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Match the words and expressions (1-8) with their meanings (a- h).

VOCABULARY NOTES | VOCABULARY NOTES | BONDS THAT KEEP WORKERS HAPPY | VOCABULARY NOTES | GRAMMAR EXERCISES | Use the correct form of words from the article to complete these statements. | VOCABULARY NOTES | Complete the sentences. Choose the correct option. | Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. | VOCABULARY NOTES |

Читайте также:
  2. A Listen to the dialogue. Match the columns to form the dialogue.
  3. A syntactic word-group is a combination of words forming one part of the sentence.
  4. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  5. A) Complete the gaps with the words from the box.
  6. A) Explain their meanings;
  7. A) Look at the table below and match the problem with its effect.
1) tactics 2) slogan 3) ditching 4) perceived as 5) impress upon 6) adapt 7) core 8) suffering a) seen or believed to be b) make someone understand something c) change or modify something d) the centre or heart of something e) a saying to catch your attention in an ad f) doing badly, failing g) approach h) dropping or rejecting

Answer the questions.

Do you think advertisements are enough to change people's ideas about a product range?

Do you always believe everything you see and hear in ads? Why (not)?




Planning is about resource allocation, the way that individuals and organisations deploy their limited resources such as time, money and expertise.

In the case of individuals, you could say that there is a worldwide planning industry, with its calendars, diaries, electronic personal organisers and time management training. These courses tend to hand out some fairly obvious advice.

• Make lists of things you have to do. Classify them in terms of urgency and priority.

• Pursue tasks single-mindedly. Do not allow yourself to waste time through distractions and interruptions.

• Delegate. Do not try to do everything yourself.

• Do not try to be a perfectionist in everything. Do each task so that it is 'good enough' for the circumstances.

But all these things are easier said than done.

For complex projects involving many people and tasks, the Gantt chart is the tool of choice. This is a diagram that shows the different stages of a project, indicating the tasks that can be done at the same time as others, and those that must wait until other tasks are completed. Originally conceived about 100 years ago, Gantt charts are now produced using computer software. Other computer-based project management tools have been developed by particular companies or are available commercially.

Companies also have to plan for events that they do not want, such as disasters. Contingency planning is designed to prepare for the worst, with specific plans of action for disaster recovery, including handling of the media and protecting, as far as possible, the company's reputation.

Organisational planning is one element of strategy, where companies make long-term plans about the future development of their activities. Here, they have to anticipate competitors' activities as well as trends in the general economic and political environment. Very large organisations have teams of scenario planners trying to predict how this environment may change and how they might prepare for and perhaps influence this change.


1. Read Rita Emmett's tips on organising your working day and visit the time management website: http://www.ritaemmett.com/articles/12-tips-desk.htm http://www.time-management-tips.com/

2. The Unit 8 Case Study looks at business media and broadcasting. Visit Business Daily for the latest business news from around the world: http://businessdaily.com/


українські відповідники

arrange v – 1) планувати, організовувати заздалегідь, as arrange a meeting – організувати збори; 2) упорядковувати, влаштовувати, as to arrange business – владнати справи; to arrange books in alphabetical order – розставити книги за алфавітом;

asset n – 1) цінність, good health is a great asset – добре здоров’я це значна цінність; 2) (pl) активи, assets and liabilities – актив і пасив;

3) майно, as A sole trader is liable for the debts of his business with personal assets.

budget n – бюджет, кошторис, as a monthly / annual / family / advertising budget; keep within / meet the budget – укластися в бюджет;

budget v 1 ) передбачувати у бюджеті, асигнувати за бюджетом, Ten million euros has been budgeted for the project. – На проект виділили десять мільйонів євро; 2) планувати, розраховувати, as to budget one’s efforts – розрахувати зусилля;

collect v – 1) збирати, as collect data / information / evidence / taxes / debt;

2) колекціонувати, as collect stamps / books / pictures;

3) забирати, отримувати, as collect a parcel in the post office; collect children from school;

consider v – 1) розглядати, обговорювати; обдумувати, as consider options – розглядати варіанти;

2) вважати; The plant is considered poisonous.

3) брати до уваги, враховувати, as all things considered – взявши все до уваги;

data (sg / pl) n – (множ. від datum) – дані, інформація, as analyze / collect / process / store data; data base – база даних;

estimate v – 1) встановлювати вартість, оцінювати; Profits are estimated at $100.

2) оцінювати, судити про щось;His project was highly estimated.

3) складати кошторис, приблизно розраховувати; Police estimate the crowd at 3000.

estimate n – 1) оцінка, підрахунок, as estimate of the cost;

2) кошторис, калькуляція, as a rough calculation;

forecast v – прогнозувати, передбачати, as to forecast sales / profits /;

forecast n – прогноз, передбачення, as sales forecast;

goal n – мета, завдання, as one’s goal in life – мета у житті; to achieve a goal – досягти мети; to set a goal – поставити мету / завдання;

implement v – здійснювати, реалізовувати, as to implement changes / plans / reforms;

schedule n розклад, таблиця, графік, план, as a train schedule; to be ahead of / behind schedule;

schedule v – складати розклад, включати до розкладу; планувати, призначати, as to schedule a meeting;

російські відповідники

arrange v – 1) планировать, организовывать наперед, as arrange a meeting – организовать собрание; 2) упорядочить, устроить, as to arrange a business – уладить дела; to arrange books in alphabetical order – расставить книги в алфавитном порядке;

asset n – 1) ценность, as good health is a great asset – хорошее здоровье это огромная ценность; 2) (pl) активы, assets and liabilities – актив и пассив;

3) имущество;A sole trader is liable for the debts of his business with personal assets.

budget n – бюджет, смета, as a monthly / annual / family / advertising budget; keep within / meet the budget – уложиться в бюджет;

budget v. 1 ) предусматривать в бюджете, асигновать по бюджету; Ten million euros has been budgeted for the project. – На проект выделили десять миллионов евро; 2) планировать, рассчитывать, as to budget one’s efforts – рассчитать усилия;

collect v – 1) собирать, as collect data / information / evidence / taxes / debt;

2) коллекционировать, as collect stamps / books / pictures;

3) получать, забирать, as collect a parcel in the post office; collect children from school;

consider v – 1) рассматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать, as consider options – рассматривать варианты;

2) считать, полагать; The plant is considered poisonous.

3) принимать во внимание, учитывать, as all things considered – приняв все во внимание / учитывая все;

data (sg / pl) n – (множ. от datum) – данные, информация, as analyze / collect / process / store data; data base – база данных;

estimate v – 1) оценивать, устанавливать стоимость; Profits are estimated at $100.

2) оценивать, судити о чем-то;His project was highly estimated.

3) составлять смету, рассчитывать; Police estimate the crowd at 3000.

estimate n – оценка, расчет, as estimate of the cost;

forecast v – прогнозировать, предсказывать, as to forecast sales / profits / weather;

forecast n – прогноз, расчет, предсказание, as sales forecast;

goal n – цель, задача, as one’s goal in life – цель жизни; to achieve a goal – достичь цели; to set a goal – поставить цель;

implement v – осуществлять, реализовывать, воплощать, as to implement changes / plans / reforms;

schedule n расписаие, таблица, гафик, план, as a train schedule; to be ahead of / behind schedule;

schedule v – составлять расписание, вносить в график, планировать, назначать, as to schedule a meeting;

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