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VOICE: And then what? Do you even know what will happen after?

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter Fifteen What Had Happened in Surrey
  2. Click here for a graphic showing what happened
  3. D Happen, turn outand prove
  4. F) What happens if an agency commissions you?
  5. How increase of body temperature happen in 1-th clinical stage of fever.
  6. I stand there trying to think of something to stop this from happening. I look at the phone, pray it never rings again.
  7. It is used to indicate what is happening now.

DR. MORTIMER: You know, now I don’t really care about that. In the situation which I find myself in, complete obscurity seems to be the best option. I have no idea what will happen after I will free myself of the contract, but after so much effort, It’ll be a shame to stop.

VOICE: Free yourself? Have you forgotten, that you are under contract with spirits of death. They will never let you free. That is why I am here: to keep an eye on you so you won’t try to trick them

DR. MORTIMER: Fine. Now, back to the ritual. Let’s make the doll first.

VOICE: Spanish moss? Classic. I saw the first voodoo doctors making those in the old days here, in Louisiana.

DR. MORTIMER: Shhh, I have to concentrate.

(Dr. Mortimer freezes for some time, and then slowly starts to make dolls with a dull expression on his face. He sews each doll, but leaves a small hole in the doll, symbolizing DIANA)

DR. MORTIMER: Almost done. Now I will proceed with the making of oil. And I will need your help soon.

(Dr. Mortimer stands up and goes to the shelves and starts to search for something)

VOICE: What do you need from me?

DR. MORTIMER: I need you to get in the girl’s head and lead her to me tomorrow at midday.

VOICE (with grudge): Can’t you just kill her? Make her commit suicide? Won’t it be easier?

DR. MORTIMER: You know those spirits of death, it is never that simple. The girl has to die because of her sin. Only then my sacrifice will be good enough to please them and win me some more time.

VOICE: Do you have a plan?

DR. MORTIMER: Yes, I do.



Scene 4

Usual day in the port, warehouse, Henry is moving crates towards the exit. Diana enters the warehouse

DIANA (archly): Hi, Henry… How are you?..

HENRY: Well, I’d say I’m good. How are you?

DIANA: I am very good today; it’s such a beautiful morning. Sun is so bright and the sea is so calm and quiet. Perfect day… But not as perfect as you are.

HENRY (confused): I guess that was a compliment, wasn’t it? Thanks.

(JOHN approaches the hangar door and overhears their conversation)

DIANA: Oh, Henry, you are so sweet. Can I ask you for a favor?

HENRY: Sure, what is it?

DIANA: I want you to have a walk with me around the port. Just you and me... What do you think?

HENRY: Sorry, ma’am, but since it is no urgency, I can’t leave the hangar. I still have a debt to pay, y’know.

DIANA: But Henry, what about yesterday? Th…That walk downtown we had?

HENRY: That’s what I’m…

(John walks in)

JOHN: Henry, bloody bastard, why are you not working? And who’s the girl?

DIANA: For your information, I am Henry’s girl…

(DIANA freezes for two seconds, then VOICE says)

VOICE: It’s time, little one. Your dream will come true very soon. Now, go.

(DIANA leaves without saying anything)

JOHN: Well, maybe you can explain your unauthorized time off work yesterday. You were with your new girlfriend, weren’t you?

HENRY: What nonsense, she is not my girlfriend, I barely know her. We just met yesterday and…

JOHN: And went downtown together, had some fun, some hugs, some kisses… Did you forget about your debt, Henry? Tomorrow you gotta give me back 323 dollars and 60 cents, everything to the last penny. But, you wanna waste time with any ol’ girl you don’t even know.

HENRY: John, look, she is just some crazy lady I met, who asked me to help her.

JOHN: So, you insist it is not your fault?

HENRY: Yeah, that’s what I’m sayin’. I agreed to walk with her… Well, in fact I agreed to show her the way downtown and accompany her for a couple of minutes, but as it appeared she knew the road herself.

JOHN (sighs): Henry, I am tired of this. Every week you claim to pay the debt, every week you spend a lot of time on girls, pubs and other boloney. And yet, every week I give you some more time to return the money you owe me…

HENRY (interrupting): And I will, just…

JOHN: Just what, Henry. Give you another week to go out with some other girl and then you will start thinking about paying your debt? No, Henry. This is the last week. If I won’t get my money before the port is closed tomorrow, you will face the consequences. Got that? Now, back to work!

(HENRY approaches the exit and shouts)

HENRY (nervously): Sure, John. Don’t worry; tomorrow you will get your money. I… I assure you. (to himself) If only I was sure about that…

(HENRY exits)

JOHN (frustrated): I knew the young fella couldn’t be trusted! He is irresponsible, careless, awful, spoiled child! (calmer)Well, I guess I should teach him a lesson. A lesson he will never forget. I will show him, what can happen to those, who get in the way of John Chesterfield!

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 131 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: A National Debate | DIANA: Hello? Is anybody in here? | The door slams | DR. MORTIMER: I got that covered. Tomorrow we are going to the port. You will get the best seats in town to watch the show. |
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