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EXERCISES. I. 1). Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Verbals) | EXERCISES | Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) | EXERCISES | Причастие (The Participle) | Обстоятельственные причастные обороты с предшествующими союзами | Independent Participle Phrase | EXERCISES | Герундий (The Gerund) | Герундий в функции обстоятельства |

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  1. Exercises
  2. Exercises
  3. Exercises

I. 1). Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

1. То see is to believe.

2. To get to the University in time you should take a bus.

3. It takes me half an hour to get to my University.

4. I got up at 6 o'clock not to miss the first train.

5. Here is an article to be translated.

6. I have forgotten to wind my watch.

7. I was too small to remember my aunt.

8. Gagarin was the first to orbit around the earth.

9. To live is to learn.

10. He is to come in time.

11. The duty of the state is to provide education to all its citizens.

12. To know everything is to know nothing.

13. Your task is to beco­me a good engineer.


2). Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

1. To prevent rusting wе paint the surface of the metal.

2. To protect personnel from radiation is a very important task.

3. To protect personnel from radiation nuclear reactors are shield­ed with concrete walls.

4. To translate ancient manuscripts was a very difficult task.

5. To determine the density of a body, it is necessary to determine its mass and its volume.

II. Переведите, используя инфинитив.

1. Читать много — полезно.

2. Вот правило, которое надо запомнить.

3. Знать все — значит ничего не знать.

4. Работа, которую необходимо сделать, займет два часа.

5. Почему важно учить английский язык?

III. Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции опре­деления.

1. The questions to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting are very im­portant.

2.The problem to be considered has great importance for our future work.

3. Ships to explore the ocean depths are designed for long naviga­tion.

4. He was the first to learn the news.

5.She was the last to come.

6.The problem to be solved was of great international importance.

7.The results to be expected from the experiment will give a definite answer to this question.

8.The cutting speed depends on the material to be machined.

IV. Поставьте инфинитив в нужной форме.

1. I don't remember (to have met, to meet) you.

2. They were happy (to have completed, to complete) already their work.

3. I am glad (to have seen, to see) you in Moscow.

4. I am sorry not (to have done it, to do it) before.

5. 1 like (to have met, to meet) my friends at the station.

V. Поставьте инфинитив в действительный или страдательный за­лог.

1. Не wanted (to send, to be sent) to Moscow.

2. The old man asked me (to read, to be read) him an article.

3. He doesn't like (to interrupt, to be interrupted) when he speaks.

4. 1 didn't want (to see, to be seen) there.

5. 1 was warned not (to touch, to be touched) the switch.

VI. Закончите предложения по образцу. Переведите.

Model: Let's (to have a break). Let's have a break.

1. Let me (to tell) it to you.

2. Let her (to come) tomorrow at 6 o'clock.

3. Let's (to sing) this song.

4. I let him (to go) to the concert.

VII. Закончите предложения по образцу. Переведите.

Внимание! После глагола "make" инфинитив стоит без частицы "to", а после глагола "cause" с частицей "to".

Model: Make him (to speak) louder. Make him speak louder.

What caused you (to come) so early. What caused you to come so early.

1. What made you (to come) so early before the lessons.

2. I made him (to write) a letter to his uncle.

3. I caused him (to write) a letter to his uncle.

4. Do you think you can make him (to stop) smoking?

5. What causes you (to think) so?

6. What makes you (to think) so?


VIII. Переведите, обращая внимание на формы и функции инфинитива.

1. The main aim of the government is to maintain peace and security in the region.

2. To live is to learn.

3. To unite the country by peaceful means still remains a problem to be solved.

4. To dissolve this substance is difficult.

5. The design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done.

6. The substance to be tested must be wet or in a solution.

7. To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important.

8. The atom is a mighty force that is to be of great assistance to man.


IX. Переведите предложения, подчеркните слова с отрицательным значением.

1. Never once had she been seen to cry.

2. She doesn't seem to want to do anything I suggest.

3. They are unlikely to change their plans.

4. I shall wait until he сомеs home.

5. He neither liked the way we spoke, nor approved of the way we dressed.

6. Jack is not so quick as John is.

7. Unless you work, you will not succeed.

8. Can you speak English without making mistakes?

9. Go into the room without waking the child.

10. He failed in trying to pass his exams in time.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-21; просмотров: 127 | Нарушение авторских прав

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