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Discussion focus

VOCABULARY FOCUS | Positive Negative | Ann Johnson - A Confidential Report | В Being Superstitious | The Joys of Eccentricity | Many Britons Prefer Pets to People, Children, Money and Jobs | Attitude is Everything | HOME, HOUSE AND FACILITIES | Back to Nature | Quiet and peaceful |

Читайте также:
  1. Additional Reading and Discussions
  2. B) Points for discussion.
  3. B. Vocabulary focus 1
  4. Below you will read three different discussions between colleagues who work together in an office. Fill in the gaps and answer the questions.
  5. C. Vocabulary focus 2
  6. Car alfaRomeo156, fordFocus, fiat500;
  7. CELTA Written Assignment 1: Focus on the Learner

A Say if the speaker likes or dislikes the people he/she is talking about.

1. They say Joan is fairly broad-mi nded.

2. 1 think Jeff can be a g gressive.

3. They live comfortably because Diana is very thrifty.

4. You need not worry, Molly is so frank.

5. Jill is very o rigina l and this occupation is not for her.

6. You seem to be too nosy, my little fellow.

7. Bob looks bossy, doesn't he?

8. I find Philip arrogant.

В Reword the sentences above to give the opposite impression, e.g. They say Joan is rather unprincipled.

С What characteristics does the speaker imply when he/she asks the following questions. Choose the proper word from the box.

e.g. If you arrange an appointment for, say. 5 o'clock, do you arrive in time? Punctual

pessimistic assertive sensitive sociable obstinate

argumentative inquisitive punctual extravagant



I Do you prefer to be in the company of other people?

2. Do you choose to look at the dark side of things rather than the

bright one when something goes wrong?.>. Do you find it easy to tell your boss if you feel he or she has

treated you badly?

4. Do you always look out of the window if you hear a car draw up'?

5. Do you often buy your friends presents for no particular reason?

6. Do you frequently disagree with what other people say?

7. Do you lie awake at night if someone has said something unkind to you?

8 Do you become even more determined to do something, if people try to persuade you not to?

1) Write down questions like those in the previous exercise to find whether a person is the following:

1. sensible 2. blunt 3. eccentric 4. reliable

5. even-tempered 6. sincere 7. ambitious 8. crafty

E (lioose five or six adjectives which you think best describe either vour own or a friend's character. How do you or your friend demonstrate these characteristics?

e.g. optimistic - I am optimistic because I prefer to hope for the best even when I get into trouble or have bad luck.

F The word "gentleman'" is of English origin. Historically it named a man who was entitled to bear arms and was attached to a court or the household of a great noble. He was usually a man of wealth and social position, of good family and did not have to work for a living. But with time passing these meanings went out of use and nowadays "a gentleman" basically denotes a courteous and honourable man.



Study carefully the group of words and phrases below. Select those which, in your opinion, describe a person as a gentleman and comment on them.


civil polished tender well-bred
gallant mannerly impolite man of his word
mean abrupt coarse high-minded
refined violent evil gracious
wild subtle ignorant unrestrained
sharp simple harsh man of honour

G The word "decent" names a concept which implies quite a number of positive human characteristics. List as many of them as you can. You may start as follows:

e. g. A decent person is nice, proper, honest,...

A decent person is expected to keep his/her promise,... A decent person is not like ly to let you down,...

H Read the extracts characterizing people and comment on the meaning of the underlined phrases.

1. <...> that he is a good listener and often encou r age s people to speak, that he is not much of a talker hi mself.

2. Samuel is indeed a man of great me ntal calib re <...> a scientist of an outstanding reputation.,.

3. Mrs. Waller was a motherly soul and never took offence.

4. Lord Mountdrago <...> had intelligen ce, industry <...> co urage, insight and determination.



5Unfortunately he was a horrible snob <...> and was coldly r ude to those whom he looked upon as his s ocial inferiors.

6. Sometimes he could be enchanting and then you were surprised at his wide knowledge and excellent taste.

7. "You know, Paris is the home for every kind of eccentricity.''

8....> the teacher's personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-e xcitable, melancholy, frigid, sa rcasti c, cynical, frustrated and overbearing.

9. <...> my parents are quite to uchy about anything pretty personal, especially my father. They are nice and all I'm not saying that - but they are also touchy as hell.

10. You never saw a little kid so pretty and smart in your whole life. She's really smart, I mean she's had all A's ever since she started school. As a matter of fact, I'm the only dumb one in the family.

I Skim the text "Graphology'" and make a list of positive and negative characteristics mentioned in the text.



A person who writes quickly with no interruption in the strokes is energetic and enthusiastic, especially about things.which are in his own interests.

li sou write slowly you don't take risks. You are slow to take decisions.

Someone who writes fast and legibly is lively and likes to do things in his own way. A fast and illegible writer is an individualist and has a strong character. This person is talented and ambitious and usually very imaginative.


You write your name more often than anything else and so your signature is the most revealing part of your handwriting.

An underlined signature shows a forceful personality- and someone who has a high opinion of himself.

If you put a full stop or a dash after your signature this means that you finish what you begin.

A very big signature shows a dominating personality.

A very small signature denotes a very shy and self-centered personality.

A unique signature shows an unusual personality.

Of course, there are many more details regarding how to write. But the above examples give you a few ideas on how to read handwriting.

Sue Lake from BBC "Modern English'

1) Explain the difference in the meanings of the words "person " vs. "personality".

2) What sort of people can be described as forceful, dominating, self-centred and unusual personalities?

3) Can you name anyone whose personality you admire? What causes your admiration?

4) Make up sentences using the following phrases:

e. g. Samuel does not seem to be a person who will readily take risks in a situation like that.

1. to take risks

2. to be slow (quick) to take decisions

3. to do things in one's own way



4. to have a high opinion of oneself

5. to be an individualist

J Read the dialogue "Sweet Temper" and characterize briefly the two people taking part in it. How can you explain the meaning of the title9

Sweet Temper

- I hate negative people I couldn't agree more.

I hate people who are miserable all the time.

1 couldn't agree more.

1 hate people who are never satisfied.

I couldn't agree more.

1 hate people who are against everything.

I couldn't agree more.

- I hate people who criticize other people all the time. I couldn't agree more.

From "BBC Five Minutes ' Instant English "

1) Try to modify the dialogue changing the verb "hate "for its opposite.

e.g. 1 hate negative people. - I love agreeable people.

2) Replace "I couldn't agree more" with other conversational formulas.

e.g. I should say so.

That's just what 1 think. You can say that again.

3) Role-play both the original and the modified dialogues.

4) The verbs hate, dislike, loathe, detest are synonyms but they have different degrees of intensity of feeling. Study their meanings and try to order them on a scale, starting from the weakest to the strongest.

detest - hate strongly; dislike not like;



loathe -- feel disgust for; hate have violent dislike for


weakest----------------------------------------------------------> strongest

К Read 1he dialogue "At the Hairdresser's". What types of men are opposed in it'? Can you name any other male type>

At the Hairdresser's

A: Oh, yes! My husband's wonderful!

B: Really? Is lie?

A: He is big, strong and handsome!

B: Well, my husband isn't very big or strong, but he is very

intelligent. A: Intelligent?

B: Yes. he can speak six languages. A: Can he? Which languages can he speak? B: He can speak French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic and


A: Oh!.... My husband's very athletic. B: Athletic? A: Yes, he can play football, cricket, rugby, can swim, ski and


B: Can he cook? A: Pardon'7 B: Can your husband cook? My husband сапЧ play sports but

he's an excellent cook. And he can sew and iron and... he

is a tiood husband. A: Really? Is he Hnglish?

1) How is surprise (or slight doubti expressed in the dialogue?

2) What does the phrase "Is he English- " hint at?

3) Try to think of a dialogue, which may take place between two men talking about their wiyes for girlfriends).

4) Role-play both the dialogues.


loathe tec! disgust for; hate have violent

dislike for. Scale weakest <r ----------------------------------------------------------> strongest

К Read 1he dialogue "At the Hairdresser's". What types of men are opposed in it'? Can you name any other male type>

At the Hairdresser's

A: Oh, yes! My husband's wonderful!

B: Really? Is lie?

A: He is big, strong and handsome!

B: Well, my husband isn't very big or strong, but he is very

intelligent. A: Intelligent?

B: Yes. he can speak six languages. A: Can he? Which languages can he speak? B: He can speak French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic and


A: Oh!.... My husband's very athletic. B: Athletic? A: Yes, he can play football, cricket, rugby, can swim, ski and


B: Can he cook? A: Pardon'7 B: Can your husband cook? My husband сапЧ play sports but

he's an excellent cook. And he can sew and iron and... he

is a tiood husband. A: Really? Is he Hnglish?

1) How is surprise (or slight doubti expressed in the dialogue?

2) What does the phrase "Is he English- " hint at?

3) Try to think of a dialogue, which may take place between two men talking about their wiyes for girlfriends).

4) Role-play both the dialogues.

*L Learn to discuss different people. Make use of the following.

1. What kind of person will never take a risk? (spend more than he can afford, take anything to heart, arrest anyone's attention, lose his temper, do a silly thing, disobey instructions, wave in the face of danger, fail his friend).

2. What kind of people are quick to see the point? (are usually surrounded by people, friends, are easily forgotten, are often lonely, think only for themselves, feel uneasy in company, keep their thoughts to themselves, easily lose their patience, enjoy other people's confidence).

3. What kind of people are called business-like? (good mixers, poor mixers, colourful, discreet, just, level-headed, sympathetic, revengeful, squeamish, persistent, haughty, humble, placid, broad-minded, vulgar, vain, ambitious).

4. What do you call a person who is unlike others? (can't keep a secret, can appreciate a piece of art, feels deeply, pokes his nose into other people's affairs, intrudes his views on others, is always sure of himself, is mostly in high spirits, gets annoyed easily, keeps on forgetting things, says what he thinks, has no moral principles).

5. What traits of character would you appreciate in a mother, a father, a bosom friend, a teacher...?

6. What traits of character are required to make a good doctor, economist, teacher, lawyer, journalist?

*M You know that emotional condition plays a decisive role in our life. Say when people feel good, great, proud, joyful, uneasy, anxious, lonely, miserable, low,

N What qualities do you admire most in other people.'' Put these qualities into order of importance:

ambition creativity good looks
honesty independence intelligence
loyalty sense of humour strength
tenderness understanding warmth

What other important qualities are missing from this list:'


О Which of these characteristics do you and your partner consider to be more attractive and less attractive?

ambitious enthusiastic outspoken self-confident

artistic frivolous passionate sensitive

cautious gregarious reserved serious

earnest introverted resourceful shy

easy-going out-going ruthless spontaneous

1) Which unattractive characteristics can you tolerate in your friends and relations?

2) What kind of people do you get on with best?

3) What kind of people do you find it hard to get on with?

P Work in small groups. Ask your partners these questions.

1. What kind of person do you think you are?

2. What sign of the zodiac were you born under? Do you think this affects your character?

3. To what extent are the descriptions of zodiac signs true about each of you?

4. What are the essential factors that help to mould a person's character: background and environment; educational possibilities; cultural standards; circumstances?

5.Wrhat are the ways and means by which a person's character is revealed and estimated: appearance; speech characterization; manners and attitudes: likes and dislikes?

R Read the description below. What makes the description come to life is the detail and examples that we give. Select the parts of the description which give examples and details. Make notes under these headings where information is given.


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