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I really don’t know what their level of expertise is .

The police make an arrest | Madame Tussaud's | Alfred Hitchcock's horror films | Owner – freight forwarder – consignor – consignee | Customs offences receive the most frequent mention, with several reports dwelling on such frauds................ | The ECU – the European Currency Unit | Now I would like to give you an example of ... | Words and Grammar | You might be surprised to learn that... | Vocabulary notes |

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  4. Exercise 12. Analyse the following composite sentences and draw their schemes according to the model given in Item 7.
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No experts know...

Even the European Union authorities...

It is difficult to say...

Nobody knows which...


(Pay attention to the direct word order in the subordinate clauses.)


Text 5

The results of a comparative analysis carried out by the European Commission show the level of responses member states have developed with regard to fraud against the budget of the European Union.

The national Criminal Codes or equivalent bodies of legislation all make provision for offences that can embrace both the Community's and the member states' financial interests. Of these, obtaining by deception, forgery and issuing forged documents and fraudulent conversion are the most important. Some member states (the Netherlands, for example) list dozens of provisions to be found in a great number of separate enactments that can be used against fraudsters, depending on the form the fraud takes.

Most member states believe that the ordinary criminal offences are adequately defined to protect the Community's financial interests. Assimilation for enforcement purposes is implied in provisions creating offences and penalties that are applicable in like manner: to Community and national interests.

Even so, it is clear from some of the reports that the trend is towards making fraud against the Community's financial interests an offence in its own right. The trend has gathered momentum with the Convention on the protection of the Community financial interests on which an agreement was reached at Cannes and which was signed on 26 July 1995. Article 1(2) requires member states to take the necessary and appropriate measures to transpose into their criminal law the provisions of Article 1(1) (defining what constitutes fraud against the Community's financial interests) so as to make the conduct described therein a criminal offence. The purpose, as is clear from the explanatory report, is that member states should make fraud either a specific or an express offence or at least bring it within the general definition of the offence of fraud.

There is a trend towards the development of multidisciplinary control structures with responsibility for all areas of fraud prevention and with wide-ranging investigative powers. In this way the member states hope that more effective steps can be taken to combat organised financial crime which is not necessarily confined to one particular sector.


§ Vocabulary notes



  response [rIs'pons] 1) ответ; 2) отклик, реакция
  in response to   в ответ на
  with regard to   относительно, в отношении, что касается
  to embrace [Im'breIs] 1) охватывать, включать; 2) обнимать
  to obtain [ob'teIn] получать, добывать, приобретать
  deception [dI'sepSn] обман, жульничество, ложь, хитрость
  to practice deception   обманывать
  conversion [k@n'v@:Sn] 1) конверсия, переход, изменение, пересчет;
      2) присвоение, обращение в свою пользу
  dozen [dözn] дюжина
  dozens   множество, масса
enactment [m'{ktma@nt] 1) введение закона в силу; 2) закон, указ  
adequate ['{dIkw@t] соответствующий, адекватный  
adequate definition   точное определение  
to protect   защищать  
to protect from/against   защищать от  
assimilation   ассимиляция, уподобление  
enforcement [In'fo:sm@nt] давление, принуждение  
enforcement measures   принудительные меры  
purpose ['р@:р@s] цель, намерение, назначение  
on purpose   нарочно  
to the purpose   кстати, к делу  
to no purpose   напрасно  
to imply [Im'plaI] значить, заключать в себе  
with all that it implies   со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями  
trend   тенденция  
to gather momentum   усиливаться, расти, наращивать темп, скорость  
appropriate [@'prouprI@t] соответствующий, подходящий  
conduct ['kondökt] поведение  
to conduct [k@n'dökt] вести (себя)  
express [eks'pres] 1) определенный, точно выраженный; 2) срочный  
to range [reIn³] колебаться в известных пределах  
to investigate [In'vestIgate] 1) расследовать, разузнавать, наводить справки;  
    2) исследовать, изучать  
to combat (against) smth [k@m'b{t] сражаться, бороться с чем-либо  
to confine to smth [k@n'faIn] ограничивать чем-либо  


§ Words and Grammar

a Write down the verbs from which the following nouns are formed and translate them all into Russian:


response.. - to respond........... forgery........................................

legislation............................... conversion..................................

provision................................. enactment..................................

offence.................................... enforcement...............................

deception................................. result..........................................


b Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text with a tick (Ú) and make a sentence with each word on the basis of the text:




с Insert the correct prepositions and make sentences on the basis of the text:


with regard... fraud....................................................................................................................................

to make provisions... offences...................................................................................................................

to depend... the form of fraud....................................................................................................................

fraud... the Community's interests.............................................................................................................

to be applicable... to Community interests...............................................................................................

to be clear... the explanatory report............................................................................................................

a trend... the development of multidisciplinary control structures...........................................................

to be confined... one particular sector........................................................................................................


d Put the words in brackets in the appropriate place in the sentences and translate them into Russian:


1 (adequately) The ordinary criminal offences are defined to protect the Community's financial interests.

2 (necessarily) Organised financial crime is not confined to one particular sector.


e Encircle the subjects of the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1 Of these, obtaining by deception, forgery and issuing forged documents and fraudulent conversion are the most important.

2 Some member states list dozens of provisions.

3 The purpose, as is clear from the report, is that member states should make fraud either a specific or an express offence.

4 More effective steps can be taken to combat fraud.


f Encircle attributes and translate the following into Russian:


1 a comparative analysis carried out by the European Commission

2 offences that can embrace both the Community's and the member states' financial interests

3 provisions to be found in a great number of separate enactments

4 enactments that can be used against fraudsters

5 penalties that are applicable in like manner: to Community and national interests

6 the Convention on which an agreement was reached at Cannes and which was signed on 26 July, 1995

7 the conduct described therein


§ Suggested activities

g Sum up what the text said about the latest trends in combating fraud.


h Imagine you are making a short report on the Convention, signed at Cannes in 1995. Try to use the following formulas:

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 56 | Нарушение авторских прав

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