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Present Perfect

Відсутність артикля | Інші способи вираження порівняння | Verb. Auxiliary Verbs to be, to have, to do | Passive Voice | Sequence of Tenses. Indirect Speech | To say / to state / to suppose / to see / to order / to hear / to announce / to believe / to think / to ask / to expect / to know / to understand / to consider / to allow | Modals and their equivalents |

Читайте также:
  1. A Christmas Present
  3. A Team Presentation
  4. A) Uttered Represented Speech
  5. A. Presentation
  6. A. Use the Present Continuous Tense.
  7. Altar – from – the - dead - keep - represents - reflect

I Formation (Утворення)

Утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова have / has (have – I, you, we, they; has – he, she, it) та дієприкметника минулого часу (Past Participle / Participle II) основного дієслова.

have / has+VIII(ed)


Скорочена форма:

I, you, we, they have done / he, she, it has done → I’ ve, you’ ve, we’ ve, they’ vedone / he’ s, she’ s, it’ s done

He has lost his key. / Ow, I’ve burnt myself.! (Affirmative form)

Look at your face! Have you ever shaven? / Who has broken my vase? It looks horrible! (Interrogative form)

I haven’t (have+not) done this yet. / He hasn’t (has+not) gone to Italy yet. (Negative form)

II Usage (Вживання)

  1. Вживається для вираження дії, яка почалася в минулому і закінчилася в теперішньому з результатом:

I’m a little frightened for I have lost my way. / Thanks for invitation, but I’ve seen this film already.

  1. Present Perfect найчастіше вживається з:

Ø прислівниками never / ever / just / already / not yet / lately / recently / up to now / up to the present:

I have never seen him. / Have you ever eaten this fish? / I’ve just arrived. / We have already painted his yacht. / They haven’t discussed this matter yet. / Have you heard from your sister lately? / I haven’t slept much recently. / He has been ill up to now (up to the present);

Ø this morning (week, month, year) / today:

Have you met her this week? / How many cigarettes have you smoked today?;

Ø прийменниками for, since

I haven’t seen him for ages. / He hasn’t seen his relatives since he left for Africa. / I haven’t been here since my childhood;

Ø із висловами: this (it) is the first time:

This is the first time he has driven a car. / It’s the first time I’ve flown.

  1. Presеnt Perfect не вживається в реченнях такого типу:

Що ви сказали? – What did you say? / Я не розчув вашого запитання. – I didn’t hear your question. / Я забув. – I forgot. / Тепер зрозуміло. – Now I understand. / Де ви купили цю книгу? – Where did you buy this book?

III Time-markers (Обставини часу, часові маркери)

Never / ever / just / already / not yet / lately / recently / up to now / up to the present / this morning (week, month, year) / today / for / since / this (it) is the first time


Past Perfect

I Formation (Утворення)

Утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова had для всіх осіб та дієприкметника минулого часу (Past Participle / Participle II) основного дієслова.


Скорочена форма:

I / you / we / they / he / she / it had done → I’ d / you’ d / we’ d / they’ d / he’ d / she’ d / it’ d done

When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home. / I had finished my work yesterday by 5. (Affirmative form)

Had he gone to bed before I arrived? / Had she done her report yesterday by the evening? (Interrogative form)

My house was dirty because I hadn’t (had+not) cleaned it for weeks. / I was very nervous because I had never christened a baby before. (Negative form)

II Usage (Вживання)

  1. Для вираження дії, яка відбулася раніше від іншої минулої дії, позначеної дієсловом у Past Simple:

When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and stolen my fur coat. / Bill had no longer had his car, he had sold it.

  1. Для вираження минулої дії, що вже закінчилася до певного моменту в минулому. Цей момент позначається такими словосполученнями, як: by 2 o’clock, by that (certain) time, by the evening, etc.

They had got married by that time. / She had replied his message only by the next day.

  1. Вживається зі сполучниками hardly / scarcely / nearly / barely (щойно, як тільки-но), де виконується інверсія (перестановка підмета та присудка місцями):

Hardly had we entered the shop, when a shop-assistant came up to us. / Scarcely had he returned home when it started to rain.

III Time-markers (Обставини часу, часові маркери)

By 2 (3, 4…) o’clock yesterday / by that (certain time) yesterday / by the evening yesterday / …(when I…), etc.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Future Indefinite (Simple) / Майбутній неозначений час| Perfect Continuous Group of Tenses

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