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American dream

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Getting rich, wealth money


Success Independence Freedom


money talks

money makes the world go round

time is money

dollarisation, to dollarise, dollarwise.

almighty dollar, dollar shop (store), dollar society, to feel like a million dollars, to look like a million dollars

gigabucks, kilobucks, megabucks

fast buck, quick buck

to rake in the bucks

have a megabucks salary PC

poor – economically unprepared, low-income, working class, underprivileged;

poor children – at-risk children;

poor nation – emerging nation, developing nation, third-world nation;

poor student – underachiever, underperformer;

vagrant – homeless person, displaced homeowner,

slum – economic oppression zone


USA is a beacon of liberty and democracy

n Superpower

The collapse of the Soviet Union left the US as the only superpower

The United States is not just a superpower pursuing its interest; it is a producer of world order

PentagonPentagons – (ex)- Pentagoner (Pentagon spokesman)

to pentagonizePentagonized (government;presidency) Pentagonese


U.S. hegemony

US military supremacy into American geopolitical preeminence

global masteryjumbo-state –very large hyperpower (hyper–power Pax Americana


Equality (egalitarianism)


Pragmatism, self-reliance, efficiency, practicality, materialism, acquisitiveness

Workaholism (work-orientation)


n American exceptionalism

“… exceptionalism is the core of American identity

American exceptionalism is a f act and f ate

We are the best nation, America is the center of the world (earth)

pragmatic, realistic, practical, efficient.


Americans have a reputation of being an extremely realistic, practical and efficient people

n Consumerism

the nation of consumers ”, “ the people of plenty

mallcondo culture., mallcondo = mall – “ a large covered area that contains many different shops and in which traffic is not allowed ” + condo – “ a building containing several apartments each of which is owned by the people living in it ” from condominium.

n work-orientation

n Americans are work-oriented nation

n workaholism.

Workaholism is the best-dressed problem of the twentieth century

We are a workaholic nation and damn proud of it

A real American can work hard!

the bulimic workaholic style – either I do it perfectly or not at all

the relentless workaholic style – It has to be finished yesterday

the attention-deficit workaholic style – adrenaline junkies (slang for “drug-addicted”) who use work as a focusing device

the savouring workaholic style – slow, methodical, and overly scrupulous workers [Robinson 2001].

n сompetitiveness

One of the most important American value is competition. 60% of Americans believe in competition and so desire to win is healthy

hyper-competitive society

n Keep smiling!, Never say die!, Take it easy!, Don’t worry, be happy!

n oprahization – “the increased tendency for people to publicly describe their feelings and emotions and confess their past indiscretions”

n “But I take leave to doubt whether any sixth century Isolde could have used such soap-operaish -- or Oprah-ish -- language, let alone whether a sixth century Marke could have understood it and sympathized with it”

n individualism

n “ In the United States each individual is seen as completely and marvelously unique, that is, totally different from all other individuals and, therefore, particularly precious and wonderful

n self-regarding VS other-regarding, self-interested VS group-oriented, group(society)-minded.

n individualism

as American as apple pie = “ It is as American as apple pie to be individuals

do not mother them!

Americans stress personal responsibility rather than collective goals


moderate VS extreme individualism

n family

Americans are becoming more accepting of cohabitation, divorce, and nontraditional family situations

Once living together out of wedlock was considered as shaking up and living in a sin, now cohabitation has become a mainstream

foster family, nuclear family, same-sex family, trial family, urban family

children born out of wedlock

unwed mother

single-parent household

quirkyalonesa person who enjoys being single and so prefers to wait for the right person to come along rather than dating indiscreminately

n various addictions

eyes are bigger than one’s stomach (belly) – “ somebody is too greedy in asking for, or taking more food than somebody can eat

square meal

to pig out


l Stereotypes

l Chernyshevsky in his philosophical works posed a question about beauty;

l A peasant - red-cheeked, physically strong, An aristocrat – pale, slender, weak

l National characteristics of beauty,

Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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