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Comparison of adverbs

Answering Machine Messages | ENGLISH IN USE | The art of travelling light | VII. Choose the best variant from the ones given in brackets. | Supermarket companies like the new technology because | Choose one of two topics and prepare a short talk on it. | PREPOSITIONS OF TIME | PRESENT PERFECT | FUTURE TENSES | COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS |

Читайте также:
  1. Adjectives and Adverbs
  3. Adjectives and Adverbs
  4. Adverbial clauses of comparison
  5. Adverbial clauses of comparison.
  6. Adverbs and adverbials showing degrees of variability
  7. Adverbs of Frequency


  Positive Comparative Superlative
adverbs with the same form as adjectives fast faster the fastest
two-syllable adverbs ending in -ly early earlier the earliest
two-syllable or compound adverbs often clearly more often more clearly the most often the most clearly

She makes suggestions more often.

The fastest way of traveling is by air.


Module 9




Present Participles (-ing) –are used like adjectives or adverbs, active in meaning:

The person making a presentation is my colleague.

Past Participles (-ed) - are used like adjectives or adverbs, passive in meaning:

The building located in the Cheluskintsev Street is our headquarters.

Participles go

· after a noun (identify the noun):

The person making a presentation is my colleague Goods bought in the sales cannot be refunded.

· after there is /there was: There is somebody sitting in my place.

· at the beginning of a sentence in written English: Arriving at the office, I heard a loud noise. Being inquisitive, he always asks a lot of questions. Situated on a rocky land, the villa has a wonderful view.



be (in all tenses) + V -3

+ - ?
I am / was promoted. I am / was not promoted. Am / was I p romoted?
He (she, it) is / was promoted. He (she, it) is / was not promoted. Is / was (he, she, it) promoted?
We (you, they) are / were promoted. We (you, they) are / were not (aren’t) promoted. Are / were we (you, they) promoted?


Sales of package tours are affected by weather conditions. (Present Simple)

Sales of package tours were affected by weather conditions. (Past Simple)

The office is being redecorated. (Present Progressive)

The office was being redecorated while they were away on the seminar. (Past Progressive)

The computer hard disk has been upgraded by a specialist in software. (Present Perfect)

Note: we use by to mention who performs an action.

The computer hard disk had been upgraded by a specialist in software before we came back. (Past Perfect)

A copy can easily be made. (with can)

That old building is going to be demolished. (with be going to)



We use the passive when:

a) the agent is unknown, unimportant or obvious: The missing file has been found. (unimportant agent) He has been promoted to the post of Sales Director. (Obviously by the Chief/ Board)

b) focus on the agent: All her clothes are designed by Armani.

c) make more polite or formal statement: My computer has been broken. (It’s more polite than saying: “You’ve broken my computer”).


  Simple Progressive Prefect Prefect progressive
Present am is asked are am is being asked are have been asked has NO Prefect progressive Prefect forms are used
Past was asked were was being asked were   had been asked
Future will (shall) be asked Future Simple will have been asked
  be V3 be being V3 have been V3


Module 10






· Modal verbs are followed by infinitives: I can speak English.

· The third person singular doesn’t take – s: He can take you to the station.

· Modal verbs don’t have – ing forms, past forms or passive / third forms.

· Form the negative: modal verb+ not: You mustn’t park here. (not You don’t must park here.)



to talk about ability: I can do it

to give or ask permission (informal): You can use my computer. Can I borrow your car?

can’t / mustn’t

to express prohibition: You can’t smoke on the plain. You mustn’t drink alcohol at work.

improbability: That can’t be true.

lack of ability: I can’t speak French.

could / couldn’t

to express possibility: You could talk to your boss if it’s a problem.

ability in the past: I couldn’t drive when I was 16.

to make a polite requests and ask for help: Could you give me a lift?

to ask forand give permission: Could I borrow your car?

to speculate about the past or the present (logical assumption): He could be Italian – he speaks English with an accent.

must / have to

to talk about obligation: I must write this report for Monday. (personal obligation); I have to write this report for Monday. (obligation from circumstances )

to speculate about the present or the past (logical assumption): Look at them, how happy they are. They must be enjoying the victory.

don’t have to / needn’t / not need to

to express lack of obligation (absence of necessity) We don’t have to wear a uniform at the office. You needn’t come before 9 o’clock. The meeting starts at 9.30 (decision made by the speaker)

We don’t need to pay for parking here. (decision is made by someone else)


to give advice (general) You should tell the truth.

to express obligation: Everyone should learn to communicate.

probability: He should do an MBA. (he will probably do)

may / might

to ask for permission: May I sit here?

to express possibility: We may / might go to Greece this year. We haven’t decided yet.

to speculate about the present or the past: He always sleeps during the day. He may like working at night. She was awake all night. She might be resting now.

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