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Задание 2. Переведите слова, данные в скобках на английский язык, воспользуйтесь словарем

Читайте также:
  1. Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S. – вы указываете данные своего работодателя. Данные о работодателе должны СОВПАДАТЬ С ДАННЫМИ В ГРАФЕ “CONFIRMED EMPLOYER”!!!
  3. Ex. 5 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя «wish».
  4. I. Переведите предложение на русский язык
  5. I. Переведите предложение на русский язык
  6. II. Переведите предложение на английский язык
  7. IV.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple or Present Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I am (большой любитель театра). 2. I like to see (как русские, так и зарубежные пьесы). 3. I like to sit in (в первом ряду). 4. (обычно) I book (билеты заранее). 5. When we came to the theatre we saw a sign at the entrance («все билеты проданы»). 6. We left our coats in (гардеробе) and brought a programme. 7. When the curtain (опустился) the house (начал аплодировать). 8. When I have (свободное время) I’m going to the cinema. 9. There are different kinds of films (черно-белые, звуковые, немые, киножурналы, мультфильмы, дублированные и документальные). 10. There is a new cinema (недалеко от нашего дома). 11. (перед каждым сеансом) some newsreel or a documentary is shown soon. 12. In the foyer one can see (фотографии кинозвезд и рекламу) on the films which will be shown soon. 13. After the third bell (свет начинает медленно гаснуть) and the film begins.

Задание 3. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово и заполните пропуск в предложении

1. In a broad sense, theatre includes the script, the performing company,..., the audience.

A) drama В) melodrama С) comedy D) the stage

2. Drama comprises serious drama, melodrama,..., comedy.

A) tragedies В) performance С) playwright D) performers

3. For all the performances, a playwright, performers, a director, a scene designer,... are needed.

A) dancers В) a costumier С) a choreographer D) a writer

4. There are different kinds of theatres, such as drama theatres, puppet theatres,... theatres.

A) ballet В) musical С) central D) dancing

5. Some theatres have a... company.

A) regular В) successful С) enjoyable D) repertory

6. Opera combines... and orchestral music with drama.

A) dancing В) scenery С) singing D) lighting


Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы

A) 1. Are you a theatre lover? 2. What theatres do you prefer to go to? 3. Do you book tickets beforehand? 4. Who is your favorite actor (composer, musician and artist)? 5. Which do you prefer: ballet, opera, drama or comedy? Explain your choice. 6. Are you a member of any drama circle? Do you enjoy it? Why? 7. Why is video so popular nowadays?

B) 1. Do you like to go to the cinema? 2. What kinds of films do you know? 3. What kind o movies do you like? What is your all-time favorite movie? What kind of movies do you dislike? Why? 4. Do you like to watch cartoons? 5. Do you like to watch horror movies? 6. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? What is the best movie you have ever seen? What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? 7. What movie stars would you most like to meet? 8. Who are some of your favorite actors and actresses? 9. If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or read the book? 10. Is there a cinema not far from your house? 11. Are newsreels and documentaries always interesting?

Задание 2. Найдите английские эквиваленты русских слов. Они расположены в разных направлениях

‌ насилие (жестокость) оператор выдающийся зрители детектив снимать сюжет комедия музыкальный фильм ужасный представление

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы о театре

1. What is a scenery in the theatre? A) a scene designer В) painted backgrounds С) exciting experience
2. What should a choreographer do in the theatre? A) should create dances В) should make the scenery С) should integrate all aspects of production
3. What does a playwright do? A) creates the scenery В) writes songs С) writes plays
4. What does a director of a theatre do? A) integrates all aspects of production В) makes sound effects С) makes costumes
5. What is a script? A) painted backgrounds В) an article about the performance С) a written form of a play



Задание 1. В тексте есть ошибки: 4 — лексические, 5 — грамматические. Исправьте эти ошибки.

Like drama and dance, music are a performing art. It differ from such arts as paintin and poetry, in which artists creates works and then displays or publishes them. Musikal komposers need musishians to interpret and perform their works, just as playwrights need actors to perform their plays.

Задание 2. Прочитайте следующие высказывания и скажите, верны они или нет

1. There are about 50 principal theatres in professional use in or near the East End and some 20 in the suburbs.

2. The National Theatre which stage classical and modern plays in its complex of three theatres on the North Bank of The River Thames.

3. The Royal Opera House, Convent Garden, London, which receives financial assistance from the Arts Council, gives regular season of opera and ballet.

4. The Royal Shakespeare Company which performs in the London Coliseum gives of opera and operetta in English it also tours the provinces.

5. Every 10 years the International Festival of University Theatres is held.

Outside London there are many non-repertory theaters which present all kinds – “pop” music, jazz, light music and brass bands.

Задание 3. Прочитайте рассказ и закончите его.

My Favourite Film

Usually we see films in the cinema or on the TV. But from time to time we go to the cinema.

Among different types of films (that is comedy, romantic drama, western, adventure film, police drama or detective film, horror film, historical) best of all I like comedy and romantic drama. I don’t like horror films and I find them disgusting. Sometimes I can watch police drama but I‘m not very keen on this type of films.

Recently I saw the film …

Задание 4. Кто эти люди? Соотнесите название профессии с тем, что они делают

Model: A boom operator is a man who holds the microphone.

1. camera operator 2. actor 3. electrician 4. costume designer 5. make-up artist 6. boom operator 7. sound mixer 8. director 9. stuntman/-woman 10. editor 11. director of photography 12. producer 13. scriptwriter   a) has general control of the money for a film but he doesn’t direct the actors. b) fixes the lights and all other electrical equipment. c) is the boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors in particular. d) looks through the camera, and operates the equipment. e) decides the position of the camera, and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction. f) writes scripts for films, shows. g) holds the microphone. h) does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors. i) chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together. j) operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who makes noises during the filming. k) pretends to be another person and acts in a film. l) prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films. m) can make a new face for an actor.

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из предлагаемых выражений

1. Usually/sometimes/as a rule we go to... cinema because _____ /we go to the _____ o'clock show.

2. Asfor me, I like to go _____.

3. My seat is/was _____ in the dress-circle/balcony/stalls/in the _____ row.

4. There was _____ a documentary film/a cartoon _____ before the film.

5. It is/was a comedy/a filmed concert/a war film/a political film/an educational film/a film which had a lot of good music/a film about foreign countries/a documentary film/a film version of a story or book/a film about present-day problems/a film about great.../a film which gets you thinking _____.

6. The film is/was based on _____ (a novel/story/play).

7. The film is/was produced by _____ studio.

8. The script was written by _____.

9. The director of the film is _____.

10. Starring in _____ are/were _____.

11. The film shows(ed) _____ struggle of _____ /against _____/love and friendship between _____ /complex relations between _____ /the fate of _____ during _____.

12. The direction is _____ (skillful/professional).

13. The acting is _____ (real/true to life/excellent/first-class).

14. I enjoyed this film, because _____.

Задание 6. Обсудите фильм, который вы посмотрели недавно с друзьями и он вам понравился. Используйте выражения согласия/несогласия.

To agree To disagree

I agree. I don’t think so.
I believe… I’m not sure…
That’s true (right). I disagree.
I think so, too. I don’t believe...
I’m sure… That’s not true (right, so)
I feel the same way.  



In the Museum, Picture Gallery



Задание 1. Переведите слова с английского языка на русский

a historical museum, a picture gallery, sculpture, impressionist, a museum-apartment, in the middle ground, world-famous, expose, I am interested in.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите предложения

1. Peter is interested in painting of Gothic art. 2. I would like to visit this photo-show, I think its very interesting. 3. Excuse me, how can I get to a museum of modern art? 4. He belongs to the realistic trend in painting.5. B. Kustodiev, a talented genre-painter, worked a lot to create a new socialist culture.

Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст

The British Museum

Sir Hans Sloane was a great collector. He filled his house with rare books and pictures, precious stones, stuffed ani­mals, birds and butterflies, and ancient remains from all over the world. There had never been a collection quite like it, and visitors were amazed by what they saw.

When Sir Hans Sloane died in 1753, his will let the King buy the whole collection for just £ 20,000 so that it could belong to the nation for ever. This was the start of the British Museum.

It took thirty years and thousands of tons of stone to complete the building and the forty-four massive columns which decorate the front. The building of the British Museum was finished in 1948.

The British Museum started as a museum which collected everything. At first it was particularly famous for its natural history collection and its vast library of books.

Three stuffed giraffes used to stand at the top of the stairs in old Montagu house.

In the 1880s all the museum's stuffed animals and birds were moved to the new Natural History museum at South Kensington.

Children today are sometimes surprised not to find any dinosaurs in the museum... but there are plenty of other ancient and marvellous things to look at.


Задание 1. Прочитайте, переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы

Alexander Pushkin Museum Flat

The Museum is situated at No. 12 Moika Embankment in St. Petersburg and was opened in 1925. The poet lived there from September 12, 1836 till his death on, January 12, 1837.

The sad news that Pushkin had been seriously wounded spread around the city at once. He died two days later.

Thousands of people walked to the house to bid farewell to their dear poet. In 1987 the museum was restored after long repairs. Unfortunately there are few of Pushkin's things and most of them are in his study, where he died. The study is a large, light and clean room. There is a desk with an armchair, bookshelves with four thousand books in 14 languages, a writing bureau, a fireplace with a mantelpiece clock showing the time of the poet's death. One can see some sheets of paper, books, a goose-quill pen and a bronze inkstand with a figure of a Negro boy. The figure reminded him of his great grandfather Ibrahim Hannibal.

In his study there are portraits of his fellow poets Anton Delvig, Jevgeny Baratynsky and Vasily Zhukovsky.

The bookshelves with different books occupy much space. During his life the poet was fond of collecting old and rare books.

In the hall visitors can see the poet's waistcoat he was wearing at the duel, his death-mask and the locket with a lock of hair.

Tourists from different countries of the world visit and admire the Pushkin Museum Flat. If you're in St. Petersburg do visit this museum.


1. Where is the Pushkin Museum Flat situated?

2.Whom was the duel with?

3.Why did people mourn on January 29, 1837?

4.Whose portraits are there in the study?

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “The British Museum”

1.Who started the collection which grew into the British Museum?

2.How many columns were built along the front of the new British Museum building?

3.What collections can you find in the British Museum?


Задание 1. Вы находитесь в галерее Тейт. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания после текста, воспользовавшись словарем и дополнительным источником информации

“Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose”

John Singer Sargent was an American artist who came to live and work in London. He painted some beautiful pictures of people out of doors and then became famous for grand portraits of rich and fashionable people. "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose" was painted while Sargent was living in England. It isn't actually a portrait, even though the young girls do look very life-like and take up quite a lot of space, which makes them seem important. The real subject (what it was about) of the picture is light and how it can affect the way in which we see things-especially the colour of things. This is one of the few pictures Sargent painted out of doors during his time in England.

Sargent wanted to show in this picture a special kind of light which can only be seen at a particular time of day and year. This was the beautiful mauve (a kind of purple) light of twilight (when the sun is just below the horizon early in the morning or evening). There are several things in the picture which look partly mauve because the light is making them look that colour. The lanterns are making reflections of a different colour. Most of the picture has a mauvish look which gives it a certain kind of mood or atmosphere.

Because Sargent painted "Carnation, Lily. Lily, Rose" only during these minutes it took a long time — nearly two years — for him actually to finish the picture.

This can be seen best of all in late summer.


1. What are the girls doing?

2. Do you know the name for the kind of lantern they are holding?

3. Does the picture show:

a) early morning? b) or early evening?

4. What in the picture tells you that it is summertime?

5. a) Describe the colour.

b)Find four things which show the reflections from the lanterns.

c)What colours can you see in the girls' dresses?

d)What was their real colour, do you think?

6. What words would you choose from the following to describe this mood?

Tick the words of your choice:

lively peaceful creepy

tranquil romantic

miserable happy

Add two describing words of your own in the spaces provided above.

Twilight usually lasts for just a few minutes each day.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 1821 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Задание 1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский | Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите тексты со словарем | Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov | Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple Tense или Past Continuous Tense | Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст | Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите лексику, используемую в гостиничном бизнесе | Services and Facilities | Задание 5. Замените подчеркнутые слова на слова из списка | Задание 1. Укажите сочинительные и подчинительные союзы. Переведите предложения на русский язык | Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обратите внимание на слова, выделенные курсивом |
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