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Vernacular focus

Practical Focus | Vernacular Focus | Vernacular Focus | Notably unheroic protagonists | Practical focus | Essay writing focus |

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  1. B. Vocabulary focus 1
  2. C. Vocabulary focus 2
  3. Car alfaRomeo156, fordFocus, fiat500;
  4. CELTA Written Assignment 1: Focus on the Learner
  6. Essay writing focus
  7. Ex. 16 Grammar focus. Conditional sentences (types 1 and 2).



Read the paragraph about characters

All stories are about people, and the stories that move us most, the ones that stick inside years later, are those inhabited by (населенный, заселенный) characters we can connect with and admire. No characters resonate more (вызывать больший отклик / резонировать более) than those who in the course of a story learned how to transcend their own flaws and weaknesses (превосходить, превозмогать собственные недостатки и слабости) to do something great – this is known as a Character Arc.

Character Arc – the rocky path of personal growth and development a character undergoes in a story, usually unwillingly, during which the character wrestles with and eventually overcomes some or all of a serious emotional fear, limitation, block or wound.

Weaknesses, imperfections, quirks and vices (слабости, недостатки, капризы / причуды и пороки) make a character more real & appealing. They humanize (очеловечивать) a character. The audience can identify with them. Flaws and imperfections give a character somewhere to go and progress toward in the story. The development of a character is only interesting if they overcome something (“Character Development Drives Conflict” / http://www.musik-therapie.at/PederHill/Character.htm).


Vernacular focus

1. Translate the underlined phrases from the meta-focus text above, suggest examples of your own relying on the meta-focus stock

1. Translate the sentences to follow

1. Слабости, несовершенства, капризы, пороки – все это делает героя понятным и интересным для читателя, одним словом – превращает его в обычного человека

Weaknesses, imperfections, quirks and vices make a character more clear/easy to understand and interesting for a readers, … in other words they humanize him.

2. Герой, который преодолевает свои несовершенства, чтобы чего-то достичь, вызывает гораздо больше отклика, чем безупречный механизм, запрограммированный на безупречные поступки

The character who transcends his own flaws and weaknesses to achieve something resonates more than irreproachable/flawless mechanism which programmed to act perfectly.

3. На страницах лучших романов (населяющие их) герои страдают, совершают ошибки, борются со страстями и преодолевают себя ради высокой цели, и именно об этом интересно читать, сопоставляя себя и того, кто такой же смертный, как и ты

The novels are inhabited by characters who suffers, makes mistakes/blunder, /comb/fights against their passions and transcends/strait themselves to do something great and it is thought-provoking to read comparing identifying yourself with somebody as mortal as you.

4. История человека, всю жизнь боровшегося со страшной болезнью, затронула меня за живое.

The storyabout the person who was suffering terrible illness all his life moves me most.

5. Тернистая тропа несчастий, страданий, сердечных ран и собственных несовершенств дает герою толчок к развитию. Преодоление самого себя и жизненных обстоятельств дает герою шанс стать лучше, а читателю – погрузиться в перипетии этой борьбы.

The rocky path of misfortunes/imperfections prompts the character’s evolution transcendingpersonal growth and development a character undergoes in a story, usually unwillingly, during which the character wrestles with and eventually overcomes some or all of a serious emotional fear, limitation, block or wound and lets the reader to be moved by this struggle.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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