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Chapter II The analysis of allusion

Читайте также:
  1. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  2. A new chapter
  4. Ambiguous reception of the novel and plot allusions.
  5. Analysis and Discussion
  6. Analysis by Phillip Hall

In this chapter an attempt is made to analyze the peculiarities of Biblical allusions and their function in the text. This stylistic device is used to show some peculiarities relying on Bible. The translation strategies applied by the translators in order to render the novel are also investigated. And now let us concentrate our attention upon the peculiarities of reproduction of allusions, their functions and meaning in the original and the translation.


Five hundred miles away, the albino named Silas stood over a small basin of water and dabbed the blood from his back, watching the patterns of red spinning in the water. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean, he prayed, quoting Psalms. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow [37; 40]. За п’ятсот миль від нього альбінос на ім’я Сайлас схилився над мідницею і змивав кров зі спини, спостерігаючи, як у воді розходяться червоні плями. «Очисти ісопом мене – і буду я чистий, – бурмотів він словами молитви. – Обмий Ти мене – і я стану біліший від снігу» [36; 39].


The author used the very Biblical allusion to emphasis that Silas was a sinful man and he tried to cleanse of wickedness. He stood over a small basin of water and dabbed the blood from his back, watching the patterns of red spinning in the water. Silas wanted to be purged and do good things. It is known that we must love each other and help in difficult situations. All doings are counted in a heaven. If a person is sinful but admits his/her guilt and repents, will fall in God’s kingdom. God loves all people in the world but He wants that they follow His path. Those who do that will be saved and blessed. One can also trace the association with the Bible where the king David craved pardon for his sins. The Lord had to purge the body and the soul to the peak level. None of the natural phenomena is bigger and stronger than power of the God.

This example is mentioned in order to illustrate the connection of the text of the poem with its paratext, the Bible. Moreover, the image of a “hyssop” (ісоп) penetrates the story about David.

The notion of the “hyssop” is essential in religious or Christian context. The very word is a name of a blue tutsan which means truly medicinal herb [35]. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary “hyssop” is a small plant of the mint family [33; 736].

According to the classification mentioned above this Biblical allusion is key phrase allusion, explicit, because understandable from the first sight and real.

The strategy used here is the standard translation.


He slept and awoke. Fog shrouded his thoughts. He had never believed in heaven, and yet Jesus was watching over him. Food appeared beside his bed, and the ghost ate it, almost able to feel the flesh materializing on his bones. He slept again. When he awoke, Jesus was still smiling down, speaking. You are saved, my son. Blessed are those who follow my path[37; 69].   Він засинав і прокидався. Розум був затуманений. Він ніколи не вірив у рай, а тут виявилось, що Ісус пильнує його. Поряд із ліжком з’являлася їжа, і «привид» їв, майже відчуваючи, як кістки обростають плоттю. А потім знов засинав. Коли прокидався, Ісус усе ще стояв над ним й усміхався, промовляючи: «Ти спасенний, сину Мій. Благословенний той, хто йде Моїм шляхом»[36;67].


The allusion is used in the both cultures to denote sacred words for people. Dan Brown described that Silas had never believed in heaven, and yet Jesus was watching over him. It is vital to say that God never turns away from people, no matter weather they sinful or not. It means that every person who repents will be saved, blessed and will fall in God’s kingdom. Jesus Christ as a loving Father invokes everyone to follow His path and methods as it was done by prophets. All who confess in time God redeems and forgives all sins, even the most difficult.

The author shows that the Lord is all – knowing and there is no reason not to trust him. In the Bible this phrase expresses that God cares for people and we have to appreciate it. The life is given only once though one should live it honestly and with a clear conscience. A man is created to live and serve the Lord. Thus, it is necessary to say that every individual should follow the Ten Commandments.

This sample is presented as a key-phrase allusion, real and explicit because words and phrases in the text (frames) activate mental pictures (scenes) in the minds of readers, which are the part of scene or situation they have known for some time or which has previously been activated by the text. Also the very allusion is an international one because it is known to the readers of ST and TT and is preserved in translation. The strategy used here is the standard translation i.e. literal translation.


The verses told of a prisoner named Silas who lay naked and beaten in his cell, singing hymns to God. When the ghost reached Verse 26, he gasped in shock. “And suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and all the doors fell open” [37; 71].     У цьому розділі розповідалося про вязня на імя Сайлас, що, голий і побитий, лежав у своїй камері й прославляв Господа. Дійшовши до вірша 26-го, «привид» аж охнув від подиву. «І ось нагло повстало потрясіння землі, аж основи в’язничні були захитались! І повідчинялись зараз усі двері, а кайдани з усіх попадали»[36;69].


Given example depicts the stay in a prison of the sinful man Silas and his moral and down and out state. Obviously, the Lord loves everyone and people have to appreciate it. But when the person lives not following the Ten Commandments, doing bad things and acting improper, God can get angry. One can observe that all natural disasters, all bad things that happen with us is God’s punishment. In other words, it is like a lesson for everyone to live better and honestly. If we believe in God’s power and have hope, we will be saved. The allusion used in the very sample tells us about a scene of a dying Jesus. When the Son of God was on a cross He cried out with a loud voice in Hebrew: “Eli Eli lama sabachthani!” that is to say “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:45-46) [25]. And then, He said: “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit. Having said this He breathed His last” (Luke 23:46) [24]. After that the land was shaken and it was a sigh that Jesus was really the Son of God.

The very Biblical allusion is a key-phrase, explicit and real. As we see in the original a phrase “а кайдани з усіх попадали” is omitted. But in general the meaning is understandable for a TR and the sense is also preserved. It is worth mentioning that original provides such a word combination “a great earthquake” and translation – “потрясіння землі”. It is vital to say that the translator used a variant which is more emotional and it is obvious that it sounds good. The strategy used in this sample is the standard translation with some omitting.

This Biblical allusion shows that the hero of the very novel does not give up and believes in some greater power. When a person has belief every wish can be accomplished. One can remember that everything in our hands. In this sample we could see that Silas was slightly disturbed. He was not expecting to see such lines of the verse, thus he was confused.

Also it is vital to say that the very allusion is based on God’s creation of the world. The man is nothing without God and His inspiration. Pride is the prime and the fearful sin against the Lord. Everybody knows that doomsday will come, so let us believe that every person is an individual created by God, and our heart must be full of light, truthfulness, belief and love to the neighbor. Obviously, these words contain some prohibition which means that not everyone can fall in God’s kingdom.

The very allusion is a key-phrase allusion, explicit and real because it hints some not so evident information. It is necessary to say that in the original the allusion contains the historic word “shalt”. According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English it is the same as “thou shalt” and used to mean “you shall” when talking to one person [32; 1347]. The ST provides the very sample written in capital letter. Thus, Dan Brown wanted to emphasis this sentence is very important from religious point of view. As we see in the original a phrase “і тут ось межа твоїх хвиль гордовитих” is omitted. But in general the meaning is understandable for TR and the sense is also preserved.

The strategy used for the translation of the allusion is extra allusive guidance added in the text.


Sophie paused, realizing it was the trick question. And after dinner, Jesus took the cup of wine, sharing it with His disciples[37; 258]. Софі замислилась, розуміючи, що це запитання каверзне. «А після вечері Ісус взяв чашу з вином і розділив її з своїми апостолами»[36; 254].



While reading this sample one can guess that evidently, it is the Biblical allusion. The main heroes of the novel Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu investigated a murder in Paris’s Louvre Museum and discover a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus having been married to Mary Magdalene. The title of the novel refers to, among other things, the fact that the murder victim is found in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre, naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a pentacle drawn on his chest in his own blood. Thus, the main heroes had to get in trouble to find a key of solving a secret. Adventures led them to a picture – “The Holy Supper” which helped them to enclose to the solving. The person who is going to a church knows this scene without hesitating. It was during the Last Secret Supper of Jesus and His twelve apostles. The cup of wine symbolize the blood of God’s Son which He sheded for the whole world and for remission of sins; the bread – Jesus’ flesh which He gave for the life of the world. Unless a person “partakes” through faith in Jesus’ death, he cannot have eternal life. After that the Holy Eucharist was established. So, the flesh and blood represent Jesus’ death upon the cross for the sins of mankind.

The very allusion is a key phrase allusion, explicit because it is seen from the first sight and real. Also it is necessary to mention that this allusion is international because people all over the world believe in God and know thanks to whom we live and even exist. The strategy used for the translation of the biblical allusion is the standard translation.



The poem's final reference – Rosy flesh and seeded womb – was a clear allusion to Mary Magdalene, the Rose who bore the seed of Jesus [37; 360].   «В утробі сім’я, Рожі плоть» - був чіткою алюзією на Марію Магдалину, Троянду, що виносила сім’я Ісуса [36; 357].



In the original the main heroes of the novel were seeking the secret hiding place of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is not a physical chalice, but a woman, namely Mary Magdalene, who carried the bloodline of Christ.It was said that Maria Magdalena had such pseudonyms: “the Rose”, “a Cup” and “the Holy Grail”. Not every knew that because a church did not want to spread the secret information. She was of royal descent (through the Jewish House of Benjamin) and was the wife of Jesus, of the House of David. That she was a prostitute invented by the Church to obscure their true relationship. At the time of the Crucifixion, she was pregnant. After the Crucifixion, she fled to Gaul, where she was sheltered by the Jews of Marseille. She gave birth to a daughter, named Sarah. The bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene became the Merovingian dynasty of France.

It is considerable that this seed was sent by God. After the meeting with Jesus Christ, Maria and her life were dramatically changed. She bloomed as a flower; she believed that God is merciful, forgivable and that He cares for people. The Lord is all – knowing and there is no reason not to trust Him.

This allusion is a proper name allusion, explicit and real. The strategy used in this sample is the retention of the name, using the name, adding the detailed information.


And Peter said, «Did the Saviour really speak with a woman without our knowledge? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did he prefer her to us?"And Levi answered, "Peter, you have always been hot-tempered. Now I see you contending against the woman like an adversary. If the Saviour made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Saviour knows her very well. That is why he loved her more than us» [37; 270]. І Петро сказав: «Чи й справді Спаситель розмовляв із жінкою без нашого відома? То тепер ми всі маємо слухати її? Він уподобав її більше,ніж нас».І Левій відповів йому:«Петре, ти завжди був запальний. Тепер, бачу, ти борешся з цією жінкою, наче з недругом. Якщо Спаситель вважає її достойною, то хто ти такий,щоб не визнавати її? Спаситель, безперечно, добре її знає. Тому й полюбив більше, ніж нас»[36; 266].



The author used this allusion to emphasis that the woman is on equal rights as the man. It is known, in past times the rights of women were limited. During a lot of years females were asserting their rights for being needed not only in family as housewives but in taking part in political and social life.

Jesus Christ loves all people in the world no matter males or females. He wanted that other would be like Him. The Lord is all – knowing and there is no reason not to trust him. In the Bible this phrase expresses that God cares for people and we have to appreciate it. The life is given only once though one should live it honestly and with a clear conscience.

In this allusion one can see that God’s Son talked with a woman. She was Maria Magdalena. According to Jewish tradition a woman was lower in all meanings of this word than man. That is why Peter was indignant. Our Saviour said that a woman and a man are born for each other for living and loving. And it is vital to say that a white color is referred to woman and a black one – to man.

So, let this allusion be the example of equality of relations in every family.

This allusion is a proper name allusion, explicit and real. The strategy used while translating this allusion is the retention of the name i. e. using the name as such.

So, this chapter explains us, that author really uses a number of allusions in his literary. Here I used the brightest examples and attributed them. A. Kamianets has made really felicitous translation, succesfully transferred us every allusion in clear language.





In this research paper the role of Biblical allusions was analyzed. For the research the novel by Dan Brown and its Ukrainian translation done by A. B. Kamianets' was taken. For the investigating the very topic there were taken the brightest examples. It is vital to say that the main thing for me was to understand allusions and then analyse them. Also the translation strategies applied by the translator were investigated. It was noticed that the reproduction of every example by means of target language was really successful. The translator tried to preserve the main image and sense as well as to deliver the author’s message.

It was very important to understand all the peculiarities of both versions. It is obvious that the translator did her best to render all allusions in a proper way. There was made an attempt to show every important detail in her work and preserved a message from the original and could make it understandable to the Ukrainian readers. Also in order to make a successful translation the translator has to be aware of the SL, cultural peculiarities of the original work, must have clear perception of the message the author wanted to impart.

Rendering allusions constitutes a great problem for a translator sometimes. The translator should take into account “transparency” of associative connections and compensate the lots of associative background. Reproducing allusions requires substantial background knowledge, great erudition and high professional skills on the part of translator. Her meticulous representation in Ukrainian translations contributes to the broadening of cultural horizons.

In this research paper an attempt to contrast the original and the translation was made. To analyze the translation one first needs to analyze the language of the original and then – to contrast both texts. The translator rendered the original message preserving the general image and effect without distorting the sense of the utterances.

The problem of being able to give a proper estimation to both the original and the translation is of great importance. It would help the readers to evaluate the original through the translation in a proper way.

Comparing the significance of translator’s translation in the framework of Ukrainian literature and culture, it is notable that she made a right choice and contributed a lot to the evaluation of foreign writer creativity for Ukrainian readers. Due to such translations the Ukrainian people make one step closer to the recognition and comprehension of global literature.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 68 | Нарушение авторских прав

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