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Art Nouveau Architecture Origin

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Unit 1

Art Nouveau Architecture

Text A

Art Nouveau Architecture Origin

Modern architecture had its beginnings in the late XIX century when architects began reacting to the eclecticism*(an architectural and design movement that revived the styles of various historical periods) prevalent at the time. The term ` modern architecture` is used to refer to the architecture that turned away from past historical styles in favor of designs that are expressive of their own time period.

At the end of the XIX century many European artists and architects rebelled against formal, classical approaches to design. They believed that the greatest beauty could be found in nature. Art Nouveau* (French for "New Style") was popularized by the famous Maison de l'Art Nouveau, a Paris art gallery operated by Siegfried Bing. Art Nouveau is an international philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art - especially the decorative arts - that were most popular during 1890–1910.

The name Art Nouveau was a style of distinct individuals such as Gustav Klimt, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Alphonse Mucha, René Lalique, AntoniGaudí and Louis Comfort Tiffany. Art Nouveau buildings have such features as asymmetrical shapes, extensive use of arches and curved forms, curving, curved glass, plant-like embellishments, mosaics, stained glass, Japanese motifs.

In the Russian empire, Art Nouveau was called “modern”. It was perhaps the most dominant artistic and architectural movement that shaped the appearance of today Saint-Petersburg. Our city alone has several thousand surviving Art Nouveaubuildings, in fact, large urban districts were rebuilt entirely with Art Nouveau structures before 1914. Unfortunately, this heritage fell into obscurity* as in other European countries.

A fine example of the Art Nouveau architecture in Saint-Petersburg is Singer House, also widely known as the House of Books, located at the intersection of Nevsky Prospect and the Griboyedov Canal, directly opposite the Kazan Cathedral. The building is recognized as an historical landmark, and has official status as an object of Russian cultural heritage. The building was designed by architect Pavel Suzor for the Russian branch of the Singer Sewing Machine Company and completed in 1904.

The management of the Singer Company initially intended to construct a skyscraper, similar to the Singer Building, the company headquarters being built at that time in New York, but the Saint Petersburg building code did not allow structures taller than the Winter Palace, the residence of the Emperor. The architect found an elegant solution to the limit of 23.5 meters: the six-story Art Nouveau building is crowned with a glass tower, which in turn is topped by a glass globe sculpture. This tower creates the impression of a substantial elevation, but is subtle enough not to overshadow either the Kazan Cathedral or the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. In 1919, not long after the October Revolution, the building was given to the Petrograd State Publishing House. It quickly became the city's largest book store, and was subsequently named "The House of Books". The book store remained functioning during the Siege of Leningrad until November 1942. It reopened again in 1948. The building was closed for reconstruction during2004-2006, thenit was re-opened as the home of several businesses, including the familiar House of Books.


*eclecticism — эклектика (эклектизм, историзм) в архитектуре — направление в архитектуре, доминировавшее в Европе и России в 1830-е-1890-е гг. Для данного направления типично смешение, соединение разнородных стилей (неоренессанс, необарокко, неорококо, неоготика, неомавританский стиль и др.), основанное на их искусственном соединении.

*ArtNouveau - стиль Модерн. Название стиля арт нуво (фр. ArtNouveau) в переводе c французского означает "новое искусство". В России этот популярный стиль в архитектуре назвали русский модерн (от фр. moderne - современный).

*obscurity (n): the quality or condition of being unknown, imperfectly known or difficult to understand (to fall into obscurity = to become unknown).



1. When did modern architecture have its beginnings?

2. How can you characterize eclecticism?

3. What does the term ` Art Nouveau ` denote?

4. Who was Art Nouveau popularized by?

5. What architects represented Art Nouveau?

6. What are common features of Art Nouveau architecture?

7. Can you name architects who did their designs in the Art Nouveau style?

8. Was Art Nouveau a popular architecture movement?

9. What happened with Art Nouveau buildings in Saint-Petersburg?

10. Could you tell about an example of Art Nouveau architecture in Saint-Petersburg?

Exercise 1

Find the Russian translations from section B for the English words and word groups in section A:

A revive, prevalent, refer, be expressive of, rebel against, popularize, distinct individuals, features, аsymmetrical shapes, Art Nouveau structures, extensive use, arches and curved forms, curved glass, curving, mosaics, stained glass, be crowned with; overshadow


B популяризировать, относиться к, особенности, увенчиваться, асимметричные формы; широкое применение; восставать против; арки и изогнутые формы; гнутое стекло; выражать что-л., (быть выразительным); мозаика, витражное стекло, распространенный (преобладающий); затмевать;изгиб, возрождать, ярко выраженные индивидуальности, постройки в стиле Модерн.

Exercise 2

Form the Past Indefinite in the Active and Passive voice of the following verbs filling the table below:

Infinitive Past Simple (Active Voice) Past Simple (passive Voice)
begin began was/were begun
call called was/were called

Exercise 3

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 185 | Нарушение авторских прав

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