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Exercise 9. Translate into English.

Читайте также:
  1. B) Translate into English.
  2. C. Find an appropriate equivalent for each modal verb in the articles from the contract below and translate them faithfully into Ukrainian.
  3. Complete this memo with the words given below. Translate it into Russian.
  4. Define the type of the business letters. Translate them into Russian.
  5. Ex 303. A. Read, translate and retell the text
  6. Ex 305. A. Read, translate and retell the text
  7. Ex 516. A. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Infinitives.

1. Декабристы погибли в борьбе за свободу народа. 2. Все народы земли хотят мира. 3. Мы никогда не забудем героизм тех, кто боролся против фашизма. 4. Я очень ценю в людях скромность и простоту. 5. Природа играла большую роль в творчестве романтиков. 6. Музыкант должен знать историю оперы. 7. С ней он мог говорить о литературе, об искусстве, о чем угодно, мог жаловаться ей на жизнь, на людей. (Чехов) 8. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов, свободы. (Чехов) 9. Оставим пока геометрию. Обратимся к науке, которую вы, как чиновник почтового ведомства, вероятно, любите. География — наука почтальонов. (Чехов) 10. Зачем я стереометрию учил, ежели ее в программе нет? (Чехов) 11. Я с детства люблю музыку. 12. Он изучает английскую историю. 13. Он изучает историю Англии. 14. На расстоянии 20—30 шагов мы увидели странную фигуру. 15. Если вы плохо себя чувствуете, не выходите в такую погоду. 16. Мой брат очень любит архитектуру и мечтает стать архитектором. 17. Меня интересует история развития английского романа.

Exercise 10. insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of persons.)

1. Margaret was talking to __ Osbaldistons. (Snow) 2. In __ dim light streaming down __ stairs from behind her, he scarcely recognised __ Lily he had known. (Lindsay) 3. __ barbaric Bertie got no hint whatever that he was barbaric. (Bennett) 4. __ father and __ daughter appeared at last. (Wells) 5. Gradman is here, darling, and __ mother, and __ Aunt Winifred, and Kit and Michael. Is there anyone you would like to see? (Galsworthy) 6. Louis seemed... rather __ grave, still, retiring man, but __ Caroline of this evening, which was not __ Caroline of every day, thawed his reserve. (Ch. Bronte) 7. She watched __ advent of __ Tasburghs almost maliciously. Hubert and __ young Tasburgh at once discovered mutual service in Mesopotamia. (Galsworthy) 8. My visit was specially made to __ good Mrs. Ames. (Conan Doyle) 9. __ professor Beans is __ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching. (Wilson) 10. This Pat wasn't at all like __ Pat of his memories. When she smiled he saw __ Pat he had known, __ Pat smiling at him froirt __ worn photo that still lay in — pocketbook against his heart. But watching her...he grew aware that __ family was divided in its attitude. Alice... and Mrs. Baxter... were partisans of — new Pat. He still felt that he couldn't bring __ two Pats together; but he didn't hold that against __ Pat of __ present. (Lindsay) 11. — flustered Clarice stood beside me. (Du Maurier) 12. If you are — Napolеоn, you will play __ game of __ power; if you're __ Leonardo, you'll play for — knowledge; __ stakes hardly matter. (Wallace) 13. At that time I had __ greatest admiration for — Impressionists. I longed to possess __ Sisley and __ Degas, and I worshipped Manet. (Maugham) 14. I overtook __ pretty little Hetty Sorrel as I was coming to my den. (Eliot) 15. He cared to say no more; he had thrown quite dust enough into __ honest Adam's eyes. (Eliot) 16. This was __ famous Frank A. Cowperwood whom he had read about... (Dreiser) 17. __ certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him. (Dreiser) 18. Elsie said she would ring up __ Doctor Worple. (Bennett) 19. __ poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew. (Austen) 20. He was gayer than I had thought... youthful and ardent in __ hundred happy ways, not.— Maxim I had first met. (Du Maurier) 21. I have __ address of — man in London to whom __ Professor writes. (Conan Doyle) 22. It is needless to multiply __ instances of __ high and lofty station, and __ „ vast importance of __ Chuzzlewits at different periods. (Dickens). 23. It has been said that there is no instance, in modern times, of __ Chuzzlewit having been found on terms of __ intimacy with __ great. (Dickens) 24. __ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia Sedley was __ only person to whom she [Becky] could attach herself in __ least. (Thackeray) 25. Yet __ room itself was bright and elegant; on one wall was — fine Sisley, of poplars and sunny water, on another __ still life by Nicholas de Stael, pastel fruit in __ white dish. (Snow) 26. __ captain Cuttle lived on __ brink of — little canal. (Dickens) 27. Mr. Tupman, by __ nod, intimated that his question applied to __ disappointed Rachel. (Dickens) 28. I am __ Mr. Martin for whom you were to inquire. (Dickens) 29. I'm to meet __ Professor Hallorsen on Monday. (Galsworthy) 30. If you're going West may I come with you? I want to see __ Aunt Emily and __ Uncle Lawrence. (Galsworthy) 31. During — reading of __ paragraph, and for __ minute or two afterwards, he sat with his gaze fixed on — modest Mr. Toots, like — man entranced. (Dickens) 32. I had no doubt that you were — Miss Wilfer I have often heard named. (Dickens) 33. "Oh, good evening," he exclaimed, removing his cap and bowing. "How are you?" while his mind was registering that this truly was __ beautiful, __ exquisite Sondra whom months before he had met at his uncle's. (Dreiser) 34. "I don't care about __ Captain Dobbin's complexion," she said... "I shall always like him, I know." "There is not __ finer fellow in __ service," Osborne said, "nor — better officer, though he is not __ Adonis, certainly." (Thackeray) 35. __ difference between __ pair was that while __ father was violent and __ bully, — son had thrice __ nerve and courage of — parent, and could not merely make __ attack, but resist it; and finding that — moment was not come when __ contest between him and his father was to be decided, he took his dinner with __ perfect coolness and appetite before __ engagement began. __ old Osborne, on __ contrary, was nervous and drank much. (Thackeray) 36. __ medical practitioner quite, refused to accept __ unhappy Selina's theory. (Hardy)

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 231 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Exercise 2. Point out the nouns and define the class each belongs to. | Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes. | Exercise 3. Translate into English. | Exercise 5. Translate into English. | Exercise 23. Translate into English. | Exercise 37. Insert articles where necessary. | Exercise 38. Follow the direction for Exercise 37. | Exercise 39. Comment on the use of articles or their absence. | Exercise 3. Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree. | Exercise 12. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect. |
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Exercise 7. Translate into English.| Exercise 13. Translate into English.

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