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Halva-halva…” or “As the thief has stolen cudgel from the other thief”.

Whether it is possible to blow up the nuclear power plant? | Make itself (or 40 years back). | Shall we help the terrorist? | What is offered to build in Belarus | Where does the activity of Belarusian atomic lobbyists leads? | Quiet” emissions from the nuclear power plants | We cannot wait for favor from the Nature…The version of academician Valery Legasov. | Where to put radioactive waste? | Therefore, Chernobyl accident in 1986 was not the first. Simply - this did not manage to be hidden. | The Consequences of nuclear accidents. |

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This part has the direct attitude to that we call lie. However, in the previous part, we spoke about “honest lie”, and this one is about absolutely “disgraceful lie”. In addition, it was necessary to mention it.

Clever people live in so-called East countries: how many cleverest thoughts have passed from them to our language! “Wise men” from the Russian concourse of “wise men” named “Rosenergoatom” have forced us to recollect one of these wise thoughts.

Moreover, this wisdom consists in the following: “Saying " halva - halva " won't make your mouth sweet”. Moreover, in fact this wisdom is simple. Each of us can easily verify it on himself. However, in fact that is insulting: there are people for whom this simple wisdom is not understandable until now. Though we are not going to speak about this people: they have safely hidden in the certain cocoon named «Press centre of concern “Rosenergoatom“. It would be desirable to conduct, as they say, discussion (or simply to argue), looking directly in eyes. They speak something about any “openness”, but behind a dense environment of “cocoon”, it was not possible to make it.

It was possible to meet these representatives of concern with so loud title on pages of one of the most popular Russian newspaper “Izvestiya” [110].

Let us start with the first idea of authors of this composition. However, it is not ideas, and thoroughly shabby and repeatedly discredited “thoughts”. The authors of this composition are not familiar with above mentioned east wisdom - there is clear their attempt to retry repeatedly their “thoughts”, may be we shall believe in them. Therefore, we shall ask them to speak.

«The comprehensive analysis of development of global energy has shown, that substantial perspectives for other energy sources in relation to atomic in the foreseeable future are not present. Moreover, Russia educes now on ways of perfecting of an atomic industry, and nuclear power plants are the guarantor of power stability of the country”.

What will you tell concerning these rather categorical affirmations? If you already managed to read even a part of this book, you could correct “these affirmations” a little without difficulty. For these purpose it is enough to insert into the text only three moments, changing sense of each affirmation on the opposite. That is, these affirmations should be accepted as opposite. We really want to separate these insinuations into constituent parts. However, for this purpose we should repeat everything that is already written in the book.

In addition, if these “masterpieces” were unique in “message” of atomic lobbyists hardly it was necessary to recollect them in general. However, they have taken a great interest and have gone further. Still: “Rosenergoatom” bears all entirety of the responsibility for ensuring nuclear and radiation safety of power units”. Well, it is very good, that bears, but then let it bears not in words, but in practice. The blown up Chernobyl reactor was the most outstanding accident in all history of atomic energy and in “radiation safety of the power unit?” But who bears “all entirety of the responsibility” for this catastrophe? Alas, nobody is visible even close to it. To tell the truth, they attempted to slip away from the responsibility: our organization is created only in 1992 and Chernobyl was earlier. However, it does not convince. First, this organization was established not on empty place, which means, that they will not manage to reset past sins from themselves. If, for example, one firm has robed other, but then changed the title, does mean that it is not the thief anymore? And, second, Chernobyl tragedy – not one-time event, its victims and damage extend on hundreds and thousand years. It is hardly to someone to refuse from it. So where this «entirety of the responsibility?” Again – demagogy and lie.

Moreover, it is still far from being all: “the Atomic energy of Russia provided stable delivery of country with the cheap electric power”. In here, also there is that “halva” which is repeated to us already few times. However “won't make our mouth sweet”. Even on the contrary: bitterness from this endless lie more and more strengthens, because atomic lobbyists diligently attempt to reset from cost of “the nuclear electric power” that colossal “makeweight” which they created by human-made Chernobyl tragedy.

Dear reader, whether it is necessary to convince you once again that “the electrical part” of production of the nuclear power plant is far from being so cheap and that nuclear lobbyist try to deceive us repeatedly. However, we offer to you one unpretentious estimated operation.

Let’s imagine, that all charges on production of “the nuclear electric power” are reduced only to charges on construction of the nuclear power plant and on it’s decommission after projected service life in 30 years. First of these values for the unit with the capacity in 1000 MW appears in any way not less than 5 billion US dollars. In most cases, builders cannot fit into this sum. However, we shall not start with the greater cost, we shall take the minimum. Decommission – suspicious business as such experience practically not present in the world. However, all unanimously affirm that such operation in any way will cost not less than cost of the construction. Thus the minimum initial sum for an assessment reaches M = 10 billion dollars. It needs to be divided into total of the electric power that the power unit for all time of its exploitation - N is capable to produce. In addition, we shall receive number for an assessment of the minimum cost price of «the nuclear electric power”. So,

N = the capacity of the unit (kW), X number of hours in year (hour) X period of work (years) X coefficient of the unit capacity, that is

N = 1000000 X 8760 X 30 X 0,7 = 1,84.1011 kW/hour.

From here, we find the minimum of the cost price

Cost min = М/N = 1010 dollars: 1,84.1011 kW/hour = 0,054 dollars / kW/hour

Also, it is obtained, that the lowermost assessment of the cost price of “the nuclear electric power” makes

Cost min = 5,43 cents/ kW/hour

And this is without all working costs (cost of fuel, payment of staff, waste reposition, compensation of risks, etc.). Therefore, the substantial cost price of “the nuclear electric power” will appear much above. In addition, the cost price of the electric power produced at thermal plants, compounds about 2,8 cents / kW/hour (see tab. 3). Earlier we spoke, that cost of at “the nuclear electric power” at least in five times is higher than cost of the “thermal”. It is almost like that already.

How do nuclear power plants produce the «cheap» electric power? And in fact it is retried uncountable quantity of times. Probably, they still hope, that we shall believe in it. They in fact need to deceive us anyway. To persuade again to build nuclear power plants. Probably that is very much favourable to them. Then, when we shall clear up, will be already too late. As they say, is gone with the wind!

You know, it would be desirable even to to drive atomic lobbyists out of their wits, to offend them. That they will bring an action against us. However, how we did not make such attempts, atomic lobbyists obstinately keep silence. Similar, they have nothing to tell. However, they obstinately continue to repeat, “we are the best”, “we the most favourable”. Still hope, that they will be allowed to build these most dangerous and incoherent structures.

Similar, atomic lobbyists cannot confuse us with that constant invoking: “the halva, a halva, a halva…»

And about other energy sources we shall talk with you later.

How careful atomic lobbyists are! And as they care of “interests of the state”! And write, that the primary goals are for them are to gain increase of production of the electric power necessary for the industry”. Well they are simple our saviours. Whether is this “gain” necessary? In fact it is known, that our welfare is defined not by quantity of the power expended for production but on the opposite way. It is necessary to study to save energy, instead of squandering it. Russia and Belarus should learn to do it at advanced and for this reason richest countries. Pushing country on thoughtless increase of production of power, atomic lobbyists commit a great crime, causing country to go on aged ways of out-of-date technologies and productions of out-of-date production. In fact, today they represent the branch of economy out-of-date and irreclaimable technologies. Furthermore extremely expensive.

In this plan the assessment stated by Russian academician Z.Alferov is rather interesting: “if only 15 % of the means thrown on development of atomic energy have been spent for development of alternate energy sources, than NPP would not be necessary for energy production of the USSR. That 85 % of the means extracted by atomic lobbyists from the budget of country (which is from our pockets) is used not for the country development but for harm to all of us. That is frank theft! And the theft in special large dimensions and with certainly criminal purposes.

Here that is undercover of the main purpose of the publication in the newspaper of an opus of “Rosenergoatom”. More than 60 % from volume of this “material” which has been printed out, by the way, “on rights of advertising» are devoted to plaintive petitions to how they were plundered with any dishonest people whom have production false bills of this organization on stock market. They have been for the sum, incomparably smaller, than this organization has plundered us.

As you like this situation: “As the thief has stolen cudgel from the other thief”. Somehow, it is not so a pity of those whom have stolen. It would be necessary to judge together both of them. It would be good to isolate the first one’s from a society on so long time as it, will be good if it would be exile for life with appropriation of everything stolen before.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 44 | Нарушение авторских прав

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