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XI. Hydraulic problems

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The Lessons Emergency




The ACAS II equipment, known as TCAS II, provides an independent airborne last resort safety net designed to prevent collisions between aircraft.


ECAC common policy for ACAS II requires that:

· From January 2000 all civil fixed wing aircraft exceeding 15,000Kg, or with a passenger seating configuration of more than 30 must have ACAS II

· From January 2005 all civil fixed wing aircraft exceeding 7,500 Kg, or with a passenger seating configuration of more than 19 must have ACAS II


When a risk of collision is detected, TCAS II calculates the necessary manoeuvre and communicates the solution directly to the flight crew.

ACAS II can issue two types of advisory

· Traffic Advisory (TA), warns the flight crew to be ready for a potential Resolution Advisory and helps the crew in the visual search for the intruder aircraft. The TA is triggered between 20 and 48 seconds before the Closest Point of Approach (CPA)

· Resolution Advisory (RA), an advisory to the flight crew to execute avoidance manoeuvres in the vertical plane. The RA is activated between 15 and 35 seconds before the CPA


Airborne Collision Avoidance System Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System


Communication of TA or RA

The TA or RA is communicated to the flight crew by means of both a visual display and an aural alert message.


The following can be expected:


· Climb or descent without prior warning

· No emergency squawk

· Two aircraft or more involved

· Notification from pilot of “TCAS climb” or “TCAS descent”


Effects of turbulence

If an aircraft experiences severe turbulence that makes it deviate very suddenly towards another aircraft, the altitude varies with an important acceleration.

TCAS II computes a high vertical speed and an advisory may be triggered.

Even though these are rare events, TAs or RAs may be triggered between aircraft on adjacent flight levels because of turbulence.




In the event of a pilot reporting a manoeuvre induced by an RA, Remember:

· The controller shall not attempt to modify the aircraft flight path

· The controller shall provide traffic information as appropriate

· Pilots very busy

· TCAS II altitude data is more accurate than radar data


NB: Once an aircraft departs from its clearance in compliance with an RA, the controller ceases to be responsible for providing separation between that aircraft and any other aircraft affected as a direct consequence of the manoeuvre induced by the RA


1. The controller acknowledges a report from the flight crew that the aircraft has resumed the current clearance

2. The controller acknowledges a report from the flight crew that the aircraft is resuming the current clearance and issues an alternative clearance which is acknowledged by the flight crew

Following an RA event, or other significant ACAS event, pilots and controllers should complete an air traffic incident report.




An aircraft hitting a bird may create an emergency situation, known as Birdstrike.

The seriousness of this emergency depends on:

· the size of the bird

· the speed of the aircraft at impact

· where it hits the aircraft.


Its effects may be very severe. The most dangerous strikes are to the

· windshield

· engine


A strike of this nature may lead to the ultimate loss of the aircraft.

Strikes other than windshield and engine may impair the flying characteristics of the aircraft, making levels and headings difficult to maintain and safe landings difficult. They may ultimately lead to loss of control, or even structural failure.

The likelihood of birdstrike varies depending on the level, the location and the time of year. The greatest risk of birdstrike is below 1000 ft above GND, with decreasing risk between 1000 ft and 5000 ft.

The risk above 5000 ft is much less but there is still some risk from migrating geese or other large birds, which have been encountered above 20000ft. The risk is also higher in spring and autumn.


Birdstrike on windshield

· loss of visibility

· may need nav, and landing assistance

· may require to operate by IFR

· loss of pressure / emergency descent

· pilot injury

· poor communication owning to noise

· may need to terminate flight and land at next suitable aerodrome


Birdstrike on landing gear

A birdstrike on the gear, or undercarriage, can cause serious problems and structural damage

· damaged landing gear may collapse when plane lands

· if the strike happens on take-off it may not be possible to retract the landing gear

· if gear cannot be retracted, the aircraft must terminate flight and land as soon as possible

· handling may be restricted owning to speed limits on extended landing


Birdstrike on fuselage

· smaller aircraft are more endangered

· stability may be reduced

· urgent landing be necessary


Birdstrike on engine

· engine may shut down

· engine may catch fire

· turbine engines more sensitive to damage

· single engine aircraft are more vulnerable


Birds on hydraulics

· this situation is complex

· may affect multiple systems:

flight controls

gear extension


flaps / rudder / elevator

nosewheeel steering




In the event of birdstrike, Remember:

· Follow the ASSIST code of practice


A “Acknowledge – S “Separate” – S “Silence” – I “Inform” – S “Support” – T “Time”


· Find out if the pilot can still control the aircraft

· Allow a Long Final if requested

· Check RWY if birdstrike is during or after take-off


I. If …
… the pilot intends to land at the next suitable aerodrome
… the pilot reports limited vision owning to a dirty or damaged windshield
… the pilot reports problems controlling the aircraft
… the pilot reports a birdstrike during or after take-off or landing


II. If the pilot intends to land at the next suitable aerodrome …
- Recommend one or more suitable landing options as soon as possible
- Assess all of the following requirements carefully to avoid missed approaches: - ACFT type and configuration
- aerodrome conditions
RWY in use: length, surface, elevation ILS & navigational frequencies any other facilities required, weather


III. If the pilot reports limited vision owning to a dirty or damaged windshield …
- If required, provide navigational assistance, radar monitoring and guidance to touchdown
- ACFT may require to be landed in accordance with instrument Flight Rules.
a long approach would be advisable
- RWY / Approach lighting


IV. If the pilot reports problems controlling the aircraft …
This means that the manoeuvrability of the ACFT is limited. As a result, flying procedures may not be executed as normal
You may assist the ACFT by: If required, provide navigational assistance, radar monitoring and guidance to touchdown
increasing separation from other traffic informing all appropriate units
arranging technical assistance by appropriate specialists


V. If the pilot reports a birdstrike during or after take-off or landing
- The birdstrike may have caused damage to the aircraft. Parts of the aircraft and / or bird may be lying on the RWY, endangering departing or arriving aircraft.
- Address this by arranging a RWY inspection
- Arrange technical assistance as necessary




Brake or anti-skid problems are usually caused by hydraulic failure.

It should be noted that this doesn’t require urgent measures unless the aircraft has started approach.

The landing distance available may be insufficient and there will be an increased probability of tyre burst. If a tyre burst occurs, this could result in damage to other parts of the aircraft.

As the landing distance may be increased, the pilot can be expected to request the longest RWY possible.

The wheels may become damaged and the aircraft may swerve off the RWY, or overrun it at the far end. It is also possible that with damaged wheels, the RWY and / or the safety strip may become blocked.

Brake problems are not urgent unless the ACFT has started approach. Priority may be given to succeeding traffic as RWY may be blocked once the afflicted aircraft has landed. If blocked, aircraft will continue to hold or will have to divert.



In the event of brake problems, REMEMBER:

1. Situation: Coming in for landing.

· Offer the longest RWY possible (ACFT needs more landing distance than usual)

· If tyres have burst, ACFT may remain on runway, make arrangements for succeeding ACFT

2. Situation: On approach

· Inform about length and conditions of the RWY

· Keep RWY and safety strip clear

· Check towing equipment is on standby

· Check that technical staff are on standby, if required


3. Situation: Not yet prepared for landing

· If time permits, let other aircraft land first while RWY is still clear

· Inform about length and conditions of the RWY

· Keep safety strip clear

· Check towing equipment is on standby

· Check that technical staff are on standby, if required



Communication systems are complex. A communication failure may have various causes, which in turn may be simple or complex. They are usually caused by electrical / electronic or hardware problems.

Simple causes:

Communication failure may be caused by a simple technical problem such as a defect in the pilot’s or controller’s headset or microphone, or blocked frequency.

Complex cause:

The causes of communication failure may be more complex, for example:

· a broken wire

· a malfunction of the radio equipment

· a power failure

Originating with ATC:

Remember, communication problems do not always originate with the ACFT.

They may also originate with ATC. A sector or unit frequency may be lost. ATC would quickly become aware of this problem. It would be solved by a change of frequency.

Communication failure may affect the pilot’s ability to communicate in various ways:

The pilot may be able to:

Transmit but not receive messages

Receive but not transmit messages

send carrier waves only. This is called NON-VERBAL or SPEECHLESS communication.

Whenever possible, the ACFT will squawk A 7600.

Smaller ACFT may be more affected by communication failure than larger ACFT as they have fewer back-up systems.

A controlled flight experiencing communication failure in Visual Meteorological Conditions shall:

· set transponder to A7600

· continue to fly in VMC

· land at the nearest suitable aerodrome

· report its arrival time by the most expeditious means to the appropriate ATS unit

Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)

· Communication failure occurs. ACFT sets transponder to A7600.

· Maintain last assigned speed and level for a period of 7 minutes, OR, if the minimum flight altitude is higher than the last assigned level, maintain the minimum flight altitude for a period of 7 minutes.

· Thereafter, adjust level and speed in accordance with the filed flight plan.

· If being radar vectored, or proceeding offset according to RNAV without a specified limit, proceed in the most direct manner possible to rejoin the current flight plan route no later than the next significant point, taking into consideration the applicable min. flight altitude.

Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)

Arriving aircraft with communication failure

The ACFT will proceed according to the current flight plan to the designated navigational aid serving the destination aerodrome and hold until commencement of descent.

Commence descent at, or as close as possible to, the EAT last received and acknowledged.


If no EAT received and acknowledged, commence descent at, or as close as possible to, the ETA resulting from the CPL.

Complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified for the designated navigation aid.

Land, if possible, within 30 minutes after the ETA specified,


Within 30 minutes of the last acknowledged expected approach time, whichever is later.



In the event of communication failure, REMEMBER:

· Following the ASSIST code of practice


A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T‘Time’


· Inform your Supervisor

· As soon as the failure becomes known, maintain separation between the affected ACFT and other ACFT based on the assumption that the ACFT will operate in accordance with the (ICAO) rules define for VMC or for IMC

· Recognize that this is an unusual situation which could become an emergency

· Establish whether the aircraft has:

· functioning transmitter

· functioning receiver

· neither

· if blocked frequency, establish the source:

· ground

· airborne

· inform all units concerned

· try to make contact with the aircraft on other available frequencies – 121.5 Mhz; 243.0 MHz; company frequency, or by any other available means, eg SELCAL; VOR: mobile phone etc.

· if control has to be transferred to another ATC station, radar hand-off procedure should be followed



IV. Pressurisation Problems

A failure of the cabin pressurisation system causes an immediate danger to the aircraft, crew and passengers. This is an emergency situation.

During high level flight, the aircraft cabin is pressurised in order to provide air for breathing and a comfortable environment for the human body.

Engine bleed air is conditioned (cooled down and mixed with outside air) and guided into the cabin. The amount and pressure of the conditioned air is regulated by a computer and outflow valves.

Pressurisation problems may be caused by:

· malfunction of the pressure outflow

· a malfunction of the pressure regulating valves

· a physical leak in the system

· a damage to a door or window


A rapid decompression in the cabin leads to loss of oxygen and increased gas pressure in the human body.

The drop in pressure will result in a sudden temperature drop, fog and reduced visibility in the cabin.

The difference in air pressure between inside and outside of the cabin leads to a wake effect where the wind sucks items towards the hole.

Loose objects will fly through the cabin and may harm passengers and crew.

Urns may boil over and bottles burst.

When the air from the cabin is lost, the time of useful consciousness (TUC) is short. This is the period of time during which a person can continue to function “normally”, without oxygen, before “blackout” occurs.

The time of useful consciousness can vary from 4 to 30 seconds depending on

· the altitude

· the size of the leak

· the size of the fuselage

It is vital that oxygen masks are deployed for pilot, crew and passengers during the TUC. The crew immediately puts on oxygen masks and then assists passengers to do the same.

The pilot can no longer use the standard headset for RTF communication. The pilot’s mask is therefore equipped with a microphone, and the earpiece is automatically switched over to a cabin loudspeaker.


The human body needs about 20 litres of oxygen per hour.

With increasing altitude, the density of air decreases and therefore the oxygen content decreases. The effect of this on the human body depends on the amount of oxygen available.

Medical Science has defined thresholds of altitude at which the human body will start to experience particular symptoms.

These are defined as bands of altitude, since tolerance will vary from person to person.


Reaction threshold (6000-9000ft)

Symptoms of oxygen deficiency start to show at this level, in the form of tiredness or exhaustion.

In the cabin of an aircraft the oxygen content is kept equivalent to a level of 6000ft or less, to prevent even those with the lowest tolerance from experiencing symptoms.


Disturbance Threshold (12000-15000ft)

At this level the symptoms are more serious. The lack of oxygen now also starts to affect our cognitive processes.

We start to lose the ability to think clearly and to make sound judgements.

We overestimate our abilities.


Critical Threshold (18000-24000ft)

At this level the density of air and oxygen content are only half of the value on ground.

More severe symptoms of oxygen starvation now also start to show.

Co-ordination of muscles is affected and the body will become paralysed.

Humans must leave this level as soon as possible.

In the even of depressurisation, the ACFT may stop its climb, request immediate descent or descend without warning.

If the problem cannot be resolved the crew will perform a rapid descent to below 10,000ft where passengers can breath unaided. The higher the ACFT the faster the rate of descent.

By doing this, the ACFT will descend through other levels and separation from other ACFT may be infringed.

These manoeuvres may cause injuries to passenger or crew.



In the event of pressurisation problems, REMEMBER:

Follow the ASSIST code of practice:


A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T‘Time’


· Clear airspace directly beneath the aircraft

· Inform pilot about minimum enroute altitude



V. Electrical problems:

Electrical problems may be caused by failures one or more of the aircraft’s generators, a short circuit, or other technical deficiency. Lightning strike may also cause problems with the electrical systems.

Loss of electrical power is an emergency situation. Even though most aircraft can still function on reduced power, a possible complete power failure must be expected. Therefore, partial failure is also treated as an emergency.

When a pilot reports the aircraft to be an a standby power, remember most aircraft will have battery supplied electrical power for only 20-30 minutes, so urgent action by ATC is required.


Typical power supply systems:

Most modern transport aircraft have two generators and a battery for power supply. Smaller aircraft will have less backup and therefore lower redundancy.

In order to conserve power supplies, all unnecessary power-consuming systems shall be switched off. This may include, for example the transponder and internal & external lighting. As it must be expected, that all power supply could end, the flight may wish to continue under VMC. This may require level changes.

Landing at the next suitable aerodrome is the expected action in this situation. Read back may be limited to save energy.

If all generators are down, the battery will not be recharged and supply will be extremely limited. Only the navigational instruments will be working and even these may be limited.

Systems affected by electrical power supply problems are:

Electronic devices: transponders, computers, controls and indicators, sensors

Electrical heating: Galley, anti-icing

Lighting: Cockpit, cabin, exterior

Mechanical Power: pumps, valves

If the battery supply is exhausted there will be a failure of navigational systems, including the compass, and the pilot will have to work hard to fly the plane safely. Therefore, the aircraft will need all available navigational assistance, especially if it cannot remain in VMC.

As the workload in the cockpit is increased the crew may experience high stress levels. This could result in delayed responses to ATC.



In the event of electrical problems, REMEMBER:

· Follow the ASSIST code of practice


A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T ‘Time’

(See the ASSIST panel on the bottom left for further information.)


· Informing the supervisor

· Informing the landing aerodrome


SITUATION: General ATC actions to be taken if needed.

Be ready to assist the pilot by:

· Giving pilot suitable next aerodrome

· Giving the pilot RWY details as soon as possible: RWY in use, length, surface elevation

· Informing pilot of suitable vectors and position information

· Advising pilot to save energy

· Advising pilot to avoid IMC


SITUATION: If needed, ATC actions to be taken if all ACFT generators are out.

Be ready to assist the pilot by:

· Handing over ACFT to the local APP unit as soon as possible

· Avoiding all requests to pilot, and clearance which might increase the consumption of energy on board

· Phrasing ATC messages so that the pilot can answer them with a click on the mike button or just ‘Roger’ or ‘Affirm’

· If a primary radar detection is not possible, advice pilot to switch transponder to STBY now and then, to save energy

· If the NAV-Instruments are switched off, give radar vectors and position information to the pilot




An Emergency Descent may be triggered by several events including:

· Failure of cabin pressurisation system

· Rapid depressurisation may have an effect on the handling of the aircraft

· Damage to a door or window (cracked windshield) which may lead to depressurization

· Fire on board

· Equipment failure

· Unlawful interference

· In the event of an emergency descent, the ACFT may descend without warning or request immediate descent.

Separation to other ACFT may be infringed.

· The pilot may not have time to transmit an emergency squawk and there may be poor or no RTF.

· The higher the ACFT the faster the rate of descent. By doing this, the ACFT will descend through other levels and separation to other ACFT may be infringed.



In the event of an emergency descent, REMEMBER:

· Follow the ASSIST code of practice


A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T ‘Time’


· Other traffic

· Avoiding action

· Traffic information

· Emergency broadcast

· After emergency descent, request intentions

· Is a diversion required?

- inform appropriate aerodromes (civil / military)

· Are there any injuries on board?

· Is the ACFT damaged?

· Consider ACFT still to be in an emergency situation

· Inform pilot about minimum en route altitude

· may require heading change

· Squawk A7700




Engine failure may be caused by hydraulic or electrical problems, birdstrike, engine on fire, fuel problems, low oil pressure, icing, ingestion of debris, or pilot error.

The effects of an engine failure are influenced by the following factors:

· At what stage of the aircraft’s flight does the failure occur?

Is it during departure or cruise?

· How many engines does the aircraft have?

Is it single engine or multi-engine?



1. Aircraft takes off then departs from aerodrome

2. Engine failure occurs during departure


!!NOTE: Single engine aircraft must now land as soon as possible


3. Continues on straight course then levels off at 1000 to 1.500 ft GND

4. Flaps are retracted and speed increases

5. Aircraft can now climb to safe level to await further decisions


Aircraft may need to descend in order to:

A. maintain cabin pressure

B. increase speed and airflow to aid engine restart

C. start APU – many APUs need lower altitudes to start


!! NOTE: Single engine aircraft: if engine can’t restart, aircraft must land as soon as possible


Heavy workload in the cockpit restricts the pilot’s ability to communicate with ATC. The crew may take up to 10 minutes to work through the checklist.

In the event of an engine failure, you should expect any of the following:

· Take-off abort

· Deviation from SID

· Intermediate level-off

· Course deviation

· Descent

· Pressurisation problems

· Fuel dumping

· Diversionary or forced landing

· Blocked RWY after landing

Loss of one engine in a multiple engine aircraft reduces power and ability to fly normally:

· propeller driven aircraft may descend to increase speed and adapt cabin pressure

· high altitudes (above FL 200) cannot be maintained

· turns to the side where the engine has failed normally need to be wider

· ACFT will prefer to fly straight and level and in a larger turning radius

Single engine aircraft are often small general aviation aircraft. Flight accident analysis has shown that the main cause of engine failure here is pilot error.

During this critical incident, the pilot should be given every possible support.

Effects of engine failure are:

· loss of electrical power

· loss of navigational systems

· loss of communication systems

· loss of cabin pressure

· loss of avionics systems (e.g. gyro, horizon)

· manual gear extension



In the event of engine failure, REMEMBER:

· Follow the ASSIST code of practice


A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T ‘Time’


· INFORM TWR at landing aerodrome

· Clear RWY according to local instructions

· Keep safety strip clear

· Offer pilot extended final

· Check that towing equipment is on standby

· In case of diversionary or forced landing, record last known position and time for search and rescue purposes


(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced. Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)

· Inform pilot of nearest suitable aerodrome

· Provide aerodrome details as soon as possible:

RWY in use; length; surface; elevation; ILS and NAV frequencies;

WX information: wind; visibility; ceiling; QNH




Engine fire may be caused by ingestion of debris, electrical problems, engine failure, or birdstrike.

Larger aircraft are fitted with internal fire extinguishing systems which can be operated remotely by the crew. Heating at any point the coils causes the gas to expand, increasing pressure. The detection control unit detects this and triggers the warning light in the cockpit and an alarm sound.



The fire extinguishing system usually consists of 2 containers, filled with an inert gas which acts as the extinguishing agent.

When triggered, one of the containers empties into the engine nacelle. If after 30 seconds this has not extinguished the fire, the second container is used.

It is extremely important to identify correctly which engine is on fire, to avoid closing down a good engine.

A procedure is followed to activate the fire extinguishing system.

The throttle is put to cut-off position. Fuel flow is immediately interrupted and the engine is shut off.

The extinguishing system is then activated. APUs have the same fire extinguishing equipment as engines.

When activated, the extinguishing system also shuts off the engine fuel supply.

If the extinguishing system is activated on the wrong engine, that engine will shut down!

The crew should therefore be very careful in execution of this manoeuvre and should not be disturbed. A checklist is followed by the crew.



Try to memorise these points then go to the next page to put out the fire!

In the event of engine fire ATC can expect …


In the air OR on the ground: If the ACFT is on the ground: If the ACFT is in the air:
Heavy workload in the cockpit Brakes may be hot Pressurisation problems
Engine shutdown / fire extinguishing Passenger evacuation may occur ACFT losing altitude
A take-off abort RWY could be blocked Landing at next suitable aerodrome
An engine failure Other adjacent ACFT may be endangered Possible emergency landing
Smoke in the cockpit   A diversionary or forced landing



IX. Fuel problems

The minimum amount of fuel for an IFR flight is prescribed by ICAO. This is called the “Minimum Take-Off Fuel (MTOF)”.

If an alternate aerodrome is required: the MTOF contains enough fuel to reach the destination aerodrome, thence to an alternate aerodrome and thereafter for 45 minutes, plus an additional contingency of 15%.

If no alternate aerodrome is required: the MTOF contains enough fuel to reach the destination aerodrome, thereafter for another 45 minutes, plus an additional contingency of 10%.

Any additional carried fuel is called EXTRA FUEL.

The term “Fuel Problem” indicates that the remaining amount of fuel on an aircraft may not be sufficient for the safe completion of the planned flight.

Minimum diversion fuel:

The fuel on board is exhausted to the legal minimum and the aircraft must divert to the alternate or the pilot applies the ‘commitment to stay procedure’.

Minimum fuel:

The fuel on board is less than the legal minimum, the aircraft requires priority landing.

Low on fuel:

The fuel on board is exhausted so that a grave and imminent danger exists. The aircraft should be given emergency handling.

Fuel problems may be caused by a variety of factors. The headwinds may be stronger than expected. The pilot may need to circumnavigate bad weather areas. Technical deficiencies in the pipe and pump systems can result in fuel leakage. Also, diversion to a more distant alternate aerodrome will consume extra fuel.

Remember that a combination of these factors can impact on fuel levels.



Fuel problems may have multiple side effects, possibly impairing the pilots ability to fly and land the plane safety. Without fuel, one or both engines can be expected to fail, which may in turn result in a forced landing short of the RWY or short of the aerodrome itself.

ATC can expect emergency communications from the pilot. This may be “ PAN PAN, minimum fuel” where the ACFT needs priority handling. Alternatively, ATC may receive a “ MAYDAY, low on fuel” call, indicating an emergency with imminent danger to the aircraft.

ATC should be aware of communication problems through improper use of phraseology. Actual fuel status shall be verified with the appropriate terms, i.e. “low on fuel”, “minimum fuel” “minimum diversion fuel.”



(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced. Commercial pilots will already be familiar with these procedures.)


Assist by informing the pilot about:

The location of the nearest suitable aerodrome.

ATC should also provide details of the aerodrome as soon as possible:

RWY in use



ILS and NAV frequencies

WX information should also be provided:






Remember to assist resolution of the situation by:

· Informing your supervisor

· Keeping the ACFT high to save fuel

· Avoiding ATC-caused GO AROUND

· Checking for the next suitable aerodrome

· Informing landing aerodrome

· Asking if dangerous goods on board

· Asking for number of POB

· Clearing the RWY according to local instructions e.g. ACFT is 20 NM final

· Keeping the safety strip clear

· Checking if the towing equipment is on standby

· Recording last known position and time, in case of a diversionary or forced landing




Normal operation:

Hydraulic liquid is pumped into the gear actuating cylinder which drives the mechanical release of the landing gear. To withdraw landing gear, hydraulic liquid is extracted from the cylinder, retracting the landing gear.

Gear problems:

Electrical problems: if the pump cannot be activated none of the system is going to work.

Hydraulic problems: without hydraulic pressure, the gear actuating cylinder will not power the lowering mechanism.

Mechanical failure: the rest of the system may work but the actual mechanism fails to operate.


· Manual gear extension, specialist advice may be required.

· Low pass of tower for gear inspection by specialist engineering personnel.

· No gear or only partial gear deployment.



Drag the binoculars over the tower window to view examples of what to expect.


· Runway blocked after landing.

· The aircraft may skid off the runway.

· Taxiway may be blocked after clearing runway.




· Missed approach procedure should be followed.



In event of gear problems, REMEMBER:

Follow the ASSIST code of practice

A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T ‘Time’

( See the ASSIST panel on the bottom left for further information).


· Clear the runway according to local instructions.

· Keep the safety strip clear.

· Check if the towing equipment is on standby.


ATC should also prepare for a LOW PASS of the aircraft to allow a visual inspection of the landing gear and the area around it.


· Technical assistance will be required e.g. a specialist engineer or another pilot.

· If dusk is approaching, the visual inspection should be arranged urgently.

· If visibility is bad, the observer should be at the side of the runway.

· If fog prevents visual checking from the ground, observation may be arranged from another aircraft.



(This section applies particularly to light aircraft wherethe pilot may be inexperienced. Commercial pilots will usually already be familiar with these procedures.)

Assist by informing the pilot about:

In case of a manual gear extension not working, the pilot could attempt a g-load-extension whereby a sharp change in altitude is used to force the gear down.

Retracting the gear is impossible after a manual gear release so extra drag should be factored into any ATC calculations.

Having consulted with a specialist engineer, inform the pilot about the aircraft configuration, e.g. gear appears down / gear doors closed.

The pilot could check the bulbs are working on the gear extension indicator. Has the pilot contacted maintenance?




· The ACFT may have limited manoeuvrability (bank angle / turns).

· The ACFT may have erratic pitch control.

· The ACFT may have limited bank / increased radius of turn / poor maintenance of heating.

· Higher speeds may result.

· Manual gear extension may be required (no retraction possible).


In the event of hydraulic problems, REMEMBER:

Follow the ASSIST code of practice

A ‘Acknowledge’ – S ‘Separate’ – S ‘Silence’ – I ‘Inform’ – S ‘Support’ – T ‘Time’


· Informing your supervisor

· Informing the alternate landing aerodrome, if one is to be used

· Increasing vertical and lateral separation

· Monitoring the progress of the flight on radar



Assist resolution of the situation by:

· Asking if dangerous goods on board

· Asking for the number of Persons on Board (POB)

· Avoiding ATC-caused go around


Assist resolution of the situation by:

· Clear RWY in accordance with local instructions. This may vary from aerodrome to aerodrome.

· Keeping safety strip clear

· Safety services on standby

· Checking if towing equipment on stand by



(This section applies particularly to light aircraft where the pilot may be inexperienced. Commercial pilots will usually already be familiar with these procedures.)


Assist by informing the pilot about:

· The location of the nearest suitable aerodrome.

· ATC should also provide details of the aerodrome as soon as possible:

· RWY in use

· Length

· Surface

· Elevation

· ILS and NAV frequencies

· WX information may be provided also:

· Wind

· Visibility

· Ceiling


· Fire or smoke at brakes

· Pilot should notify that ready for approach, “possibility of expecting long final.”





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