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Approach Tones: Diatonic and Chromatic

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Starting Points: Quarter Notes, Chord Tones

While accomplished bassists will play bass lines using a variety of rhythms and a broad range of approaches to the harmony, elementary bass lines present the harmony of the song, and "walking bass lines" usually involve quarter-note motion. This first example demonstrates a very simple walking bass line, using chord tones (1-3-5-7) over a Cmin7 chord.

Filling In The Gaps

A bass line constructed purely of chord tones can be quite effective, but in order to achieve variety, non-chord tones should be incorporated as well. This next example uses diatonic passing tones to create a simple bass line comprised of stepwise motion:

Target Notes: Root and Fifth

When playing songs with a slower harmonic rhythm, where chords may last for several measures, one can help to maintain the forward momentum of the bass line by targeting not only the root of the chord, but the fifth as well; the following example sets the root as the target tone on beat one of each measure, and the fifth as the target on beat three:

(This example provides the base for the next four examples.)

Approach Tones: Diatonic and Chromatic

One can approach a targeted note either diatonically (using a note appropriate to the chord) or chromatically (using a note not commonly associated with the chord). Here, diatonic approaches from below are used:

Similarly, approach tones from above can be used:

Chromatic approach tones offer an even stronger resolution into the targeted pitch, further establishing the sense of forward momentum which one strives for in constructing walking bass lines In this example, the chromatic motion follows the general shape of the line: as the line ascends, the chromatic tones resolve up to the next chord tone; as the line descends, the chromatic tones resolve down by half-step. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but it can be a good starting point in using these sorts of chromatic tones.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 161 | Нарушение авторских прав

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