своих университетских друзей.

4. Кто вам сказал, что этот мальчик способен к языкам? Результаты его теста способностей к изучению языков самые слабые в группе. Посоветуйте ему выбрать какую-нибудь другую специальность.

5. Спасибо, что позвонили моей маме. Если бы она не знала, что у нас просто спустила шина, она бы начала беспокоиться и обзванивать все городские больницы.

6. Мария всячески избегала встреч с Филиппом, хотя это было очень сложно сделать, учась в одном университете.

7. Вы думаете, стоит купить это искусственное меховое пальто? – Думаю, да. Оно не только теплое, но и выглядит абсолютно, как настоящий мех.

8. Стюарт был очень огорчен, что не застал Пэт дома. Он ненавидел приходить в пустой дом, когда там не было ни его жены, ни детей. Дом казался ему тогда пустым и даже страшным.

9. Не забудьте принять эти таблетки. – Спасибо за напоминание, но я точно помню, что я их уже принимала.

10. Когда дети вернулись из школы, миссис Торндайк была занята приготовлением обеда, и не заметила, что близнецы были чем-то очень расстроены.

11. Вы не возражаете, если я переключу телевизор на другой канал? Мне не нравится эта программа. И я знаю, что сейчас на канале «Дискавери» показывают очень интересный фильм о доисторических животных. Как насчет того, чтобы посмотреть его?

12. Тед отрицал, что взял деньги из портфеля своего соседа по парте. Он настаивал на том, что деньги могли выпасть их портфеля, когда они дрались на перемене. Но классный руководитель отказывался ему верить, так как это был не первый случай воровства в классе.

13. Извините, что я не позвонил вам вчера, как обещал. Надеюсь, вы на меня не сердитесь. Я с нетерпением жду нашей сегодняшней встречи.

14. Стив обвинил Марту в том, что она была легкомысленной. Он настаивал на том, что ее не интересует ничего, кроме вечеринок и болтовни с подругами.

15. Я возражал против того, чтобы Пол вел машину так быстро. Дорога была очень скользкой, видимость из-за тумана была плохой, и наша поездка с каждой минутой становилась все опасней и опасней.

16. Не упустите возможность услышать этого пианиста. Он, говорят, настоящий гений. Его считают самым выдающимся пианистом современности. - Жаль, что я не смогу пойти. Я буду занят подготовкой годового отчета, и я не могу отложить эту работу на завтра.

17. Почему Ванда не надевает то красивое платье, которое она купила в прошлом году в Париже? – Она говорит, что боится его надевать, потому что оно слишком яркое. Ты же ее знаешь, она чувствует себя не в своей тарелке, когда на нее все смотрят.

18. Не стоит давать Фреду советы, даже если вы уверены, что они разумны. Он все равно не будет им следовать. Он очень гордится тем, что никогда не следует ничьим советам.

19. Ты знаешь, в чем твои слабые и сильные стороны? – Я уверен, что у меня хорошо получается генерировать идеи, но я не всегда могу хорошо работать в команде. Я скорее предпочитаю сделать всю работу сам, чем просить кого-то о помощи.

20. Я рекомендую тебе перестать хвастаться. Все знают, что ты довольно способный человек, но я отказываюсь верить, что ты получил высший балл за TOEFL.

TASK 21. Fill in prepositions or conjunctions in the sentences below.

Our neighbours apologised ____ making so much noise while repairing his roof.

I feel lazy. I don't feel ____ doing any work.

I wanted to go out alone but Joe insisted ____ coming with me.

I'm fed up with my job. I'm thinking ____ looking for something else.

We have decided ____ buying a new car because we can't really afford it.

I hope you write to me soon. I'm looking forward ____ hearing from you.

The weather was extremely bad and this prevented us ____ going out.

The man who has been arrested is suspected ____ producing a false passport.

I think you should apologise to Sue ____ being so rude to her.

Some parents don't approve ____ their children watching a lot of television.

I'm sorry I can't come to your party but thank you very much ____ inviting me.

Do you feel ____ going out this evening?

It took us a long time but we finally succeeded ____ solving the problem.

I've always dreamed ____ living in a small house by the sea.

The driver of the other car accused me ____ causing the accident.

There was a fence around the lawn to prevent people ____ walking on the grass.

Forgive me ____ interrupting you but may I ask you something?

Where are you thinking ____ spending your holiday this year?

The guards weren't able to prevent the prisoner ____ escaping.

I wanted to cook the meal by myself but Dave insisted ____ helping me.

I'm sorry we've had to cancel our game of tennis tomorrow. I was really looking forward ____ playing with you.

George thanked me ____ helping him to do his homework.

Tom insisted ____ driving me to the station.

Jim congratulated me ____ my passing the exam.

I warned Mr. Bond ____ staying in the hotel near the airport.

Mary apologised ____ not having phoned me earlier.

Jane accused her sister ____ being selfish.

My mother disapproves ____ gambling.

Nobody suspected the man ____ being a spy.

The police stopped everyone ____ leaving the building.

TASK 22. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or gerund form.

1. Sue has decided ___________ (to apply) for a new job. Her mother advised her __________ (to write) to several different companies. Sue would like ___________ (to work) for a large company where she can meet new people.

2. Carol is too ill ___________ (to go) to work today. She has managed ___________(to drink) some tea and now she wants ___________ (to sleep). Her husband offered ___________ (to call) the doctor, but Carol would prefer ___________ (to wait) and ___________ (to see) if she feels better tomorrow.

3. Daniel would like ___________ (to get) his teacher a present, but he doesn't know what ___________ (to choose). He is thinking of ___________ (to buy) her a book because he knows that she enjoys ___________ (read). His sister will help him ___________ (to pick) a good one.

4. I dislike ___________ (to shop) because I can't stand ___________ (to be) in crowded places. If I have to ___________ (to go) into town, I avoid ___________ (to visit) shops where there are a lot of people.

5. Joan can't afford ___________ (to go) on holiday this year, but she intends ___________ (to save) up so that she can manage ___________ (to travel) around Europe next summer. She is looking forward to ___________ (to visit) a lot of exciting places.

6. Countries all over the world have superstitions which some people believe and others don't. Several superstitions are the same in many countries. For example, many people avoid ___________ (to walk) under ladders, as this is believed ___________(to bring) bad luck. Some people expect things ___________ (to go) wrong on the thirteenth day of the month, particularly if it's a Friday. Some say you must never put up an umbrella inside the house or ___________ (to place) a pair of new shoes on the table. In many places, it is considered unlucky ___________ (to see) a black cat, while in others this is thought ___________(to be) a symbol of good luck. ___________ (To break) a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you are careless enough ___________ (to spill) salt, you must throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately. These are just a few superstitions which some people believe in. Do you know any more?


TASK 23. Fill in the gaps with either infinitive or gerund. Be careful with the expressions used to + … or to be/to get used to + ….

Jane is American. She came to Britain and at first she found _________ (to drive) on the left difficult. In her home country she used to _________ (to drive) on the right She was not used to ________ (to drive) on the left, but soon she got used to _________ (to look) to the right. Now she has no problems. She is used to ________ (to driving) on the left and has no problems.

Juan is Spanish and came to live in England. In Spain he used to _________ (to have) dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 o'clock. This was very difficult for him as he wasn’t used to _________ (to eat) so early in the evening. It took him some weeks to get used to _________ (have) dinner ‘in the afternoon’ as he says. Now he finds it quite normal.

Julia is a nurse now. A year ago she was a student in a medical school and used to ________ (to study) during the day and _________ (to sleep) at night. Now she has to work nights. At first she found it hard and didn't like it. She used to _________ (to fall asleep) during her night shifts. It took her a few months to get used to _________ (to stay awake) at night. Now, after a year, she's quite happy. She is used to _________ (to work) at night and _________ (to sleep) during the day.

Len lives alone. He doesn't mind _________ (to live) alone because he has always lived alone and got used to _________ (take) care of himself. When he was a child and his big family lived in one room he used to ________ (to sleep) on the floor. When his father got into some money and they moved to a house, it was difficult for Len to get used to ________ (to sleep) in bed. Now he is used to _________ (to sleep) in bed but sometimes when it is very hot in summer he prefers ________ (to spend) his nights on the floor.

In his childhood Jack lived in Alaska. He was used to ________ (to live) in a rather cold climate. Once he went to the Middle East. It was very difficult for him at first because he wasn’t used to ________ (to live) in a hot climate. He is still not used to _________ (to endure) heat.


TASK 24. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold so that the second sentence had a similar meaning to the first sentence. Follow the example.

Example. I think it's difficult to raise children nowadays.

raising I think raising children is difficult nowadays.

1. It's too dark to see anything in here.

bright It isn't __________________anything in here.

2. She made him accept full responsibility for the accident.

was He ____________________ full responsibility for the accident.

3. Could you post this letter for me, please?

mind Would you ____________________ this letter for me, please?

4. She was amused by the story and burst out laughing.

found She ____________________ and burst out laughing.

5. He had difficulty finding her house.

difficult ____________________ to find her house.

6. They let me watch the rehearsal.

allowed ____________________ the rehearsal.

7. The party was so boring that we didn't enjoy ourselves.

too The party ____________________ ourselves.

8. Someone saw Ben throw an envelope in the rubbish bin.

was Ben ____________________ an envelope in the rubbish bin.

9. Using the office photocopier is not allowed.

allow We ____________________ the office photocopier.

10. Could you give me a lift to the office, please?

mind Would ____________________ a lift to the office, please?

11. I think it's interesting to learn about other cultures.

learning I think __________________________ interesting.

12. They let Edward go out with his friends fast night.

allowed Edward __________________________ with his friends last night.

13. They heard Fiona quarrel with her brother last night.

was Fiona __________________________ with her brother last night.

14. Henry helped us help with the cleaning.

were We____________________ with the cleaning.


TASK 25. Spot and correct mistakes.

1. You would better see a doctor.

2. They made me to reveal the plans.

3. He stopped eating fried food as it gave him indigestion.

4. Did you remember buying some bread?

5. Would you mind to give me a lift?

6. You would better stay in bed today.

7. Mum has stopped to drink fizzy drinks. She is on a diet.

8. This bag is too expensive for me to buy it.

9. To smoke it is dangerous for your health.

10. Would you mind to open the window?

11. I'd love eating a pizza tonight.

12. I stopped at the bakery buying some bread.

13. They made me to pay for the broken window.

14. I heard the Taylors to argue.

15. I'd better to ask someone for help.

16. I forgot calling you last night. I'm sorry.


TASK 26. Choose the correct grammar form.

1. I never imagined the mountains to be/being so high!

2. Don't forget to wake me/waking me before you leave.

3. What do you mean to do/doing about the leaky pipes?

4. I regret to tell you/telling you that we cannot accept your offer.

5. Did you manage to find/finding the book you were looking for?

6. I tried taking/to take that medicine you gave me but I couldn't swallow it.

7. We have postponed to tell/telling anyone the news until after Christmas.

8. Have you considered to buy/buying a microwave oven?

9. Sorry I'm late, I had to stop to pick up/picking up the children from school.

10. Margaret was slow at school, but she went on to be/being Prime Minister.


TASK 27. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

Example. I was made to study hard when I was at school. - They made me study hard when I was at school.

1. If I take the job I'll have to move to Paris. - Taking the job …

2. It's very kind of you to give me a lift. - I appreciate …

3. It might be a good idea to use honey instead of sugar. - Why don't you try …

4. I'm quite happy to look after the baby for you. - I don't mind…

5. I must see the manager! - I demand …

6. 'Go on Jack, apply for the job,' said Sally. - Sally encouraged…

7. You wouldn't know where the Hilton Hotel is, would you? - Do you happen …

8. Parking is not permitted here. - You are …

9. 'Shall I carry that bag for you, John?' said Pauline. - Pauline offered …

10. Is that the manager? I have a complaint about my room. - Is that the manager? I wish …

11. You’ll waste time if you copy your work out again. - Don't …

12. I bet you wouldn't ask David to come with you to the party! - I dare …

13. Brenda really hates staying in expensive hotels. - Brenda can't …

14. 'Please don't leave me on my own,' Martin begged us. - Martin begged …

15. If you work for this company, you have to travel a lot. - Working for this company involves...

16. Joe doesn't like it when people treat him like a child. - Joe resents …

17. You should go to the dentist's at once. - Don't put off …

18. It was resolved that the matter would be brought up at the next meeting. - They resolved …

19. The police were told that the use of unnecessary force was forbidden. - The police were instructed...


TASK 28. Use the verbs in brackets in the gerund or infinitive form.

It all began about three years ago. A friend suggested __________ (to enter) a photo competition – for fun. At the time, I wasn’t interested in ________ (to become) a photographic model – I wanted _________ (to train) as a hairdresser. Well, I won the competition and did a course in _________ (to model). It was great fun, we learnt a lot more than just __________ (to walk) up and down and _________ (to put) on make up. Then I got my first job, as a model in a small London fashion house. After that, I did some television commercials. By this time I found that my job had changed my life. I had to give up ________ (to smoke) and __________ (to eat) my favourite foods. I couldn’t risk _________ (to catch) a cold. I had to stop _________ (to go) to bed late, this was difficult, because I was fond of __________ (to go) to parties and I wasn’t used _________ (to get) up early. I sometimes hated _________ (to stand) in front of cameras for hours. But now I’m used to it. I enjoy _________ (to travel) and __________ (to meet) interesting people, and I must __________ (to admit) I like _________ (to wear) expensive clothes.

TASK 29. Explain the differences in meaning in the following pairs of sentences.

· to regret

o I regret to say that we have decided not to offer you the job.

o I regret saying that I don’t like your new boyfriend.

· to try

o I’ve tried to open the bonnet, but it seems to be stuck.

o Have you tried cleaning the spark plugs?

· to remember

o He remembered seeing Jane on the way back from work.

o She remembered to send her mother a birthday card.

· to go on

o The professor mentioned Boticelli, and went on to talk about the Reneissance.

o He went on talking about himself for hours and hours.

· to forget

o I’ll never forget seeing the Taj Mahal for the first time.

o She was angry with him for forgetting to lock the back door.

· to stop

o I think we ought to stop to have something to eat soon.

o They stopped going out in the evening when they had their first child.

· to dread

o I dread to think what he is going to say when he sees what you’ve done to the car.

o She dreaded having to see her ex-husband again in court.

  • to need
    • Your business is a complete shambles – the whole thing needs reorganizing.
    • I need to have a word in you ear. It’s about your trip to Italy next week.
  • to mean
    • I meant to write him a letter of condolence, but I never got round to it.
    • If you do join the Navy, it’ll mean being away from home for months on end.
  • to help
    • Everyone helped to make the village look its best for the Prime Minister’s visit.
    • I can’t help feeling that you are making a terrible mistake.

TASK 30. Read the sentences and choose the right answer.

· John has stopped to talk to Mary. Is he talking to her at the moment? YES NO

· John has stopped talking to her at the moment? Is he talking to her at the moment? YES NO

· Do you remember putting this cake in the washing machine? Is there a cake in the washing machine? YES NO

· Did you remember to put the cake in the washing machine? Is there a cake in the washing machine? YES NO

· “I’ve got hiccups”. - “Try holding your breath”. Does “try” mean “see if you can do it” here? YES NO

· How long can you hold your breath? Try to hold it for two minutes. Does “try” mean “see if you can do it” here? YES NO

TASK 31. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into either the infinitive or the gerund form.

· I’ve always regretted _________ (not to learn) to play the piano at school.

· He became an MP in 1983 and went on __________(to become) Prime Minister.

· I dread _________ (to think) what he’s going to say when he finds out I’ve crashed the car.

· It’s a very beautiful cottage, but it needs __________ (to modernize).

· The house is a wreck; if you buy it, it’ll mean __________(to live) in chaos for months.

· I’m sure a good holiday will help __________(to make) you feel more relaxed.

· I didn’t mean _________ (to cause) you so much trouble.

· This new job of mine means _________ (to put up) with inconvenient hours of work at first.

· Did you remember _________ (to thank) your aunt for the present?

· The children went on _________ (to talk) when the teacher came into the room. In fact, they even didn’t stop ________ (to say) “Good morning”.

· She has always regretted ________ (not to travel) round the world when she was younger. Now I regret __________ (to tell) you that she is too ill to travel.

TASK 32. Rewrite each sentence so that it included the word in capitals without changing the meaning. Follow the example.

Example: I'm sorry I didn't go to university. REGRET

I regret not going/not having gone to university.

1. Winning the football pools meant we could buy a new car. ENABLED

2. There is a risk that he will miss the plane if he waits. RISKS

3. I believed you were the murderer because of this clue. LED

4. Does using the hotel swimming pool cost extra? PAY

5. I think that this is the right street. APPEARS

6. Jean succeeded in finishing all her work on time. MANAGED

7. They said they would like me to stay with them in Florida. INVITED

8. Calling Jim is pointless, because his phone is out of order. USE

9. It is compulsory for all students to leave cash deposit. REQUIRED


TASK 33. Use the right form of the infinitive or the gerund of the verbs in brackets.

· I no longer feel in the least like __________ (to bungee jump). It’s not my cup of tea.

· Sheila wanted to _________the truth and nothing could stop her ________ (to know) it.

· You’ll have to wait for ages for another driving test if you fail _________ it this time (to pass).

· The people in the flat below have refused _________ the Residents’ Association. (to join)

· Katy doesn’t really enjoy ________ in public (to sing).

· Jill thinks we should phone our boss now, but John suggests ________ later. (to phone)

· I think you should stop ________ and leave at five o’clock like everyone else. (to work)

· I don’t want to join the Johnsons on holiday, I can’t afford _________ my money the way they do. (to spend)

· Imagine his _________ the chef how to cook an omelette! (to tell)

· I like to watch you.... It’s such a rare sight! (cook)

TASK 34. Choose the correct form of the verb.

  • I want you (to try/try/trying) harder.
  • I’m looking forward (to see/seeing/to seeing) you again.
  • Please let me (go/going/to go) by myself.
  • I wish you would stop (drinking/to drink/drink) so much.
  • Do you really expect that (I believe/me believing/me to believe) you.
  • It’s much too late (for going/to go/going) out now.
  • It’s no use (you telling/that you tell/you to tell) me your troubles.
  • Do you enjoy (make/to make/making) people laugh?
  • Do you mind me (to close/if I close/for my closing) the window?
  • I hope you didn’t forget (post/posting/to post) my letter.


TASK 35. Choose the correct form of the verbs.

It is sometimes said that there is nothing new in the world of fashion. Annabelle was a well-known model during the seventies. When her children were in their early teens they wereenjoying/usedto enjoy looking at her old photo albums. They werefinding/found it hard to believe that she was wearing/used to wear such strange clothes. Did people really use to think/Were people really thinking flared trousers looked good? And those ugly platform shoes! She was admitting/admitted that people wereoftenfalling/often used to fall over because the heels were so high. In the early nineties, however, Annabelle noticed to her amusement that seventies styles were/used to be in fashion again. ‘I planned/was planning to throw all my old clothes away’, she said, ‘but my daughter went to a party last week, and guess what she used to wear/was wearing - that’s right, some of my old clothes!’


TASK 36. Mira has written a composition about her childhood. She knows that she often makes mistakes with verb constructions using the infinitive or gerund and she asked you to check her work before she hands it in.

When I was a child I always wanted riding a horse although my parents would not allow me to have riding lessons because they said they could not afford letting me have them. Also my mother said it was dangerous and she did not want me to risk to break my neck. One day, my best friend got some money for her birthday and she offered paying for a lesson for us both. I thanked her for being so kind and we arranged having a lesson the following Saturday. I did not consider to tell my parents our plans because I thought they would prevent me to have the lesson. I enjoyed riding very much until the horse I was on felt like to gallop. Off it went across the field and I did not know how to stop it. Suddenly it decided stopping and I fell off. I had broken my arm. Of course, I could not deny to have been riding to my parents and my father accused me to be deceitful. It was not a happy day for me and somehow I have never felt like going on a horse again.

TASK 37. Fill in the gaps with either gerund or infinitive.

1. She walked out of the office without ___________ (to say) goodbye.

2. They made her ___________ (to type) the letter again.

3. She has gone to the post office ___________ (to buy) some stamps.

4. You're too young ___________ (to stay) at home by yourself.

5. He opened the door only ___________ (to see) that the room was empty.

6. Could you please stop _________ (to make) so much noise?

7. Have you finished __________ (to wash) your hair yet?

8. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody _________ (to be) so stupid?

9. Sarah gave up _________ (to try) to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

10. This room will look very cheerful once you’ve finished __________ (to paper) it.

11. I wish you wouldn’t keep _________ (to tell) me what I already know too well.

12. It was so ridiculous that I couldn’t resist __________ (to laugh) outright.

13. The secretary asked if I would mind ____________ (to wait) for a few minutes.

14. The way to learn a foreign language is to practise _____________ (to speak) it as often as possible.

15. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed ___________ (to listen) to the speech.

16. When you’ve finished this book you can tell me if it’s worth ____________(to read).

17. He was very lucky to escape ____________ (to send) to prison.

18. She was so upset that she couldn’t help ____________ (to cry).

19. The teacher said he would not tolerate my ____________ (to be) late every day.

20. The question is so trivial it hardly justifies our ____________ (to waste) any more time discussing it.


TASK 38. Read the letter below and put the verbs into the correct form.

Dear Ruth,

Thank you very much for the lovely present you sent for Laurie. It was very kind of you. You say in your note that you haven’t got used to _________ (be) an aunt yet. I used to _________ (think) that becoming a father wouldn’t change me. I was wrong, of course! Life will never be the same again. We used to ________ (go) to bed at midnight or later. Now we’re asleep by ten because we’ve had to get used to ________ (wake) up at five o’clock. Actually, that’s quite good in a way. I always used to _________ (arrive) late at the office, but since Laurie was born my secretary has got used to _________ (find) me hard at work by the time she gets in!

Mind you, it hasn’t been so easy for Jenny. I think she found it very hard at first, being with the baby instead of going to work. She wasn’t used to _________ (spend) all day without adult company. But she’s got quite friendly with a neighbor who also has a young baby and I think that makes it easier. She used to _________ (say) she’d go back to work when Laurie was six months old, but now she’s used to _________ (be) at home she’s beginning to enjoy herself, so she may wait until Laurie is a bit older.

Anyway, when do you think you’ll be able to come and see us? Jenny says hurry up while Laurie is still small. We’d love a visitor to show her off to!

All the best,



TASK 39. Put one suitable verb into each space. Follow the example.

Example: It's too late to buy any food. We'll have to make do with what we've got.

1. I hardly __________ ask how much it cost!

2. Have you ever __________ taking a year off work?

3. I didn't like the town at first, but I __________ to love it eventually.

4. What do you __________ doing after this course has finished?

5. As soon as Shells finished telling the joke, everyone burst out __________.

6. Jim and I __________ to meet at 6.00 but he didn't turn up.

7. It __________ that we won't need to pay so much after all.

8. I can't wait for Saturday.' I'm really __________ to see you!

9. I can't __________ getting up at 6.30 tomorrow morning! I'll catch a later train.

10. The government __________ to reduce inflation by strict control of the economy.

11. I couldn't __________ actually living in a place like that!

12. The arrested man __________ having been anywhere near the bank.

13. Carol __________ the customs officer to ignore the gold bars in her bag.

14. Did you __________ anyone waiting for me when you passed my office?

15. We __________ to split the cost of all the bills.

16. I was __________to get to the station when I fell and injured my knee.

17. We strongly __________ all clients to take out their own travel insurance.

18. I don't __________ turning off the gas, now you mention it.

19. Margaret doesn't really __________ to ask staff to work overtime on Friday.


TASK 40. Fill in the gap with the verb in brackets in the form of the gerund, the infinitive or the participle. Write an end to this story in about 5 sentences.

I don’t really enjoy _________ (to travel) by plane. On a plane last week, I noticed two men in front of me _________ (to smoke), although there were signs _________ (to tell) the passengers not ________ (to smoke). I don’t like people _________ (to smoke) near me, so I went _________ (to remind) them that _________(to smoke) was not allowed. I asked if they would mind _________ (to put) out their cigarettes. When they saw me they both stopped _________ (to talk) and turned round ________ (to look) at me. When I asked again, they refused. Instead of __________ (to apologize) they kept on ________ (to smoke) and started _________ (to argue) with me. The other passengers started _________ (to look) at us and I felt very embarrassed. Only one of them did all the _________ (to talk). I remember the other one just __________ (to sit) there and _________ (to blow) smoke in my face. I’m not used to _________ (to be) insulted and I felt like ________ (to punch) him on the nose. Fortunately, I managed _________ (to stop) myself from __________ (to do) this.


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Gerund infinitive| CHAPTER EIGHT

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