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Тема 3. Passive Voice

Читайте также:
  1. A) Present Passive quiz
  2. A. Passive Voice.
  3. B) Category of voice
  5. Cockpit Voice Recorder.
  7. d&b, Dynacord, Meyer Sound, LХ Acoustic, Electro Voice.


Как стать хорошим переводчиком
Шесть советов преподавателя МГЛУ, бывшего переводчика руководителей СССР Андрея Чужакина о том, как стать переводчиком высокого класса.

1. Без знания русского языка хорошим переводчиком не станешь

Переводчик должен отлично владеть иностранным языком. Но в первую очередь он должен в совершенстве знать свой родной язык - русский. Здесь поможет, во-первых, чтение классической литературы. Кроме классики необходимо читать газеты и журналы, доходить до того, чтобы подробнейшим образом изучать аннотации к лекарствам и инструкции к бытовой технике.


При должном упорстве любой человек может научиться говорить на иностранном языке. Но если вы не имеете знаний в области географии, истории и, например, политики, стать хорошим переводчиком невозможно. Сейчас в этом помогает и интернет, и спутниковое телевидение.


Необходимо изучать историю Древнего Рима и Древней Греции, читать произведения того времени, такие, например, как "Илиада" Гомера. Обязательно нужно знать Библию. На переговорах высшего уровня очень часто приходится переводить цитаты из Библии и латинские пословицы.


Во многих странах существуют свои формы написания не только документов, но и даже писем, причем не только деловых. Все эти штампы вы обязательно должны знать. После составления документов их необходимо проверять во всех источниках, которые вам доступны, в первую очередь, конечно же, в учебной литературе, например в орфографических словарях и других пособиях.


Ваша одежда должна быть нейтральных тонов, вы не должны привлекать к себе большего внимания, чем тот, кого вы переводите. Особенно данный пункт касается женщин. Никаких декольте. Строгий костюм, блузка и неяркий макияж - вот как выглядит женщина-переводчик. Помните, встречи на высоком уровне предполагают зрительный контакт лидеров, будь то политики или бизнесмены. Вы должны помогать в проведении переговоров, а не принимать огонь на себя.


Помните, переводчик не только переводит с родного языка на иностранный, но и наоборот. Он записывает все, что говорит гость. Это необходимо для того, чтобы после переговоров с помощью переводчика была нарисована и проанализирована картина переговоров. В данном случае переводчику помогает скоропись. Вы можете разработать свою систему скорописи, главное, чтобы она помогала вам оперативно записывать и потом так же быстро расшифровывать свои записи.

Андрей Чужакин, Переводчик

Качества профессионального переводчика


Профессия переводчик — это знание языка плюс творчество. Ведь никому не будет интересен безликий скучный перевод, будь он устный или письменный. Иногда на перевод большого художественного произведения уходят годы, прежде чем рождается шедевр.

Основные качества, которыми должен обладать переводчик, это:

— чувство языка и стиля;

— умение владеть предметом и языком перевода (в зависимости от специальности);

— хорошая память;

— стабильная нервная система;

— крепкое здоровье;

— быстрая реакция;

— жестово-мимическая коммуникация;

— хорошо поставленный голос;

— умение адаптироваться к ситуации;

— креативное мышление.

Если, например, ты переводчик в сфере шоу-бизнеса, то не должен быть зажатым человеком в строгом костюме. Но если завтра ты будешь работать на официальной встрече глав государств, то будь любезен вести себя соответствующе сдержанно. Для устного перевода хорошо иметь презентабельные внешние данные. Причем неважно, что ты, к примеру, маленький и лысенький, главное — в какой ты форме. Должны быть ухоженность и уместная одежда.





Последовательное повторение числа с изменением (+1; +2; -10; -1).



2. Figures

Читать вслух и с выражением


Веселые: 2 15 42 42 15 37 08 5 20 20 20!   Грустные 511 16 5 20 337 712 19 2000 047  
Пушкин: 17 30 48 140 10 01 126 138 140 3 501   Eсенин: 14 126 14 132 17 43... 16 42 511 704 83   170! 16 39 514 700 142 612 349 17 114 02   Маяковский: 2 46 38 1 116 14 20! 15 14 21 14 0 17  




Задание. Прочтите текст под собственный аккомпанемент счета.


1.CAPTIVE Diana monkeys once had a just-for-fun vending machine in their enclosure. Like bored teenagers, they'd drop a token into a slot to get a snack. All of them could do it, except for Beulah. "She would drop tokens alongside the slot or throw them against the wall," says Hal Markowitz, professor of biology at San Francisco State University, in California. "She never managed to insert them on her own." Maybe Beulah was a slow learner. Or perhaps she was a flirt who just wanted to be pampered. Either way, she attracted the attention of her mate, Rocky. After watching her drop the same token again and again, he decided to come to her rescue. He picked up her token and put it into the slot himself. But he let Beulah eat the treat! 2.NOBODY had ever seen anything like it. The two stray cats were always together. Not only that, one led the other wherever they went, with their tails entwined. How come? Unable to get close to them because they were so wild, a woman who looked after stray cats trapped the pair. That's when it was discovered that one cat was blind. A cloudy film covered his eyes. His sighted brother acted as his guide, hanging onto his tail and always stepping a bit ahead. The rescuer named the blind one Tommy and his brother Tyson. To get them off the street, she took them to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, in Kanab, Utah. There the two lived in a big enclosure with a screened-in porch and high rafters to climb on. "It was perfect for them," says Elizabeth Doyle, a sanctuary worker. Tyson was devoted to his brother for life.


Section 3. LISTENING


Extreme Plastic surgery

Cat Man (Dennis Abner)   Inspired by a dream telling him to “follow the ways of the tiger” CatMan began his transformation at the age of 23. Over the years he has spent more than $150,000 and 2,000 hours of tattooing and surgery to transform him into what he is today. Beginning with tattooed eyes, CatMan (now his legal name) has since modified his upper lip, received tiger teeth caps, green contact lenses, clipped ears, a dozen six-inch long fiberglass whiskers permanently implanted in his face, and his whole body tattooed in stripes.
Lizard Man (Erik Sprague)   Demonstrating ultimate dedication to his craft, the Lizard Man, as he likes to be known, began his transformation over a decade ago as part of an ongoing body modification project. With more than 650 hours of tattooing, and an estimated $250,000 worth of modifications. The lizard man has had his ears and septum pierced and stretched. Additionally, he has had five Teflon horns subdermally implanted above each of his eyes to form horned ridges. Four of his teeth have been filed into sharp fangs and his tongue has been bifurcated. (he was the first to ever do it.)
Cindy Jackson, "Barbie"   Cindy Jackson grew up in a small Ohio farming community, never having the physical beauty she desired, Cindy has made it her life's goal to replicate in herself what she sees as the ultimate symbol of female perfection: Barbie. In 1988 she was left with an inheritance and began her journey from homely young woman to a barbie look alike. Cindy holds the world record for having more cosmetic surgeries than anyone else in the world. She has undergone more than 30 procedures including: One full face-lift, three "mini" face-lifts, three eyelid surgeries, one upper lip lift, liposuction on her knees, thighs, abdomen, waist, and jaw-line; two nose operations, breast augmentation and many more.  
Tim Whitfield-Lynn "Miles Kendall"   Friend of, and inspired by Cindy Jackson, Tim Whitfield-Lynn embarked on tens of thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery including a nose job, eyebrow lifted, lips reshaped, dental surgeries and teeth capped, cheek implants, laser skin peels, eye shaping, jaw bone sculpting- and wears bright blue contact lenses. Tim indeed became Ken to Cindy's Barbie. He also legally changed his name to Miles Kendall; "Miles", he says, because he "looks miles better" and "Kendall for Ken-doll."



Plastic Surgery in ancient times

1. Plastic surgery actually dates back to the 700s BC. In India, nose cutting off was very «popular» punishing action for those who dared to thieve. Or make the unfaithful wife ugly. Or may be the faithful spouse as well to avoid the seduction for some neighbors to have affairs while the husband was away. And sometimes doctors were given the task to use skin grafts for reconstructive work.

2. The Romans were also involved in the beginning days of cosmetic surgery. There began performing surgeries to repair damaged ears around the 1st century BC. In 1st century A.D. there were first attempts noticed in Rome to perform liposuction, and yet they found a document in China dated back to X century A.D. depicting the procedure of surgery on correction of the hare lip.

3. Because of the dangers associated with surgeries of any form, especially those that involved the head or facial area, it wasn’t until the 19th and 20th centuries that this became more commonplace. World Wars I and II and post-war periods caused the procedure of plastic surgery improve. There were huge crowds of people injured and deformed during the wars who were ready for many actions to rehabilitate the natural appearance. Such surgery was available and affordable only to the wealthiest part of the world.

4. First painkillers appeared to be the high-power pulse to improve the plastic surgery. This period is known for the fact that plastic surgery gradually turned from rehabilitation procedures into the cosmetic ones aimed to improvement of the esthetic appearance of the person, while the former procedure was assigned to rehabilitate the missing part of the body. It is strange now for us that the first patients who experienced the surgery were men in majority. The surgery to remove excess of fat from the mammas (gynecomastia) was highly demanded.

5.Today the demand for plastic surgery went to the heavens. Currently the plastic surgery is available not only to the skim of the society but to any average person with the average profit. The safety, high quality and a range of techniques available offer complete rehabilitation of any defect of the appearance giving confidence to the person and making them active in social life.

6. Plastic surgery has been around for ages and will continue to grow in popularity as new techniques are introduced. Some of the most popular procedures today include laser surgery, dermabrasion, liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), chemical peel, abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), rhytidectomy (face lifts), and breast augmentation (boob job).


Тема 1. Передача артикля


Introductory notes:

Can be omitted in most cases or should be changed with an equivalent.



1. A new team was formed to develop the project.

2. The new team was accommodated in the University Inn.

3. The few objections I have are not aimed at ruining the project.

4. I'm waiting here for a Dr. Fisher to get the papers.

5. She is a kind of person you never know what to expect.

6. The report now seems to be more solid than the one presented in the previous board meeting.

7. Following the agreement, a third of the funds cannot be spent until next July..

8. Miss Trotwood came on the Friday when David was born.

9. This is a most serious matter, and it needs to be treated with care.

10. Many women in the U.S., now in the professions, would be unable to work without illegal immigrants' domestic help.

11. The danger of forest fires is the greater the more carelessly people act when camping.

12. I'm sure they've got a motivation for completing the research be­fore the financing is stopped.

13. Under the circumstances, a courier is the only safe way to send them a message.

14. A peculiar coalition of business and consumer groups defends the system.

15. Usually, Taiwan prefers to talk of becoming a "regional operations centre”. However, at a conference in Taipei earlier this month, many speakers at long last applied the phrase to the island's con­nection to mainland China.

To smooth future international bankruptcies, new rules are needed.




Cosmetic surgeons condemn cut-price 'beach body' operations

A medical group's sales pitch offering discount vouchers for people who book pre-holiday tummy tucks and breast resizing has angered consultants. A marketing campaign designed to lure people into having serious cosmetic surgery with offers of cut-price holidays and multiple operation discounts has been condemned by doctors’ leaders. Patients are being warned against opting for surgery as a result of such promotions, which include a package holiday voucher if they book a “beach body” overhaul. The Transform medical group, which has been criticised previously for its incentives, has also launched a VIP “privilege club” where customers can collect “surgery points”.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (Baaps) dismissed the offers as absurd marketing gimmicks and said that people should not be encouraged to undergo operations for flimsy “summer body” reasons. The association added that it was particularly concerned by offers of multiple operations “under one anaesthetic”, which carried significantly higher health risks.

Under the scheme, patients who book the bikini body transformation package — which involves breast augmentation, fat removal and body sculpting or a tummy tuck and fat removal during one operation — are given a voucher. This entitles them to £100 off a Mediterranean holiday. The press release for the offer suggests that “cosmetic surgery is as easy and accepted as going on a summer holiday” and it is also publicised on the company website.


Section 7. ARTICLE

Girls take to surgery so they can face university

STUDENTS are resorting to breast surgery before starting university because they fear they will otherwise lack the confidence to meet new friends and succeed in their studies. They are also turning to plastic surgery to plump up their cheeks, enhance their lips and reshape their nose. Surgeons are reporting a booming demand from female students for the breast enlargement procedure, which costs about £3,000 — coincidentally the price of top-up fees from the start of the 2006 academic year. Some surgeons report that several students a week are turning to them in a drastic attempt to boost their self-esteem. They say that students, traditionally indifferent to personal grooming, are now becoming obsessed with their appearance. There are concerns that some surgeons may be trading on the insecurities of young students who should be left free to develop their sense of identity without commercial pressures.

Professor Kefah Mokbel, a consultant breast surgeon at the Princess Grace private hospital in London, has been so concerned by the trend that he is now carrying out a study of 600 female university students to find out the percentage of undergraduates who have gone under the knife.

Mokbel, who is also a breast surgeon at St George’s hospital in London and professor at the Brunel Institute of Cancer Genetics, said: “We have observed a lot of female students coming for consultations, particularly from the first year at university. “Some of these women see university as the starting point of their career. Looks are now much more important in society and they see this as helping them achieve more in their education and careers. These young women see a good body image being linked to success.” Mokbel fears that while cosmetic surgery may be helpful in some cases, it can cause profound damage to others. “When a young person is vulnerable, surgeons should be very careful and identify whether this young woman is having surgery for the right reasons.”

He cites as an example the television series Nip/Tuck, in which Joely Richardson plays a plastic surgeon’s wife. She decides to have breast implants to make her husband pay greater attention to her.

Freshers are also paying for a range of other procedures to enhance their looks.


At Glancey Medical Aesthetics in Essex, Dr Lucy Glancey, the medical director, has two to three students a week requesting fuller lips. One of her clients, Vickie Potter, 23, from Ipswich, has just had lip augmentation in preparation for life as a psychology undergraduate at York University. “I was always concerned looking at photographs that my lips were too thin,” said Potter. “I wanted to make the most of myself before I meet new people. They are not going to know what I looked like before.”


Apostolos Gaitanis, who practises in Harley Street, believes the reason for the rise in cosmetic surgery among freshers is that it enables them to reinvent themselves. “University marks a change in their life and they want to make a new start. They want to improve their looks in order to feel more confident,” he said.

Jas Deep, who will be 18 next month, has just had her nose reshaped by Gaitanis ahead of going to Stourbridge College in the West Midlands to study drama and possibly law. Deep said she was bullied at school because of her long nose and felt self-conscious. “I think looks do determine the group of friends people end up with. I didn’t want other students to say, ‘She is not very pretty, I don’t want to be her friend’.”

Cons of Plastic Surgery

Here are some reasons why you should not buy plastic surgery.

v some procedures are not lifelong fixes. This means that not only will you have to go through all that pain again, but you’ll also have to pay for the surgery again. (Liposuction, for example, has a reputation for not lasting a long time; breast implants must be replaced every 10 years or so.)

v follow –up complications, such as infection, blood clots and necrosis, bleeding of the gel,

unknown allergic reactions and inflammation are not so rare;

v bruising or marks or spots on the body which can be rectified (sometimes can not be) by performing another plastic surgery

v skin discoloration, depigmentation, or numbness, and pain.

v nerve damage which makes the person’s face insensible; breast implant often removes sensitivity in the nipple area, or else makes the breast painful to the touch.

v implants can rupture. If you have implants you must be careful and protect your body more than you would have before.

v The suicide rate for women who have had breast implants is higher than the normal suicide rate for women of similar ages.

v and do not forget about simple human error (it happens every day in hospitals, doctor’s offices and surgical facilities around the globe: mistakes, such as a drug mix-up or dosage mistake or even mistaken identity (a patient goes in for an eye lift and winds up with someone else’s breast implants), do happen).

Try to be happy with what you have and if you have a partner, who isn’t happy about your appearance, find another one!





1. Цепочка цифр без перевода и с переводом (с мнемообразом «вагончики»)

1. 32, 43, 54, 65 2. 35, 87, 67, 88 3. 286, 545, 384, 23 4. 346, 286, 34, 545 5. 879, 456, 234, 589   6. 42, 53, 64, 75 7. 39, 89, 69, 89 8. 282, 539, 392, 28 9. 886, 986, 64, 578 10. 887, 439, 789, 385  


2. Прочтите и повторите по памяти.


1. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

2. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.

3. The other line always moves faster.

4. Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

5. If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.

6. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

7. If you are feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.

8. You will always find something in the last place you look.

9. Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.

10. Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference

11. Anything you will try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.

12. Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

13. If more than one person is responsible for a miscalculation, no one will be at fault.

14. The chance of a piece of bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

15. There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over

16. The light at the end of a tunnel is the headlamp of an oncoming train.

Section 2. LISTENING

1.Hitler's last bodyguard gives up on fan mail. BERLIN (Reuters) - More than 65 years after World War Two, Adolf Hitler's last surviving bodyguard says that he can no longer respond to the continuous deluge of fan mail he receives from around the world because of his advanced age. Rochus Misch is 93 and uses a walking frame to move around his apartment. He told the Berliner Kurier tabloid that, with most of the letters he receives asking for autographs, it was "no longer possible" to reply because of his age.

2.University awards first Beatles degree. LONDON (Reuters) - A Canadian woman has become the first person in the world to graduate with a Masters degree in Beatles studies. Former Miss Canada finalist, Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy was one of the first 12 students to sign up for the Liverpool Hope University course on the Fab Four when it began in 2009 and was the first to graduate, the university said on Wednesday.

3."Grandma next door" poet a Japan bestseller at 99. TOKYO (Reuters) - A 99-year-old woman writing about love, dreams and hanging on to hope has touched the hearts of Japanese worn out by years of a lagging economy, propelling her self-published poetry book onto bestseller lists. Toyo Shibata's success with her first anthology, titled "Don't be Too Frustrated," is all the more surprising because she only picked up her pen at the age of 92.


Section 3. RESP O NSE RATE

A. to suffer a flop – игрок, покупатель, клиент - accost smb in the street– актер, ставший директором - fly into the fit of rage – лучшие актеры Голливуда – busy-body – хаос, неразбериха,провал - spin in grave – выбрать - smash – заявленная стоимость на аукционе – top a sum of – памятные вещи – long-run prospects – иметь большие гонорары - shot to superstardom post – разграбить город - rake in profits – «салага» – flashback – конечные титры – heavy-hitter – гонорар сопровождающего лица – careen along - трюковой фильм – be badly cast – смехотворный сюжет - a smash or a flop;

B. потерпеть неудачу - punter – приставать на улице – actor-turned-director – впасть в ярость - Hollywood A-Listers – назойливый человек - meltdown – в гробу перевернуться – decide on – сокрушить - auction estimates – достичь суммы - memorabilia items – отдаленные перспективы – command a handsome fee – получить статус суперзвезды – plunder the town – «загребать» прибыли - sprog – обратный кадр – end credits – сильнейший игрок, влиятельное лицо - chaperone fee – нестись вперед (крениться) - caper film – неудачно подобран на роль – farсical set-up – успех или провал;



1.It's one thing to suffer a flop, as Tom Hanks did with his film 'Larry Crowne', but it's quite another to be cornered by disappointed punters. The 55-year-old actor-turned-director was in a petrol station near his California home when a couple accosted him to let him know they’d seen his new movie, 'Larry Crowne'. When Hanks enquired as to what they thought of his latest effort behind the camera, they replied simply that it "wasn't that good". In the rom-com, Hanks stars opposite Julia Roberts as a man going through mid-life crisis. But far from flying into the fit of rage we have come to expect from Hollywood A-Listers, the gracious star reportedly responded: "Gee, I'm sorry you were disappointed - how about letting me refund your ticket money?" Before removing $25 (£15) from his wallet and offering it to the stunned couple, he even promised: "We'll do a better job next time."

2.A role made famous by legends such as Gracie Fields, Margaret Rutherford, Angela Lansbury, June Whitfield and Joan Hickson, Miss Marple is the quintessentially British busy-body turned detective. News that American actress Jennifer Garner (who’s past roles included a female ninja and a CIA agent), is set to play a younger, sexier model sent fan forums into meltdown. Convincing Agatha Christie fans that she makes a decent detective could be Garner's biggest challenge to date. Fans reacted to the story saying, “Whoever decided on this actress to play Miss Marple obviously has not read the books.”, “She is far too young to play this role. Miss Marple has to be a bright old lady, not a sex symbol”; “Agatha Christie will be spinning in her grave at this”. Perhaps we won’t need an investigation into the murder of this British legend.

3.A black cocktail dress worn by Marilyn Monroe has smashed auction estimates of $20,000 - $30,000 and sold for $348,000, and tops the $313,000 paid for her dress worn in 'Some Like It Hot' last year.
The dress, which Monroe wore to a cocktail party in 1958 and wears on the cover of Michael Ventura's book 'Marilyn Monroe: From Beginning to End', was one of a number of movie memorabilia items up for auction at the Hollywood Legends auction in Julien's Auctions, Beverly Hills. Also up for sale was the straw hat worn by Audrey Hepburn in 'Funny Face', which sold for $15,360 and Elizabeth Taylor's throne from 'Cleopatra', which fetched $7,040.The sale is the latest in a long-running tradition of highly valued film artefacts, and its price tag dwarfed by the highest priced relic: a pair of ruby slippers from 'The Wizard of Oz' sold in 2000 for an incredible $660,000.

4. Johnny Depp – Pirates Of The Caribbean. No stranger to the dollar sign, Johnny Depp has commanded a very handsome fee since he shot to superstardom post ‘Pirates of The Caribbean’. It seems good ol’ Captain Jack’s lust for treasure has rubbed off on Depp as he is reported to have plundered over £34 million from Disney’s bank for his latest outing as the not-so-penniless pirate in ‘On Stranger Tides’. He also reportedly earned a crazy £30 million for his role as the Mad Hatter in ‘Alice In Wonderland’.

5. The final installment of the 'Harry Potter' films has raked in almost £750 million at the box office so far, but the youngster who starred as the bespectacled hero was rewarded with just £40. And no, we're not talking about Daniel Radcliffe. The Sun reports that baby Toby Papworth was the lucky sprog selected to play Harry Potter during flashbacks to the traumatic death of his parents at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Toby appears in four scenes during the course of the film, clutching the wooden bars of his cot before Voldemort's curse bounces off of his head, leaving Harry's trademark scar. He's even included in the trailer, and his name appears in the film's credits. Mother Ashley received a £90 chaperone fee for the day's filming. But they were stunned when a cheque for just £40 turned up in the post, and the filmmakers didn't even send them a free ticket to see Toby's part in the film.

You know the old saying about how pizza and sex are pretty good even when they're lousy? (“Pizza is a lot like sex. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good.”) Unfortunately, the rule doesn't apply to the pizza-guy-turned-bank-robber comedy "30 Minutes or Less," which remains a lazy and listless caper farce, despite the presence of comedy heavy-hitters like Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride and Aziz Ansari. Eisenberg, unsuccessfully cast against type, stars as Nick, a slacker whose go-nowhere life revolves around smoking pot and delivering pizza. One of his deliveries takes him to a construction site where two gorilla-masked men chloroform him and strap a bomb to his chest, telling him he's got nine hours to rob a bank. Despite the controversy erupting over the fact that "30 Minutes" may or may not be borrowing heavily from a tragic real-life incident, the film presents a farcical set-up that has the potential to be funny. And while we get an occasional a chuckle or two, this movie careens along lacking any wit or even momentum.

7. French designer Coco Chanel spied for the Nazis during the German occupation of France in World War II, according to a new book on sale Tuesday. "Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War," by Hal Vaughan, expands on long-standing evidence that the iconic designer had a double life and was the lover of a spy, Baron Hans Gunther von Dincklage. Chanel was also "fiercely" anti-Semitic, the book says, although at the time she would not have stood out among numerous other high-profile compatriots later seen as having collaborated during the 1940-44 occupation. Chanel, an orphan who became a revolutionary fashion designer, moved to Switzerland after the war before returning to Paris to take up her career in fashion. She was never charged with any wrongdoing and died in 1971.



Забастовка в Бангладеше Рабочие текстильной промышленно­сти Бангладеша начали в воскресенье че­тырехдневную общенациональную забас­товку с требованием повысить заработную плату. Как сообщили профсоюзные источ­ники, организаторы забастовки призыва­ют также организовать блокаду основных железных и автомобильных дорог страны до следующей среды. В канун забастовки представители профсоюзов встретились с министром труда Бангладеша и владель­цами частных фабрик и заводов, однако не достигли соглашения. Нынешняя заба­стовка—вторая за этот месяц. Переводческие решения ... общенациональная забастовка... ... с требованием повысить заработную плату... ... железные и автомобильные дороги... ... нынешняя забастовка... вторая за месяц... Bangladeshi workers on strike Bangladeshi textile workers went on a nationwide four-day strike on Saturday in support of higher wages. Trade union sources reported that the strike organizers also called for a blockade of the main rail­ways and roads till next Wednesday. On the eve of the strike trade union represen­tatives met the Bangladeshi Labour Minis­ter and the owners of private factories but failed to reach an agreement. The present strike is the second within a month.   Translator's Decisions ... a nationwide strike... ... in support of higher wages... ... railways and roads... ... the present strike is the second within a month...  
«Непослушные брюки» как доказательство вины 27-летний Джей Мичел удачно огра­бил ювелирный магазин в районе Олд-Та-ун в городе Альбукерк (штат Нью Мекси-ко). Но когда он выбегал на улицу, по со­вершенно непонятной причине с него сва­лились брюки. Джей запутался, спотк­нулся, уронил пистолет и потерял часть денег. Однако ему все же удалось быстро подняться, Джей прыгнул в украденный автомобиль и умчался. Час спустя соседка Мичела по дому заявила о пропаже пистолета. Как выяс­нилось, именно того, который нашли по­том рядом с магазином. Прибыв для рас­следования к дому, где пропал пистолет полицейские увидели поблизости автомо­биль, в котором спокойно сидел Мичел. На всякий случай его задержали. Когда парня вели к полицейской ма­шине, с него вдруг снова свалились брю­ки. Сопоставив этот факт с рассказами очевидцев, сверив отпечатки пальцев на оружии и месте преступления, детективы установили бесспорную вину Мичела. Переводческие решения 1.... удачно ограбил... 2.... по совершенно непонятной причине... 3.... всякий случай... 4.... место преступления... 5.... установили бесспорную вину Мичела...   Disobedient Trousers as Proof of Guilt Jay Mitchell, 27, succeeded in robbing a jewelry shop in the old town area of Al­buquerque, New Mexico. However, when he was rushing into the street, his trou­sers fell down due to some totally incom­prehensible reason. Jay got tangled up in his trousers, stumbled, dropped his gun, and lost some of the money. Still he man­aged to get up, jump into the car he had stolen and dash off. An hour later, a woman, who lives next door to Mitchell, reported the loss of the gun which happened to be precisely the one later found near the shop. When the police arrived at the house from where the gun had been stolen they saw a car nearby with Mitchell calmly sitting in it. They detained him just in case. As he was being taken to the police car, his trousers suddenly fell down again. The detectives compared this fact with the accounts of people who had witnessed the robbery, checked the fingerprints on the gun and at the scene of the crime, and thus found Mitchell guilty beyond doubt. Translator's Decisions ... succeeded in robbing... ... due to some totally incomprehensible reason... ... just in case... ... the scene of the crime... ... found Mitchel guilty beyond doubt...  




Тема 3. Passive Voice

The English Passive Construction can be translated by


1. A new computer has been recently bought for the lab.

2. It was found that the papers for the conference were printed double space instead of 1.5.

3. It is assumed that the participants will take care of their accommo­dation themselves

4. The productivity issue has been given special emphasis to in the meeting.

5. It was suggested by the commission that the project should be worked out in the context of the new circumstances.

6. The construction of new houses in another place is being negotiated with the district authorities.

7. Nobody has been refused a chance to put forward their ideas for discussion.

8. Making decisions is always preceded by a thorough analysis of the market situation.

9. They will be shown the draft plan right upon their arrival.

10. Some new approaches to attracting foreign investments are dealt with in this paper.

11. The issues of foreign exchange policy are also touched on in the re­port prepared for the board meeting,

12. The higher inflation rate in the second quarter is accounted for by the Central Bank's loan to the government for the needs of agricul­ture and housing construction.

13. The decision of merging the companies was followed by dismissing a few hundred employees.

14. The economic growth is influenced by a number of factors.

15. The sooner the unification of exchange rates is completed, the more smoothly the companies will adapt to new market conditions.

16. Practically all the enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries were affected by the financial crisis of 1998.

17. Social issues will certainly be taken care of by the new manage­ment of the company.

18. An attempt was made to harmonize the legislation of the two coun­tries right after the presidential elections.

19. Urgent steps are taken to overcome the consequences of the disaster

20. The denomination of the local currency had been carried out before a decision on merging the two currencies was passed.

21. In New-York, Dorothy Donohue, the widow of a murdered policeman, finds it incredible that the killer may be spared the electric chair.

22. “Ready?” said the old gentleman inquiringly, when his quests gad been washed, mended, brushed and brandied.

No young people were of any importance. Young people’s opinions were not consulted and were not expected to be given either without being asked for.



Interview with William Horsley

He is based in Germany as a BBC correspondent and has closely followed the country's move to unification for the past several years


Q: Германия испытала больше перемен за последние десять лег чем ее соседи. Сумели ли немцы оправиться от столь резких изменений или они по-прежнему испытывают ностальгию по ГДР?

A: I think there has been nostalgia on both sides of the divide and a strong resistance to adapting to new realities. But at the same time, there is a group of people who are very forward-looking and adventurous. In Eastern Germany there are successes and transformation has happened, you will find a modern society which is very go-ahead (dynamic). But other areas are back in the Honecker era.


Q: Почему же в некоторых районах ГДР ситуация лучше, чем в других?

A: It all goes back to ancient history. In the age of Charles the Great his empire stretched to just short of Berlin. You can see the patterns (островки) of social development which intrude into the industrialized areas like Dresden and Leipzig in the East but which completely exclude the towns on the northern Baltic coast, and those social lines are still seen today.


Q: А какова сейчас обстановка в Берлине?

A: Berlin is still in a bit of a wasteland (пустырь). In the heart of the city you have the biggest building site in Europe, but it is very exciting, it's very high-tech. Yet not far away, you have the roads to the Polish and Czech borders and quite a lot of down-at-heel (запущенные) areas.


Q: Видны ли контуры новой Германии, завершающей процесс объединения?

A: In institutional terms it is emerging, but there is still a 'Berlin Wall' within each of the political parties and that is going to take a long time to go. For the first three or four years until '94, it was all turbulence: conflict between rich and poor, East and West and Left and Right. A roller-coaster on all fronts. A certain plateau (стабильность) was reached at the end of '94 and what you have seen since is a real progress towards a new identity. Some of it is contentious (controversial) but some of it is coming to terms with itself. This is healthy.


Q: Считают ли себя немцы немцами или все же скорее европей­цами?

A: I think they have every right to feel first and foremost European given that they have borders with nine European countries! So in every literal sense they are the first Europeans, but when it comes to leadership that is certainly not the case. What you lack are the visionaries.



Section 8. ARTICLE

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