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Shall we help the terrorist?

Condition of construction of nuclear reactors in the world for 1998 on IAEA data ([16], tab. 11). | Is it easy to decommission NPP? | So how much does the electric power, produced on NPP cost? | About safety of NPP. | The staff decide all … But what and how? | Chernobyl and other. | Economic damage - not less than 1 billion US dollars. | And what there in Japan? | Switzerland. And at what here Chernobyl? | Whether it is possible to blow up the nuclear power plant? |

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  1. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the freedom of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.
  2. As soon as we finish work we shall go to the pictures.
  3. Can / could / may / might / must / mustn't / needn't / shall / Should / will / would
  4. Chapter 13 - A Sight Which I Shall Never Forget
  5. Do you really think I shall(вы, правда, считаете, что я смогу: «овладею теорией»)?’ asked little Hans(спросил маленький Ганс).
  6. During their traineeship, trainees shall be obliged to consult with their traineeship adviser on any action they propose taking with regard to the EESC's activities.
  7. Hereinafter shall be referred to collectively as “Parties” or singularly as “Party”).

Each person dreams about something. Dreams can be good or bad. And the person too can be good or bad. Moreover, the terrorist, with what plausible purposes he would not justify his actions, is certainly bad person. His dreams and action will not be agreed with our universal principles in any way. But to convince him that is impossible to behave ill, hardly be possible. And his major principle: than worse is that what he does, than better. The limit to this worse is hardly possible. With each year, we find out about increasing “achievements” of terrorists. It seems, that terrible explosions of planes in World Trade Centre in New York, killed thousands of people, were not so long time ago. In addition, «the clan of terrorists» conceives actions that are even more terrible. However, for this purpose for it is necessary perfect, more refined more powerful means. The Humankind has invented nothing more terrible than the nuclear and hydrogen explosives invoked with one blow to delete the whole city and millions of people, for the present. Moreover, steel these kinds of weapons «black dream» of modern terrorist.

The catchwords of academician P.L.Kapitsy who has called nuclear power plant «the atomic bomb giving an electricity», does not give rest to these people. Not casually those countries which dream of an atomic bomb, continue to build nuclear power plants today for themselves. The atomic weapons in the literal sense of this word would immediately “be extracted” from like a peace atomic reactor. From the spent fuel of an atomic reactor, the stuffing for atomic (and hydrogen too) charges is produced. Nevertheless, between this fuel and a material for an atomic charge there is some “distance”, to overcome which is very difficult. The matter is that the content of the Uranium - 235 in a routine pressured water reactor changes in limits of 3,5-4,0 percents. It is not enough for an atomic charge. Enrichment of this spent fuel that is increase of the content of the Uranium-235 in many times is required. Here that also arises a problem. The today’s technology of enrichment using super fast centrifuges is extremely complex and laborious. In addition, it is very expensive. For many countries, this procedure has become an irresistible barrier on ways to a desired atomic charge. It is difficult for even very rich terrorists. While these difficulties salvage us from «nuclear terrorism». However, it, alas, while. Already today, these sworn enemies of all Humankind have some hopes that their dreams can come true.

One of substantial outputs for them can be assistance from those who has the necessary materials. We would like to hope that it is not the intelligent or deliberate help. That it can take place because of a negligence, irresponsibility or incompetence. That is no help for us from it. The last time Russian atomic lobbyists persistently «force through» the idea of construction of the floating nuclear power plants. This idea, to say you the truth, is not new [70]. In 1969, the American concern “Westinghouse” has created subsidiary company with the purpose of construction of eight floating nuclear power plants. For these purposes, 180 million dollars were spent, when works have been terminated because of principal defects of this idea. The idea and all developed materials have written off in archive. Is not so «secret material» managed to be stolen by these Russian atomic lobbyists from a dusty angle of the American archive of the «marked down ideas»? We in fact are not accustomed to study on another’s errors, we prefer mistake of our own.

Also new promotion of this completely not new and spent idea began. So, in what is its sense? It is offered to mount on the big barge in length of 140 meters two ship reactors with the conforming electro technical stuffing. Ship reactors are selected because of their compactness and rather small weight. However, it is achieved by utilization in reactors of nuclear fuel of high concentration. Therefore, in the swimming nuclear power plant is planed to load 996 kgs of fuel with the 60-percent content of the Uranium – 235 in each of two reactors. (We shall remind that in routine reactors - only 3,5-4,0 percents). It is in fact - practically weapon uranium! Yes, it is supposed to fill with it floating «storehouses of weapon uranium». Such amount of uranium is enough for manufacturing of several dozens of atomic charges.

Prepared material for the whole heap of atomic explosives! This is the dream of the terrorist! The touching care of Russian atomic lobbyists about the international company of terrorists simply moves. They are ready to grant these terrorists a huge choice of objects for possible piracy capture. Furthermore, such midget ship, being at an anchor, is practically impossible to defend from undermining or from the air. The author of the article [70] name value 50 as first stage (please pay attention it is only the first stage!) of constructions of such swimming “enticements” for terrorists. For the beginning, they would like to make happy with so “valuable” surprises few human settlements of the northern shore of Russia. If to calculate, may be oceanic navy of Russia will suffice for guarding these objects. Further, they plan to sale such nuclear power plants to other countries of the world. Indonesia, Algeria, Argentina, Vietnam, Northern Korea, Morocco and Chile figure in this list. We can arise a serious problem: whether the Russia has enough fighting ships for the escorting of “transports” with weapon uranium in waters of far oceans? Also look, what impressing list of countries! Imagine how many new states, secretly dreaming to get atomic weapons, will receive a substantial possibility to enter the list of nuclear countries. In fact, it eliminates the main obstacle from their way – necessity to create an own industry on production and enrichment of uranium. That is the struggle against dissemination of weapons of mass destruction!

In addition, it is easier to terrorists too, not necessarily to construct an atomic charge. There is such a thing, as «the dirty nuclear charge». It is completely not atomic charge, but vile consequences from it can appear very serious. In addition, it is not difficult “to sculp” it. If Russian atomic lobbyists will help to get uranium (better is in weapon concentration) it is almost done: in ordinary explosive add more uranium, put a routine detonator, and the charge is ready. At explosion of such charge, a radioactive stuffing will carry on huge territory and will irrevocably ruin all alive on it. If only Russian atomic lobbyists have not let down, would construct “swimming” installations faster.

To tell the truth, and without “swimming” installations Russian atomic lobbyists strenuously “try” to provide all interested persons with any radioactive materials. It appears [71], that «today Russia – the leader on deliveries of nuclear and radioactive materials on world “black market”. In addition, huge amount of the accrued spent nuclear fuel, both from nuclear power plants, and from reactors of submarines invokes the fear. Plus to everything, in the research institutes experimenting with nuclear materials, a control and protection is even worse, than at the enterprises of a fuel cycle and military objects». And in these conditions Russian atomic lobbyists from blessing the State Dumas (The Parliament of Russia) want to deliver to Russia spent fuel (SNF) from another’s reactors. For them is not enough “goods”, with which they do not know what to do, and damage from which already today even it is difficult to imagine. Therefore, they also want other’s waste! Alas, even transporting of SNF on many thousand kilometres can create many problems, danger of unpredictable contingencies, accidents, and diversions. In addition, in these questions we, people, are more than capable. Furthermore, unreasonableness and danger of this “operation” can reach people. They also will sit on rails as citizens of Germany have made it. What then? Whether atomic lobbyists think about this situation or …? Truly speak: if the God wants someone to punish, he lose one’s reason.

Probably the main terrorist of world Ben Laden should found the highest award (with the considerable premium, certainly) for merits in special large dimensions before international terrorist community and to present it to Russian atomic lobbyists. They have undoubtedly deserved it already for “desire” to help to this company.

After so serious problems, capable to arise in an event of realization of an invention with the swimming nuclear power plants, somehow it would not be desirable to speak about any “trifles” at all. But, alas, and they could be enough in order to give up for lost on this kind of atomic power installations [70], [65] once and for all. That are low reliability of reactors, and high probability of originating of accidents, including so-called out-of-limit accidents, and high sensitivity to errors of the staff, and practical impossibility of the control of metal elements of a reactor, and the highest cost price of the electric power. The list of defects of the design could be continued. However, probably, it is quite enough.

There is also one more moment, capable considerably facilitate life to the future atomic terrorists. Men of science of the most powerful “nuclear” countries of the world do a lot and have already made to approximate the modern terrorist to realization of his premeditations. Impatient journalists even more often report to us about achievements of scientists in the nuclear physics and about the unique technologies permitting extremely simplify the path to building of powerful and compact nuclear devices, to receiving initial materials for it. So, in the article of B.Soldatenko [64] with threateningly figurative title “Where the private atomic charge will emerge?” - it is told about the works of Sergey Bahvalov - the largest expert in the sphere of nuclear technologies. That is perfecting of technology of secretion of plutonium (the basis of atomic and hydrogen charges), and utilization of Osmium-187 for building of small nuclear ammunition with huge force, and many other things. On August 18 2002, Sergey Bahvalov has disappeared. In ten days, his mutilated body was revealed. Similar that his knowledge and experience were necessary for those who attempts to get own atomic weapons. The tragedy which has occurred with him can testify only that terrorist could not get anything from him. Assassination of so outstanding nuclear engineering was not the first. In addition, how many nuclear scientists have disappeared? In addition, where they now?

In one article published in AiF (Arguments and Facts – Russian analytical weekly) [72], the author Alexander Kolesnichenko with manifestative delight tells about works of one more groups of the Russian scientists on transformation of chemical elements. It is possible, that these works of group of Leonid Uritsky will result in building of rather cheap technology of transformation of such, for example, widespread enough element, as lead, in the purest gold. Quite substantially. May be the forecast of Vladimir Iljich Lenin that hereafter public toilets will build of gold will come true. However, this “perspective” does not impress us so much. However, the author of the article with not smaller delight tells about a possibility of «enrichments of uranium on small, almost self-made installation». Whether for a long time it seemed impossible. In addition, in fact, it appears that it can be possible. About what here to speak: an outstanding mind is necessary for this purpose.

But!... In addition, in that “but” is the whole sense. Such technology – not simply a discovery, but also a limit of dreams of “the modern terrorist”. Let it appear only, and they will think up how to reach it. Also, what will be then?! How here not to recollect the wise statement of the wisest person Zeno of Citium (The Stoic), reached up to us from the third century B.C.:

“Intelligence serves to a person to realize the impossible,

Reason serves to find out whether this is necessary to realize from a general point of view”

It is difficult to convict our contemporaries in absent mind. A lot of “completely impossible” discovering and inventions is really made in past decades. However, on what all this went? Most, apparently, peace discovering suddenly appeared at militaries. In addition, as a rule, militaries appeared the first in original competition. It was both with an atomic energy, and with lasers, and with other achievements of science and technology. And in fact, probably, in all events developers swore (and probably even trusted in it), that bear happiness to us – to inhabitants of the Planet Earth. In result lead the Earth to the most dangerous ecological condition and have framed all conditions for destruction of the life on the Earth. Truly speaks in fact that the road to the Hell is laid out by good intents.

The most serious question: whether the scientist has the moral right, aspiring to advanced designs and discovering not to take into account in what it can result? For this purpose, that also it is necessary

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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