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Grammar. Present Perfect

Читайте также:
  1. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
  2. A Present continuous
  3. A) Present Passive quiz
  4. A. Write sentence or questions with the present perfect.
  5. Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  6. Advice on Giving a Good PowerPoint Presentation
  7. And he perfectly understood.




Almaty, 2012
Печатается решением Научно-методического Совета Университета, протокол № ____ от ______________



Досжанова Ж.М. – преподаватель АКС при КАУ



Данный сборник активного раздаточного материала содержит устные темы, грамматику и упражнения для обучения английского языка. После текстов дается глоссарий на английском, русском и казахском языках, который облегчает работу студентов, как с казахским, так и с русским языком обучения. Тексты составлены согласно рабочей программе по английскому языку.Это работа адресуется учащимися специальности «11-РЭиС-609,612 и 11-ОиЭО-903» «Английский язык». АРМ для всех специальностей (2 курс). - Алматы: АКС при КАУ, 2012г.- 130 с.



© Алматинский колледж связи,2012



Present Simple with adverbs (usually/often/seldom).


1. In Present Simple we use the adverbs of unknown time such as usually, often, seldom and they are used before verbs. We call them unknown time verbs. There are: usually, seldom, sometimes, often, always.


For ex:


1. They often read English books.

2. We usually go to college at 8 o’clock.

3. He always gets up early.

4. Sometimes I get good marks. (it can use before pronouns)



I often   You often   She/He often read   read   reads English books   English books   English books



I don’t often   You don’t often She/He doesn’t often   read   read   read   English books   English books   English books  





Do I often Do you often   Does she/he often read   read   read   English books?   English books?   English books?


II. 1.Give the negative and interrogative form of the sentences.

1. I often meet this engineer here.

2. You go to the factory every day.

3. I read the newspaper every morning.

4. His sisters always give me books to read.

5. They often come here.

6. Sometimes Pamela gets good marks.

2. Translate these sentences into English

1. Я обычно ухожу в колледж утром.

2. Мы часто ездим в Астану.

3. Мы иногда получаем хорошие отметки.

4. Я всегда завтракаю в 7 утра.

5. Каждый день Я ложусь спать поздно.

Поставьте наречие неопределенного времени в следующие предложение.

1. My friend learns English. (every day)

2. Our teacher speaks Russian. (sometimes)

3. This engineer walks to the office. (usually)

5. I listen to the music. (often)

6. My brother has English. (every day)

7. He gets to the college by bus. (very seldom)


Ex.3. Answer the questions:

1. D o you get along well with people? 2. Do you know how to use a computer? 3. Do you often do two things at a time?4. Do you get upset when people are late for appointments? 5.Do you get upset easily when things go wrong? 6. What do you look for in a friend? 7. Do you get your daily news from TV, radio or newspaper?8. How many newspaper and magazines do you subscribe to or read regularly? 10. What do you when you are happy? 11. What do you do when you are twister? 12. What do you do if it’s cold outside?13. What does your friend do if he is bored?14. What does your friend do if he is unwell?

2. Ex.4.

1.Her brothers always tell the truth. She sometimes (to lie).2. They always gossip, she never (to do) it.3They laugh a lot, she (to cry) a lot. 4. we eat much, she (to eat) little.5. They smoke cigars, he never (to smoke).6. They often get angry, she never (to get) angry.7. I like meat, she (to like) fish.8. We go to the disco three times a week, he never (to go) there.9. They never ask questions, my little sister (to ask) a lt of questions.10. We always help our mother with the housework, he never (to help) her.11. I always give her good advice, she never (to follow) it. 12. You like ballet. She (to like) opera 13. My friends often visit me, she never (to visit) me.14. We always get up early, she always (to get) up late.15.We are from Moscow, she (to be) from Canada.16. They make friends easily, she hardly (to make) friends.17. They look very happy, she (to look) unhappy.18. My friends go to the Caucasus every summer.19. We drive slowly, she (to drive)fast. 20.They speak Spanish and Italian, she (to speak) English.21. The students know the rules, he (to know) the rules and (to observe) them.22. We peak a lot, he (to speak) little.



English Russian Kazakh
learn изучать үйрену
often часто жиі
sometimes иногда Кей кезде
usually обычно әдетте
live жить тұру
work работать жұмыс істеу
every day каждый день күн сайын
walk идти пешком жаяу бару
seldom редко сирек



1. The text: “My working day” using the Present Indefinite Tense

2. An essay: “My weekdays” using the Present Indefinite Tense

S.I.W.T. Talk about the season in your country.

5. Grammar exercises.


1. Liz and John Soars: “New Headway”, Oxford University Press, 2003.




Present Continuous

Numbers and trends: Saying Numbers:


Years: 1984 nineteen eighty four\ 2002 two thousand and two

Currencies: Ј 3.15 three pounds fifteen

$ 7.80 seven dollars eighty

250 two hundred and fifty euros


Decimals: 16.5 sixteen point five

17.38 % seventeen point three eight percent

0.185 (nought\zero) point one eight five


Bigger numbers: 3560 three thousand five hundred and sixty (BrE)

three thousand five hundred sixty (AmE)


598,347 five hundred and ninety-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-seven (BrE)

five hundred ninety-eight thousand, three hundred forty-seven (AmE)


1, 300,402 one million three hundred thousand, four hundred and two (BrE)


1m one\ a million (1, 000,000)

3bn three billion (3000,000,000)

$ 7.5 bn seven point five billion dollars

Ј 478 m four hundred and seventy eight million pounds (BrE)

four hundred seventy eight million pounds (AmE)


Reading: 0.4-nought point four (ou point four)

0.06-nought point nought six (ou point ou six)

652. 47- six hundred fifty two point forty seven (six five two point forty-seven)


Ѕ a half (one second); ј a quarter (one forth) ѕ three forth

12+13=25 ( twelve plus thirteen is twenty five)

71-24= 47 ( seventy one minus twenty four is forty seven)

8X 6= 48 ( six times eight is forty eight) or eight multiplied by six is forty eight

90:9=10 (ninety divided by nine is ten)

2. Read the following:

а) numbers: 6; 73; 38; 17; 13; 12; 0; 101; 152; 1,045; 6,671; 9,854;

87,432; 80,400; 329,645; 110,536; 13,614,200; I-) dates: June 1,1905; May 9, 1945; July 2,1800; February 4, 1995; October 3, 1101; September 30, 1445; March 30, 2000; 300 AD; 45 ВС;

б) lime: 3:10; 4:15; 5:45; 12:00; 1:30; 7:40; 2:05; 8:15; 4:00;


d) titles: Henry VII, Elizabeth II, James I, Charles V, LouisXII,

Edward VII, Peter I, Catherine II;

e) telephone numbers: 213-66-01,421-57-83, 221-00-74,

971-24-50,426-11-44,157-18-20, 322-35-04;

0 phrases: exercise 5, page 312, bus 102, room 203, text 6, tram 17, lecture room 9, chapter 12, line 13, box 481.

Exercise 3. Read the dates and say what century it is: Model: 1147 — the twelfth century

56 ВС, 844 AD, 1066,1156,1342,1560,1748,1812,1917,2015.


Exercise 4. Translate into English:

1. В этой школе 700 учеников. 2. В спортивных со­ревнованиях приняли участие сотни учащихся. 3. Ты­сячи людей пришли на митинг. 4. На этом предприятии работает 2000 рабочих. 5. Эту программу смотрели мил­лионы телезрителей. 6. Население Москвы — более де­сяти миллионов человек. 7. Георг V был двоюродным братом Николая И. 8. Ты можешь позвонить мне по те­лефону 246-00-17 с десяти до пяти. 9. Платье стоит 245 рублей. 10. Дом был построен в XIX веке.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Новый закон вступил в силу с 1 января 1998 года. 2. Вы можете мне писать по адресу: Мичиган, 49911, Северная улица, 115. 3. Берта родилась 26 сентября 1975 года в Ноттингеме. 4. Группа выезжает в Египет 24 ию­ня 1998 года, а вернется 15 июля 1998 года. 5. Позвони мне до без четверти три. 6. Когда будильник позвонил в 5.30, я с трудом открыла глаза. 7. Вручите эти цветы леди Уильяме 7 мая ровно в час дня. 8. Премьер-ми­нистр Британии живет по адресу: Даунинг-Стрит, дом 10. 9. Лекция по истории состоится в 11-й аудитории.

10. Этот пример можешь найти на 17-й странице.

11. Многие до сих пор пишут Шерлоку Холмсу по ад­ресу; Лондон, Бейкер-Стрит, 221В. 12. 1-й и 12-й трол­лейбусы ходят в центр. 13. Дом стоил 10 миллионов руб­лей. 14. Она получает каждый день сотни писем. 15. Яйца продаются дюжинами. 16. Разменяйте мне, по­жалуйста, сто долларов десятками.


TRENDS: WE can describe trends in English in different ways.

For example: 1. Verbs of change. Profits are falling. Unemployment is rising in many areas.

2. Prepositions: Our business grew by 10% last year. Sales grew to $5.8million.

3.Different tenses. In January we were making a loss. We have been going through a difficult period.


Ex.1.Match the words of the movement with the symbols.



decline gain drop increase rocket plummet   double fall halve level off triple recover   decrease fluctuate improve peak






Which of the above verbs also have noun forms? For example: to increase-an increase.




Write the examples for numbers and trends

Learn new words and word combinations.

The Present Continuous expresses the action which goes at the moment and will be going on.

For example:

I am reading a book. Jane is standing at the blackboard. The students are writing the exercises.


  Pronoun   To be   Verb+ ing



  Pronoun   To be (not)   Verb+ ing



  To be   Pronoun   Verb+ ing?  


1.Complete the sentences with to be.

1. …you sleeping? No, I…

2. … your sister washing the plates? Yes, she…

3. What …. your teacher reading to you?

4. … Mr. Snowdon talking now? No, he … not.

5. What … you doing?

6. I … not driving now. I am at work.

7. We … translating the text about well-known people?


2. Make the question form of these sentences

1. Uncle Ben and me are watching interesting film.

2. Tom is making a report now.

3. I am sitting at home because it is raining.

4. My mother is reading the newspaper.

5. Look! Jack is swimming to a big rock.


3. Translate into English

1. Какую книгу читает сейчас твой друг?

2. Моя сестра пишет научную работу.

3. Я делаю перевод по Французскому языку.

4. Мой друг гуляет со своей собакой.

5. Бен не делает уроки сейчас. Он слушает музыку.

6. Моя мама моет посуду, а папа смотрит телевизор.


4. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. Her sister is having English now.

2.My friend is speaking in English now.

3. Our teacher is putting questions.

4.This engineer is going to work.

5.We are writing the dictation.

6.They are talking about politics.

7.I am going to the supermarket.


Talking about process at the lesson.

Look at the picture and describe it.




1.Ionina A.A.English Grammar

2 “English Grammar in use’ by R. Murphy.


1. Text: Read and translate.

Digital watch

Since the advent of electronic watches that incorporate small computers, digital displays have also been available. A digital display simply shows the time as a number, e.g., 12:08 instead of a short hand pointing towards the number 12 and a long hand 8/60 of the way round the dial. The digital display watch was the newest way to tell time in 500 years.

The first digital watch, a Pulsar LED [8] prototype in 1970, was developed jointly by Hamilton Watch Company and Electro-Data. John Bergey, the head of Hamilton's Pulsar division, said that he was inspired to make a digital timepiece by the then-futuristic digital clock that Hamilton themselves made for the 1968 science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey. On April 4, 1972, the Pulsar was finally ready, made in 18-carat gold and sold for $2,100. It had a red light-emitting diode (LED) display.

Digital LED watches were very expensive and out of reach to the common consumer until 1975, when Texas Instruments started to mass produce LED watches inside a plastic case. These watches, which first retailed for only $20, reduced to $10 in 1976, saw Pulsar lose $6 million and the Pulsar brand[9] sold to Seiko.

Most watches with LED displays required that the user press a button to see the time displayed for a few seconds, because LEDs used so much power that they could not be kept operating continuously. Usually the LED display color would be blue or green. This is because those colors require less power due to qualities which make those colors stand out in the dark. Watches with LED displays were popular for a few years, but soon the LED displays were superseded by liquid crystal displays (LCDs), which used less battery power and were much more convenient in use, with the display always visible and no need to push a button before seeing the time. The first LCD watch with a six-digit LCD was the 1973 Seiko 06LC, although various forms of early LCD watches with a four-digit display were marketed as early as 1972 including the 1972 Gruen Teletime LCD Watch, and the Cox Electronic Systems Quarza.[10][11]

Timex Datalink USB Dress edition from 2003 with a dot matrix display; the Invasion video game is on the screen.

From the 1980s onward, digital watch technology vastly improved. In 1982 Seiko produced a watch with a small television screen built in, and Casio produced a digital watch with a thermometer as well as another that could translate 1,500 Japanese words into English. In 1985, Casio produced the CFX-400 scientific calculator watch. In 1987 Casio produced a watch that could dial your telephone number and Citizen revealed one that would react to your voice. In 1995 Timex release a watch which allowed the wearer to download and store data from a computer to his wrist. Some watches, such as the Timex Datalink USB, feature dot matrix displays. Since their apex during the late 1980s to mid 1990s high technology fad, digital watches have mostly devolved into a simpler, less expensive basic time piece with little variety between models.


Despite these many advances, almost all watches with digital displays are used as timekeeping watches. Expensive watches for collectors rarely have digital displays since there is little demand for them. Less craftsmanship is required to make a digital watch face and most collectors find that analog dials (especially with complications) vary in quality more than digital dials due to the details and finishing of the parts that make up the dial (thus making the differences between a cheap and expensive watch more evident).

2. Answer the question:

1. When did the first digital watch?

2. How much money costs the firs digital watch?

3. What color would be displays?

4. What happened in 1982 year?

5. What produced the Casio in 1985 year?

3. Glossary:

На английском языке На казахском языке На русском языке
watch сағат часы
display дисплей дисплей
prototype протатип протатип
plastic case пластикалық футляр пластиковый футляр
crystal display кристалдық дисплей кристальный дисплей
battery батарея батарея

SIW: Name 15-20 words and phrases on the theme “ Digital watch

SIWT:Write a composition onDigital watch

. Literature: 1. Orlovskaya I.V.”English”

2. Raymond Murphy”Essential Grammar in Use”


Сomputers Concern You

When Ch. Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he could hardly have imagined the situations we find ourselves in today. Almost everything in modern world is done with the help of computers – the complicated descendants (потомки) of his simple machine. Computers are being used more and more extensively in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient that human beings. They have much better memories and can store (запоминать) great amount of information and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time required by a human mathematician. No man alive can do 500,000 sums in one second, but a modern computer can.

In fact, computers can do many things we do, but faster and better. They can control machines at factories, work out tomorrow’s weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music. Let’s look now at some of the ways in which computers concern people in their daily lives and work.

Many people associate computers with the world of science and mathematics, but they are also a great help to scholars in subjects: in history, literature and so on. It is now possible her a scholar to find a book or an article he needs very quickly, nowadays when a million or more new books are published year is quite an advantage. You tell the computer which subject you are interested in and it producers any microfiche (микрофише) you need in seconds.

There are also systems which are being developed to translate articles from foreign magazines by computer and to make up many lists of information which are needed in a modern library. So, computer can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many ways. One can imagine a time when libraries will by run by computers, without human beings at all.

Or, let”s take another example. When a man drives a can for long distances he has two problems: to keep the car at a constant speed and watch that he does not run into the car in front of him. Engineers are now experimenting with a system which has a computer control of these two problems. The car’s computer keeps the speed constant. The beam meets the rear reflectors of the car in front and it is reflectors back, which enables to measure the distance. This information is fed to the computer which adjusts its speed control accordingly.

Answer the questions:

1. What did Ch. Babbage invent in 1812?

2. What things can computers do?

3. What since do people use computers for?

4. Which systems are being developed on a modern library?

5. What do the computers adjust?


1. Ch. Babbage invented ____ in 1812.

a) TV

b) Radio

c) Calculating machine

d) Mobile

Computers can store great amount of ___

a) Information

b) Libraries

c) Books

d) Letters

1. Computers can control machines ____

a) In the streets

b) At home

c) At factories

d) At college

2. People associate computers with the world of ___

a) Music

b) Science

c) Cinema

d) Medicine

3. There are systems are being developed in a modern ___

a) Library

b) Music

c) Medicine

d) Cinema


English Russian Kazakh
to adjust регулировать реттеу
descendants потомки ұрпақ
to store запоминать есте сақтау
a beam луч сәуле
to measure мерить өлшеу

SIW: Name 15-20 words and phrases on the theme “Computer”

SIWT: Speak about the Internet and its influence on our life.

Literature: 1. Orlovskaya I.V.”English” 2. Raymond Murphy”Essential Grammar ”


Solar Light by Night

Most people living in towns consider it a usual thin that streets are lit at night. But street lights need a power supply (источник энергии) therefore distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness until the sun comes up again.

With new appliances now offered by several British firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights. It may seem strange that the lamps can use the power of the sun which shines by day when the lamps are needed at night, but they work by using energy accumulated during the day from a solar panel. The solar panel produces electricity which charges (заряжать) a battery. When the sun goes down, the battery power is then used for lighting. Each lamp has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.

In the south of Saudi Arabia a motorway tunnel miles from any power supply is lit day and night by solar-powered devices. The solar panels provide power during the day and charge batteries which accumulate enough power to light the tunnel at night. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive but the advantage of sun-powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.

There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is very important to develop devices which make it possible to transform solar power into mechanical or electric forms of power.

Answer the questions:

1. What do the lamps use which shines by day?

2. What the does the solar panel produce?

3. What is the battery pervert used?

4. What are the advantage of sun power lamps?

5. How can the systems be used for?


1. Street lights need ___

a) Batteries

b) A supple

c) Transformers

d) Wires

2. The can use the power of the ____

a) Star

b) Moon

c) Sun

d) Space

3. Solar power doesn’t pollute the ___

a) Environment

b) Forest

c) Streets

d) Factories

4. With new appliances offered by ___ firms

a) American

b) Russian

c) Trench

d) British

5. Battery power is used for

a) Television

b) Radio

c) Lighting

d) Telephone



English Русский Қазақша
A power supple Источник энергии Қуат көзі
Appliances Приборы Құралдар
Solar Солнечный Сәулелі
To charge Заряжать Жағу


To write an essay on”Solar light”


Speak about the advantages of solar light

Literature: 1. Orlovskaya I.V.”English”

2. Raymond Murphy”Essential Grammar in Use”

3.KuklinaI.P.”Energy is the source of life”


1.Suffixes: -er/ -or; -ant/ -ent:

Verb + - er/ -or = Noun

To teach -, -teacher –

To regulate – regulator –

To lecture – lecturer, to speak – speaker, to invent – inventor, to generate – generator, to transform – transformer, to indicate – indicator, to compute – computer;

Suffixes: -ant/ -ent;

Verb + - ant/ -ent = Adjective

To excel - - excellent –

Important, efficient, distant,evident,confident, resent;

2.Negative Prefixes un-/im;

Questionable - unquestionable -

Material – immaterial, limited – unlimited, important – unimportant, usual – unusual, natural –unnatural, necessary – unnecessary, known – unknown, qualified – unqualified, changing – unchanging, seen -unseen, possible – impossible, perfect – imperfect personal –impersonal, mobile – immobile.


3.Put the missing words:

Noun Verb Adjective
inventor   inventive


4. Read and translate these international words:

Electricity, civilization, economic and social progress, transformer, universal, electrometallurgy, cable, specific, machine, photocopying machine, radar, Paris, generator, battery, lamp, dynamo, indicator, nation, energy, service, laser, compact.

5. Find here Nouns and Verbs, translate them:

That electricity is clean and easily – regulated is its great advantage. The important fact is that electricity offers improved service at reduced cost. That the two scientists Lodygyn and Vablochkove were the first in Russia to work in the field of electrical engineering is well – known. |One of the main advantages of electricity is that is does not pollute the environment. |The indicator of nation development is how much electricity is consumed per capita. \What has been and is being done in environment protection cannot be measured by yesterday’s standards.


Text: Electricity

It is impossible to imagine our civilization without: economic and social

progress will be turned to the past and daily lives completely transformed.

Electrical power has become universal. |Thousands of application of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and unquestionable.

With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables replaced transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys in the, 19-th century workshops. |And in the home a whole range of various time and lab our saving appliances have become a part of our everyday lives.

Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity most widely.

The fist industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator – a new compact source of electricity – was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before.

Electronic lighting came into wide use at the end of the last century with the development of the electric lamp by Thomas \Edison. |Then the transformed was invented, the first electric lines and networks were set up, dynamos and indication motors were designed.

Since the beginning of the 20th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years.

Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as it has been realized that is offers improved service and reduced cost.

One of the greatest advantages of electricity is that it is clean, easily – regulated and generates no byproducts. |Applications of electricity now cover all fields of human activity from house washing machines to the latest laser devices. Electricity is the efficient source of some the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the energy of the future.


Notes to the Text

transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys – трансмиссионные валы, зубчатые колёса, ремни и блоки

time and lab our saving appliances - электроприборы, экономящие время и труд

induction motors – индукционные моторы

per capita – на человека, на душу населения

by – products – побочные продукты

truly – поистине

Answer the questions:

1 What is this text about?

2 What industrial applications of electricity do you know?

3 What home applications of electricity do you know?

4 Where was the generator developed?

5 Who invented the electric lamp?

6 Do you know who invented the dynamo?

7 Can you imagine our life without electricity? Why?


Speak about:

1 electricity – its nature, history and development.

2 applications of electricity cover all fields of human acticitivity.


Design жобалау конструировать, проектировать
Generate жасап шығару вырабатывать, конструировать
Invent Ойлап табу изобретать
Property мүлік меншік свойство
Recent жақында недавний, последний
Reduce қысқарту уменьшать, снижать
Replace айырбастау заменять


Translate the text.

Learn by heart new words


Retell the text


1. Учебник английского языка-И.В.Орловская

2.English- Russian dictionary


Grammar Expressing movement: go+preposition

The man went up the steps and into the church.

I ran over the bridge and across the park.

He drove out of the garage and along the street.

Cross out the wrong preposition.

My mobile stopped working when we went across/ through a tunnel.

1 She ran to/down the lake, and jumped into/out of the water.

2 If you go over/past the church, you’ll see my house on the left.

3 He walked along /across the street until he got to the chemist’s.

4 The plane flew on/over the town and then landed.

5 The policeman walked towards/to me, but then he stopped.

6 We drove over/out of the bridge and in/into the city centre.

7 The cyclists went round/under the track three times.

Grammar Expressing movement

The rules of the game

1.You play this sport outside with one, two, or more players. You have to hit the ball into a small hole. You mustn’t hit the ball into the water.

2.You can play this sport outside or inside with two or four players. You have to hit the ball over a net and the ball mustn’t go ‘out’.

3. You usually do this sport outside (but it can be inside).

You have to go round a track many times and be the first one to go past the finish line. Sometimes you have to go round a country, for example, France

4. You play this sport outside with two teams. You have to pass the ball to other players with your foot and try to kick the ball into the goal. You mustn’t touch the ball with you hands.

5. You play this sport outside with two teams. You have to throw the ball to other players and take the ball over the ball through two very high posts.

Your most exciting sporting moments…

How long does a normal football match last?

How many minutes are added after each half?

b) Read the article and complete it with a word from below.

C hampions fans goal match pitch

Players referee scored stadium team

c)Read the text again. Number the sentences 1-6

A Manchester United scored their first goal.

B The Bayern Munich fans started celebrating.

C The 90 minutes finished and the referee added three minutes.

D Bayern Munich scored a goal.

E Manchester United scored their second goal.

Present the cup.

d) What is the most exciting sporting event you’ve ever seen?

Prepare your answers to these questions.

What sport was it?

When and where was it?

Who was taking part?

Were you there or did you see it on TV?

What happened?

e) Ask and answer with a partner.



English Russian Kazakh
Hit throw score whistle ударить кидать счет свисток соғу лақтыру есеп ысқырық


CРС –Student’s individual work

1. Write on essay about your favorite sport

2. Write sentences on expressing movement


Discussion about sport


1.English file by Clive Oxenden p.58-59

Pre- Intermediate Oxford University Press 1997

2.R, Murphy “Essential Grammar in USE”

Cambridge University Press.



Grammar. Present Perfect

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Финансовые показатели и прогнозы| A. Write sentence or questions with the present perfect.

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