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ОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторика

В- Subject of the Contract

Читайте также:
  1. Contract (Time of Delivery, Payment)
  2. Discussing a Contract.
  5. Translate the Contract starting with the words " The total price.
  6. В- Price and Total Value of the Contract


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the "Menswear Exhibition" that was held in Hamburg last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market. As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices.

If these conditions are of interest to you and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list.


B+ an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application



Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

We are pleased to receive your enquiry, and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters.

There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of garments which we make for all age groups. We can offer the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off net prices for orders over $2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade discount in Italy is 15%.

Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f. London.


B- an enquiry letter

B+ a reply to enquiry

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

For a number of years we have imported electric shavers from the United States, but now we learn that these shavers can be obtained from German manufacturers. We wish to extend the present range of models and would be glad if you could supply us with electric shavers of different models.

As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount of 5%. Will you kindly send us your current catalogue and price-list together with the samples of the most popular models.


B+ an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

We learn from your letter that you are interested in electric shavers of German manufacturer and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list. All shavers of the present range are of rechargeable type and can be supplied with or without a presentation case.

A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today together with the samples of the most popular models we manufacture. We hope you will send us a trial order so that you can test our products against the facts.

B- an enquiry letter

B+ a reply to enquiry

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

We learnt from Farmex SpA of Rome that you are producing for export hand-made gloves in a variety of natural leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality and although sales are not particularly high, good prices are obtained.

Would you please send us a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins in which the gloves are supplied.


B+ an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

We welcome your letter of 23 March and thank you for your interest in our products. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in our manufacture.

Unfortunately, we cannot send you immediately a full range of samples but you may take it that such leathers as chamois and doeskin, not represented in the parcel, are of the same high quality.


B- an enquiry letter

B+ a reply to enquiry

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


Men’s Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 60602

21 Oct, 2000

(2) Gentlemen:

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the "Menswear Exhibition" that was held in Hamburg last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market. As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices.

If these conditions are of interest to you and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list.

(3) Very truly yours,




118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D



B+ 1, 4, 2, 3.

B- 1, 2, 3, 4.

B- 3, 1, 4, 2.

B- 4, 2, 1, 3.



Формулировка ТЗ. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

(1) 16th November, 2008

Mr. Michael Ternov

Product Manager


21 Smolnaya Street

St Petersburg, 197739


(2) Dear Mr. Ternov,

We are pleased to receive your request of 1 November for the information about our machinery.

We will be happy to send you the catalogues of the items you mention in your letter. We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association. We hope to receive your order soon.

(3)Yours sincerely,

Peter Haag

Sales manager

(4) HDM Group

12 Freidenstrasse

Munich 81671



B+ 4, 1, 2, 3.

B- 1, 3, 4, 2.

B- 3, 1, 4, 2.

B- 4, 2, 1, 3.


Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.


Men’s Clothing

306, (2) 3d Avenue

Chicago, 60602



220 Regent Street

London (4)WIC 37D



a. the ZIP Code in the return address

b. the sender’s name

c. the street name in the mailing address

d. the addressee


В(1) d

В(2) c

В(3) b

В(4) a



Формулировка ТЗ. Соотнесите информацию под определённым номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

Mr. Peter O`Dennel

(1)UPS Electronics, Ltd

15 Kildare Street,

Dublin (2) DB 1 3 XB

V/O Rossimport

14 Kirovskaya street

(3) Moscow 103006

(4) Russia

a. the ZIP Code in the mailing address

b. the addressee’s company name

c. the country the letter comes from

d. the city the letter comes from


В(1) b

В(2) a

В(3) d

В(4) c



Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Professional Experience.

2005-2010 Public Relation Officer.

Scottish Nature Trust.

Editor of the Trust`s monthly journal.

In charge of relations with European environmental agencies.

2003-2005 Press Officer.

Highland Tourist Board.

Preparation of promotional materials and brochures.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B+ a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Although I am presently employed, it has always been my intention to work in commercial environment. I would like to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.

My work experience allows me to work in Public Relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would enjoy working in a German-speaking environment.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Work history:

2008–present junior assistant manager, James Associates, NYC.

helped preparing staff meetings arranged files of the employees, prepared materials for the training seminars.

2005 –2007 assistant-trainee, James Associates, NYC Education:

2001–2005 Boston University, honors

B.Sc. (Business Administration)

B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B+ a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I am applying for the job in your sales department, which you advertised. I am graduating from college this year and would like a job in sales. Please find enclosed my resume. I hope you will find me suitable and that I will hear from you soon.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

I would like to apply for the position of senior assistant to personnel manager advertised in the "Daily News" on 9lh October. A copy of my resume is enclosed. From this you will see that I am at present working as a junior assistant in the personnel department at James Associates. Although I enjoy my work, I feel I would now like to take on a position with more responsibility and in a larger organization. I can be available for interview at any time, and I look forward to hearing from you.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B+ a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

2008– 2010 Consulted managers of small companies on designing business plans.

Developed and designed a scheme for business plans as part of internship at the TACIS representative office.

2006–2008 Researcher at ABRT Corporation.

Did research in macroeconomics of economies in transitions. Made presentations at the international conferences.


B- an enquiry letter

B- an offer

B+ a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.


From: Tony Brown, Personal Manager

Subject: General staff meeting

Date: 25 September 2009


There will be general staff meeting at 10.00 a.m. on 5 October 2009 in the conference room 561 (on the 5th floor). Paul Paddington, Director General, would like to make a speech. Those unable to attend, please, let me know before 3th October.

B+ a memorandum

B- an offer

B- a resume

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

To: Ms Aldington

Mr Fletcher

From: Michael Miller

Subject: International conference

Date: 5 December 2009

I attach a copy of a letter of 16 November to Director from Michael Owen, Director of the 21st Century Trust, asking for suggestions for participants at the international conference. Please, set out your criteria for the sort of people the Trust is looking for, and make certain suggestions for persons.


B- an offer

B- a resume

B+ a memorandum

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите слова или сочетания слов так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

(1): Ms Aldington

Mr Fletcher

From: (2)

(3): International conference

Date: (4)

I attach a copy of a letter of 16 November to Director from Michael Owen, Director of the 21st Century Trust, asking for suggestions for participants at the international conference. Please, set out your criteria for the sort of people the Trust is looking for and make certain suggestions for persons.


(a) Subject

(b) to

(c) 5 December 2009

(d) James Miller, Personal Manager


В(1) b

В(2) d

В(3) a

В(4) c


Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите слова или сочетания слов так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

To: (1)

(2): Tony Brown, Personal Manager

Subject: General staff meeting

(3): 25 September 2009


There will be general staff meeting at (4) on 5 October 2009 in the conference room 561 (on the 5th floor). Paul Paddington, Director General, would like to make a speech. Those unable to attend, please, let me know before 3th October.


(a) 10.00 a.m.

(b) Date


(d) From


В(1) c

В(2) d

В(3) b

В(4) a


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

1. The Subject.

The Sellers undertakes to sell and the Buyers to buy on conditions FOB London the following equipment: 30 industrial pumps model MT-087.

2. Prices and Total Value.

The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools, technical documentation and services amounts to 8,400 £. The prices are firm and subject to no alteration.

3. Terms of Payment

Payments are to be effected within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Buyers of the following documents for collection: Seller's invoice and complete set of «clean-on-board» Bills of Lading.


B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume

B+ a contract

B- a letter of application


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

3. Terms of Payment.

The total amount of 18,400 £ stated in Clause 2 shall be paid in English pounds by the Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs, the Russian Federation, Moscow, to the Middle Bank, the UK, London.

4. Time of Delivery.

The delivery of the equipment shall begin in 8 month and shall be completed in 26 month from the date of signing of the Preliminary Acceptance Protocol.

B+ a contract

B- a letter of application

B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

Terms of Payment

The total amount of £ 6,300 shall be paid in English pounds by the Moskovsky Narodny Bank, the Russian Federation, Moscow, in accordance with the following terms:

10% advance payment of the total value shall be made within 30 days of the effective date.

80% of the total value shall be paid in accordance with the Credit Agreement between the Moskovsky Narodny Bank, the Russian Federation, Moscow and the Middle Bank, United Kingdom.

5% of the total value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Moskovsky Narodny Bank, the Russian Federation, Moscow of the following documents: Seller`s invoice and Complete set of “clean-on-board” Bills of Lading.

The Guarantee amount of 5% shall be paid within 30 days of receipt by the Bank of the Acceptance Protocolconfirming the acceptance of the plant for commercial operation.

B- a letter of application

B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume

B+ a contract


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок.

The Subject

The Sellers undertake to sell and the Buyers undertake to buy the Goods in accordance with the specification and conditions stipulated in Supplement No. 2. The above mentioned Annexes are an integral part of the present document.

The Time of delivery

The goods shall be delivered within 10 weeks after receiving the advance payment. By the above date the goods shall be manufactured, tested, packed, marked and delivered on conditions stipulated by the present document. The delivery date is considered the date of the Bill, issued by the forwarding company, who received the goods for shipment to Moscow. Early delivery is permitted.


B+ a contract

B- a letter of application

B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume


Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите сочетание слов, соответствующее заголовку данного пункта контракта.

Payment is to be effected in US dollars by the Moskovsky Narodny Bank, the Russian Federation, Moscow at the fact of delivery of each lot of the goods in Moscow within 90 banking days and presenting the following documents: Consignment note, Customs declaration, Invoice, Certificate of quality issued by the manufacturing country.

В- Subject of the Contract

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 167 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Унифицированная форма заявления о приеме на работу| В- Price and Total Value of the Contract

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