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Vocabulary notes

Complete the text. Choose the correct option. | Match the words and expressions (1-8) with their meanings (a- h). | MANAGING PEOPLE | VOCABULARY NOTES | BONDS THAT KEEP WORKERS HAPPY | VOCABULARY NOTES | GRAMMAR EXERCISES | Use the correct form of words from the article to complete these statements. | VOCABULARY NOTES | Complete the sentences. Choose the correct option. |

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українські відповідники

design v – придумувати, розробляти; проектувати; конструювати;; as to design a plan / building / dress; The programme is designed to help older people. – Програма покликана допомогти літнім людям. Who designed your website?

design n – задум, план; креслення, проект, модель; as innovative / good / poor design; produce / develop / improve a design; The innovative design of the product won several awards.

distribute v – розповсюджувати, поширювати; As small American companies generate more sales overseas, the infrastructure for distributing US products will continue to improve.

distribution n – розповсюдження, продаж через канали збуту;

distributor n – дистрибутор, розповсюджувач, агент з продажу, local / international / national distributor; We have appointed the company as sole distributor of our goods in Japan.

energy-saving adj – енергосберігаючий, економічний, ефективний, as energy-saving product / technology / initiative;

best- (used in compounds) – най-, над-, самий, as bestseller – найбідьш ходовий товар, best-buy – найвигідніша покупка; The magazine has published a table of best-buy travel insurance policies.

-friendly (used in compounds) – легкий у використанні, що підходить для певної групи, as environmentally-friendly company / car / fuel, user-friendly design / customer-friendly bank / child-friendly working environment; There are a lot of investors backing firms that are environmentally-friendly.

high- (used in compounds) – чудовий, вищий, кращий, as high-priced – дорогий, high-quality – високоякісний, high-tech – високотехнологічний: high-tech devices / equipment / gadgets; The Internet and all sorts of high-tech gadgets are changing the way children learn.

well- (used in compounds) – добре, вірно, as well-balanced – врівноважений, well-planned – добре спланований; The fund is well-managed and consistent in performance.

long-lasting adj – тривалий, довгостроковий, з тривалим терміном служби, as long-lasting friendship / effect / battery;

reliable adj – надійний, вірний; Consumer demand for fuel-efficient, reliable vehicles is on the increase.

vehicle n – транспортний засіб, автомобіль, as to drive / operate a vehicle – управляти якимось транспортним засобом, hired / rented vehicle – арендований транспорт, space vehicle – космічний корабель;

російські відповідники

design v – придумывать, разрабатывать; проектировать; конструировать; as to design a plan / building / dress; The programme is designed to help older people. – Программа призвана помочь пожилым людям. Who designed your website?

design n – замысел, план; чертеж, проект, модель; as innovative / good / poor design; produce / develop / improve a design; The innovative design of the product won several awards.

distribute v – распространять; As small American companies generate more sales overseas, the infrastructure for distributing US products will continue to improve.

distribution n – распространение, продажа через каналы сбыта;

distributor n – дистрибутор, распространитель, агент по продаже, local / international / national distributor; We have appointed the company as sole distributor of our goods in Japan.

energy-saving adj – энергосберегающий, экономичный, эффективный, as energy-saving product / technology / initiative;

best- (used in compounds) – наи-, сверх-, самый, as bestseller – наиболее ходовой товар, best-buy – наиболее выгодная покупка; The magazine has published a table of best-buy travel insurance policies.

-friendly (used in compounds) – легкий в использовании, подходящий для определенной группы, as environmentally-friendly company / car / fuel, user-friendly design / customer-friendly bank / child-friendly working environment; There are a lot of investors backing firms that are environmentally-friendly.

high- (used in compounds) – превосходный, высший, лучший, as high-priced – дорогой, high-quality – высококачественный, high-tech – высокотехнологичный: high-tech devices / equipment / gadgets; The Internet and all sorts of high-tech gadgets are changing the way children learn.

well- (used in compounds) – хорошо, правильно, as well-balanced – уравновешенный, well-planned – хорошо спланированный; The fund is well-managed and consistent in performance.

long-lasting adj – продолжительный, долгосрочный, с длительным сроком службы, as long-lasting friendship / effect / battery;

reliable adj – надежный, верный; Consumer demand for fuel-efficient, reliable vehicles is on the increase.

vehicle n – транспортное средство, автомобиль, to drive / operate a vehicle – управлять каким-л. транспортным средством, hired / rented vehicle – арендуемый транспорт, space vehicle – космический корабль;

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав

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