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History of Kremenchug automobile factory KrAz

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Jullia Druz



Kremenchuk, 2011

The history of KrAZ begins since 30th years of the last century when in the Poltava area on suburb the cities of Kremenchugs (Ukraine) building of aviation factory has begun. With the beginning of the Second World War building should be frozen. After clearing of a city building has proceeded, but an enterprise profile has been decided to change cardinally - the destroyed country needed to restore bridges. In 1948 the factory has started to let out bridge flying structures. For eight years the factory has let out a metalware for building more than six hundred bridges in the general extent in 27 kilometers. To the middle of 50th years on manufacture it has been occupied more than two thousand persons.

In the meantime, the country changed, the national economy was restored, new problems were put, - the Kremenchug factory changed also. Into 1956 it have renamed in Kremenchug combine factory and have transferred in conducting the Ministry of tractor and agricultural mechanical engineering. In Kremenchug have started to let out combines for gathering of the corn so favourite in a management of Nikita Sergeevicha Khruschev. And though the corn epopee lasted not so long, the factory has had time to let out more than 11 thousand agricultural cars.

The turning point in the history of KrAZa has happened in May, 1958. It is possible to consider that from now on and the factory reshaping on manufacturing heavy triaxial trucks for a national economy begins. The government of the USSR the decision on carrying over to Kremenchug from the Yaroslavl Automobile Factory (YAMZ) the basic assembly manufacture was accepted. Factory in Yaroslavl have renamed into the Yaroslavl motor factory (YAMZ) and have kept on it manufacture of power units (engines).

The reshaping hasn't occupied a lot of time and April of 1959 have collected the first trucks under mark "Dnepr-222". It were ten-ton трехосные dump-body trucks with the duple Yaroslavl motors, created on the basis of YAMZ -214 and ЯАЗ-219. However, the name of cars "Dnepr" hasn't got accustomed, and to the trucks made in Kremenchug, the marks accepted in the Soviet motor industry soon have been appropriated. So there was a new mark of lorries - KrAZ, with traditional "АЗ" on the end.

In 1960 the first cars KrAz have gone for export, including tropical countries to tropical execution. In 1961 496 cars are exported to 26 countries already, and in the early seventies the account has gone on thousand. And today 85 % of production of the Kremenchug factory are intended for delivery in foreign countries. From them the greatest part of trucks is got by the enterprises and the organizations in the Russian Federation.

In 1965 have spent the first serious updating of trucks KrAz. On cars have established more powerful and economic diesel engines YAMZ -238 and have supplied with a five-speed transmission - so there was KrAZ-257. This model, in various updatings, was issued up to 1995. In parallel with old model, on the conveyor have put KrAZ-250 in 1978. A bit later, in 1979 on the basis of 250th model there was a car of the raised passableness with the wheel formula6х6 - KrAZ-260. These cars became ancestors saddle tractors, dump-body trucks and off-road cars and all modern family of the Kremenchug trucks.

Sedelnye tractors of the Kremenchug automobile factory are popular not only thanks to presence reliable, checked up by time, engine JAMZ-238 and the unpretentiousness in service, but also in connection with its load-lifting characteristics - the full weight of the lorry convoy to 60 tons allows to use saddle tractors KrAz with semitrailers-heavy trucks load-carrying capacity to 40 tons. Also, besides all-wheel drive KrAZ 6443 and KrAZ 6446 used in conditions bezdorozh'ya, the car factory lets out and triaxial saddle tractors with the wheel formula 6х4 KrAZ 64431.

The considerable share among cars made now is kept by dump-body trucks that is caused by steady demand for them. It is variety of models triaxial cars with the wheel formula 6х4 and 6х6 and load-carrying capacity from 13,5 to 18 tons. Self-shaft of KrAZ-6510 (6х4, load-carrying capacity of 13 500 kg, volume of a body of 8 m. cubic), KrAZ-65055 (6х4, 16 tons, a body of 10,5 m. cubic) and KrAZ-65032 (6х6, 18 tons, volume of a body of 12 m. cubic) are most popular in consumers.

On chassis KrAz-65101, and KrAZ-63221 is mounted by KrAZ-65053 wide scale of various special superstructures: a various special equipment for oil and gas and timber industry complexes, mining industry, building and municipal services.

Knots and car units are reliable, easily accessible to control and maintenance service. High passableness, the big load-carrying capacity, reliability and simplicity of maintenance service of cars KrAz are checked up by roads, bezdorozh'em and time that has made their irreplaceable for various branches of a national economy.

After disintegration of the USSR in 1991, the Kremenchug automobile factory had not the most easy times, volumes of output have sharply fallen, however last 2-3 years the situation at factory was stabilized also enterprise affairs have gone on the amendment.

Experts of factory develop variety of new perspective models, among which autodump-body truck of KrAZ 7133С4 with the wheel formula 8х4 and load-carrying capacity of 22 tons (volume of a body of 20 m. cubic), the lorry convoy selfdump in structure saddle tractor KrAz 6443-054 and semitrailer VARZ-0192 with volume of a body 25 m. cubic and load-carrying capacity of 34 tons. In first half of 2004 of Open Society "ХК" AvtoKrAz "has increased in comparison with the similar period of 2003 output in 3 times. Till the end of 2004 of"AvtoKrAZ"plans to make more than 2000 cars that in 2,2 times more than year before.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 114 | Нарушение авторских прав

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