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Grammar: Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions

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  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) The semantic classification of the pronouns
  3. A. Use the count nouns denoting EVENTS.
  4. Adjectives made from nouns
  5. Affirmative and negative expressions
  7. b) Can you think of more expressions with this word?
1. in a hurry 2. to have a (great, good) mind to do smth 3.to fly into a passion 4. to get in a fury (a rage) 5.to take a fancy to smb 6.in a low (loud) voice 7.a great many (with countables) 8. a great deal (with uncountables) 9. it is a pity 10. it is a shame 11. it is a pleasure 12. as a result 13. to have a good time 14. to be at a loss 15. at a glance 1. Things done in a hurry are done badly. (поспіхом) 2. I’ve a great mind to have a serious talk with her. (велике бажання) 3. If you contradict him, he’ll fly into a passion. (оскаженіє) 4. He flew in a rage. (розлютився) 5. She took a fancy to a little girl. (відчувала симпатію) 6. A teacher must speak in a loud voice. (голосно) 7. I’ve spoken to him a great many times. (багато разів) 8. I have a great deal of work. (багато роботи) 9. It’s a pity I have never been to London. (шкода) 10. It’s a shame not to know rules of behaviour. (сором) 11. It’s a pleasure to have a little rest. (приємно) 12. As a result of our attempts everything was all right. (в результаті) 13. Have a good time! (Приємного відпочинку!) 14. I’m at a loss what to say. (у розгубленості) 15. She saw at a glance that smth had happened. (відразу, з першого погляду)


1. It is out of the question. 2. to take the trouble to do smth 3. in the original 4. to play the piano (the violin, the guitar) 5. to keep the house 6. to keep the bed 7. on the whole 8. the other day 9. on the one hand … on the other hand   10. to tell (to speak) the truth 11. to be on the safe side) 1. Про це не може і бути мови. 2. Take the trouble to consult the dictionary. (потрудіться) 3. Do you know English well to read books in the original? (в оригіналі) 4. My bro plays the guitar very well. 5. I‘ve a cold & I’ll have to keep the house for a couple of days. (посидіти вдома) 6. I have a cold & will have to keep the bed for a couple of days. (посидіти вдома) 7. On the whole, I’m doing well. (в цілому) 8. I met him the other day. (нещодавно) 9. On the one hand, he excites suspicion, but on the other hand (з одного боку, з іншого боку) 10. He always tells (speaks) the truth. (говорить правду) To tell the truth, we have no evidence against him. (Правду кажучи) 11. To be on the safe side, let us check everything once again. (для впевн)


1. out of doors 2 to take to heart 3. to take offence 4.to give (get, ask) permission 5. to lose heart 6. at present 7. from morning till night 8. from head to foot 9. from beginning to end 10. at first sight 11. by chance 12. by mistake 13. for hours/ages 14. by land, by air, by sea, by train 15. to go to sea 16. on deck 17. to keep house 18. to keep silence 19. at sunrise/sunset 20. at work 21. at peace 22. by name 23. in debt 24. to go to school/college/church/hospital 25. to go to bed 26. to be at school/college 27. to be in hospital/church/in prison   1. We used to spend most time out of doors. (на дворі) 2. Don’t take it too much to heart. (приймати близько до серця) 3. If he heard your remark, he would take offence. (образився б) 4. I asked permission to keep the book a little longer. (попросила дозволу) 5. Don’t lose heart, keep on mastering English! (не втрачай віри) 6. We do not hire any new employees at present. (зараз) 7. In the childhood we were running & jumping from morning till night. 8. She was all dressed in furs from head to foot. (з голови до ніг) 9. the story is a lie from beginning to end. (з початку до кінця) 10. He fell in love with her at first sight. (з першого погляду) 11.They’ve met by chance. (випадково) 12. I am sure he has taken your phone by mistake. (помилково) 13. We used to chat for hours. I’ve not seen you for ages. (годинами; цілу вічність) 14. I like travelling by air. 15. My brother wants to go to sea. (стати моряком) 16. I’ll stay on deck. (на палубі) 17. I’d like someone to keep house instead of me. (вести хазяйство) 18. Keep silence! 19. We left at sunrise. (на світанку) 20. My parents are at work. (на роботі) 21. I want all to be at peace. (у злагоді) 22. His cat, Pussy by name, lay sleeping on her knees. (на ім’я) 23. She’s always in debts. (у боргах) 24. I go to college in the morning. 25. He has already gone to bed. (ліг спати) 26. We’re at college now. 27. He’s in hospital now.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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