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How did the constellations get their names?

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Most constellation names are Latin in origin, dating from the Roman empire, but their meanings often originated in the distant past of human civilization. Scorpius, for instance, was given its name from the Latin word for scorpion, but ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs from before 3000 B.C. refer to the star group as "Ip," the scorpion king. Orion, the hunter, bears a Greek name, but had been seen as a hunter-hero figure since the times of ancient Babylon.

Of course, many of the constellation names are more modern -- Telescopium, the telescope, being a rather obvious newcomer. In fact, by the 19th century the night sky had become crowded with overlapping and often contradictory constellation boundaries and names as different schools of astronomy prepared their own versions of star maps. To clear up the confusion, names and boundaries were "officially" assigned to 88 constellations by the International Astronomical Union in 1930, providing complete coverage of the entire sky.  
Русское название Латинское название Английское название (English nickname)
Андромеда Andromeda   Andromeda, the Chained Maiden (daughter of Cepheus)
Близнецы Gemini Gemini, the Twins (in zodiac)
Большая Медведица Ursa Major Ursa Major, Great Bear, the Big Dipper, Charles’s Wain, the Plough
Большой Пес Canis Major the Great Dog
  Весы   Libra   Libra, Balance, the Scales (in zodiac)
Водолей Aquarius Aquarius, the Water Bearer (in zodiac)
Возничий Auriga Charioteer, Waggoner
Волк Lupus The Wolf
Волопас Bootes The Herdsman, Bear Watcher
Волосы Вероники Coma Berenices Berenice’s Hair (Queen of Egypt c. 240 B.C.)
Ворон Corvus The Crow
Геркулес Hercules Hercules (mightiest of heroes)
Гидра Hydra Hydra, the Water Snake (usually female in ancient times)
Голубь Columba The Dove (Noah’s dove)
Гончие Псы Canes Venatici The Hunting Dogs
Дева Virgo The Maiden (in zodiac)
Дельфин Delphinus The Dolphin
Дракон Draco Draco, the Dragon
Единорог Monoceros The Unicorn
Жертвенник Ara The Altar
Живописец Pictor Pictor, the Painter
Жираф (верблюд) Camelopardalis The Giraffe
Журавль Grus The Crane
Заяц Lepus The Hare
Змееносец Ophiuchus The Serpent Bearer
Змея Serpens The Serpent
Золотая Рыба Dorado Dorado, the Dolphin Fish
Индеец Indus Indus, the Indian
Кассиопея Cassiopeia Cassiopeia, the Seated Queen (Andromeda’s mother)
Киль Carina Carina, the Keel (of the ship Argo)
Кит Cetus The Sea Monster (Andromeda’s assailant)
Козерог Capricornus Capricorn, the Sea Goat (goat-fish hybrid) (in zodiac)
Компас Pyxis the Magnetic Compass (of the ship Argo)  
Корма Puppis The Stern (of the ship Argo)
Лебедь Cygnus the Swan, the Northern Cross
Лев Leo Lion (in zodiac)
Летучая Рыба Volans The Flying Fish
Лира Lyra The Lyre
Лисичка Vulpecula The Little Fox
Малая Медведица Ursa Minor Ursa Minor, Little Bear, Lesser Bear, the Little Dipper, Dog’s Tail
Малый Конь Equuleus The Little Horse
Малый Лев Leo Minor The Lesser Lion
Малый Пес Canis Minor The Lesser Dog
Микроскоп Microscopium The Microscope
Муха Musca The Fly
Насос Antlia The Air pump
Наугольник Norma Norma, the Carpenter’s Square
Овен Aries The Ram (in zodiac)
Октант Octans The Octant
Орел Aquila The Eagle
Орион Orion Orion, the Hunter
Павлин Pavo The Peacock
Паруса Vela   The Sails (of the ship Argo)  
Пегас Pegasus Pegasus, the Winged Horse
Персей Perseus Perseus, the Hero (Andromeda’s rescuer)
Печь Fornax The Furnice
Райская Птица Apus The Bird of Paradise
Рак Cancer Cancer, the Crab (in zodiac)
Резец Caelum The Sculptor’s Chisel
Рыбы Pisces The Fishes (in zodiac)
Рысь Lynx The Lynx
Северная Корона Corona Borealis The Northern Crown
Секстант Sextans The Sextant
Сетка Reticulum The Reticle
Скорпион Scorpius The Scorpion (in zodiac)
Скульптор Sculptor The Sculptor
Столовая Гора Mensa Mensa, the Table (from Table Mountain)
Стрела Sagitta The Arrow
Стрелец Sagittarius The Archer (in zodiac)
Телескоп Telescopium The Telescope
Телец Taurus Taurus, the Bull (in zodiac)
Треугольник Triangulum The Triangle
Тукан Tucana The Toucan
Феникс Phoenix The Phoenix
Хамелеон Chamaeleon The Chameleon
Центавр Centaurus Centaurus, the Centaur
Цефей Cepheus Cepheus, the King (Andromeda’s farther)
Циркуль Circinus The Drafting Compass
Часы Horologium the Clock
Чаша Crater Crater, the Cup
Щит Scufum The Shield
Эридан Eridanus Eridanus, Celestial River
Южная Гидра Hydrus Austrinus The Southern Snake
Южная Корона Corona Austrina The Southern Crown
Южная Рыба Piscis Austrinus The Southern Fish
Южный Крест Crucisì The Southern Cross, Crux (carved out of Centaurus)
Южный Треугольник Triangulum Australe The Southern Triangle
Ящерица Lacerta the Lizard  



Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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