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There can be one or more roots in the tooth.

Читайте также:
  1. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Roots
  2. Is There Something Wrong or Questionablein Your Treatment?
  3. IX. There are many engineering terms in the introduction, which can be translated differently. With your partner, decide which Russian equivalent suits the context better.
  4. Latin Roots
  5. Quot;There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody.
  6. Roots of the body
  7. TEST: There is/are

Visible - видимий

Hidden - схований

junction ['dʒʌŋkʃən] - з’єднання

To be called - називатися

To cover - покривати

Vessel - судина

sensitive - чуттєвий

Undergo - зазнавати

To cause - викликати

decay - гноїння

Injury - ушкодження

occur - відбуватися, проявлятися


3. Read & translate the text:


Every tooth consists of a crown, a neck and one or more roots. The crown is the part visible in the mouth and the root is the part hidden inside the jaw. The junction of crown and the root is called the neck.


This is the outer covering of the crown and the hardest substance in the body. It is insensitive to pain. Unlike most other body tissues it cannot undergo repair; thus any damage caused by decay or injury is permanent. The microscope shows that it consists of long solid rods, called enamel prisms, cemented together.


This is the outer covering of the root and is similar in structure to bone. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.


This occupies the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain.


Unlike enamel, dentine and cementum, the pulp is soft tissue. It contains blood vessels and nerves, and occupies the centre of the dentine. The nerves of the pulp are responsible for pain felt when dentine is drilled or toothache occurs. The outermost layer of the pulp next to the dentine is lined with the special cells they run throughout the full thickness of dentine and, by their origin from the pulp, are associated with its repair processes and sensitivity to pain.

Supporting Structures

Every tooth is inserted into the jaw by its root. The part of the jaw containing the teeth is known as the alveolar process (альвеолярный отросток) and is covered with a soft tissue called gum. The jaw bones consist of an outer layer known as compact bone (компактное вещество). A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane. This acts as a shock absorber and is attached to the cementum of the root and the compact bone lining the socket. The periodontal membrane contains nerves and blood vessels.

A normal adult mouth has 32 teeth, which (except for wisdom teeth) have erupted by about age 13:

• Incisors (8 total): The middlemost four teeth on the upper and lower jaws.

• Canines (4 total): The pointed teeth just outside the incisors.

• Premolars (8 total): Teeth between the canines and molars.

• Molars (8 total): Flat teeth in the rear of the mouth, best at grinding food.

• Wisdom teeth or third molars (4 total): These teeth erupt at around age 18, but are often surgically removed to prevent displacement of other teeth.


  1. Find in the text the following word combinations: частина схована в щелепі; поєднання коронки та кореня; зовнішнє покриття коронки; нечутлива до болю; будь-яке ушкодження емалі; довгі тверді смужки; подібний до структури кістки; внутрішнє покриття; мати кров’яні судини та нерви; бути укритим особливими клітинами; проходити крізь всю товщину дентину; бути вставленим в щелепу; діяти, як поглинач шоку.
  1. Complete the following sentences:
  1. Crown, … and one or more … are he parts of the …
  2. You can see a … in the mouth.
  3. Root & a … are parts hidden in the ….
  4. Neck is a j… of c… & …
  5. Enamel is an …covering of the …
  6. Enamel … undergo …
  7. Enamel consists of…
  8. Dentine is very s… to …
  9. …a soft tissue & contains b… … and …
  10. You can feel pain in d… during d…

3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does a tooth consist of?
  2. How is the junction of crown and root called?
  3. What is every tooth composed of?
  4. What do you know about enamel?
  5. What does it consist of?
  6. Where does cementum meet enamel?
  7. What is cementum?
  8. Is dentine sensitive to pain?
  9. What does pulp contain?
  10. What supporting structures can you name?

4. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Коронка, шийка та корінь це частини зуба.

2. Ви можете бачити коронку у себе в роті.

3. Емаль найтвердіша речовина в тілі людини, чи не так?

4. Якщо ви ушкодили емаль, ви не зможете її відновити.

5. В пульпі багато кров’яних судин та нервів, тому вона дуже чутлива до болю.

6. Ви можете знайти дентин в середині коронки та кореня.

5. Say if these statements are true or false:

There can be one or more roots in the tooth.

2. Root can’t be seen in the mouth, it’s hidden in the jaw.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 325 | Нарушение авторских прав

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