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Vocabulary focus

ББК 81.2 Англ — 923 | Task VII. Answer the questions. | Vocabulary Focus | VOCABULARY FOCUS | VOCABULARY FOCUS | Vocabulary focus | Vocabulary focus | VII. Translate from English into Russian. | It’s interesting to know |

Читайте также:
  1. Academic Vocabulary
  2. Active vocabulary
  3. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary

workhouse n – работный дом

turn down v – отвергать (предложение), отказывать

lawful means – по закону

wording n – редакция, форма выражения, формулировка

repeal v – аннулировать, отменять

Evangelicalism – приверженность евангелической церкви

Nonconformists – нонконформисты (секты, отделившиеся от англиканской церкви и не признающие её власти, например баптисты [Baptists], методисты [Methodists], пресвитериане [Presbyterians])

penal colony – поселения каторжников

martyr n – мученик, страдалец

to vote in secret – тайное голосование

immediate family – родители и их дети

сholera n – холера

health officers – санитарные врачи

slum(s) – (pl.) трущобы

commissions – первичное офицерское звание

opium n – опий, опиум

mutiny n – мятеж, бунт

jingoism n – шовинизм

average expectation of life – средняя вероятная продолжительность жизни

chapel choir – хор певчих, церковный хор

squire n – сквайр, помещик

Hindu adj – индуистское

Boer War – англо-бурская война (империалистическая война Великобритании против бурских республик Трансвааль и Оранжевое Свободное государство)

aboriginal adj – исконный, коренной, туземный

pattern n – схема, структура, модель

JP (Justice of the Peace) – мировой судья

the Salvation Army – Армия спасения

civil servant – государственный служащий (не может быть членом какой-

либо партии или парламента)

Quaker n – квакер, член “Общества друзей” (протестантская секта, проповедует пацифизм)

top hat – цилиндр

county councils – советы графства

a staff of administrators – штат административных служащих

“Enquiry into the Wealth of Nations” – “Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов”

Austrian Archduke – австрийский эрцгерцог

Prince Consort – принц-супруг (титул супруга королевы Виктории) Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – династическое имя правящего королевского дома с 1902 по 1917, которое было изменено на династическое имя Виндзор

Princess Royal – принцесса-цесаревна (титул старшей дочери короля; присваивается пожизненно)

Corn Laws – Хлебные законы

public school – привилегированная частная средняя школа

Sikh – член индуистской религиозной секты


Task I. Match the words to the definitions.

1) penal colony a) a building where very poor people were sent to live and

given work to do;

2) mutiny b) a person who suffers very much;

3) jingoism c) an official who acts as a judge in the lowest courts of law;

4) squire d) the act of refusing to obey the orders of; somebody in

authority, especially by soldiers or sailors;

5) JP (Justice of e) a town or part of a city that has its own local government;

the Peace)

6) martyr f) the words that are used in a piece of writing or speech,

especially when they have been carefully chosen;

7) work house g) a man of high social status who owned most of the land

in a particular country area;

8) aboriginal h) related to the original people;

9) borough i) a strong belief that your own country is best, especially

when this is expressed in support of war with another country;

10) wording j) a place where criminals were sent as a punishment.

Task II. Fill in the blank with a word in the correct form or a phrase from the list:

Localism, People’s Charter, property, health officers, self-made men, enclose (2), urban, hard work, repeal, liberation, political reform, regular.

1. Almost all the woods … by the local landlords, and new laws forbade hunting in the … areas. 2. The Tories hoped that the House of Lords would protect the interests of the … owners. 3. The 1832 Reform Bill was a political recognition that Britain had become an … society. 4. Working together for the first time, unions, workers and radicals put forward a …. 5. It was impossible for … not to continue once everyone could escape … and travel all over the country with such ease. 6. Peel’s decision … the Corn Law was a sign of the way power was passing out of the hands of the gentry class. 7. Typical of the middle class in the 19th century were … who believed in … and a … style of life. 8. In the middle of the century towns began to appoint … and to provide proper drains and clear water. 9. Britain welcomed the … movement led by Simon Bolivar.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 35 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Vocabulary focus| Task III. Complete the sentences.

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