Читайте также:
1. Systems theory (теория систем) has had a significant effect (значительное воздействие) on management science (наука об управлении) and understanding organizations. A. system is a collection (совокупность) of parts unified (объединенных, чтобы) to accomplish (достичь) an overall goal (глобальная цель). If one part of the system is removed (убирается), the nature of the system is changed as well (также меняется). For example, a pile of sand (куча песка) is not a system. If one removes a sand particle (песчинку), you’ve still got a pile of sand. However, a functioning car (работающий автомобиль) is a system. Remove the carburettor (карбюратор) and you’ve no longer got a working car. A system can be looked at as having inputs (вход, затраты), processes (процессы развития), outputs (выход, выпускаемый продукт) and outcomes (выход продукции). Systems share (разделяют) feedback (обратная связь) among each of these four aspects of the systems.
2. Let’s look at an organization. Inputs would include (включать) resources such as raw materials (сырье), money, technologies and people. These inputs go through a process where they’re planned, organized, motivated and controlled, ultimately (чтобы полностью) to meet (соответствовать) the organization’s goals. Outputs would be products or services to a market. Feedback would be information from human resources (персонал) earning out (получающего выплаты по результатам) the process, customers/clients using the products, etc. Feedback also comes from the larger environment (окружение, среда) of the organization, e.g., influences (реакция) from government, society, economics, technologies. This overall system framework (структура) applies to (применяется к любой) any system, including (включая) subsystems (departments, programs, etc.).
3. Systems theory may seem quite basic (основной). Yet, decades of management training (обучение управленческих кадров) and practices in the workplace have not followed (не подтверждают) this theory. This interpretation has brought about (вызвала, осуществила) a significant (существенное изменение) change (or paradigm shift – смена парадигмы) in the way (в том, как) management studies and approaches (подходит к решению проблемы) organizations.
4. The effect of systems theory in management is that writers, educators (педагоги), consultants, etc. are helping managers to look at the organization from a broader (в более широкой) perspective. Systems theory has brought a new perspective for managers to interpret patterns (модель) and events (события) in the workplace and recognize (узнавать) the various parts of the organization and the interrelations (взаимоотношения) of the parts.
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