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I. Read the text and explain the words in bold.

Future Generations of Computers | Basic structure | VIII. Translate the text in written form. Annotate it in English. | The role of Technology | III. Make a dialogue with your partner on how you benefit by the computer. Use the following statements. | V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Predicates and define their tense forms. | IX. Translate into English. | XI. Put the words into the right order. | I. Read the text carefully and answer the questions below. Explain the words in bold. | VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the required tense forms and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Draw a family tree for yourself and using the topical vocabulary explain the relationship between your immediate ancestors and any interesting facts about them.
  2. B) Compare the sentences and explain the difference.
  3. B) Explain the difference between the synonyms within each pair. (See Notes on p. 18.) When in doubt, consult dictionaries.
  4. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  5. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice
  6. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.
  7. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.

Text A

Modem technology – the pace of change

In case you hadn't realised it, the digital revolution is drastically changing and improving our lives. As electronics companies find new ways to cram more data onto microchips, so the sophistication of their goods continues to grow and grow. Implicit in the marketing of such technology is the assumption that our lives will become better and brighter thanks to such products. For instance, open the pages of Computer World magazine, the journal established to track and cheer on current advances in technology, and you will find breathless editorials echoing just this motion. Not since the 1950s has there been such whole-hearted faith in technology.

Yet while the advocates of an electronic golden age have their eyes firmly set on the future, the rest of us are living in the imperfect present. Rather than making our lives better and simpler, technology tends to make them more complicated. Office workers stay late at night wading through tides of e-mail. Half a dozen people in a restaurant reach for their breast pocket or bag at the anonymous trilling of a mobile phone.

Once upon a time, it was machines which became obsolete. Now, in the information age, we are running to keep pace with the rate of change, and fearing it is us – not technology – that will end up on the scrap heap.


II. What does the writer say about Computer World magazine?

A It is a magazine written for consumer experts.

B It is aimed at those who market hi-tech goods.

C It is very enthusiastic about technological advances.

D It dates from the 1950s.


III. Which of these phrases are used without sarcasm by the writer?

A digital revolution

B advances in technology

C golden age

D imperfect present


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Материнська плата| IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

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