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Vernacular Focus

Vernacular focus | Practical focus | Notably unheroic protagonists | Practical focus | Essay writing focus |

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  1. B. Vocabulary focus 1
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  4. CELTA Written Assignment 1: Focus on the Learner
  6. Essay writing focus
  7. Ex. 16 Grammar focus. Conditional sentences (types 1 and 2).

Translate the underlined phrases from the meta-focus text above, suggest translation of the sentences to follow

1. Правдоподобность героев в романе дает читателям повод подозревать, что у героев были реальные прототипы

Novelists are commonly suspected of basing their fictional characters on real/tangible/authentic people.

2. Образы исторических персонажей, представленные в романе, обычно сопоставляются с историческими хрониками, ведь читатель знает о Генрихе VIII только то, что извлек из школьного учебника истории или, в лучшем случае, из библиотеки Британского музея.

Characterizations of historical characters which are presented in the novel competes with historical accounts, as the what reader knows about Henry VIII only the information comes from a school history textbook history 101 or at best in the best case from the British Museum`s library.

3. Несмотря на вымышленные имена, в героях романа угадываются реальные люди – участники небезызвестного скандала

In spite of fictional names the novel`s characters are guessed as tangible people, the participants involved in not unknown of the well-known scandal.

4. Герои этого биографического романа предстают не столько как движущая сила истории, как реальные, живые, страдающие люди

The characters of this biographical novel seem not only as a motive power of the history but as appear to be both the force and tangible suffering people.


Practical Focus

Irving Stone – Michelangelo, Zigmund Freud, Vincent Van Gogh

Shakespeare – historical plays (from K. Hewitt) Richard, Henry…

Which real person would you choose as a protagonist of your novel? Give your reasons.


4. Autobiographical invention of character – может, объединить с предыдущим куском?

Perhaps most novelists make their protagonists like themselves. In the preface of David Copperfield Dickens let his readers know that the novel was his “favourite child” and implicitly confirming that David was entangled with (спутанный, запутанный) himself. The real danger for a novelist of having an alter ego (близкий друг, единомышленник) is in his/her novel is that he/she is likely to be bland, blank, uncharacterized (банальный, пустой, ничем не примечательный). A character is unlikely to take on an independent view if only a vehicle for the author’s views (средство передачи мнения автора). It is more convincing when the pressure of authorial concern forces from the alter ego some passion exactly appropriate to his story.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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