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Глава 8. Надежда во флаконах

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Читайте также:
  1. А (такая) надежда не постыжает (не разочаровывает) нас, потому что любовь Божия излилась в сердца наши Духом Святым, данным нам.
  2. А теперь пребывают сии три: вера, надежда, любовь (агапе); но ЛЮБОВЬ ИЗ НИХ БОЛЬШЕ.
  5. Здоровый брак строится на больших надеждах
  6. Маленькая надежда облегчить боль

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2. Wong Cathy. What Are Goji Berries? // About.com. – 2006. – August 1. – URL: http://altmedicine.about.com/od/completeazindex/a/goji.htm.

3. Potterat O. Goji (Lycium barbarum and L. chinense): Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Safety in the Perspective of Traditional Uses and Recent Popularity / Planta Medica 76, 11 (January 2010): 7–19. – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19844860.

4. Reeve V. E., Allanson M., Arum S. J., Domanski D., Painter N. Mice Drinking Goji Berry Juice (Lycium barbarum) Are Protected from UV Radiation– Induced Skin Damage via Antioxidant Pathways / Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 9, 1 4 (April 2010): 601–7. – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20354657.

5. How Goji Berries Work // TLC. – http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/goji-berry2.htm.

6. См. URL: http://www.vosgeschocolate.com/product/goji_exotic_candy_bar/exotic_candy_bars.

7. Walker Rob. Consumed // New York Times. – 2009. – June 21.

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9. Young Sandra, Park Madison. Group Challenges Acai Berry Weight-Loss Claims // CNN.com. – 2009. – March 23. – URL: http://articles.cnn.com/2009-03-23/health/acai.berries.scam_1_advanced-wellness-research-acai-weight-loss-claims?_s=PM: HEALTH.

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11. Stibich Mark. Acai Berry’s Anti Aging Properties – Fact or Marketing Fiction? / About.com. – 2009. – May 8; http://longevity.about.com/od/antiagingfoods/a/acai_aging.htm.

12. Weintraub Arlene. Selling the Fountain of Youth: How the Anti-Aging Industry Made a Disease Out of Getting Old – and Made Billions. – Нью-Йорк: Basic Books, 2010. – Р 215–16.

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14. Mirmiran P., Fazeli M. R., Asghari G., Shafiee A., Azizi F. Effect of Pomegranate Seed Oil on Hyperlipidaemic Subjects: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial // British Journal of Nutrition 104, 3 (August 2010): 402–6. – URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20334708.

15. Ibid.

16. См. http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm202785.htm.

17. Ibid.

18. Melnick Meredith. FTC and FDA to POM: You’re Not So Wonderful // Time. – 2010. – September 27. – URL: http://healthland.time.com/2010/09/27/ftc-and-fda-to-pom-youre-not-quite-so-wonderful/.

19. Bell Melissa. Nutrition Buzzwords Make Hay Out of Grains of Truth // Washington Post. – 2010. – May 27. – URL: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/25/AR2010052504622.html.

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22. Saslow Rachel. Are Claims About Beauty Creams Only Skin Deep? // Washington Post. – 2009. – May 12.

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24. Louise Story, ‘Seaweed’ Clothing Has None, Tests Show // New York Times. – 2007. – November 14.

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26. Ibid.

27. Anti-Ageing Face Creams ‘Don’t Work’– Exercise and Eat Sensibly Instead, Say Scientists // Daily Mail. – 2008. – December 1. – URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1090752/Anti-ageing-face-creams-dont-work-exercise-good-diet-do.html.

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31. Ibid.

32. Casey Constance. The Spin Cycle / Slate. – 2010.– September 22.– URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2268089/.

33. Korchnak Peter. Green as a Luxury? Premium Pricing and Conspicuous Consumption // Semiosis Communications. – 2009. – December 14. – URL: http://www.semiosiscommunications.com/green-as-luxury/.

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35. Gutsa Nyasha-Harmony. Marketing Mix in Action: Toyoya Prius / Yahoo Associated Content. – 2009. – June 8. – URL: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1804334/marketing_mix_in_actiontoyota_prius.html?cat=35.

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39. Kenrick Douglas. Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life // Psychology Today. – 2010. – February 15. – URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sex-murder-and-the-meaning-life/201002/want-show-your-wealth-and-status-buy-hybrid.

40. Maynard Micheline. Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’.

41. Cooper Arnie. The Highway to Enlightenment / Mother Jones. – 2002. – January 1.

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48. Ibid.

49. Miller Lisa. 4 Sale: Bones of the Saints // Newsweek. – 2008. – February 11.

50. Ibid.

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53. Ibid.

54. Bogan Jesse. America’s Biggest Megachurches // Forbes. – 2009. – June 26.

55. Ibid.

56. Ibid.


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