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Multiple Choice Questions. 1) William Sheldon linked criminality to:

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  1. Ansver the following questions
  2. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions. Say what people were doing at the time mentioned.
  6. Answer the questions after the text.
  7. Answer the questions on the text.


1) William Sheldon linked criminality to:

a. muscular, athletic builds

b. race

c. class position

d. gender


Answer: a

Page Reference: 208-209

Skill: Factual


2) Which of the following concepts refers to “the recognized violation of cultural norms”?

a. deviance

b. crime

c. legal infraction

d. juvenile delinquency


Answer: a

Page Reference: 208

Skill: Conceptual


3) “Crime” differs from “deviance” in that crime:

a. is always more serious.

b. is usually less serious.

c. refers to a violation of norms enacted into law.

d. involves a larger share of the population.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 208

Skill: Conceptual


4) Every society tries to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called ______.

a. neighborhood watch

b. self control

c. social control

d. the legal system


Answer: c

Page Reference: 208

Skill: Conceptual


5) What concept refers to the formal system that responds to alleged violations of the law using police, courts, and prison officials?

a. the normative system

b. social control

c. civil law

d. the criminal justice system


Answer: d

Page Reference: 208

Skill: Conceptual


6) Based on your reading, it would be correct to say that biological approaches offer:

a. a very limited understanding of crime.

b. a good explanation of most crimes.

c. a good explanation of violent crime.

d. a good explanation of property crime.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 208-209

Skill: Applied


7) Read the four statements below. Which comes closest to the correct view of the role of biology in causing people to commit crimes?

a. Males with certain body types commit the most serious crimes.

b. Lombroso proved a century ago that biological factors are the major cause of crime.

c. Biological factors may have a real but small effect in causing some people to commit crimes.

d. Genetics research has succeeded in explaining most criminality.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 208-209

Skill: Applied


8) Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz claimed that “good boys” have the ability to rein in deviant impulses. They called their analysis:

a. differential opportunity theory.

b. containment theory.

c. libido theory.

d. differential association theory.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 209

Skill: Conceptual


9) The value of psychological theories of deviance is limited because:

a. very few people experience an “unsuccessful socialization.”

b. there has been very little research of this kind.

c. there is no way to distinguish “normal” from “abnormal” people.

d. most people who commit crimes have normal personalities.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 209

Skill: Factual


10) Read the following four statements about the social foundations of deviance. Select the one statement that is FALSE.

a. Deviance exists only in relation to cultural norms.

b. There are many acts that are always and everywhere deviant.

c. People become deviant as others define them that way.

d. What the norms are and how people apply them involve social power.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Applied


11) Assume you were listening to a lecture on Durkheim’s approach to deviance. Which of the following statements might well be the focus of the lecture?

a. Deviance is a normal element of social organization.

b. Deviance is a dysfunctional element of social organization.

c. Deviance is less common in modern societies.

d. Deviance is defined by the rich and used against the poor.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Factual


12) Which of the following are functions of deviance noted by Emile Durkheim?

a. Deviance affirms cultural values and norms.

b. Responding to deviance promotes social unity.

c. Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Factual


13) In his study of New England’s Puritans, Kai Erikson concluded that:

a. people everywhere define mostly the same things as deviant.

b. very religious people create very little deviance.

c. even this disciplined and highly religious group created deviance to clarify the moral boundaries of their community.

d. the proportion of people in the population that the Puritans defined as deviant kept rising over time.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 210-211

Skill: Factual


14) In Robert Merton’s strain theory of deviance, which of the following concepts refers to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting the conventional means to achieve them?

a. innovation

b. ritualism

c. retreatism

d. rebellion


Answer: a

Page Reference: 212

Skill: Conceptual


15) Using the terms of Robert Merton's strain theory, which of the following terms would correctly describe a gangster like Al Capone who made a lot of money breaking the law?

a. innovator

b. ritualist

c. retreatist

d. rebel


Answer: a

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Applied


16) Using the terms of Robert Merton's strain theory, which of the following concepts correctly describes the behavior of a school “dropout” who rejects both cultural goals and the conventional means to reach them?

a. innovator

b. ritualist

c. retreatist

d. rebel


Answer: c

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Applied


17) Using the terms in Robert Merton's strain theory, which of the following concepts correctly describes the behavior of a radical activist who rejects just about everything in the existing society in favor of some alternative system?

a. innovator

b. ritualist

c. retreatist

d. rebel


Answer: d

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Applied


18) Using Robert Merton’s strain theory, how would you classify a low-paid, yet compulsively conforming bank teller who never seems to want to get ahead but never seems to do anything wrong?

a. innovator

b. ritualist

c. retreatist

d. rebel


Answer: b

Page Reference: 210

Skill: Applied


19) Suicide is a particularly serious problem among Aboriginal(s):

a. elders

b. women

c. on urban reserves

d. youth


Answer: d

Page Reference: 211

Skill: Factual


20) Cloward and Ohlin extended Merton’s theory of deviance, stating that crime:

a. reflects both limited legitimate opportunity as well as accessible illegitimate opportunity.

b. is more common among the rich who have more opportunity.

c. is defined in such a way as to overly criminalize the poor.

d. is typically a result of drug dependence or other substance addiction.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 212

Skill: Factual


21) Albert Cohen argues that deviance is most likely to arise among:

a. high-income males.

b. middle-class men and women.

c. low-income youths.

d. all class levels.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 212

Skill: Factual


22) Participating in the subculture that Elijah Anderson describes as "the code of the streets" raises the risk that young people will end up:

a. conforming to conventional morality.

b. doing better than their parents.

c. having a career in law enforcement.

d. in jail or worse.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 212

Skill: Applied


23) The basic idea behind labeling theory is that:

a. deviance is actually useful in a number of ways.

b. deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do.

c. power has much to do with how a society defines deviance.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 213-214

Skill: Conceptual


24) Edwin Lemert described “primary deviance” as:

a. the most serious episodes of deviance.

b. actions that parents define as deviant.

c. a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the person’s self-concept.

d. the experience of deviance early in life.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Conceptual


25) His friends begin to criticize Marco as a “juice-head,” pushing him out of their social circle. Marco begins to drink even more, becomes bitter, and joins a new group of friends who also are heavy drinkers. According to Lemert, Marco's situation illustrates:

a. the onset of primary deviance.

b. the onset of secondary deviance.

c. the formation of a deviant subculture.

d. the onset of retreatism.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Applied


26) What concept did Erving Goffman use to refer to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a person's self-concept and social identity?

a. a deviant ritual

b. a degradation ceremony

c. a secondary identity

d. stigma


Answer: d

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Conceptual


27) The concept "retrospective labeling" refers to the process of:

a. interpreting someone’s past consistent with present deviance.

b. defining someone as deviant for things done long before.

c. criminal adults encouraging their children to become deviant.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 213

Skill: Conceptual


28) Thomas Szasz made the controversial assertion that:

a. deviance is only what people label as deviant.

b. most people in the United States will become insane for some period during their lives.

c. mental illness is a myth so that “insanity” is only “differences” that bother other people.

d. our society does not do nearly enough to treat the mentally ill.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Factual


29) Which of the following statements illustrates the “medicalization of deviance”?

a. theft being redefined as a “compulsive stealing”

b. drinking too much being redefined as “alcoholism”

c. promiscuity being redefined as a “sexual addiction”

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Applied


30) Whether people respond to deviance as a moral issue or a medical matter affects which of the following?

a. who responds—police or medical personnel

b. whether the person is subject to punishment or treatment

c. how personally competent the person is assumed to be

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Factual


31) Edwin Sutherland’s differential association theory links deviance to:

a. how others respond to the behavior in question.

b. the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage conventional behavior.

c. how well a person can contain deviant impulses.

d. how others respond to the race, ethnicity, gender, and class of the individual.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 214

Skill: Factual


32) Travis Hirschi’s control theory suggests which of the following categories of people would be most likely to engage in deviance?

a. students enrolled in college

b. teenagers on sports teams with after-school jobs

c. youngsters who “hang out” waiting for something to happen

d. young people with respect for their parents


Answer: c

Page Reference: 214-215

Skill: Applied


33) According to the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based primarily on:

a. how often the act occurs.

b. the moral foundation of the culture.

c. how harmful the act is to the public as a whole.

d. differences in power between various categories of people.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 215

Skill: Factual


34) Alexander Liazos speaks for the social-conflict approach when he states that:

a. powerless people are at the highest risk of being defined as deviant.

b. deviance has both functions and dysfunctions.

c. deviance exists only in the eye of the beholder.

d. society should ignore victimless crime.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 215

Skill: Factual


35) Using a Marxist approach, Steven Spitzer claims that prime targets for deviant labeling include:

a. people who try to take the property of others.

b. people who don’t want to work for a living.

c. radicals who call for basic change in society itself.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Factual


36) Which of the following concepts refers to crime committed by persons of high social position in the course of their occupations?

a. victimless crime

b. white-collar crime

c. organized crime

d. street crime


Answer: b

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Conceptual


37) Edwin Sutherland stated that white-collar crime

a. almost always leads to a criminal conviction.

b. provokes a strong response from the community.

c. is usually resolved in a civil rather than a criminal court.

d. rarely involves serious harm to the public as a whole.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 216

Skill: Factual


38) Which of the following refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf?

a. corporate crime

b. organized crime

c. victimless crime

d. secondary deviance


Answer: a

Page Reference: 216-217

Skill: Conceptual


39) Organized crime refers to:

a. illegal actions by people with white-collar jobs.

b. illegal actions on the part of a corporation or large business.

c. crime involving the cooperation of two or more businesses.

d. any business that supplies illegal goods or services.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 218

Skill: Conceptual


40) The Sociology and the Media Box in the Deviance chapter notes a notorious example of corporate crime involving gold. Which of the following Alberta companies was the source of this hoax?

a. Enron

b. ImClone

c. Bre-X

d. WorldCom


Answer: c

Page Reference: 217

Skill: Factual


41) A hate crime is defined as:

a. any crime against a person who is a minority.

b. any crime involving anger or other powerful emotion.

c. a criminal act motivated by racial or other bias.

d. any violation of antidiscrimination laws.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 218

Skill: Conceptual


42) Gender figures into the study of deviance because:

a. women account for most arrests for serious crimes in the United States.

b. every society in the world applies stronger normative controls to females than to males.

c. most researchers in this area are women.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Factual


43) Violent crimes include all of the following, except:

a. fraud

b. infanticide

c. manslaughter

d. abduction


Answer: a

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Conceptual


44) In legal terms, a crime is composed of which two components?

a. the act and criminal intent

b. a criminal and a victim

c. the act and the social harm

d. the law and the violation


Answer: a

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Factual


45) Property crimes do NOT include

a. theft under $5,000.00

b. breaking and entering

c. fraud

d. robbery


Answer: d

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Conceptual


46) Mike reports the theft of his dirt bike from the front yard of his house. The police would record this as which of the following types of crime?

a. violent crime

b. property crime

c. robbery

d. auto-theft


Answer: b

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Applied


47) Prostitution is widely regarded as which of the following types of crime?

a. crime against the person

b. crime against property

c. victimless crime

d. corporate crime


Answer: c

Page Reference: 219

Skill: Factual


48) Why should one always read crime statistics with caution?

a. because people lie about being a victim of crime when they are not

b. because most criminals never go to prison

c. because crime statistics only include those crimes known to the police

d. because date rape statistics are believed to be inflated due to the nature of the woman knowing the man


Answer: c

Page Reference: 221

Skill: Applied


49) The likelihood a person will be arrested for a street crime rises sharply:

a. during the late teenage years.

b. in the late twenties

c. during the middle thirties.

d. over age forty.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 221

Skill: Factual


50) Men, who represent less than half of the Canadian population, account for about _____ of all arrests for property crime.

a. 37 percent

b. 51 percent

c. 67 percent

d. 85-90 percent


Answer: c

Page Reference: 221-222

Skill: Factual


51) While Aboriginal people in Canada make up 2% of the Canadian population, they represent approximately _____ of the prison inmates.

a. 1%

b. 11%

c. 41%

d. 98%


Answer: b

Page Reference: 223

Skill: Factual


52) Research suggests that, with regard to social class, arrest for violent and property crime:

a. is about the same for people of all class levels.

b. is higher for people in higher class levels.

c. is higher for people in lower class levels.

d. almost always involves middle-class people.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 222-223

Skill: Factual


53) In terms of gender and racial/ethnic categories, we find that _____ are over-represented in Canadian prisons and more likely to be over-classified, leading to their ending up in maximum security prisons.

a. White men

b. Aboriginal women

c. French women

d. Chinese men


Answer: b

Page Reference: 223

Skill: Factual


54) According to Elliot Currie, factors that explain the high crime rate in the United States by world standards include:

a. their cultural homogeneity.

b. a lack of interest in punishing offenders.

c. the high level of immigration.

d. their emphasis on individual economic success, which weakens the social fabric.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 223

Skill: Factual


55) Who is the primary point of contact between society and the criminal justice system?

a. the courts

b. parole officers

c. lawyers

d. the police


Answer: d

Page Reference: 224

Skill: Factual


56) Society’s formal response to crime is:

a. the criminal justice system

b. revenge

c. total institutions

d. retribution


Answer: a

Page Reference: 224

Skill: Conceptual


57) The oldest justification for punishing an offender is:

a. deterrence.

b. retribution.

c. social protection.

d. rehabilitation.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Factual


58) An act of moral vengeance by which society makes an offender suffer as much as the suffering caused by the crime is referred to as:

a. deterrence

b. rehabilitation

c. societal protection

d. retribution


Answer: d

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Conceptual


59) If a parent threatens a child with punishment in order to discourage wrongdoing, the parent is using punishment to accomplish which of the following?

a. deterrence

b. retribution

c. social protection

d. rehabilitation


Answer: a

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Applied


60) A judge sentences a young man who has committed several crimes to counseling and places him in a supportive foster home. Which of the following concepts describes these efforts to prevent further wrongdoing?

a. retribution

b. deterrence

c. social protection

d. rehabilitation


Answer: d

Page Reference: 227

Skill: Applied


61) The concept criminal recidivism refers to:

a. young people growing up in a criminal environment.

b. efforts by police to enlist help from people in a local community.

c. later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes.

d. the idea that crime does “pay.”


Answer: c

Page Reference: 228

Skill: Conceptual


62) Which of the following are advantages of community-based corrections?

a. reducing prison overcrowding

b. reducing costs of dealing with offenders

c. avoiding the hardships of prison life, including the stigma attached to being incarcerated

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 229

Skill: Factual


63) Which of the following is a unique form of community based corrections with which Canada is experimenting?

a. parole

b. probation

c. sentencing circles

d. total institutions


Answer: c

Page Reference: 229

Skill: Applied


64) Which of the following justifications for punishment is linked to the development of the social sciences?

a. retribution

b. rehabilitation

c. deterrence

d. societal protection


Answer: b

Page Reference: 229

Skill: Conceptual



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