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Key National Issues

Binary oppositions in ecological conceptualization (Devall, Sessions) | Human factor in nomination | Picnic Party | Diversity | American dream |

Читайте также:
  1. Development of national plans and policies
  2. Ethno-national conflict
  3. In small groups, discuss the issues below. Report to another group.
  4. International Plan of Action
  5. International views
  6. International words


‘cross-cultural universals’


Eminent anthropologists provide ‘cross-cultural universals’ – practices, customs and beliefs found in all cultures

Anthropologists follow ‘participant observation’

The goal is to understand the culture from native perspective

There ethnographic prejudices, various cultural barriers


n Cross-cultural universals by Robin Fox

Law about property

rules about incest and marriage

customs of taboo and avoidance

methods of setting disputes with a minimum bloodshed,

Beliefs about supernatural and practices relating to it

A system of social status and methods of indicating it

Initiation ceremonies for young men

Courtship practices involving adornment of females

System of symbolic body ornament generally

Certain activities set aside for men from which women are excluded

Gambling of some kind

A tool and weapons making industry

Myths and legends, dancing, adultery


Branding the nation

n France Kingdom - Monarchy – the Bourbons Louis XIV Versailles →

n Revolution of 1789 changed the French package:

n Republic The Tricolor replaced the Fleur de Lys Marseillaise

n Bonaparte → Emperor

n The Second Empire

n The Third Empire

n Bismarck – unified Germany Kaiser The Second Reich Wagner Teutonic myths

Ataturk & the Ottoman Empire Turkey

n Scotland has Tartans Kilts Scotch whisky The Highlands The Edinburg festival VS Slovenia VS Slovakia


Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 42 | Нарушение авторских прав

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