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Computers in our life

Читайте также:
  1. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
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  5. Computers in our life



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та робочий зошит

спеціальності «Оператор з обробки інформації і програмного забеспечення»





Lesson 1

Computers in our life

1. Read and memorize the following words.

hardware - апаратне забезпечення;

monitor – монітор;

keyboard – клавіатура;

printer – принтер;

connection - зв'язок;

software - программе забезпечення;

to run on the computer - запускати на комп’ютері;

word processing program - текстовий редактор;

spreadsheets program – програма табличних обчислень (бухгалтерська програма);

database management program - програма управління базами данних;

graphics program - графічний редактор;

desktop publishing - видавнича программа;

to key in, to type in – друкувати;

to save information – зберігати інформацію;

to retrieve information - відновлювати, поновлювати інформацію;

personal computer - персональний компьютер;

local network - локальна мережа;

IBM compatible - IBM сумісний;

hard disk - жорсткий диск;

floppy disk - гнучкий диск;

diskette – дискета;

to facilitate – полегшувати;

literate – освічений;

computer-literate – той, хто вміє користуватися комп’ютером;

essential – необхідний; основний;

accounting - бухгалтерський облік;

chart - діаграма, схема;

manual – довідник, підручник;

mainframe - мейнфрейм, головний комп’ютер обчислювального центру;

currently – зараз, в даний момент;

e.g. – від лат. «exempli gratia», наприклад;

DSL (Digital Subsriber Line) – абонентська цифрова лінія.

2. Everybody knows that computers can facilitate our every day duties work and study. But are you computer-literate? Do you know the essential concepts in informa-

tics? Can you work with a computer? The notes of the specialists in this sphere,

Mr. T.R. Reid and Mr. Brit Hume, will help you get some information about the computers.

Computers in our life

Computer hardware consists of a computer, a monitor, a keyboard, a printer, and their connections. The software contains the various programs you run on your computer. The most common programs used in business are those for word processing (writing letters, faxes, documents, contracts), spreadsheets (for budgets and financial analysis), database management programs (for keeping names and addresses of customers), accounting (for bookkeeping), graphics programs (for drawing charts), communications programs (for electronic mail, Internet), desktop publishing programs (for producing manuals, catalogs), the operator keys in (types in) the information which can be saved and retrieved at a later date.

Most businesses nowadays use personal computers, or PCs, which are often linked together in a local network. This is a big change from the days when time had to be rented on mainframe computer. Nowadays these are only used by very large businesses, universities, or government departments.

The two most popular types of computers currently are those of IBM and Apple (the Macintosh). It was IBM who set the standard for the PC which others later imitated That is why, in order to be able to use the widest range of software, a computer has to be IBM compatible.

The most successful software company now is Microsoft with its Windows programs. Microsoft has done a good job of making Windows of each year compatible with software developed for previous versions of Windows, and with MS-DOS.

As well as the hardware (= the machines), you also need software (= the programs needed to work the machines). These programs are on disks, e.g. the hard disk inside the computer, or floppy disks or on CD-ROMs (= Compact Disc Read Only Memory, a CD on which you can put a large amount of information).

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