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Passive Voice

Відсутність артикля | Інші способи вираження порівняння | Verb. Auxiliary Verbs to be, to have, to do | Future Indefinite (Simple) / Майбутній неозначений час | Present Perfect | To say / to state / to suppose / to see / to order / to hear / to announce / to believe / to think / to ask / to expect / to know / to understand / to consider / to allow | Modals and their equivalents |

Читайте также:
  1. Abstract void voice();
  2. Active and passive grammatical minima
  3. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  4. Active or passive.
  5. Active Passive
  6. Active to passive
  7. Active to passive

I Formation (Утворення)

В англійській мові дієслова вживаються в активному (the Active Voice) і пасивному стані (the Passive Voice).

Активний стан дієслова вживається тоді, коли підмет речення означає особу або предмет, що виконує дію. He wrote this letter yesterday (Past Simple Active).

Пасивний стан вживається тоді, коли дія спрямована на певну особу або предмет. Виконавець дії вводиться сполучником by. This letter was written yesterday by him (Past Simple Passive).

Пасивний стан дієслів утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі активного стану та Participle II (Past Participle) основного дієслова.

to be+VIII(ed)

II Usage (Вживання)

Пасивний стан дієслів вживається у всіх часах активного стану окрім Future Continuous та часових форм групи Perfect Continuous.

This newspaper is sold everywhere. / This house has been already sold. (Affirmative form)

Were these invitations being sent out when we arrived? / Will this be done soon? (Interrogative form)

The car hadn’t been bought yesterday by 3. / Roads won’t have been fixed by the time he comes. (Negative form)

Indefinite Group:

Tense Formation Example
Present Indefinite Passive am / is / are+VIII(ed) This music is too loud. It is heard everywhere. / Foreign passport and visa are required if you go abroad.
Past Indefinite Passive was / were+VIII(ed) We couldn’t enter as the door was shut. / We were asked our names and addresses during interrogation.
Future Indefinite Passive will be+VIII(ed) His complaints will be sent to the head office. / The meeting will be postponed because of his illness.

Continuous group:

Present Continuous Passive am / is / are being+VIII(ed) Her stolen car is being searched by the police now. / At present the questions of salary rise are being discussed by the government.
Past Continuous Passive was / were being+VIII(ed) These cars were being repainted when he came to garage. / The grass on the lawn was being cut down by the gardener yesterday all the evening.

Perfect Group:

Present Perfect Passive have / has been+VIII(ed) An electrical fault has been caused by the fire. / These products have always been sold with great success.
Past Perfect Passive had been+VIII(ed) The room looked better because it had been cleaned by someone. / The office had been redecorated before manager arrived.
Future Perfect Passive will have been+VIII(ed) Military service will have been abolished soon. / Things will have been packed by the time he’s back.


Під час вживання Passive Voice з модальними дієсловами допоміжне дієслово to be не змінює своєї форми, а Participle II (Past Participle) основного дієслова змінюється відповідно, e.g. This equipment must be bought before we start the production. / This question could be discussed earlier if you were more attentive. / She’s nice, she should be invited to the party. / The flight may be delayed, let’s go by train.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 58 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Perfect Continuous Group of Tenses| Sequence of Tenses. Indirect Speech

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