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Задание 4. Используйте местоимение вместо существительных

Читайте также:
  1. Whole не употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. В этом случае используется местоимение all.
  2. Аналитическое задание к семинару-практикуму (тема 9)
  3. Бессилие вместо выученной беспомощности
  4. Вместо заключения
  6. Вместо заключения
  7. Вместо послесловия

1.... (your brother and you) spend too much time playing football. 2. Is Jane at home? Can I speak to...? 3. The hole on your pullover is getting bigger. You should mend.... 4.... (you and I) are good friends, aren't...? 5. Mrs. Smith went home because... was tired.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения

1. There isn't (much, many) milk in the bottle. 2. I haven't got (much, many) time, but I'll try to help you. 3. Have your parents been to (many, much) countries?4. There weren't (many, much) people in the street.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every:

1. Do you know... book on the shelf here? 2. There are... books on geography in the library. 3.... students of our evening school can speak English. 4. He has... sisters.

Задание 7. Образуйте сравнительную ипревосходную степень от следующих прилагательных

famous, pleasant, beautiful, high, low.

Задание 8. Переведите прилагательное в скобках на английский язык

1. Cats are (быстрее) than mice. 2. The Volga is the (самая длинная) river in Europe. 3. Oceania is (меньше) than South America. 4. He is as (высокий) as his father. 5. Are you (старше) than your friend?

Задание 9. Запишите а) существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе; б) фразы в притяжательном падеже

  Существительные во множественном числе Притяжательный падеж
The wife of your teacher    
The novelof Dickens    
The addressof a lady    
Theball of the boys    
The life of a bachelor    



Задание 1. Поставьте глаголы to be и to have в нужной форме

1. I … much milk in the cup. 2. We will … little puppies next week. 3. They … many rooms. 4. He … not many books of Dickens in his library? 5. Where … you from? 6. The dog … in the garden yesterday. 7. The news … not very bad today. 8. We shall … a party tomorrow. 9. My car … at the entrance. 10. We … at home tomorrow.

Задание 2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. The plate was on the table. 4. This town is very large. 5. The boy put his book on the desk. 6. That house is new.

Задание 3. Составьте предложения, используя прилагательные в разных степенях сравнения

1. text 1 — difficult — text 5 2. coffee — tasty — cocoa 3. the film — the book — seem — boring 4. your hair — mine — look — beautiful 5. bicycle — car — expensive

Задание 4. Поставьте где необходимо местоимения much, many, little, a little, few или a few.

1. Have you got... ink in your pen?2. At the conference we met... people whom we knew well.3. There are very... old houses left in our street.4. If you have... spare time, look through this book. 5. There are... things here, which I cannot understand.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every и их производными

1. There were... books on the table. I can't find them now. 2. Will there be... concerts in the club? 3. I saw this man …in Moscow last year. 4. …could answer that difficult question. 5. Can … help me with this work? 6. I don't like this book, give me… else. 7. Ask …else about it.

Задание 6. Поставьте существительные в скобках в нужное число

a) more than one (day); twenty one (day); one and a half (mile); one (mile) and a half; three (foot); five (foot) six; a (pair) of shoes; two (pair) of shoes; to walk in (pair); four (dozen) buttons.

b) 1. The man took five (fish) out of the bag and gave each dog (fish). 2. I wondered at the variety of (fish) in the aquarium. 3. Our (family) are all good chess-players. 4. Our (family) are next door neighbours. 5. The (people) ofall the five continents were rep­resented at the Moscow World Youth Festival. 6. The Russian (people) are very hospitable.

Задание 7. Поставьте 's или s', где необходимо

1. This is a new addition of Esenin… poems. 2. That man was Vera… and Nelly… old teacher of music. 3. Those were Nick... and Kate… parents. 4. We spent a week... holiday at the Narton.... 5. The book is neither John's., nor Mary…. 6. Tchaikovsky… house in Klin is now a museum.


Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present, Past или Future Simple.

1. Где вы? Вы не дома? 2. Мой друг болен. Он не в институте. Он дома. 3. Где вы будете завтра? 4. Они не были в Крыму в прошлом году. Они были в Киеве. 5. Я не инженер, я певец.

Задание 2. Переведите эти предложения с русского на английский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения

1. Расскажите мне о Лондоне. 2. Это не его ключ, а ее. 3. Какой у тебя адрес? 4. Его никогда нет дома. 5. Посмотри на этого ежа. Его колючки похожи на иглы. 6. Я прочитала ваши сочинения. Твое, Сережа, мне очень понравилось. Я поставила тебе пять.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя some, any, no, every или их производные

1. Она знает все обо всех и может дать вам любую информацию. 2. Никто ничего не сказал ему об этом. 3. Могу я сделать что-либо для вас? 4. На столе лежит что-то круглое. Что это такое? 5. В городе много парков. Везде деревья и цветы. 6. В той комнате кто-то есть. 7. Анна живет где-то в этом районе. 8. Все в порядке.

Задание 4. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее.

A) right B) wrong

1. You should be more serious when you talk to your partner.

2. Einstein is one of intelligent scientists who ever lived.

3. Watermelons are much sweeter than lemons.

4. A train is the uncomfortablest place to sleep in.

5. This meal is much better than as the one I ate yesterday.

6. What we need is a more good job!

7. It's best picture I've ever seen.

8. Their house is far better than ours.

9. It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job.

10. The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски глаголами speak, tell, talk, say.

1. We need someone who can … German.

2. … more slowly, please. I can't follow what you say.

3. Let's … about it at home.

4. We cannot teach out parrotto….

5. There is nothing to … about.

6. Can I … to Mr. Brown?

7. Where can we…?




Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский

1. What college do you study?

2. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the college.

3. After classes I go to the sport club or to the hobby group.

4. At the end of every term we have exams.

5. I’m interested in History

6. Some students are rude, misbehave in classes, skip lessons, haven’t done homework and are late for the classes.

7. My uncle has been fired and now he is looking for a new job.

8. Today is the 24th of September.

9. What time is it by your watch?

10. The clock is ten minutes fast.

11. I’m going to be a mechanical engineer.

12. Next year I’m going to enter the University.

13. You look your best today.

14. Good for you!

15. Well done!

Задание 2. Разделите все слова и словосочетания на три группы, которые подходят для описания

a) informal education, b) formal education, c) special education

library, museum, a teacher, schools, colleges, universities, a videotape, a television show, informal manner, to pass exams, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, gifted children, adults, handicapped children, general education, vocational education

Задание 3. Решите, какое слово не подходит в каждой группе слов

1. aschool, a museum, a college, a university;

2. a pupil, a learner, a teacher, a student;

3. atest, a diploma, a degree, a certificate;

4. geography, history, arithmetic, heritage;

5. carpentry, metalwork, electronics, writing

Задание 4. Подберите названия группам слов, вставьте их вместо пропусков

1. aschool, a college, a university —...;

2. geography, history, arithmetic —...;

3. adiploma, a certificate, a degree —...;

4. general education, vocational education, special education —...;

Задание 5. Переведите следующие определения слов

1. A skill is a special ability to do something well, especially as gained by learning and practice;

2. A sense is good and especially practical understanding;

3. An adult is a fully grown person, especially a person over an age stated by law, usually 18 or 21;

Задание 6. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов in-, im-, ir-, un- от прилагательных

  in- im- ir- un-

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски предлогами времени:

1.... eleven p.m. or... midnight I go to bed. 2. It is ten minutes... two, let's have a snack in the refreshment room. 3.... a day or two we shall have a talk on current political affairs. 4. Every year we come to school... autumn. 5. We set up (создали) our sport society at school... 1979.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Simple Tense или Present Continuous Tense.

1. (We / have) six class hours daily.

2. (I / prefer) to know what (I / do). Tell me what it is all about.

3. How (you /get) along with your classmates and teachers?

4. How (you /get) along with your essay?

5. (I / believe) (You / know) what (I / talk) about.

6. (Mum / always/say) that Danny is untidy.

7. (The exam /start) at 9 tomorrow morning.

8. Now (I / start) to get bored.


Задание 1. Подберите подходящий ответ к каждому вопросу

1. What time do you get up?   a) No way. I'm not at all happy with it. b) It's OK. I'm not enjoying my present project very much. c) It depends on what I'm doing that day. Usually about 7.30. d) Sure. I never fail to. I want to stay informed.
2. Where do you work?   a) No way. I'm not at all happy with it. b) I don't stay in the same place. I'm a consultant so I move around a lot. c) I'm only staying until I find something better. d) Sure. I never fail to. I want to stay informed.
3. What time do you finish work?   a) I usually get away about 7.00 but sometimes I have to stay later. b) No way. I'm not at all happy with it. c) I'm only staying until I find something better. d) Yes. I'm going down the pub.
4. Where do you have lunch?   a) Sure. I never fail to. I want to stay informed. b) I'm trying to lose weight so I'm not having lunch at present. c) No way. I'm not at all happy with it. d) Yes. I'm going down the pub.
5. Do you like your job?   a) I usually get away about 7.00 but sometimes I have to stay later. b) Sure. I never fail to. I want to stay informed. c) It depends on what I'm doing that day. Usually about 7.30. d) It's OK. I'm not enjoying my present project very much.

Задание 2. Подумайте о своей учебе и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Do you enjoy your studying? 2. Do you have any teachers or subjects that you especially like (dislike)? 3. What do you think about exams? Are they necessary? Do you usually feel nervous about them? 4. What did you want to become when you were a child? 5. Which are the most prestigious professions today? 6. Did you choose one of your parents' professions? 7. What do you know about your future profession? 8. Why do you think your future profession is important today? 9. Do you think you will need English in your future career?

Задание 3. Прочитайте отрывок и ответьте на вопросы, выбрав подходящий ответ из предлагаемых

'A' Level Ambitions

Julia goes to a state secondary school in Oxford. She lives with her parents in a village called Witney near Oxford. Her father drives her to school every morning on his way to work.

In England both primary and secondary schools start at nine o'clock in the morning and continue until half past three in the afternoon. Julia doesn't go home for lunch because the school has its own dining room and so she can buy food and drinks at school.

At the moment Julia is studying for her 'A' level examinations. She is taking three 'A' levels in Physics, Biology and Chemistry at the end of the year. She is interested in horse riding and on Saturday mornings she usually finds time to ride her horse. But Julia doesn't have much time for her favourite activity during the week because she is under pressure to study for school.

Julia hopes to get good grades in her 'A' levels so that when she leaves school she can go to university. Julia is very ambitious.

She wants to be a doctor. She knows that it isn't easy to study Medicine but she is a good student and works hard.

1. How does Julia go to school every morning?   a) Her parents take her. b) She drives her own car. c) Her father takes her by car. d) She rides her horse.
2. Which sentence is true about school in England?   a) Only primary schools start at 9 o'clock in the morning. b) Only secondary schools start at 9 o'clock in the morning. c) Both primary and secondary schools start at 9 o'clock in the morning. d) Both primary and secondary schools start at half past three in the afternoon.
3. Julia doesn't go home for lunch:   a) because she has her own dining room. b) because there is a dining room at school. c) because she can't buy food or drinks at school. d) because she is not hungry at half past three in the afternoon.
4. At the end of the year:   a) Julia is going horse riding. b) Julia is going to start studying for her 'A' level examinations. c) Julia is taking her 'A' level examinations. d) Julia is going to get her university degree.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы об образовании в Великобритании, опираясь на словарь и рабочую тетрадь

1. Is the system of education uniform throughout Great Britain?

2. What age do children start schooling at?

3. What are the three stages of education?

4. What subjects do they study?

5. What types of secondary schools can you name?

6. What are comprehensive schools?

7. What do you know about grammar schools and secondary modern schools?

8. What kinds of exams do British pupils take at different types of secondary schools?

9. Do British schoolchildren wear a school uniform?

10. Where can the British get further education?

11. What are the oldest and world-known British universities?

Задание 5. Образуйте антонимы от прилагательных

creative, desirable, famous, helpful, imaginative, personal,, precise, predictable, productive, religious, relevant, valuable.

Задание 6. Постройте предложение, используя слова из скобок, глагол поставьте в нужную видовременную форму.

1. We enjoy the theatre but we _____ very often. (not go)

2. What time _____? (the train/Italy/arrive in/at)

3. My brother _____ at home any more. (not live)

4. I think _____ the game. (Jack/win)

5. I _____ to the radio now. (listen)

6. I _____ me very much. (not think/he/like)

7. I don’t think _____ her present. (Sue/like)

8. At the moment my father _____ a newspaper. (read)

9. Penny _____ Calgary in Canada. (come from)

10. How many languages _____? (you/speak)

Задание 7. Закончите предложения, используя to be going to и глагол из скобок

Example: Jill is going to be very pleased with her present, (be)

The trip is too dangerous. I am not going to make it. (not/ make)

1. My friends _____ their tent with them, (bring)

2. He for a new job soon, (not/look)

3. Your driving is terrible. You _____ your test, (not/pass)

4._____ Kate_____ that film on television tonight? (watch)

5. We _____ with our relatives, (not/stay) We _____ a hotel. (find)

6._____ They _____ another car? (get)

7. The sky looks very grey. It _____ in a minute, (rain)

8.David's parents _____ me tomorrow night, (meet)



Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог и статью из английской газеты

Bill: School is work just like any other work.

Denise: I think it's not work at all. If you are a brilliant doctor or designer you earn a lot of money. You become popular. Everybody knows and respects you. Newspapers and magazines write about you. Who knows about your great achievements and your excellent school work? Nobody except our teachers and parents. You work more than your parents and don't get money for your work. Sometimes your classmates tease you.

Bill: I've brought a newspaper with an interesting article. Read it and decide who is right, you or me?

Pavel’s Teachers and Parents Are Proud of Him

Pavel Delvig has achieved the highest results in the country. Pavel got “A”sin maths, computing, economics, business studies, French, German, Russian. Pavel's results have delighted both Pavel, his family, and his teachers at the King's School.

Pavel moved from Russia to Germany for his parents' work when he was nine. The family then moved to Norway before coming to Britain. He started learning English when he was 12. He won a scholarship to King's School. Now he is going to enter Cambridge University.

NOTES: delight - доставлять наслаждение, восхищать

scholarship - стипендия

Выберите окончание предложений согласно тексту статьи.

1. Pavel Delvig has achieved the highest results in... a) Russia b) in Norway c) in Britain d) in Germany
2. Pavel came to Britain... a) to learn English b) for his parents' work c) to win a scholarship d) to study economics
3. Pavel started learning English when he... a) was in Norway b) won a scholarship c) was 12 d) entered the King's School

Задание 2. Поработайте переводчиком: переведите фразы с русского языка на английский и с английского на русский.

Alex, a Russian student, is talking with James Mitchell, an American from Las Vegas, Nevada. This time their conversation is about the education in the USA.

- Мистер Митчел, какая система образования в Вашей стране? - You see. The US has no nаional education system. Instead, each state is responsible for organizing and regulating its own system of education. There are common elements in the separate state systems, however.
- И какие же это общие черты (элементы)?   - Well, formal education is divided into the following stages: elementary, secondary and higher education. School attendance is compulsory in every state.
- Есть ли частные школы в США?   - The state provides schooling at all stages of education, but parents can send their children to private schools.
- Мистер Митчел, у Вас есть дети? Какую школу они посещают? - Oh, Alex. I have a daughter, anice girl, Chelsea by name. She attends a private school.
- Мистер Митчел, а какая разница между "high schools" и "higher schools"? - A great one. High schools, junior and senior, provide secondary education. Most of them offer both general and vocational courses of study. And higher schools provide higher learning.
- Мистер Митчел, извините, что перебиваю Вас... А в каких образовательных заведениях можно получить высшее образование? - Places of higher learning include community and junior colleges, technical institutes, universities, and separate professional schools.
- Спасибо огромное. Очень хочется побывать у вас в стране. - You are welcome.

Задание 3. Какой вы видите вашу будущую профессию. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What kind of work are you interested in? well paid, interesting, in a large and famous company, quiet, in an industry which has a future, prestigious, not to sit the whole day in the office, to travel a lot
2. What position would you like to have? manager (to manage people), an employee (to work for someone else), self-employed (to be your own boss), businessman, top manager (be responsible for everything), director, state employee (to work for the state)

Задание 4. Что людям приходится делать на работе? Опираясь на предлагаемые вопросы и выражения из задания 3, составьте небольшой рассказ об одной из профессий

What do people have to do in their jobs?

1. Does a nanny have to use a computer?

2. Do accountants have to answer the telephone?

3. Does a designer have to help a boss to plan the schedule?

4. Do postmen have to deliver goods?

5. Does an engineer have to make paintings or drawings?

Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. Когда я приду домой, я позвоню вам. 2. Она позвонит нам вечером. 3. Если она позвонит вам, попросите ее принести мне книгу. 4. Я увижу Тома завтра. 5. Он придет через час. 6. Я поеду в Париж на будущей неделе. 7. Перед тем, как я поеду в Париж, я позвоню вам. 8. Я люблю ходить в парк осенью. 9. Четвертого июня мы поедем за город.

Задание 6. Закончите предложения, используя to be going to и один из глаголов

borrow be tell miss wear drive stay fail

Example: Look at the sun! It is going to be hot today.

1. You aren't working very hard. I think you _____ your exam.

2. Paul doesn't like travelling by plane. So he _____

3. What_____ you _____ at the party on Saturday?

4. The bus is very slow. I think we_____ the train.

5. They _____ some money from the bank.

6. The weather is terrible. We _____ at home today.

7. Who _____ him the news?

Задание 7. Прочитайте ситуации и дополните предложения, используя will (‘ll) или going to.

There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you decided not to apply. FRIEND: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? YOU: Yes, ………… for it. (I/not/apply)
You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy. YOU: Shhh! Don't make so much noise. …………everybody up. (you/wake)
John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning. JOHN: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. ANN: That's no problem. ………… you. (I/take) What time is your flight? JOHN: 10.50. ANN: OK. ………… at about 9 o'clock then. (we/leave) Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport. JOE: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? JOHN: No thanks, Joe. ………… me. (Ann/take)
A: What would you like to eat? B: ………… a sandwich, please. (I/have)
A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if ………… down. (it/fall)
A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. ………… a holiday for a few weeks and then ………… a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do)
A: Did you post that letter for me? B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. …………it now. (I/do)




Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский

1. Nature is beautiful in our parts.

2. My town is famous for its history.

3. The town is a centre of science and culture.

4. The people are proud of the town’s history and beauty and they take care of it.

5. How can I get to the hospital?

6. Does this bus go to the park?

7. What direction should I go in?

8. Please, let me by. I’m getting off now.

9. Take me to the airport.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалог (You = Y; Group mate = G). Выпишите адрес товарища

Y: What are you doing tomorrow evening?

G: Nothing special. I haven't decided yet.

Y: We are having a party. I hope you can come.

G: I'd be very glad to come. Thank you. What time shall I come?

Y: Come around 5 if you can. And take down my address.

G: Wait a minute, please. I'll get a pen... Yes, go ahead.

Y: I live at number 17, Lesnaya Street. My flat is 26.

G: Where is it?

Y: Oh, that's easy. You could take a bus or the underground. Which one would you like to come by?

G: How long will it take me to get there by bus?

Y: By bus... about 35 minutes.

G: I think I'll take the underground. It'll be safer during the rush hour.

Y: You leave the metro in Lesnaya Street. Walk to the corner and then turn to the right. You'll see the bank on the opposite side of the street. Turn to the left. Walk a minute and you'll see an old church. My house is opposite that church.

G: Thank you. Shall I bring some cassettes?

Y: That'll be great. I know that music is your hobby.

G: OK. See you tomorrow.

Y: I'm glad you can come. Bye.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Tense

1. The cat (to take) a piece of fish and then (to run) away. 2. Yesterday I (to go) at seven o’clock. 3. He (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out. 4. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of February. 5. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Continuous Tense

1. Lena (to sweep) the floor from eleven till twelve on Sunday. 2. We (to work) the whole morning yesterday. 3. Mother (to cook) dinner at three o’clock the day before yesterday. 4. We (to discuss) the latest news from three till four yesterday. 5. At half past ten yesterday I (to sleep).

Задание 5. Выберите правильный предлог

1. Put the plates … the table. (on, to)

2. In winter I usually go … bed at ten o’clock. (into, to)

3. There is a girl standing … the bridge. (in, on)

4. Put these flowers … the vase. (in, into)

5. Come … the board. (in, to)

6. Where is the tea? – It is … the cup. (in, into)

7. May I come … the room? (in, into)


Задание 1. Ты собираешься организовать вечеринку. Пригласи товарищей из группы, сообщи им адрес и объясни, как им добраться (по диалогу из задания 2, 2 уровень)

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous

1. What children (to do) when you (to come) home yesterday? - They (to play) in their room.

2. He (to spend) last week in a hospital. He (to be) ill.

3. Why you (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (to be) cold.

4. He (not to eat) when I (to come) yesterday. He (to read) a book.

5. She (not to see) me when I (to come) into the room, she (to read) at that moment.

6. My friends (to walk) when it (to begin) raining.

7. Yesterday I (to return) home at eight o'clock: it (to dark) and (to rain) at the time.

8. I (to cut) my finger when I (to peel) an apple.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски словами, приведенными ниже

A) Why В) What C) What's D) How E) Where

1. _____ does your father go on Mondays? 2. _____ is she wearing? 3. _____ do you think of Mike? 4. _____ often does he go running? 5. _____ tall is he? 6. _____ was the party last night? 7. _____ many people live there? 8. _____ are they from? 9. _____ far is your school from our house? 10. _____ don't we have a game together some time? 11. _____ exams have you passed?

Задание 4. Вставьте необходимые предлоги

1. There are many people … the park today. 2. Pour some tea … my cup. 3. We went.. the garden and sat down … a bench. 4. Where is your little sister? – She is … bed. Mother always put her … bed at eight o’clock. 5. In summer my mother doesn’t go … work and I don’t go … school. 6. He put his hand … his pocket, took out a letter and dropped it … the mailbox which hung … the wall of the house.


Задание 1. Составьте диалоги из фраз

- Excuse me. Is this the right way to the bookshop?

- Go along Queen Street. Turn to the right. The supermarket is on your left.

- Not at all.

- You are welcome.

- Can you tell me how to get to the market?

- Well, you can take a taxi or a bus.

- Thank you.

- It is about two miles.

- How can I get to the supermarket from here?

- Can you help me, please? What is the best way to get to this address?

- I think by bus but you can go on foot.

- Yes, it is. Go straight ahead. It is over there.

- Can you tell me where the police station is?

- How far is it?

- Turn right and go straight ahead.

- Thank you very much

- That is all right.

Задание 2. Составьте развернутый план рассказа по теме «Мой родной город»

Задание 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя предлоги at, on, in, to, into

1. Когда мы пришли на вокзал, мы поставили свои чемоданы на платформу и сели на скамейку. Мама пошла в магазин и купила лимонад. 2. Вчера на уроке учитель сказал мне: “На доске две ошибки. Иди к доске и исправь ошибки”. 3. Вы были вчера на концерте? — Нет, мы работали в библиотеке, а потом мы пошли в парк. В парке мы играли, а потом сидели на траве. 4. Положи книгу в портфель и иди к доске. 5. Сегодня во дворе много ребят.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous Tense

1. Что ты делал, когда пришли твои родители? 2. Когда он смотрел телевизор, зазвонил телефон. 3. Ты нашел грибы, когда гулял по лесу? 4. Когда мы вышли из дома, шел сильный дождь. 5. Вчера в шесть часов я делал уроки, а мама читала газету. 6. Бабушка выглянула в окно и увидела, что внук играет во дворе. 7. Вчера в семь мы обсуждали этот вопрос. 8. Она была больна и лежала в кровати, когда мы пришли навестить ее.




Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский

1 My hobby is collecting of coins and stamps. 2. Going to the theatre is a good hobby. 3. Here is my ticket and passport. 4. The boarding begins at 12 p.m. 5. There is the exit to the city. 6. I feel sick. Please bring me some water. 7. I would like to get a double room. 8. I shall stay here for two weeks. 9. Sorry. It doesn’t suit me. 10. Shall I help you? 11. Leave it to me. 13. Don't make so much noise, please! 14. How do you spend free time? 15. I like to have a rest in a summer residence. 16. May all your dreams come true! 17. This is a little present for you. 12. Could you step aside?

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы о хобби, выбрав правильный вариант

1. Why do people choose a hobby? A) They want to have a rest. В) They want to be busy. С) They don't want to relax.
2. Why do people collect books? A) They can work skillfully with their hands. В) They are fond of reading. С) They want to sell them.
3. Where do hobbyists find books for their collection? A) In the museums. В) At jumble-sales. С) In the libraries.
4. What do subject collections usually consist of? A) Books on a particular subject. В) Different editions of a single book. С) Books with different printing styles.
5. Whom do often book collectors present their collections? A) To the libraries. В) То the jumble-sales. С) То the computer centres.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где они необходимы.

1. The police are looking for … young man aged about 19. 2. … young man the police are looking for isabout 23. 3. Last night I saw … interesting TV programme about Eastern Europe. I really enjoyed … program about Eastern Europe last night. 4. I learned to drive … car when I was eighteen. Dad, can I borrow … car tonight?

Задание 4. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The pupils are writing a dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem. 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast.



Задание 1. Составьте предложения из слов. Первое слово выделено курсивом

1. because, reading, people, Many, collect, enjoy, books, they.

2. presented, have, collections, their, Some, people, universities, to.

3. concentrates, collections, Author, of, a single author, works, on.

4. a particular subject, include, books, Subject, collections, on.

5. find, Collectors, their, for, shops, rare-book, books, collections, in.

Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант


Is it better to go on a package (1) …, or to (2) … on your own? I suppose the answer depends on what kind of (3) … you are. A complicated tour organized by a travel (4) … has some advantages. You have a/an (5) …, which gives you definite (6) … and arrival dates, and a list of all your (7) …. The (8) … may be cheaper, as it has been (9) … in advance, so you spend less time worrying about where you are going to (10) …. If you book your own hotel, you might have trouble finding a/an (11) …, unless you are going to stay for a (12) …, for example. On the other hand, organizing your own (13) … can be fun. Many students (14) … or buy cheap train tickets, and (15) … the night in student hostels or guest-houses.

  A) travel A) travel A) voyager A) office A) timetable A) departure A) cancellations A) bedrooms A) preserved A) stay A) empty A) fortnight A) voyage A) auto-stop A) have B) tour B) trip B) passenger B) agent B) scheme B) parting B) expeditions B) staying B) booked B) pass B) free B) daytime B) expedition B) hitch-hike B) at C) journey C) voyage C) tourist C) tour C) notice C) leave C) organizations C) flat C) reservation C) live C) vacancy C) fifteen days C) trip C) lift C) for D) cruise D) tourist D) mover D) operation D) itinery D) quitting D) destinations D) accommodation D) hotels D) cross D) available D) passage D) package D) journey D) spend

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте ошибки (3 – по грамматике, 4 – в правописании) и перепишите его

I have choose a hobby recently. Hobbies differs like tastes. I like to go in for sports. Now I am attending one of the sports club. We go there together with my friend twice a weak. Not long ago we take part in the compition among diferent coleges.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где они необходимы

1. We have just bought … new house with … large garden.

2. My brother is … teacher and I have … cousin who works with … young children as well.

3. Would you like … biscuit or … piece of … cake?

4. My uncle used to be... dentist before he retired. Arthur Brown is … dentist who lives next door to my parents.

5. Is there … bookshop on the High Street? I bought this at … bookshop in the High Street.

6. Has anyone seen … newspaper I left in the sitting room? I usually buy … newspaper on my way to work.

7. London is … biggest city in Britain. Manchester is … big city in the north of England.

8. Agatha Christie was … well known writer of detective stories. Agatha Christie was … writer who invented Hercule Poirot.

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect Tense

1. Who (to write) this article? 2. He (just to do) something for us. 3. (you/to find) the book? 4. We (just to talk) about it. 4. She (to tell) them some stories about dogs. 5. We (to have) two lessons today. 6. She (not to speak) yet. 7. They (to ask) me several questions. 8. (you/to learn) the rule? 9. (you/already/to hear) tomorrow’s weather forecast? 10. (you/ to read) any stories by Jack London?



Задание 1. Сравните разные виды хобби. Ответьте на вопросы и заполните таблицу

Questions The Arts Collecting Handicrafts Games and Sports
1. Is it a popular kind of hobby?        
2. Can people of any age enjoy this hobby?        
3. What does this hobby include?        
4. What do people need for such a hobby?        
5. Do people enjoy this hobby indoors or outdoors?        
6. Do people enjoy this hobby alone or together with their friends or other hobbyists?        
7. Can hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby only on weekends?        
8. Where can hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby?        
9. Why do hobbyists enjoy this kind of hobby?        
10. Do you enjoy this kind of hobby?        
11. Do your friends enjoy this kind of hobby?        

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What are British “bank” holidays?

2. How do public or “bank” holidays differ from the other holidays?

3. What is the most celebrated holiday among the British?

4. What can you tell about Christmas Day?

5. What does Hallowe’en mean for the British?

6. Why is Hallowe’en connected with witches and ghosts?

7. What do you know about “trick or treat”? Why is this tradition especially popular among children and teenagers?

8. What can you tell about the First Footer on New Year’s Eve?

9. How popular are St. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day?

Задание 3. Дополните предложения словами из скобок

1. People choose a hobby. (most, for, relaxation, and, pleasure) 2. Hobbies are divided into four categories. (general, most) 3. The widespread hobby is collecting. (most, probably) 4. Games are popular. (sports, and, very, many, hobbyists with) 5. Hobbyists take part in sports. (of, thousands)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 1415 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Задание 3. Переведите диалог на английский язык | Задание 2. Переведите слова, данные в скобках на английский язык, воспользуйтесь словарем | ОБУЧАЮЩИЙ МОДУЛЬ 5.1 | Задание 3. Составьте по 3 предложения с каждым из слов (still, yet, more, another, other, else) | Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обратите внимание на слова, выделенные курсивом | Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст | Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А и Б | Environment and Ecology | Задание 1. Прочитайте, переведите текст и выполните задания | The Karachai Lake |
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Задание 2. Соотнесите русские и британские пословицы| Задание 4. Закончите предложения, используя Present Perfect Tense

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